Survival male god

Chapter 222 The Most Powerful Stone Tool and Camp Destroyed

Chapter 222 The Most Powerful Stone Tool and Camp Destroyed

This method actually works!

Seeing the grayling in Chen Jing's hands, the audience all had expressions of disbelief.

But the facts were right in front of them, and they couldn't help but believe it.

Then, in order to prove that this method of catching fish was not accidental, Chen Jing continued to beat on the ice.

Immediately afterwards, the second, third...

A total of six graylings, big and small, all jumped out of the ice cave, and were caught by Chen Jing effortlessly.

"There is no doubt that although my method is a brainstorm, it is indeed effective. When you understand a prey, you can formulate reasonable tactics to achieve the results you want."

"Everyone remember, if you see grayling or fish with similar habits in a frozen river, you can use this method. You don't need to use any utensils, and you can easily catch them."

"Now, let's put them here first. I need to find suitable stones to make the stone axes and knives we need."

Chen Jing put all the graylings into the puddle, and then searched carefully in the river dam.

The types of rocks here are very diverse, including almost all types.

For example, igneous rocks such as basalt, limestone, and granite, as well as sedimentary rocks such as sandstone and limestone.

But the most types are mica schist and quartzite.

"Siberia is rich in resources, rich in various senses, not only biological resources, but also fresh water, metal deposits, oil and gas, etc..."

"This is an untapped natural treasure land, and it is the foundation to support Russia's strength."

"To make stone axes and stone knives, generally speaking, basalt and quartzite are relatively high-quality raw materials."

"The former is hard and has a fine texture, which is very suitable for chopping and smashing. Quartzite is also hard, but brittle, and is more suitable for making small knives, which are sharp cutting tools."

"But today, we don't use these two kinds of rocks, because I found the most suitable precious material for making stone tools so far."


Chen Jing's finger pointed at a huge black rock on the river beach, his eyes were bright.

If he remembers correctly, it was the first time he had found this type of rock in the open air for nearly a year and a half.

Seeing Chen Jing's happy face, the audience couldn't understand it.

【"Isn't it obsidian? As for being so happy?"

"Why is obsidian best for making stone tools?"

"In my impression, obsidian should be very brittle, like glass?"

"How is it possible? Obsidian is a gemstone. Naturally formed glass is much stronger than glass and is not easy to break unless you smash it with a big hammer."

"Jingshen seems to have been obsessed with obsidian?"】

Chen Jingjing nodded, and as if he had found a treasure, he broke open the ice and moved the obsidian out.

"The main component of obsidian is silicon dioxide. Its formation process is quite special. It requires the sudden cooling of lava rich in silicon dioxide and few impurities."

"This kind of stone is generally found in the coastal areas of many volcanic areas, or in the area of ​​​​the last ice age, and is also distributed in Siberia and the northeast of my country."

"As early as 10 years ago, people discovered the special and powerful properties of obsidian. This kind of stone, the flakes produced by knocking, are as sharp as a knife, and the larger stones are not only durable, but also maintain their sharpness. Sharp features."

"A very rich obsidian stone tool culture was also formed around 5 years ago in Jilin, my country, near HLJ, and a lot of obsidian stone tools were unearthed."

"The hammering method and fine cutting method handed down there are still used by stone tool enthusiasts to make stone axes, stone knives, and stone arrowheads."

"And the most famous obsidian knife in history is the "Marquawit" war knife invented by the Aztecs."

"This kind of knife helps the "jaguar warrior" of the ancient Inca civilization to overcome all obstacles and obstacles!"

"But with the invasion of the Spanish colonists, the Aztec Empire also collapsed in the [-]th century, and this sword completely disappeared in the torrent of history."

"But its prestige has always been circulated among stone tool lovers."

Chen Jing patted the obsidian in front of him, and said seriously:
"Today, I will use it to forge a "Markwawit" war knife and a stone axe. This will definitely be the most powerful stone weapon I have ever used in my life."

At this moment, everyone felt the excitement and joy from Chen Jing's heart.

Sincerity can indeed infect people. Many people can't understand why a stone can make this guy have such intense emotions.

Until someone sent out such a barrage.

【"The happiness of wilderness people is so simple. In Jingshen's heart, Nicholas II's treasure may not be comparable to such a natural obsidian."】

Chen Jing laughed and waved his hand.

"That's not the case, but to be honest, things like treasures are illusory, and even if you get them, so what?"

"In the wilderness restricted area, the value of treasures is not as real as a live fish, at least the latter can fill my stomach."

"What's more, we didn't come here for the treasure at all, right?"

"With a stone ax and a stone knife, I can do more things. This is a serious productivity that can help me cope with life better."

"Stop talking, let's do it!"

Chen Jing turned the obsidian over. This stone was half the size of a head, irregular in shape, and its longest diameter was nearly [-] centimeters. The whole body was pitch black, with no lines visible.

He found another piece of hard granite, aimed at one-third of the obsidian, and smashed it down hard.

The stone shattered in response, and the surface showed a shell-shaped fracture.

Chen Jing picked up the third, stood it up, and tapped the edge again, and now there were more fragments.

"The edges of these fragments are very sharp. Put them here first, and after further grinding, they can become the saw blades of Markwait's war knives."

"Make the stone ax first!"

He picked up the remaining two-thirds of the obsidian, continued to smash it, and then carefully knocked on the edge.

Soon, the prototype of an ax with a narrow top and a round bottom appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The next thing to do is sanding.

This process took Chen Jing more than 40 minutes.

After polishing the axe, he continued to polish the obsidian fragments. By the time the work was finished, his hands were already dripping with blood.

"It's really too sharp. If you're not careful, your skin will be cut. It's really like glass, but there's no way. I don't have gloves and operate it with bare hands. It's inevitable that this will happen."

"If you want to use obsidian to make stone tools, remember to protect your hands."

After making the blade, the next thing to do is the handle and blade.

Chen Jing got a pile of firewood, built a fire on the river bank, and first used an obsidian knife tied with a rope to disembowel the grayling, skewered it with branches and roasted it.

Continue to make the handle of the ax by cutting a small hole with a rivet on the wooden stick, inserting the obsidian ax head, fixing it with a wooden wedge, and tying it with a rope. The obsidian ax head is finished.

"Making an ax is relatively simple. Next, making the Makwawit sword is the most important part."

"Estimated to have to work until noon!"

"The Aztecs carved grooves on both sides of the stick, and then used turpentine and turtle dung to fix the obsidian fragments inside. Horses, including beasts, can do a lot of damage."

"If you pull it horizontally, all the wounds will be torn. With the medical conditions at that time, there is no way to heal."

"The power of chopping is also very terrifying. People have done experiments. It only takes a few knives to chop off a horse's head made of silicone with a spine skeleton."

"Slow work and careful work. When it's done, it's almost noon, and it's time to eat grilled fish!"

"But right now, I have to go back to the camp, go to the flying squirrel's nest, and get some fibrous droppings to replace the turtle droppings."

After speaking, Chen Jing immediately returned to the original road.

But when he saw the tent, a nameless anger surged from his heart.

The tents were destroyed, the plastic sheets were torn into pieces, the collapsed wooden frames and scattered fire cinders made the whole camp look like a mess.

"Damn it, I want your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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