I can see hell in my left eye

Chapter 779 Hunting Time

Chapter 779 Hunting Time
However, there is always a gap between imagination and reality.

The entrance of the cave is right in front of me, as long as I sprint fast enough, I can successfully get rid of the white lion, but at this time, the white lion has already rushed towards me.

I bite the bullet and quickly dodge to one side, finally dodging its first round of attacks, before I can fully stabilize my figure, it pounces on me again.

Its roar resounded through the entire ice and snow cave, and it could be described as menacing.

I quickly avoided it just now, which made me a little far away from the entrance of the cave, and it became almost impossible to rush into the cave again.

I was so anxious that I had no choice but to run around desperately, really embarrassed.

The white lion chased me, and I almost fell into its mouth several times. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be bitten by its sharp teeth.

Why on earth is there a white lion here?Could it be that such ferocious creatures exist in every level of hell?

The so-called hunting time is just for the wanton slaughter of these creatures for fun?

If this is the case, then my previous lives were really tortured.

After dealing with the white lion for a long time, I was exhausted, dragged my injured foot, and moved more and more slowly.

Before, I joked that Shang Liqi was unlucky and was dragged into the No.18 hell. Now that I think about it, this is not a funny thing, it is terrible.

While running frantically, I tripped over something under my feet. I fell to the ground in embarrassment, and was about to get up when my finger was stung by something.

I quickly withdrew my hand and raised my head. I was surprised to find that the thing that hurt my finger was a very sharp ice pick. The head of the ice pick was about [-] centimeters long, like a sharp blade. However, the thing blended with the ice and snow on the ground was very strong.

If you can break off the ice pick, it will be a handy weapon.

I got up and tried to separate the ice pick from the ground, but it was too difficult.

It took almost a lot of effort, but the ice pick was still closely connected with the ice and snow, and it couldn't be pulled off at all.

"Ow—" The white lion's roar came from behind.

Here it comes.

I'm going crazy.

I can't use the ice pick, but my eyes glanced at the dark ring on the finger of my left hand, and my heart suddenly became happy.

When you come to the underworld, you can't use ghost-hunting tools, but the underworld ring belongs to the underworld tool, so it can be used.

I actually forgot about this baby.

When I was pleasantly surprised, I quickly withdrew my hands from the ice pick, touched the ring involuntarily, and swiped it three times to the left and three times to the right. At the same time, I turned around and saw the white lion leaping up and rushing towards me fiercely.

I wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.

A silver light flashed in front of my eyes, and the dark blade was successfully opened. I wanted to attack the white lion, but the thick claws of the white lion had already firmly pushed me to the ground.

My back hit the cold ground, and the bone-piercing coldness instantly wrapped my whole body. However, this is not the key point. The most important thing is that my body just fell on the sharp ice pick, piercing my chest in an instant.

The bone-biting pain hadn't passed yet, but the bloody maw of the white lion was getting closer and closer.

I desperately raised my left hand, and while the white lion was biting down, I stabbed the dark blade into one of its eyes forcefully.

All of a sudden, the white lion let out a frightened roar.

It stopped, and its snow-white hair melted quickly like ice and snow caught fire.

I watched in disbelief as its gigantic body transformed into a puddle of water before my eyes, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, his body seemed to be firmly nailed to the ground by an ice pick, and if he moved a little, his chest would feel a tearing pain.

I lay on the ground, gasped several times, and took a long time to calm down. When I thought that Ming Si was still waiting for me, I gritted my teeth cruelly and stood up abruptly.

Although there was no trace of blood on his body, the pain in the injured part was so real.

Slowing down, I waved the dark blade and cut the ice pick that pierced my chest in half, only to hear a 'dong' sound, and the ice pick fell to my feet.

I kicked the ice pick away with one foot and slowly got up.

If you want to find the exit here, you can look around, it is covered with snow, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

Am I going to be stuck here forever?

Thinking of what Shang Liqi said before, I feel inexplicably uneasy.

At that time, Ming Si realized that he was sent to the No.18 hell, and released him in time, so that he was free, but now, no one knows that I am here...

How do I get out?

Just when I was feeling desperate, in the distance, in the place covered with thick snow, small white snow peaks suddenly rose one after another, and the shape of the snow peaks was slowly changing.

My eyes widened, and I felt that Xuefeng looked very much like that white lion, and I couldn't help being horrified.

What is really more afraid of, more and more.

After finally getting rid of the white lion, four white lions of the same size appeared out of nowhere in the blink of an eye.

I almost broke down.

Seeing several white lions galloping towards me and surrounded me, I was completely at a loss.

It's hard enough to deal with one, but how can I deal with four?

I can't care about the future, I can't care about the left, I can't care about the right!

Even though I was vigilant, I was still very uncertain...

Is it, can only fight recklessly?
He was planning for the worst in his heart, but at this moment, a white shadow flew away, with a crisp sound of 'snap', the white shadow threw out a long whip in his hand, and the whip slammed on a white lion. The white lion hissed and quickly took a few steps back.

When Bai Ying stabilized his figure, I realized that it was Liu Ruoyi who came.

I almost wept with joy.

She came just in time.

"Zoyi! Help me get out of here." I yelled at her.

She nodded her head slightly, stared at the four white lions surrounding me with frowned eyes, and flicked the long whip in her hand vigorously, the whip whipped to the ground with a 'snap' sound.

The white lions seemed to be afraid of the long whip in her hand, and each of them lowered their heads and retreated dejectedly.

Ruoyi took the opportunity to come forward, slapped me from head to toe, a look of helplessness flashed in her eyes, and said in a low voice: "Sorry, I'm late, I made you suffer."

"It's okay, help me get out of here."

"it is good."

She turned around, raised her hand and slapped her directly in front of her. In an instant, she saw a time-space gate shining dark red in front of her.

That should be the export.

"let's go!"

She glanced back at me and walked through the door first.

I hurried to follow.

We thought we would enter a long passage, but we escaped directly from the cave of ice and snow and entered a dark and narrow space.

I glanced around, and it looked like an irregular cave, with torches on the walls, the light flickered on and off, but it could also illuminate the path under my feet.

 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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