Survival male god

Chapter 172 Big Trouble

Chapter 172 Big Trouble

After more than half an hour, Chen Jing's arms were sore from rowing, and he moved two or three kilometers away from the original place before slowing down.

Occasionally, some land can be seen around, and the depths of the swamp are not all depressions with stagnant water.

The surrounding trees grow in strange shapes, with few branches and leaves, but they are strong and alive, and the dead trees are not decayed, they are only hollowed out by insects.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the cloud parted, and the heavy rain, which lasted for a day and two nights, finally stopped.

"These trees look nothing like banyans, pine, willows, or cypresses, and I can't recognize them."

"They have huge aerial roots and lots of epiphytes like vines and moss and all that..."

"It's a bit like a mangrove forest. The water flows around it to form a network vein, dividing the entire interior of the swamp into islands one after another, big and small."

"In some places, rafts can't get in, or there are dead ends, and on land, due to long-term flooding, swamps that corrode fallen leaves have been born."

"I can't tell the direction. I may have to go ashore here and wait all night. I will not know the east, west, south, north until the sunrise tomorrow and climb to the top of the big tree."

"It happens to be able to look on land and see if we can find some resources."

Chen Jing paddled the raft, stopped at a bank full of ferns, and tied his raft to a tree with a rope.

Everything here is very strange, and the plant species are completely different from the outside world.

Most of them were never seen by Chen Jing.

On the ground where the fallen leaves are piled up, there are rotten trees lying in disorder, with black fungi growing on them.

"The fungus plate and the fungus are very intact, and there are no traces of ants or insects biting, and there is no clear fragrance."

Chen Jing took out a knife and cut off a piece of black fungus stalk. The tissue exposed to the air soon turned gray-green.

"No insect bites, no fragrance, easy to change color, and complete elements. This black fungus is highly poisonous and absolutely inedible."

Chen Jing stood up, silently noted the features of the surrounding landforms, and casually made a big fork with a knife on the trunk of the rotten tree.

"Mark it!"

"In the wild, especially where the environment is very similar, it is a good habit to leave some marks with the tools you carry."

"There is no navigation here. Once you get lost, you will waste a lot of energy. Don't wander around like a headless chicken."

After walking a certain distance, Chen Jingxuan's heart finally relaxed.

"There doesn't seem to be any danger in this forest, but you can see that the ground is quite wet, and you can step on water with your feet."

"Certainly not suitable for sleeping, but lying on my raft."

Continue to go forward, about 10 minutes later, Chen Jing turned back on the original road.

This "island" was very small, not even as big as a football field. He searched carefully, but didn't see anything that could be eaten directly.

No animals have been found, and resources are very limited.

"I can only dig through the rotten wood. I hope I can get something. I didn't eat anything today."

"It is no exaggeration to say that this period is much more difficult than the last two periods. On the islands and mountains, I will hardly be short of food and clothing to this extent."

"I feel like a savage now, with nothing but a knife made of iron nails, bare feet, and a waistcoat made of palm leaves."

"Especially without decent weapons..."

The experience of Hank and Joseph made Chen Jing understand that sooner or later he would meet the "primitive residents" in the swamp.

Regardless of whether there will be a conflict at that time, with his current means, he will definitely be unable to deal with the other party, and even self-protection will be difficult.

It's because there was too little preparatory work in the early stage. If I could find a way to get some of the iron plates off the broken ship, it would be great.

It's a pity that it is useless to regret at this time, it can only consume one's mind in vain.

Back at the place where he landed, Chen Jing began to chisel at the rotten wood.

The first root, nothing.

The second one is still empty.

All that remains of the rotting wood are black wood fibers and a lot of dirt.

This is very similar to the nest left by some beetles or ants.

Until the third one, Chen Jing's exclamation made the audience tremble in fright.

A mass of black creatures writhing like hair fell from between the barks of the trees.

They are all gray and black, with three pairs of sturdy legs, the body is as big as a jujube.

Chen Jing pierced one of the bodies with a knife, lifted it up, and displayed it in front of the camera.

"Brothers, high-protein food, this is the American whip spider, a magical animal between a spider and a scorpion, non-venomous."

"Arachnids, whip scorpions, and the biggest difference between whip scorpions are that they don't have tails."

"Water friends who have seen the Holy Grail of Harry Potter should have seen them. Although this thing looks very scary, it actually poses no threat to humans."

"This is the best discovery I've made in this place so far. There are a group of whip spiders here, and they can have a good meal at noon."

Unfortunately, spiders are not insects, but arthropods.

Therefore, eating them will not trigger the specialization effect of Insect Devouring Stomach, and will not get additional energy conversion.

However, under such circumstances, Chen Jing also understood that he could not expect too much.

