Chapter 858
It turns out that he already knew that Meng Tian would come!
I was quite surprised.

Without waiting for Shang Liqi to speak, I asked: "Since your mother has already invited someone, why do you still invite us?"

This is contradictory.

He didn't need to invite two people. If Meng Tian didn't come, I believe that the final result would never be like this.

"I'm actually not sure if Ms. Meng will come, and the incident of the celestial master with different pupils was so popular some time ago. Many people said it was a real thing. On balance, of course I will invite a real master to come. Even if the fee is not low, for the sake of my sister's safety, I would rather pay the money."

He Zuo's explanation made people helpless.

"You are right to invite us, but you almost ruined our affairs by inviting that woman." Shang Liqi called Meng Tian 'that woman', took a breath, and then said: "To be precise, she did ruin our affairs."

After hearing his words, He Zuo glanced quickly around the room, only to realize that there was one person missing in the room.

He was shocked: "Student Ji, where is your husband?"


I don't know how to answer.

"Isn't he with you? Why is he gone? I don't think I saw him go out!"

He Zuo looked puzzled.

Shang Liqi cleared his throat, and said seriously: "Your attention is all on your sister, so you can't see others."

He deliberately brought the topic to He Yun.

He Zuo smiled awkwardly, "I'm sorry."

"Your sister is fine. She will get better after a good rest. Don't just sit around and untie all the cloth strips on her body. Don't tie her up."

He Zuo nodded, and lightly untied the cloth strips on He Yun's body. Seeing that He Yun was in a deep sleep, he moved lightly, lest he would wake her up.

He Zuo's mother walked in slowly at this moment.

Standing still in front of the bed, she stared at He Yun with tears in her eyes.

After she sent Meng Tian away, she kept lingering in front of He Yun's room door, hesitating for a while before coming in.

She has heard all of our conversation with He Zuo just now.

Tears flowed down her face, a relieved smile appeared on the corner of her lips, she looked at Shang Liqi and me, and said gratefully: "Thank you, thank you very much."

"You're welcome, the commission fee depends on whether you pay by card or cash?" Shang Liqi said bluntly.

It could be seen that he was somewhat hostile towards He Zuo's mother.

In fact, I also resented her a little for inviting Mengtian.

If it wasn't for her self-assessment, how could Meng Tian step in and harm Ming Si because of it...

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

He Zuo's mother looked puzzled, and asked softly, "How much is the entrustment fee?"

"Five thousand."

Shang Liqi opened his mouth and came.

He Zuo stared at him with wide eyes when he heard the amount he reported, "Five thousand?"

"Yes, buy it now."

Shang Liqi's tone was firm, leaving no room for them to bargain at all.

He Zuo looked at me in disbelief, "Student Ji, didn't you say that you would give me a discount on the fee?"

"I said it, but because of your distrust of us, Meng Tian got involved, which has ruined our business..."

Before I could finish speaking, He Zuo said anxiously, "Isn't the matter resolved?"

"Your sister's matter has been resolved, but my husband's matter..."

"Your husband's matter has nothing to do with our entrustment!" He Zuo's mother interrupted hastily.

Then the mother and son sang together.

"Besides, I didn't see your husband when I came in. I don't know what happened to him."

"The thing we entrusted is just to ask you to help Yunyun. Now that the matter is resolved, you should also fulfill your promise. Since you and our He Zuo are classmates, we will give you some discounts. You see, our family really can't afford that much money at once."

He Zuo's mother looked troubled.

I know that they are in financial difficulties, but I really can't swallow this bad breath in my heart. Coupled with their selfish performance, they only care about He Yun's safety and don't care about others, which makes me even more angry.

I turned my face away and stopped talking.

Shang Liqi continued: "Then pay in installments and waive all interest. This is the biggest discount I can give."

He Zuo still looked dissatisfied, and he looked at me with a bit of resentment.

In the end, under Shang Liqi's three-inch tongue, He Zuo and his mother finally agreed to pay in installments.

But when I came here, I didn't bring any documents for the installment payment, because I didn't expect to solve the black evil spirit incident so soon, so I can only go through the formal installment procedures with He Zuo tomorrow.

After the matter was settled, Shang Liqi and I left.

He Zuo and his mother didn't even see us off, but instead kept a cold face, as if they were cheated by us.

In fact, according to the charging standard of Shangshang Company, at first it was not less than [-], which was just my conservative estimate. After all, Shang Liqi has always charged very high fees, not to mention that the black evil spirit is a type of evil spirit that is difficult to deal with, and the risk factor is extremely high.

We were able to deal with the black evil spirit so quickly, all because of the help of Ming Si.

But because of Meng Tian's sudden appearance, Ming Si became what he is now...

When I thought of the warning look that Ming Si gave us when he left, my heart felt cold.

Where did he go?Can he suppress the demons?What if he can no longer suppress the inner demon and is controlled by the inner demon?
More and more doubts and anxiety exploded in my mind.

I can't be calm, and my thoughts are getting more and more messy.

After leaving the community, I went straight to the car parked by the side of the road, threw the kit on the passenger seat, and glanced around.

In the old city at night, there are very few vehicles and pedestrians, making it very deserted.

There is no trace of Ming Si everywhere...

I am very worried about him.

"Go back first! Don't think too much, Ming Si won't lose to Heart Demon so easily, you have to trust him." Shang Liqi's comforting voice came from his side.

I heard the sound and looked towards him. He was standing beside the off-road vehicle with his hands in his trouser pockets. Before he got into the vehicle, he stared straight at me with a pair of dark eyes.

He seems to be full of confidence in the underworld...

"Don't forget to apply for He Zuo's installment tomorrow. The 5000 yuan is not less than a penny."

He gritted his teeth, his tone a little resentful.

"I know." In response, I opened the door and got in the car.

After starting the car, I was about to turn around when I saw a figure approaching from a distance.

It was a tall black shadow, fierce and extremely fast.

The figure penetrated all obstacles, pedestrians, trees on the side of the road, and vehicles, and people seemed to be unable to see him.

My eyes widened, and I realized that the man was coming straight for me. I immediately grabbed the tool bag on the co-pilot, groped into the bag with one hand, and grabbed a few ghost-suppressing charms and held them in my hand.

 Happy New Year!It's Chinese New Year, I'm a little hectic, the update is late, I'm sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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