I can see hell in my left eye

Chapter 850 Black Evil Spirit 1

Chapter 850 Black Evil Spirit 1
"You can sing."


He threw a sentence over, and suddenly I was speechless.

In fact, I don't know much about lullabies and lullabies.

Xichen is very well-behaved on weekdays, eats his fill at night, plays with him for a while, and at eight or nine o'clock, he will go to bed obediently, there is no need for such things as lullabies.

However, today's Xichen was surprisingly excited.

Ming Si and I almost tried our best to coax him for a long time, but he became more and more energetic.

When it was almost early morning, he was finally tired and closed his eyes in a daze. Not long after, the little guy fell into a deep sleep.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, I was exhausted. As soon as my head touched the pillow, it was black and black, and I didn't know anything.

When he woke up the next day, when he opened his eyes, he saw Ming Si's handsome face.

He rested his head on one hand and stared at me with a half-smile.

"woke up?"

I nodded and stretched my neck to look at the crib, but Xichen was still sleeping.

Usually at this time, he wakes up early.

It seems that he was too tired from playing last night, and now he is still sleeping deeply.

I sat up softly, reached out to pick up the mobile phone on the bedside table, and looked at the time, it was only after seven o'clock.

Although I still want to squat for a while, but I have classes in the morning and I have to get up.

After a quick shower, I changed and went downstairs.

While preparing breakfast in the kitchen, Ming Si came in quietly.

Hugging me from behind, his chin lightly pressed against my neck, and asked with a smile, "Does the morning class start at ten o'clock?"


"It's still early."


"Why don't we continue what we didn't finish last night?"

Hearing his words, I couldn't help being taken aback.

Before he could react, he reached out and turned off the fire on the stove.

I realized that what he said was referring to that matter, and I was a little scrupulous.

"I have to go to class later...isn't it good?"

I don't want to panic myself.

In particular, I need to drive to the school by myself. As a novice driver like me, I dare not drive fast at all, and maintain a speed of [-] miles. It will take about half an hour to reach the school from here.

Time will be a little tense.

"Or, it's still night..."

Before I finished speaking, he impatiently kissed my lips, picked me up, went straight to the dining room, and put me on the dining table, he chuckled lightly, full of pampering.

I can feel my cheeks burning...

However, at the critical moment, Xichen's cry came from upstairs.

Ming Si froze and let out a long breath.

I helplessly help my forehead.

"Stinky boy, spoil my business." He murmured, stretched out his hand to touch my head, and fastened the buttons on my shirt one by one, then turned around and walked out of the restaurant, heading to the second floor.

I jumped off the table and went into the kitchen to continue preparing breakfast.

While eating, Ming Si came downstairs with Xi Chen in his arms.

Glancing at me, he said flatly, "Should we hire a nanny?"


If I remember correctly, the previous confinement wife was fired by him.

He kept saying that he wanted to take care of Xi Chen himself, but now he disliked Xi Chen for being in his way.

"How about the confinement sister-in-law before?"

"You mean Wang Ma?"

He nodded.

"not bad."

"Why don't you please come back?"

"It was you who volunteered to take care of Xichen, so it's better for you to take care of him yourself, not to mention that Xichen is very attached to you now, and he can't leave you."


He looked embarrassed and couldn't speak for a moment.

I looked at him and couldn't help but want to laugh.

Thinking of going to He Zuo's house tonight, and not knowing what's going on with He Yun, I couldn't help but ask Ming Si: "There is something I want to ask you, you might know."

"what's up?"

I told him about He Yun's situation, and after hearing this, he showed suspicion.

"Are you sure that He Yun's body only smells rancid and doesn't feel any yin energy?"


"I'm afraid it's the black evil spirit." His brows were frowned, and his expression became extremely serious.

"Black evil spirit?"

"It should be the Black Evil Spirit, that's right."

He frowned, and said everything about the black evil spirit in a leisurely manner.

According to legend, a large number of black evil spirits appeared several centuries ago. They belonged to evil spirits, but they were much more ferocious than evil spirits.

They will find a body with the same frequency as their own, and then forcibly possess them. Next, two situations will occur.

The first type is that the soul of the body does not resist, and the black evil spirit will take the opportunity to occupy the body, which belongs to the resurrection, but it is not the resurrection of the corpse.

In short, the black evil spirits will completely devour the soul of the main body, and completely turn themselves into that person. They are good at disguising, but even if they successfully invade and become a person, they can still be distinguished from normal humans, because they themselves emit a stench.

The second type, if the main body resists, He Yun's situation will appear.

Self-mutilation and suicidal tendencies are the most typical, and will give off a bad smell all over the body.

It took He Yun two years to resist the black evil spirit. She would self-mutilate because the black evil spirit was attached to her body. The black evil spirit felt the pain of her body.

She was trying to force the black evil spirit out of her body.

As for the words she often said that He Zuo couldn't understand, Ming Si explained that it was the language of the black evil spirit.

Several centuries ago, the black evil spirits had been rampant for a long time. A large group of celestial masters fought desperately with the black evil spirits. At that time, most of the black evil spirits were beaten to death. Therefore, the black evil spirits almost disappeared from this world.

But unexpectedly, just last night, I actually ran into one.

"Then how should I deal with that black evil spirit?" I couldn't help asking Ming Si.

He was silent for a while, then shook his head: "You can't."

"Why can't I?"

"It's not an easy task to deal with the black evil spirit. You should inform Shang Liqi and Shang Yi about this matter, and let them figure it out. You don't want to participate."

"Why can't I participate?"

This is obviously the commission I took over, and Shang Liqi has been so busy recently that his ass is on fire, and he can't take care of the Pluto Group, so how can he have time to solve the supernatural incident?
Not to mention Shangyi.

Since his aunt passed away, he ate fast and recited Buddha's name, and lived a life isolated from the world in Leixian Temple. Even if I went to invite him, I might not be able to invite him.

"Black evil spirits are much more dangerous than evil spirits."

"Is the danger I encountered before not a danger?" I retorted.

Ming Si's face showed embarrassment.

I understand that he doesn't want me to be in danger, but I can't ask others for help whenever I encounter a difficult incident. I should be on my own, and it's time to learn to be on my own.

(End of this chapter)

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