I can see hell in my left eye

Chapter 776 The Road to the Underworld

Chapter 776 The Road to the Underworld
At this moment, Meng Tian stepped forward with the ghost-suppressing talisman, pasted a talisman on each side of the mosquito net, stared at me and Shang Liqi who were sleeping on the bed for a while, seemed worried, and pasted another talisman on each of us.

Watching Mengtian finished all this, Shang Liqi slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and told Mengtian: "Take care of Sixi's body, we will go back quickly."

Meng Tian didn't say a word, and nodded her head calmly.

A look of disappointment flashed across Shang Liqi's brows and eyes. I can probably guess that he hoped that Meng Tian would stand on the same standpoint as him to look at some things. Even if it was only once, it would be good if Meng Tian supported his approach.

However, Meng Tian is always preoccupied.

Shang Liqi has already stated his thoughts very clearly, he wants to be with Meng Tian, ​​he has given Meng Tian a chance, but Meng Tian is too insecure, she can't trust Shang Liqi, she has been caressing like this more than once, if she continues like this, maybe she will become a resentful woman, and Shang Liqi will feel a little bit of boredom towards her by then.

I'm really worried about Mengtian.

Now, Shang Liqi is by her side, she should cherish him even more, and stop worrying about him.

"How do you feel? Are you still used to it?" Shang Liqi's voice suddenly brought back my drifting thoughts.

I collected myself, stretched my arms and legs, squeezed out a smile and said, "It feels good."

The important thing is that after my soul leaves my body, my soul does not have a big belly like my physical body, but my body is very light, and it seems that I can fly.

I tried to jump to a high place, but my body was as light as a feather, and I flew into the air all at once.

However, I still couldn't get my balance right, and I turned around a few times awkwardly in mid-air. When I landed, unfortunately, I had a close contact with the ground.

Shang Liqi laughed loudly, stretched out his hand to pull me up, and said, "You will get used to this state gradually, well, we don't have much time, it's time to go."

"How do we get there?"

"The merchant Lilai has close contacts with Hades. We are born with the right to open the gates of hell. However, we can only exercise this right once a year. Fortunately, I have never entered the underworld during this year." He smiled at me and added: "Actually, I have not entered the underworld for several years."

I looked at him in surprise, "You still have this right?"

"That must be, I am the fiftieth generation descendant of Merchant 2."

Whenever I hear the words '2 generations of descendants', I can't help laughing.

Why is Shang Liqi not the No.2051 generation, or the 249th generation descendant?
Seeing me holding back my laughter, he rolled my eyes, cleared his throat, and strode to the door of the master bedroom.

The door was closed, he raised his arm, put one hand on the door panel, concentrated for a long time, and whispered in his mouth: "I am Shang Liqi, the fiftieth generation descendant of Ghostbusters Family, I want to enter the underworld, please open the gate of hell for me!"

After the voice fell, a dark red light suddenly appeared on the part covered by his hand.

The light spread slowly, like bright red blood flowing around, and soon the light enveloped the entire door panel.

The original mahogany door instantly turned into a space-time gate leading to the underworld.

I was almost dumbfounded.

I thought there would be a specific entrance to the underworld, but I didn't expect that Shang Liqi could open the gate of hell anytime and anywhere.

I can't help but look at him with admiration. I've known him for so many years, but he actually hides himself.

The entrance has been officially opened, Shang Liqi retracted his hand calmly, stretched out his arm, and held my hand tightly.

I was a little surprised, and tried to pull my hand back, but I obviously felt that the strength in his hand increased, and he grabbed me tightly.

"What are you holding my hand for?"

"Of course I want to take you in."

"I can go by myself, why do I still do this?"

"Otherwise, we might be scattered by the airflow in the space-time tunnel." He frowned and explained to me solemnly.


I am speechless.

"If it's just me, I can come and go freely, but you are entering the underworld for the first time, so I have to hold you tightly so that you don't get lost. Otherwise, I have to spend time looking for you everywhere, which is a troublesome thing. Besides, if you are discovered by the Yin soldiers, how do you plan to explain it?"


Listen to what he means, besides this, is there no other way?

I suddenly felt embarrassed, and Meng Tian who was beside me suddenly muttered in a strange way: "Congratulations! You have successfully taken advantage of Sixi again." This was said to Shang Liqi.

Shang Liqi immediately cast a big white eye at her, "What nonsense are you talking about? How can I take advantage of this?"

"To be clear is to take advantage."


"The airflow entering the underworld is not strong enough to wash you away!"

"Do you want to go in and experience it? But I don't care where the airflow rushes you." Shang Liqi choked on Meng Tian's words, Meng Tian frowned, and her pretty face instantly collapsed.

I opened my mouth, but before I could open my mouth, Shang Liqi had already strode into the gate leading to the underworld.

Being pulled by him forcibly, I plunged into it with one swipe.

Suddenly, the light dimmed, and the surrounding temperature also dropped a lot.

I couldn't help but shuddered, and looked behind me, only to find that the entrance to the passage had disappeared.

The place where Shang Liqi and I stood was dark and cold, with uneven walls on both sides, very hard, and a dark red light spontaneously flickered on the walls.

I glanced back and forth, and it was like a closed underground tunnel. The width of the road was almost two meters, and there was only one straight road ahead.

"Let's go!"

Shang Liqi said, take a step first, he walks very fast, I try my best to keep myself at the same speed as him, but it is a bit difficult to move forward.

After walking for more than 100 meters, there was no airflow as Shang Liqi said.

I was very embarrassed to be held by him all the way.

He tried to withdraw his hand, but he stopped, stared at me with wide eyes, and yelled impatiently: "What are you doing? Can you be more honest?"

"There's no airflow here..."

"It's just not in the airflow belt yet, what are you in a hurry for?"


"Be honest, don't cause unnecessary trouble, do you hear me?" He warned sharply, I nodded helplessly, and then he stepped forward again.

After walking for an unknown number of meters, he suddenly stopped.

"There is an airflow belt in front, we have to rush over quickly."

I stared straight ahead, and it was still a dark, straight road, but the cold and hard wall did not flash dark red light, which was different from the section of road we walked all the way.

"Here, only the ghosts serving in the underworld will not be affected by the air currents. Basically, other ghosts cannot withstand the strong air currents. This is also a checkpoint set to prevent ghosts from escaping. You must be mentally prepared."

 From tomorrow until next Tuesday, updates will be kept.

(End of this chapter)

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