Survival male god

Chapter 191 Are you going to participate or not?

Chapter 191 Are you going to participate or not?

In downtown Hangzhou, mid-June, midsummer.

The blazing sun bakes the earth, beside the road, wicker hangs weakly, and the cicadas sing like crazy.

A bus galloped by, and the advertisement on the body attracted the attention of many passers-by.

"Operation in the Wilderness, scheduled for 6.28, Blue Whale TV joins hands with amateur celebrities and survival experts, and it will be a shocking summer!"

"The first real-life wilderness survival show in history, famous producers, top teams, cool guests, and more surprises, all in "Wilderness Action"!"

In fact, the preliminary publicity work has been done for a whole week.

The official Weibo account of Operation Wilderness has gained hundreds of thousands of followers not long after it was launched, and the popularity of related topics has soared.

The summer season is obviously the hottest season for viewing every year, and various movies and TV variety shows take turns.

As soon as the topic of Operation Wilderness was brought up, it received heated discussions from many netizens.

Without him, the program group claims that there are instant live broadcasts, no scripts, and hard-core rules. It is really hard to not be interested.

Not only the subject matter, but also the performance method is extremely novel, and the guest lineup of the show that is gradually revealed has also fully aroused people's curiosity, which can be said to be full of gimmicks.

On the first day, the big news was that Cheng Xue, a well-known actress born in the [-]s, and Jin Chen, a newly promoted national goddess, joined the show as guests.

On the second day, Wei Xun, who is in charge of the new generation of variety show traffic, and Bai Mengting, a film and television fresh meat, joined hands.

On the third day, big screen actor Wang Zhen and retired sports star Tian Xiaoguang officially announced their entry into the group.

In addition, there are seven amateur guests selected from all walks of life. Different from the star lineup, they are six men and one woman.

As for the last mysterious character, for some reason, the show crew has not revealed it.

Just putting a silhouette on it, it can only be confirmed that it is a male guest.

who can that be?

Many people have their own guesses in their minds, but they can't be sure.

After all, there is no official announcement, and no one can say what the final result will be.

Of course, the reaction of netizens is more funny.

"Do you even need to think about it? In the wilderness, without that man, what's the point?"

"Sparrow food, Chen Jing is written in the blood of thousands of people!"

"Is the show really hardcore? According to Jingshen's self-demand, he probably won't come, right?"

"Just say you want to see it or not!"

"The problem is coming, so it's not a dimensionality reduction blow?"

"It's hard to say. I read the introduction and said that everyone has been training secretly for more than 40 days."

"Indeed, Jingshen just attended the awards ceremony, and he didn't take much rest when he returned home. He probably won't come, right?"

"Not necessarily. According to Uncle Dang, this time the show is very hardcore, like a life-and-death certificate."

"It is said that this show cost 300 million yuan to create, and every guest bought sky-high insurance. The championship reward is [-] million dream funds, plus two pure gold torches!"

"Wait...why are there two?"

"Didn't you read the rules? Because it's a combination of two and two, drawing lots!"

"Understood, damn it, it's not that whoever draws Jingshen just lays down and wins..."

"Who told you that Chen Jing would definitely come?"

"Well, excuse me, who are you talking about, Chen Jing?"


In the gymnasium of the studio, Chen Jing stood up profusely with sweat, and then sipped mineral water.

"Today's ancient Ba Duan Jin is taught here. Before, we have taught the six guiding methods of knocking the teeth to gather the spirit, shaking the sky pillar, stirring the tongue and rinsing the throat, rubbing the kidney hall, and single and double pass."

"Let's talk about the rest of the top-holding and hook climbing methods in two days. Everyone must remember to practice hard, not to mention strengthening your body. It will make you lively and vigorous. At least it will be very helpful to improve your mental state, especially when you go up. Older people need to be more active.”

"Afterwards, I will organize all the essentials of the movements into a book and upload them to the competition station. Combined with scientific exercise methods, it will definitely be of great benefit to the body."

"What is the wilderness operation? You don't know if you ask, you can guess for yourself!"

