Chapter 324 Secret Agreement
Victor was terrified. Since the establishment of the William family, it has not encountered such a large-scale attack.

He hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie and gave an order to all the security personnel in the castle.

These people have all undergone special training before becoming the security personnel of the William family, which can be said to be of extraordinary quality.

However, these people who rushed in were simply a group of desperadoes, and they were wearing explosive devices. No matter how much training they had, they would not dare to approach such people.

It didn't take long for those masked men to rush under the castle.

If they detonate the explosive devices on their bodies at the same time, the entire castle will be wiped out.

"The Edward family is really despicable, even resorted to such means! Where is the royal spirit in their group?"

Victor hated him so much that his teeth itched with hatred, but there was nothing he could do.

Chen Yu looked extremely calm.

Just now, the system has produced a complete plan in his mind.

His fingers tapped the keys quickly, and some strange blue and white codes appeared on it.

If others could see the system beside Chen Yu, they would find that Lingling had already got into the computer at this time.

A large number of instructions were continuously sent out from the computer, and it didn't take long for the timers on those masked men to stop at the same time.

"Old man, I have already hacked the electronic codes on them, those explosive devices will no longer explode, quickly let your security personnel clear them."

Victor suddenly became excited, and immediately gave an order to the walkie-talkie.

After all, the security personnel of the William family had excellent qualities, and they rushed out immediately after receiving the order.

Those masked people also found that something was wrong, and hastily adjusted the explosive devices on their bodies to no avail.

At the base station for half an hour, all the masked people fell under the castle.

Victor let out a long sigh of relief, and then immediately mobilized security personnel from other places to strengthen the defense here.

After resolving the crisis here, Chen Yu didn't stay here any longer. After sending the last code, he left in a hurry with his computer.

There is no obstacle to Victor, the most urgent task is to deal with the contract issue between the William family and the Charlie family.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Yu arrived early, a cafe outside Frankfurt.

He seemed to be very familiar with this place, as soon as he came, he went directly to an extremely secret small room.

If it wasn't for regular customers, no one would know about this place at all.

The environment here is also extremely elegant, with a large number of sycamores planted on the periphery. In this season, pink paulownias cover the ground.

The first time he came here was when he was a sophomore.

After working hard for a year and saving some money through work-study programs, he brought Fang Yuan here for a trip.

Not only did he spend all his salary that time, but he also owed a lot of money. When he was a sophomore, he ate instant noodles for half a year.

Memories flashed through his mind one after another, making Chen Yu feel inexplicably sad.

But he didn't care that much, his fingers were still typing on the keyboard quickly.

There was a portfolio in his hand, and there were several strange contracts beside it.

Not long after, a figure in a khaki windbreaker, sunglasses and a lady's cowboy hat hurried into the cafe and went straight to the cabin.

"What do you mean by the message you sent?"

The woman took off her hat and sunglasses, and a somewhat noble face appeared in front of Chen Yu.

This person is Fang Yuan!
Chen Yu directly handed over the two contracts on the table.

"Most of what you want is fame and wealth. You are attached to the Edward family, and you just want to use it as a springboard!"

"But in a sense, you are just a pawn of the Edward family, and you are just a relationship of mutual use."

Fang Yuan's breathing became short for no reason, especially with the two contracts in front of him, his body began to tremble violently.

"I understand what you said! But your plan is too dangerous. If it fails, I will be doomed. I have no reason to accompany you here to fool around."

Chen Yu's jumping fingers on the keyboard stopped abruptly, he slowly raised his head, and looked at Fang Yuan with an inexplicable gaze.

"At most, you can obtain some real power and shares by attaching to the Edward family, but it is not enough to use its power to suppress the Zhao family in the imperial capital! You must rely on the power of the East."

Fang Yuan was slightly taken aback: "Are you investigating me?"

Chen Yu didn't answer, but just pushed the file bag next to him, as if to let Fang Yuan think for herself.

Indeed, even if the Edward family really annexed the two families of Charles and William, their examples are limited to Europe and the West.

Besides, the Edward family may not necessarily help her deal with the Zhao family, and only Chen Yu can help her in the end.

Fang Yuan was shaken!
Even if two people get divorced and have an unpleasant quarrel, there is still a group between them.

The contract given by Chen Yu and the plan contained in the portfolio are extremely clear.

As long as she agrees and takes action, it can cause a devastating blow to the Edward family, and no one knows that she did it.

After the matter is completed, she can use the operation to embezzle most of the assets of the Edward family, and quickly grow into a business tycoon on par with the major European royal families.

The temptation is too great.

Just as Fang Yuan was in a daze, Chen Yu turned the computer over again.

"I have arranged everything for you. Now you only need to nod and sign, and the basic original company will be established immediately!"

Fang Yuan's throat moved slightly: "But I am a member of the Edward family after all, no matter how secretive it is, they can..."

"The Edward family has committed public outrage. They are defiant. They have killed so many members of the Charlie and William families. It is perfectly normal for them to be wiped out."

Chen Yu's voice was inexplicably murderous.

This was completely different from the Chen Yu in Fang Yuan's impression.

"Okay, I agree! I hope you can do what you say when it's done."

Fang Yuan still hesitated with the hand holding the pen, but finally signed her name.

After the two parties finalized some details of the contract, Fang Yuan wrapped herself up like a rice dumpling and left in a hurry.

Chen Yu breathed a sigh of relief, closed the laptop, leaned on the back of the chair and squinted slightly.


A domineering and cold voice suddenly sounded from the corner behind, and Jin Lingsu slowly walked out with a golden spike in his hand.

"It's solved!" Chen Yu responded and began to tidy up the things on the table.

Jin Lingsu put away the sharp thorns: "You are such a beautiful boy, your two wives are so beautiful!"

"I'm overthinking. This woman came alone, without even a tail!"

(End of this chapter)

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