Chapter 829 Was splashed with dirty water

The interview was almost done, Shang Liqi squeezed into the crowd and said to the reporters: "Okay, okay, that's the end of today's interview."

The reporters were still talking.

A fat female reporter squeezed forward and asked me eagerly, "Do you believe in ghosts?"

"I'm a ghost hunter, do you think I believe it or not?"

A question was thrown, and the female reporter was stunned.

Shang Liqi protected me and forcibly squeezed out of the crowd of reporters.

The reporters wanted to block them again, but at this moment, a middle-aged woman suddenly appeared, holding a plastic bucket in her hand, and stopped in front of Shang Liqi and me.

Just as I was wondering, the woman suddenly opened the lid of the bucket, threw the lid aside vigorously, picked up the bucket without any explanation, and splashed the stinky dirty water on me.

I didn't even have time to react.

I thought that Shang Liqi had also been tricked, but I turned my head to see that he quickly retreated two meters away, and I was the only one who was shocked.

"Shang Liqi, you..."

This guy is so good, he only cares about avoiding himself.

I wiped the water off my face and looked at the middle-aged woman a few steps away in surprise.

The woman was slightly fat, wearing a thick cotton dress, and a pair of woolen gloves on her hands.

She threw the bucket on the ground ferociously, and yelled at me: "You murderer, pay back my daughter's life."

I was taken aback for a moment before I realized that the woman in front of me was Thea's mother.

She thinks I killed Thea.

"You give back my daughter's life." She yelled and rushed towards me.

I instinctively took a step back, but the reporters behind me rushed forward like a cat smelling fishy.

They surrounded me again, and Thea's mother was also surrounded by the crowd.

Thea's mother almost lost control of her emotions. Even though she was stopped by so many people, she still rushed towards me desperately, as if she wanted to fight me to the death.

Fortunately, the reporter tried his best to stop him.

Because, they wanted to interview Thea's mother.

"Ma'am, who are you? Why do you call Tianshi Yitong the murderer of your daughter?"

"Is the murdered high school girl that went viral on the Internet your daughter?"

"Are you sure the Heavenly Master with Different Eyes is the murderer?"

"How far has the case progressed, and has the police disclosed any information?"


The reporters were crazy, and the questions they asked were extremely sharp.

I took the opportunity to sneak away, but was surrounded by some reporters and couldn't get away.

Shang Liqi was trying to pull away the reporters surrounding me.

"Enough is enough for you guys. It's time for the interview. Don't be stuck here anymore." He angrily reprimanded.

But the reporters didn't seem to hear what he said, and continued to ask Thea's mother and me one question after another.

However, Thea's mother was very disdainful towards the reporters. She didn't answer any questions, and she was very rude to the reporters. She pushed the reporters away one after another, like a strong man, desperately stretching her arms to grab me.

I instinctively took a step back, and said to her impatiently, "Don't get excited, I didn't kill your daughter, and I'm not a murderer."

"If it wasn't for you, why would my daughter die suddenly and well?"

Her eyes were red.

"It's a ghost..."

"You think I'll believe the stories made up on the Internet? What kind of bullshit is the celestial master with different eyes? It's all a lie." She interrupted me angrily.

"It's all true."

"I don't believe it, you are the murderer."

"I'm not."

"You are."


I am speechless.

This woman is simply unreasonable, she poured dirty water on me indiscriminately...

Although I sympathize with her experience very much, I can't let her go on like this.

Seeing that she was about to break free from the reporter and rush towards me, I frowned and made a counterattack, but at the moment she rushed forward, a tall figure suddenly jumped over from the side, and that figure directly hugged me tightly, while Mother Thea's hand grabbed the man's hair fiercely.

"Ahhh! It hurts..."

Shang Liqi's loud cry rang in his ears.

Only then did I realize that it was him who rushed over at the critical moment, and he protected me completely.

"Auntie, let go! Don't hurt the innocent." He yelled patiently.

Mother Thea let go of him, almost trying to push him away from me with great effort, but he firmly protected me and refused to let go no matter what.

Mama Thea never had a chance to lay hands on me.

"Young man, why are you joining in the fun here, go away."

"Auntie, can you calm down and listen to someone finish talking, can you not be so excited?" Shang Liqi's tone softened.

The reporters on the side pointed at us with 'slaps and snaps' and took pictures frantically.

I feel helpless.

What kind of situation is this?It was a mess, and I was completely bewildered.

It wasn't until I heard a siren that my brain finally recovered.

Looking for the sound of the siren, a police car drove towards us quickly.

The car stopped at the side, and four uniformed police officers got out of the car. They rushed over quickly and stopped all the surrounding people.

"Get out of the way, don't hinder us from handling the case."

One of the policemen yelled, and most of the reporters backed away consciously, but there were still a few bold reporters standing in front of the policemen, and even wanted to interview the policemen.

"Excuse me, are you investigating the mysterious deaths of two high school students?"

"Can you tell us the progress of the case?"

"Is the celestial master with different pupils the murderer?"


The policeman who was almost furious by the question glared at the reporter standing in front of him, and yelled angrily: "Get out of the way, or I will arrest you guys for obstructing official duties."

"Can you just reveal a little bit?" The cheeky reporter said with a wry smile.

The policeman was about to touch the handcuffs hanging around his waist, and the reporters backed away in fright, but they still did not forget to take pictures.

After getting rid of the difficult reporter, four police officers came to me.

"Are you Ji Sixi?"

I nodded.

The policeman said with a cold face, "Come with us."


They were coming after me.

Criminal cases are generally investigated by Chen Luoyang. The four policemen looked unfamiliar, as if they were not under Chen Luoyang's subordinates.

Just as he was surprised, another police car arrived in time.

This time, the person who got out of the car was none other than Chen Luoyang.

With a gloomy face, he stepped forward without any explanation, and said to the four policemen, "This is the case of our first team, and your second team has no right to intervene."

"Team Chen, our captain has already asked the director for instructions, and we are now responsible for the case."

"I haven't received any notice from the director, so people, you can't take it away. If you want to take it away, I will take it away."

(End of this chapter)

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