I can see hell in my left eye

Chapter 848 A Little Tricky

Chapter 848 A Little Tricky
The middle-aged woman turned her head when she heard the sound, and at this moment, the boy's figure appeared in my sight.

He was wearing a white shirt with his sleeves rolled up, sweating profusely, and he didn't know what he was doing.

Glancing at me, he said, "Come in!" and turned around.

The middle-aged woman turned sideways suspiciously and let me into the room.

The interior of Chen Heng is very simple, the walls are gray and white, and there are cracks in the corners that have been in disrepair for a long time. Above the head, there is a round light bulb full of dust, and the dim light is hanging down.

This place is even older than I imagined, and a bit dirty. As soon as I entered the room, I smelled a musty smell, among which there was also a faint smell of decay.

Frowning, I followed the boy's footsteps.

He walked directly towards a closed door.

When opening the door, he pushed it lightly, took a look inside, then pressed the switch on the wall, and strode in.

"Come in," he said, his voice soft, as if he didn't want to wake anyone up.

After entering this small, completely closed room with the curtains drawn tightly, the rancid smell became stronger and stronger.

On the bed, a little girl was sleeping, about ten years old. The important thing is that the little girl's body was tightly bound by cloth strips, and she could hardly move.

The girl was in a deep sleep with a calm face.

The rancid smell came from her body.

The closer you get to her, the stronger the rotten smell.

I can't help frowning.

The boy stared at the little girl on the bed for a while, then turned to me and said, "This is my sister."

Before I could ask anything, he first introduced himself briefly.

His name is He Zuo, and his younger sister is He Yun.

"Why are you tied up?"

He had no expression on his face, "If you don't tie her up, she may do terrible things, so it's just a last resort."

I didn't understand, so I asked: "What's going on?"

"At first, my mother and I suspected that she was sick and took her everywhere to see a doctor, but her body was very healthy without any disease. As time went on, her behavior became more and more strange. The most serious time was that she jumped from the seventh floor and broke a leg because of it. But the strange behavior did not stop because of this."

"The weird behavior refers to..."

"Suddenly said something we didn't understand, and sometimes hit her head against the wall, and even bit her own hands, arms and legs. As long as she could bite, she would bite down without hesitation."

After he said this, I looked at the girl on the bed again, only to find that there were many scars on her body, and the teeth marks could be seen clearly.

"I originally thought that she was suffering from a mental illness. Most of her behaviors resembled those of a persecuted delusional patient. When she was sent for a psychiatric examination, she was surprisingly normal, and there was no abnormality in the mental aspect at all. But shortly after returning home, she started to go crazy again. This made my mother and I very headache, so I wondered if she might be possessed by a ghost, so I asked you to come and take a look."

At this time, He Zuo's attitude was not as arrogant as when he was in the library, and his tone was more of a request.

"So it is."

I nodded thoughtfully, walked to the bed, and stared at He Yun on the bed.

After entering the door, apart from the unpleasant rotten smell, I didn't feel the slightest yin energy, but it is undeniable that He Yun Yintang turned black and his face was as pale as paper, and he was indeed haunted by ghosts.

But it's not possession, it's hard to say yet.

When I came, I was in a hurry, and I didn't bring a kit.

"How long has she been like this?" I asked.

"Two years."

"So long?" I was taken aback.

"You tied her up with cloth strips like this every day for two whole years?"

He Zuo looked down, and said helplessly, "I can't help it. My mother has to go to work, and I have to go to school. When there is no one at home, I can only tie her up."

"Then why is she still tied up now?"

"Her mood has just stabilized. Before you came, she had been yelling and yelling strangely for a long time. She didn't know which language she was speaking, and she couldn't understand it at all."


This incident was not as easy as I imagined. It should be said that it was a bit tricky. I had never encountered such a situation before, and I didn't dare to promise He Zuo anything for a while.

"What did you see?"

Seeing me staring at He Yun for a long time, he asked.

I told him very seriously: "Your sister Yintang is black, she must be haunted by ghosts."

"Can you solve it?"

"It's hard to say now. I have to find out what your sister is entangled with. And I can't do it today. I'll come back tomorrow night."

He nodded and couldn't help asking: "You have seen the situation, can you tell me now, how do you charge?"

"This one……"

Originally, I wanted to cheat him severely, but when I saw his family background and the situation of his sister, I suddenly couldn't bear it.

According to the charging standard of Shangshang Company, it is impossible for his commission to be less than three thousand.

"For the sake of the classmate, can the fee be discounted?" He softened his tone.

I hesitated, not knowing what price to quote was appropriate, and besides, whether I could solve this matter was not certain.

Although I have returned to school to continue my studies, I will still work at Shangshang Company for two days on weekends. The salary is paid by Shang Liqi as usual. Therefore, if I can take one business, I will naturally take another one. I have to be worthy of the salary I get.

Shang Liqi obviously didn't intend to give up on Shangshang Company. After the "Different Eyes Celestial Master Incident" went viral on the Internet before, Shangshang Company received some commissions later, and the incident, no matter how big or small, was resolved very well.

But the current situation gave me a faint feeling of bad premonition.

Even if He Yun is really possessed by a ghost, her situation is too special.

"We'll talk about the cost after the matter is settled."

"It's about how much, you report it to me, so that I can know." He Zuo was very concerned about the cost.

In the past two years, he and his mother should have taken He Yun to many hospitals and done many appraisals. The cost must have been a lot. Just from this dilapidated home, it can be seen that their current life is not easy.

After thinking carefully, I said, "Don't worry, I won't cheat you if I'm a classmate."

"I just want to know the approximate cost."

"Let me settle the matter first. Maybe I can't solve this matter. You don't have to worry about the cost. I said I won't cheat you, so I definitely won't."

He frowned, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

After being stunned for a few seconds, he smiled warmly and didn't worry about the cost anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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