Survival male god

Chapter 164 Good luck to you

Chapter 164 Good luck to you

Joseph Jackson, Hank Jordan.

One of the two is a retired lieutenant in the Navy, and the other is an old hunter active in the Rocky Mountains, both around 30 years old.

They have participated in the comprehensive hunting competition in the United States at different times, and won the quarterly championship of the competition.

Although they have never entered any wilderness restricted area.

But after watching Chen Jing's live video, both of them became very interested in this reward offer.

As resident guests of TV variety shows, Joseph and Hank don't pay much attention to live broadcasts on weekdays.

If it wasn't for the invitation from the Adventurers Alliance, they really wouldn't have known that such a number one person as Chen Jing had appeared in the adventurer circle, so they naturally didn't know anything about the challenge publicly issued by the latter.

But this time, Chen Jing's live broadcast room was launched on the mouse channel, which aroused the attention of countless foreign viewers. The previous manifesto video was dug out again.

Gamble a net worth of 500 million US dollars, accept the challenge of adventurers from all over the world, and compete who can cross the Manchak Swamp.

Such arrogant words angered those truly powerful adventurers.

And the huge reward of 700 million plus 500 million US dollars, a total of 1200 million US dollars, drove Joseph and Hank into a complete madness.

Even if it is divided equally, everyone can get a bonus of 600 million US dollars. The Manchak Swamp is very big, but not that big. It is full of money, and two weeks is enough.

As the two top adventurers with super popularity in the local area, Joseph and Hank's actions also made foreign netizens extremely excited.

People screamed and shouted for the two and gave solidarity.

Because they dared to "teach" the Chinese adventurer who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth.

That guy dared to call everyone a chicken, where did he get the confidence?Such a high-profile guy must be sanctioned.

On the 13th, Joseph and Hank issued a declaration, and tried to contact Chen Jing through Li Xing, asking him whether the previous challenge counted?

In addition, they also put forward some additional requirements. If they win, Chen Jing must apologize to the adventurers all over the world for his arrogance and ignorance in the live broadcast room.

In Gu Jingmo's words, the whole thing was actually caused by the jealousy of these guys.

There are not a few bounty hunters, adventurers, etc. who broadcast live on Mouse Channel, just like in China.

Because of the barren and outdated content, their live broadcast results are not ideal, and their income is meager, and they are not even as good as participating in some small pheasant competitions.

Seeing that Chen Jing's popularity has been astonishing since the first broadcast on Mouse TV, they are naturally unwilling.

Why is it that a Chinese person, a guy who looks very thin, can rely on the live broadcast in the wilderness to attract so many viewers to watch?

Just because he didn't want to die and dared to enter the wilderness restricted area?
Don't others dare?

"There's nothing scary about that place, people didn't go there before because they didn't want to."

"Or, we were blinded by Godelo's theory of reverence for nature. The wilderness restricted area may not be that scary."

"He is just lucky, and the fact that he discovered this does not mean that he is very good."

Facing the camera, Joseph said so.

Hank on the side agrees very much, and criticizes Chen Jing in a frothy manner.

"I think Chen is a clown. After we win, I will make him kneel in front of the camera, apologize and repent for his arrogance and ignorance, just wait and see!"

In any case, the audience on the extranet is naturally more inclined to Joseph and Hank.

After all, in the scope of public opinion in the general environment, the East and the West are two camps that are naturally opposed.

Over and over again, this matter not only caused an uproar on the Internet, but also got the news in China.

The whole Weibo was in chaos.

Fans of Ai Jing and passers-by also began to spontaneously support Chen Jing.

Everyone was waiting for Chen Jing's response.

At the same time, at 13 am on the 11th, in the 9414 live broadcast room.

In the camera, Chen Jing is walking in a swampy woodland with stagnant water, and tens of meters ahead, there is a continuous black quagmire.

The thick and sturdy trees were soaked in the muddy mud, and the rotten stench rushed straight into the nostrils.

He tried it with a wooden stick, and the mud at the edge was already more than half a meter deep, and it was impossible to predict how deep it was in the center.

"This is the true face of the quagmire. The wetlands and marshes in front of us do not have any reference."

"You see what that is?"

Chen Jing pointed to the center of the quagmire, and he could faintly see the corpse of a beast. Mosquitoes and flies were flying around it. When the breeze blew, the stench was suffocating.

"There aren't many mammals living in the swamp, it looks like a goral in transit."

"It was supposed to live in the Rocky Mountains in the middle of the country. When it crossed the Mississippi River Valley, it broke into here and was drowned in the mud, with only some heads exposed."

"The swamp is one of the most terrifying terrains, far better than cliffs, caves, etc..."

"It eats people and doesn't spit out bones. If you don't have enough experience and knowledge, once you get caught in it, you can only wait for death."

"If you encounter a swamp in the wild, whether it is a swamp in a wetland, a forest swamp, or a swamp in an alpine cold area, what you need to do is to detour as much as possible and pass through a safe zone."

"In fact, I should do the same, but in order to present the horror of the swamp more intuitively, and teach everyone how to get out of the swamp, I won't make a detour."