Chen Jing put down the water glass and smiled helplessly.

These audiences can ask ten times a day these days, trying to find out his tone.

In fact, the agreement was finalized as early as the end of last month.

But the program team doesn't make it public, so I definitely can't talk nonsense.

"Where? How do I know where they're going?"

"Stop knocking around here, everyone, don't be impetuous, isn't it starting on June 28?"

"If you really want to watch it, you can just watch it directly. You can watch it on TV, and you can also watch it on many platforms."

"Nonsense, I still know this. Everyone should be able to see the overwhelming promotional materials when they go out."

【"Damn, are you going or not?"

"Don't make me kneel down and beg you..."

"How does it feel to be famous?"

"Last time, Xiaoshan was completely blocked, let's arrange the noodles, Jingshen!"

"What's the point of not inviting Jingshen in the wilderness operation? Do you want to watch children play house?"

"He is here for real this time. It is said that he is very hardcore. Jing Shen may not be able to win the championship, to be honest!"

"Having the opportunity to form a team with a star is also a good feeling."

"It's boring. Some celebrities are too hypocritical. If they really don't invest in resources, can they survive for three days?"

"Don't be embarrassed, it's not going to the wilderness restricted area, I have learned fire hunting skills and so on, I should be able to deal with it!"

"How can ordinary people have that kind of physical strength? It's okay to give supplies at the beginning. What can you do without supplies? Can you conjure them out of thin air?"

"Just wait, it would be a pity if Jingshen doesn't go!"

"Squeeze, I can't wait to give the domestic audience some shock of the God of the Wild."

"Will Jingshen watch this show?"

"Will it be broadcast live at that time?"】

Seeing that everyone is racking their brains to get some information out of their own mouths.

Chen Jing really couldn't bear to hide it from his fans. After thinking about it, he said:

"There is no live broadcast plan for the second half of the year, and there is no time to watch the show. The rest, you can guess for yourself!"

"Don't go out and talk nonsense if you guess anything."

"Okay, that's the end of the chat, do another ten sets of exercises, and then we'll have dinner."

The fans are not stupid, Chen Jing has already hinted so clearly, and they naturally know that the latter's participation in "Operation Wilderness" is probably true in all likelihood.

【"Wuhu, I know it!"

"Queshi, in the wilderness, it is impossible to bypass Jingshen."

"Alright, I can see Jingshen killing all directions in the wilderness again."

"It's comfortable, just wait at ease!"]

Day by day, Chu Yunxi's side, after a lot of fierce battles, finally won the No.2 of the Voice of China National No.[-].

Several self-composed songs also became popular on the Internet and are deeply loved by young people.

And Chu Yunxi, who debuted as an artist signed by Ning Le, will soon face a real market test.

She is working hard on her first solo album.

The business of the studio was handled by Bai Jinyan and a few colleagues, but Chen Jing became an idler, eating and drinking every day, and then started a live broadcast to chat with the audience.

Time passed quickly, and it was June 25th in a blink of an eye.

And the mysterious guest of "Operation Wilderness" was finally officially announced by the program team three days before the broadcast.

On the promotional poster, a group of celebrities stand in a long row, posing in various poses and looking into the distance.

And the half-length standing painting that appeared in the C position and occupied the largest page of the promotional banner was not Chen Jing, who could it be?

The slogan above the banner also confirmed all this.

Wilderness Action official: "The mysterious guest is announced, he is the super top anchor of Tiger Claw, the top ten outstanding youths in Hangzhou, the winner of the 2016 Blue Star Guardian Award, the idol of wilderness adventurers around the world, and the man known as the God of the Wilderness— — @陈景!"

"He will participate in the championship competition of Operation Wilderness with the other thirteen guests."

"Is it our wilderness god who won the championship without any suspense? Or is it a star dark horse breaking out of the siege? Or is it a folk expert who rises against the trend? Whoever can seize the opportunity will be the winner!"

"It's 3 days until Operation Wilderness officially starts broadcasting. See you there at 28 am on the [-]th!"

(End of this chapter)

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