Devouring Starry Sky Opening Explodes the Sky Bridge

Chapter 290 Queen, you don’t want your tribe to disappear, right?

Chapter 290 Queen, you don’t want your tribe to disappear, right?

"Demon Ancestor, why did you suppress me?"

"Lord of the Forbidden Destroyer, what are you doing?"


"Come on, they are already controlled by humans!"

Nowadays, the five peak ethnic groups including the Monster Clan have already become chaotic.

In fact, chaos is not enough to describe it. It should be said that it is earth-shaking.

You know, the strongest people in the universe from the Hell Clan, Crystal Clan, and Monster Clan are all enslaved, and almost all the universe masters who go to war are also enslaved and controlled.

This accounts for almost [-]% to [-]% of the high-level combat power of the ethnic alliance.

Is this still available?

Everything changed in an instant.

And those masters of the universe who were not controlled by slaves were immediately regarded as enemies, captured by the strongest man in the universe, Thunder, and frantically hunted and besieged by their former comrades-in-arms.

But most of the cosmic lords and immortal gods at the bottom have not received the news and do not know what happened.

Seeing the senior officials fighting each other, they were all at a loss.

So by this time it was already a mess.

The Machinery Alliance and the Zerg Alliance were not much better. The Machine Father God and the Zerg Queen were suppressed in the Cosmic Sea, and the Master of the Universe team they sent out to attack the human race was also wiped out and became a member of the human race. .

Without the Machine Father God and the Zerg Queen, the rebellious Master of the Universe has an absolute advantage in power. Instead, it surrounds the remaining Masters of the Universe who are stationed in the territory of the Machine Clan and the Zerg Clan.

Those Masters of the Universe were notified by the Mechanical Father God and the Queen of the Zerg and knew what was going on. Some escaped in time, some relied on the terrain to hold on, and many more were defeated and captured by the Masters of the Universe who far exceeded their own numbers.

The turmoil at the top also spread to the bottom. As the news spread, more and more cosmic lords and immortal gods knew what was happening and fell into huge shock.

It's just that without the Lord of the Universe, the lower-level Universe Venerables can't do anything at all. Even a large number of Universe Venerables have also been captured and captured. What awaits them is not a good result.

Powers like the Mechanical Tribe, which relied on the pyramid structure formed by recognizing their masters, overturned even faster, because a large number of enslaved Mechanical Tribe's Masters of the Universe also had many Mechanical Tribe Universe Lords under their command, and they also rebelled with their masters.

For a time, in the territory of the six peak ethnic groups, except for the human ethnic group, the years were peaceful and the weather was calm.Instead, the other five major ethnic groups were engaged in war, smoke and chaos.

These shocking intelligence fell into the eyes of the outside world, and those forces were shocked when they saw it.

"What happened to the five major ethnic groups?"

"Is this infighting?"

"Didn't you say that we were attacking the human race before? Why did we suddenly become our own people fighting each other?"

"Don't you know it yet? All the five groups of people from the five major ethnic groups who attacked humanity were wiped out. More than 100 masters of the universe were captured. There was only one original master in the battle."

"Hiss... so terrifying? Could it be that the Original Lord broke through and became the strongest person in the universe? Didn't he break through the Lord of the Universe just over 3 years ago?" This is a completely unclear situation.

"Probably not. There were five clones of the original Lord, but each clone instantly destroyed the teams of five alliances. It's so powerful that it's incomprehensible."

"Looking at this situation, could it be that the masters of the universe of the five major ethnic groups are all under control?"

"The human race is so outrageous. A primitive lord is so invincible. Will the primitive universe become their world in the future?"

"Is it too late for us to join the human race?"

The entire primitive universe was boiling like never before. As the news spread, more and more forces knew the details of the previous battle.Many forces are shocked by the strength of the human race, and are confused about the next development of the situation.

Because they haven't fully figured out what happened, they don't dare to get involved, and they only dare to investigate carefully.

The strongest people in the universe from the Monster Tribe, Crystal Tribe, and Hell Tribe were controlled, the strongest people from the Machine Tribe and Zerg Tribe were suppressed, and most of the universe masters from the tribe were enslaved... If they knew these inside stories, they would be even more shocked and shocked. fear.

The human race, on the other hand, was dealing with the lone strongest who came to the door, leisurely watching the old neighbors next door who were busy cleaning the house, and had no intention of intervening, waiting for the other party to finish cleaning and move out.

The small universe of the Zerg Queen.

In the beautiful palace, the incarnation of the Zerg Queen looked at the only remaining Zerg Queen, the Lord of the Universe, who was sobbing in front of her, with a pale face.

All the teams of the Zerg Alliance that attacked the human territory were wiped out. Except for the 'lucky one' who self-destructed in time, they all fell into the hands of the devil-like primitive master of mankind.

Naturally, several of her sisters did not end well, and had become people of the Original Lord.

Only one Zerg mother queen, the master of the universe, who was sitting in the rear, escaped and escaped into the queen's universe, trembling.

Now the Zerg Alliance has changed.

Nearly thirty Masters of the Universe defected, leaving the remaining Masters of the Universe in the Zerg Alliance with no ability to resist. They were defeated one after another. Those who were lucky enough to escape, and those who were unlucky were captured or died.

The Queen of the Zerg could only watch all this happen sadly, because she herself had been suppressed.

"It's over..." The Zerg Queen felt sad.

"My Zerg race is finished..."

The small universe of the mechanical father.There were also two remaining mechanical race masters of the universe and some of the universe sages who escaped.

As for the Lord of the Alliance Universe, he also fled and dispersed.

The huge machine clan alliance collapsed in one day and disappeared into thin air.

Looking at these remaining forces and thinking of the prosperity before attacking the human race, Father Mechanical felt a twinge in his heart.


An unprecedented blow. The previous Machine Tribe was still one of the absolute pinnacle tribes in the original universe, but in the blink of an eye, there were originally more than a dozen universe masters of their own clan and a group of vassal universe masters.In just the blink of an eye, there were only two masters of the universe left in the entire mechanical race!Not to mention the master of the universe of the vassal group, he is completely gone!They will not come back to rely on the mechanical tribe again.

They were completely defeated, and with the horror of human beings, it would be difficult for them to have a chance to make a comeback in the future. It was hard to say whether they could continue.

The Crystal Tribe, the Hell Tribe, the Mechanical Tribe, the Monster Tribe, and the Zerg Tribe...these five peak ethnic groups that were originally as famous as the human race in the original universe are now finished.

"Human! Human!" The mechanical father roared with anger deep in his soul.

cosmic sea.

The Queen of the Zerg was imprisoned alone in the suppression space of the palace, and was imprisoned by the most powerful treasure. Even she had no way to escape.

With a swipe, a figure appeared. It was a man in black robes and golden eyes.

"He's here." The Queen of the Zerg looked at him warily. She already understood that it was this terrible human being who had caused her Zerg to fall into the current place of destruction.

Chen Buwang looked at the enchanting Queen of the Zerg in front of him, who had a seductive voice. Even though she had no intention of being charming, she was born that way. "She is indeed a natural beauty." He thought to himself, but showed no expression.

"Queen, you don't want your tribe to be wiped out, right?" the man said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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