"Everyone, keep your eyes wide open and your ears pricked up. Show me everything, and listen carefully."

"My next words, every action, are crucial!"

Chen Jing's sudden seriousness made the audience a little confused and had a bad premonition.

【"What do you mean?"

"Damn it, Jingshen won't, want to go straight through the mud?"

"Big death!"]

Chen Jing took out the knife from his waist and put it in his backpack, at the same time put away the tablecloth covering his lower body,

The next moment, amidst countless suspicious gazes, he directly opened his legs and stepped into the mud.

A dense array of question marks flashed across his line of sight, Chen Jing closed the barrage interface, and strenuously walked forward.

Within a few meters, the silt covered his waist, and continued to rise, reaching his chest soon.

At this moment, Chen Jing couldn't move at all.

In front of the screen, all the audience stared wide-eyed and gasped.

Is this guy really not afraid of death?
【"Crazy, crazy!"

"I let you broadcast live, I didn't let you play with your life!"


"Good guy, use your life to teach everyone!"

"Brothers put dedication on the public screen."


"Is this a question of respect or not? He is simply crazy!"

"Gift Crab!"]

The mud did not reach Chen Jing's chest, and the sinking trend slowly stagnated.

He just opened his mouth and said:
"As I said before, the quagmire is very scary. If someone has no experience in survival, once they fall into it, they will almost certainly die."

"But as long as you follow my method, you will definitely be able to escape."

"The first point is also the most important point."

"If you fall into a swamp, don't panic, stay calm, and absolutely don't struggle like this, because when a person is in a crisis, he will subconsciously trigger various body movements, just like drowning, he instinctively wants to grab any object that can be used to escape the predicament."

"But in fact, the mud is like the water, there is nothing, and sometimes you don't even have a stick."

While speaking, Chen Jing threw the wooden stick in his hand aside, and at the same time waved his hands around, and his body writhed uncomfortably.

This caused his body to sink further, and the mud directly covered his chest and reached his neck.

"See, the more you struggle, the deeper you will sink. Once the mud covers your head and completely envelops you, you will not be far from death."

"Then what's the right way to do it?"

"First of all, we need to know that the density of silt is much greater than that of the human body. As long as you keep still, it is difficult for it to really submerge you."

"You see, when I stand still, I don't sink any more."

"Don't twist your body, don't flail your limbs, it won't help at all, it will only consume your energy for nothing."

"Calm down and keep your body from sinking is the first step in getting out of the mud."

Chen Jing only had his head exposed on the mud, and he was still talking, but the audience looked extremely nervous. Such a scene was simply suffocating.

"The second step is to let your body's center of gravity move back slowly, and try to lean back as much as possible, like lying on mud. This movement seems dangerous, but it can actually increase the contact area and buoyancy to the greatest extent."

"Trust me, it will never sink you!"

Along with Chen Jing's movements, a miraculous thing happened, and his chest really showed the muddy surface again.

"See, by this time, you can proceed to the next step."

"If you're wearing shoes, don't even think about it, just kick them off, then use your waist to slowly lift your legs up from the mud until they're out of the mud."

"This process consumes a lot of physical strength, but generally speaking, people with fair physical fitness can do it."

"When the soles of your feet and chest are out of the mud, your whole body is lying in an arc in the mud. At this time, there is still no support around you. What you need to do is to spread your hands and slowly turn your body over."

Chen Jing demonstrated without any panic, and after a short while, he had completely escaped from the mud, lying on the surface of the mud.

"Although the silt is liquid, it not only has a solid body, but also has twice the density of the human body. If you lie on your stomach like me, you will never sink."

"The next thing is much simpler. Just crawl forward until you get out of the swamp. If you carry a wooden stick with you, you will get twice the result with half the effort."

"If you don't think it's fast enough and you're not afraid of the smell, you can even roll forward sideways."

Chen Jing rolled twice, picked up the previous wooden stick, and crawled forward quickly like a gecko.

In less than 5 minutes, he climbed tens of meters away, and finally rolled and landed in the grass.

Although his body was covered with black mud, from the beginning to the end, there was no trace of panic on that face.

Everything is under control!
Pulling the grass and wiping the mud off his face, Chen Jing faced the camera.

"The swamp is scary, but it doesn't bother us at all."

"Calm and composure, taking the right decisions and actions every step of the way, that's the trick to navigating the mud."

"Have you learned?"

After the words fell, he turned and walked forward.

"There are still countless swamps waiting for us in front of us. I will try to find a place to rest before noon."

"Oh, don't forget to tell those two guys for me, York, I haven't entered the ghost swamp yet, and the challenge is still valid."

"If you want to come, you'd better hurry up and seize the last chance. I'll wait for them here. At twelve o'clock at noon, the place where there is thick smoke is where I am."

Chen Jing's eyes were full of sympathy.

He actually wanted to persuade these two people not to come, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

Crazy, there must be a price to pay!

What's more, if he really said that, it would be counterproductive and make things even more troublesome.

Quit the mouse table?Apologize?How can it be!

Then I can only wish the other party good luck!

(End of this chapter)

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