"There is still a lot of rotten wood left. Whip spiders are strong upper predators in nature. There should not be many insects around them. They occupy all the rotten wood."

"Take care of these first. I have to taste how they taste. If they are really bad, I won't bother to look through the rest."

"There are still a lot of land like this ahead, maybe we can find other food."

Chen Jing stabbed all the whip spiders to death, then put them on the bark, returned to the raft, and ignited the fire again.

"It's better not to make soup, cut off the soup, and eat it directly, I hope it tastes good."

"I know some people keep whip spiders as pets because they are docile and timid, afraid of animals bigger than themselves, and only eat small bugs."

"I hope spider lovers don't condemn me, haha..."

【"Grass, I keep whip spiders specially for eating insects."

"Tell me if it's delicious."

"I did a search on Xianyu. An adult body costs 150-180. Is this thing so expensive?"

"There are fifteen of them here, so it's 2000 yuan less?"

"Jingshen can really eat. Don't look at the rough food he eats, but the price is very expensive. Let alone the alabaster before. This whip spider is really an eye-opener."

"Eating everything will only harm you!"]

"It will kill me if I don't eat anything!"

After finding the food, Chen Jing was in a good mood, and was even able to make some harmless jokes with the barrage.

And under high temperature roasting.

All the whip spiders lost even the last bit of vitality, and the air smelled of burnt fragrance.

That is to say, the appearance is not good, but the smell is quite attractive.

Feeling that the heat was almost ready, Chen Jing removed the casserole from the clay stove and put it in front of him.

He sat cross-legged, reached out and picked up a cooked whip spider, and put it in his mouth.

Bite down, the shell is slightly crispy, and the inside is soft.

Part of the juice flowed out from the corner of Chen Jing's mouth. He really didn't expect that spiders would also explode.

But the taste is about the same as expected.

"It's no different from roasted locusts and grasshoppers. It's the same when it's cooked. It has no strange smell and even has a slight aftertaste. I suggest that the water friend who keeps whip spiders as pets also fry them. How does it taste, at least it is a very novel experience.”

【"Bah, it's too expensive, I can't afford it!"】

On Chen Jing's side, there was a joyous scene.

No matter when the danger comes, at least at this moment, he is safe.

And far away in the water lake several kilometers away.

The atmosphere is relatively more depressing.

The rain stopped.

Hank's mood has not become more relaxed than before.

His expression was very dignified, and his eyes kept scanning the surroundings.

On the contrary, Joseph on the side became extremely excited after experiencing the initial shock.

Although he was bleeding and injured.

But after harvesting such a huge thing, Joseph was so happy that he wanted to hum a little tune, but seeing Hank's stinky face made the impulse in his heart vanish instantly.

"Hank, Hank..."

Joseph carried the processed python meat on his shoulder, and the gauze on his left elbow was stained red with blood, but he was not in pain, and even stretched out his right hand to pat his companion's shoulder.

"Be happy, man, why should we listen to that kid's nonsense?"

"This is clearly his strategy, to make people panic."

"We and him are competitors. It is undoubtedly very stupid to listen to the slander of our competitors!"

"Find a place, get some fucking firewood, and have a good meal, that's what we should do, okay? Hahaha..."

Joseph has a fiery personality and has always been outspoken.

Hanke is completely different. Years of hunting has made him extremely cautious. In fact, from the very beginning, he felt that coming to Manchak this time would be the biggest challenge he faced in his life.

If he didn't really need that money, he would have given up a long time ago.

The mountains are the best place for him.

Joseph's chatter made him unable to think calmly, but everyone knew that quarreling did not help the teamwork and would only make the situation worse.

"I can't really laugh, Joseph!"

"You have to trust my instincts, I'm afraid we're really in big trouble this time."

"According to my suggestion, let's just bring some pieces of python meat, enough for two meals, and then leave this place as soon as possible."

"That guy was right!"

"Python snakes are very likely to take revenge on us. In nature, many animals have a revenge mentality. Once they identify the enemy, they will not hesitate to kill the fish and attack the target endlessly."

"We killed a female python with dozens of unhatched snake eggs in her stomach."

"This is a very scary thing. I don't know why you can still laugh out loud. Don't you think our lives don't matter?"

"Stop showing off, Joseph, Joseph..."

Hank suddenly found that his companion was stunned.

The other party's outstretched fingers hovered in mid-air, and an already pale face became bloodless.

Instinctively, he drew the arrow from his back and drew the bow.

Turning around, Hank's expression became the same as Joseph's, with his mouth open enough to stuff a whole egg.

On the surface of the water ahead, turbulent ripples spread, and several black, huge, curly figures were moving rapidly towards this side.

"Hank, Hank, did you see that?"

Joseph let out a cry of panic.


The former put down his bow and arrow and roared.

(End of this chapter)

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