Dominate the basketball world, starting from the skyhook skill

Chapter 255 Interview Meeting, George Stubborn

Chapter 255 Interview Meeting, George Stubborn

Paul George walked into the post-match interview conference room with a calm face.

God knows how much psychological preparation he had just done before he dared to step into this place. He knew that the devilish man must be hiding in some corner and staring at him!
The reporters in Los Angeles didn't know about the grievances between George and Kevin Li. They just asked innocently:

"Paul, what do you think of Kevin Li's performance today?"

At this time, some good reporters even took out their iPads and showed them to Paul George. It clearly showed the comparison of the two players' data in this game:
Score: 10 to 25.

Rebounds: 7-5.

Assists: 3 for 11.

Steals: 1 for 4.

Blocks: 2-2.

Turnover: 5 to 1

Except for a slight advantage in rebounding, Paul George's other statistics were all beaten by Li Kevin.

Especially the number of mistakes made by those hot eyes has maintained his usual "high standard".

Paul George's face darkened, and he repeatedly waved his hands to let the reporter holding the ipad down. He took the microphone with an embarrassed expression, and said:
"You know, man, Kevin Lee is a good player."

"He performed very well in this game, scoring some points and passing a lot of good balls. Although I am not his opponent, I can still feel his pressure."

The reporters in the audience laughed when they heard the words. It is true that Li Kaiwen played the 1st position, but you have been defending him since the second quarter. Now you say that you are not in the same position?
It is true that when the water is clear, there will be no fish, and if people are shameless, the world will be invincible!

George continued:

"Here, I want to apologize to him."

Of course he remembered the bet he had made with Li Kaiwen, it was impossible to be negligent, otherwise he would only be even more ashamed if this kid revealed the bet between the two.

"I admit that I underestimated him before. He has grown from a rookie to an excellent rookie."

"He already has the qualifications to compete with me on the same stage. We will play more targeted in the next game to let him know that he still has a long way to go."

"He should be happy because it's a great player apologizing to him."

After all, he waved his hand to signal the end of today's interview.

Li Kaiwen, who was sitting in front of the TV in the locker room, smiled dumbly after watching the entire interview.

The kid did apologize, but not fully.

His meaning was very clear. He had indeed underestimated Li Kaiwen before and did not take him seriously. Now he recognized Li Kaiwen's strength and believed that he could compete on the same platform as himself.

Worthy of being one of the two stars of the Clippers, Paul George who deceives Ballmer every year, Li Kevin is ashamed of himself with this level of confidence.

It seems that this fight was not cruel enough to hurt him!

Of course, it cannot be said that Li Kaiwen completely locked George by himself in this game.

The Clippers fought the Spurs in 7 games in the last round, and the last game even went to overtime.

After the end of G7, they rushed back to Los Angeles non-stop, and immediately started preparing for the second round of the series after a day's rest.

The Clippers team is over-consumed. It can be seen from G1 that George dribbles frivolously, his feet are unstable, and his touch is not good.

Now playing 7 games in Los Angeles, although the Lakers do not have to continue to travel,

But their home court advantage also disappeared accordingly.

Paul George will definitely not only score 10 points in the next game, which is estimated to be agreed by the whole world.

So he was not convinced, and Li Kaiwen could understand.

Li Kaiwen did not continue to entangle with him about the "apology". After all, the series is still long, and the dialogue between the two of them is not over yet.

Let him go this time, and make him a man in the next round!

Turning on the big carousel system in his mind, it clearly showed that Li Kaiwen had one more big carousel lottery that he had not used yet.

"Start the lottery."

The familiar scene was repeated,
"Stop the lottery."

"Congratulations to the host for winning the skill: Global Vision (Jason Kidd)"

"Skill description: Enable the skill wearer to predict the running position of all players on the field for the next 0.5 seconds in advance, and increase the passing attribute value by 5 points."

"Jordan, O'Neal, Duncan can turn a top team into a championship team, but only Kidd can turn a bad team into a top team. (Jason Kidd)"

The global vision of Mr. Kidd who "does not attack"?
Li Kaiwen flipped through this skill description back and forth, and felt that apart from increasing the passing attribute by 5 points, which is more practical, the predictive feature is really useless.

The small ball era is not the 90s. It is impossible for a point guard to hold the ball and stand at the top of the arc like Stockton to dribble around to find running teammates.

The point guards of each team are basically scoring and organizing. Even point guards like Alexander and others are players whose personal attack power far exceeds assist ability.

Li Kaiwen's own assists and turnovers are relatively small because he uses his own personal attack power to compress the opponent's formation before passing the ball, except for pick-and-break balls.
At this time, his teammates are usually in the open space. Not only does his teammate have a high shooting percentage, but it is also difficult for him to make mistakes.

Mr. Kidd's method really doesn't work now.


The next day, Li Kaiwen, who slept very soundly last night, was about to go to the arena to participate in training, but received a call from his agent Rich Paul.

"Li, I have one thing I want to ask for your opinion."

The two talked for nearly half an hour before Li Kaiwen finally hung up the phone.

"Honey, what did Richie tell you?"

Looking at Li Kaiwen's relieved expression, Unica asked.

"Rich Paul asked me if I wanted to be naturalized in the United States, and if he wanted, he could help me with it."

"How can you talk about naturalization?"

"After the playoffs this year, isn't it the Olympics? After the last round of the game, Coach Kerr contacted Rich and said that he admired me very much and wanted to invite me to join the US men's basketball team for the Olympics."

"Of course, I'm still a Chinese citizen, so Rich asked me about my naturalization."

"So you agreed?"

Unica still has some things to say. After all, as long as Li Kaiwen marries her, it can be said that it is not difficult to become a naturalized American in two years, and there is no need for Rich Paul to help him contact this matter.

But Li Kaiwen answered directly without any pause:

"of course not."

"I have already accepted the invitation of head coach Aleksandar Djordjevic. I will definitely travel for my country this summer and compete in the Olympics with the Huaxia team."

"Although I am not a player in the Chinese system, it is absolutely impossible for me to wear the jersey of the US team,"

"It is my lifelong dream to contribute all my strength to the development of the Huaxia Men's Basketball Team and take the Chinese basketball career to a higher level."

After all, Li Kaiwen left with his bag on his back.

Unica stood at the window on the second floor and watched his back driving to the arena, thinking for a long time.

 According to this year's situation, there is a high probability that the Chinese men's basketball team will not have the right to participate in the Olympics next year.

  Hey, sometimes I really look forward to a player like Li Kaiwen in China.

(End of this chapter)

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