Survival male god

Chapter 229 Deer Fighting Technique

Chapter 229 Deer Fighting Technique

After explaining the matter, Chen Jing downloaded the broadcast and went to sleep without wasting any more time.

At six o'clock the next morning, before dawn, he woke up, cut up a piece of bear meat, threw it into the charcoal fire and roasted it until it was cooked. After drinking water, he packed up his things and was ready to go.

The strong wind is still there, thin snowflakes are floating in the sky, and the whole earth is howling.

Pulling the sled, he walked silently for more than half an hour. When he could vaguely see the outline of everything, he took out the device and started streaming.

A large number of spectators rushed in at once.

The time difference here is one to two hours slower than that in China, so it is dawn over there, which is during the morning rush hour.

Chen Jing said a few words of greeting, and then continued on his way.

After another two hours, when the number of people was almost at its peak, he stopped and sat down under a cedar tree to rest.

I grabbed two handfuls of snow and stuffed it into my mouth, and it was cold in my arms, and the dryness in my throat was also relieved.

He changed the angle of the camera and stretched out his hand to draw lines on the ground.

"Last night, I received the specific coordinates of the Polar Research Center and the location where the prospector lost contact."

"The research station is located at the highest point of the ice sheet between the Greenland Islands and the Kara Sea in the north of Russia, with an altitude of more than 2000 meters."

"From my current position, the straight-line distance is only about 400 kilometers, of which more than [-] kilometers are land."

"In fact, I have now reached the edge of the tundra region in northern Siberia. I need to reach the melting glacier area within a week, but such a long distance is definitely unrealistic to walk on my legs alone."

"This is a very difficult task. I have to find another way and think of other ways."

"Simply put, I need transportation!"

"I need to catch two reindeer, even one less, and let them drag me to the destination within five days."

Reindeer are ubiquitous in Siberia and are one of the most important resources in the Arctic.

There are millions of wild reindeer and millions of free-range reindeer.

"Similarly, it is not easy to tame two wild reindeer."

"When talking to the locals before, they told me that conquering the reindeer is equivalent to conquering half of Siberia."

"Because of climate change, reindeer migrate at least twice a year to ensure adequate food and calf production."

"This kind of animal is very cold-resistant, and can survive in the low temperature of tens of degrees below zero, but it is only limited to adult reindeer."

"Some fawns that are just born, or are only one or two years old, cannot withstand the test of low temperatures. During the worst snowstorm, more than 7 reindeer were frozen to death at one time."

"But compared with reindeer, the low temperature is more tested by the reindeer people. In many indigenous tribes, only herdsmen who have more than three years of experience in reindeer taming are qualified to lead the reindeer on the Great Migration alone."

"Wild reindeer herds don't have feed, and they migrate farther, with a migration distance of up to 5000 kilometers per year."

"What I'm going to do in the past two days is to trace the migration trails of wild reindeer, and use the ancient Yakutsk deer fighting technique to try to capture and tame two strong wild male reindeer."

Chen Jing's erudition and talent surprised many people in the live broadcast room.

【"Will Jingshen know reindeer?"

"What is Deer Fighting Technique?"

"As the name suggests, it is the technique of fighting reindeer."

"As expected of you, you can do anything!"

"Learned again, I will go to Siberia to reindeer another day."

"You may not believe it. I have a Russian friend who once worked as a veterinarian in a deer farm. The reindeer are very irritable, and they are very scary when fighting. The big bucks weighing three to five hundred catties are very scary to most people. Difficult to surrender."

"Furthermore, the art of fighting deer is a secret technique inherited from the indigenous herdsmen. The boy rides a deer at the age of five, rides a deer at the age of seven, and starts learning the art of fighting deer at the age of 11. How did the anchor learn it?"

"Tsk tsk, the world is so big and full of wonders, there is actually an old man who knows reindeer in the live broadcast room."

"I know you all!"

"It shouldn't be surprising that Jingshen knows this kind of thing. He has dabbled in too much. If you say he can nurse children, I will believe it."

"Haha, that's not the case!"]

Chen Jing stood up and continued to move forward.

In fact, he had learned the deer fighting technique many years ago.

But of course there is no way to tell the audience about this kind of thing. After thinking about it, he said:

"Many tribal herdsmen have their own methods of dealing with reindeer."

"The Deer Fighting Technique is actually not a secret. If you spend some money, give some gifts, and have a drink, the simple fellow tribesmen will naturally be willing to tell you that I am not their competitor. It doesn't matter if you know."

"Besides, others have also said that deer fighting is not a survival skill for herdsmen. The reason why they can gain a foothold in this land is the spiritual will of hard work and hard work."

"Think about it, the low temperature of minus [-] degrees at every turn, no supplies, no medical treatment, surrounded by wild beasts, in the deserted wilderness and no man's land, once an accident occurs, the chance of getting rescue is almost zero."

"Replacing ordinary people, how many of them can endure such harsh conditions?"

"Just a few months ago, when two herders with 3000 years of free-range reindeer experience led more than [-] reindeer to migrate, their camp was attacked by wolves and brown bears."

"After repelling it with a shotgun, they were injured, and both were frozen to death in the ice and snow. Even the thousands of reindeer in the deer farm fled in all directions, causing heavy losses."

"This kind of thing happens frequently in Siberia. Reindeer herders are really a high-risk occupation. Herdsmen who can survive for decades safely and soundly can almost be called the chosen ones."

These remarks made many viewers think so, and they gave up the "idea" of going to Siberia to graze.

In fact, there is no need for Chen Jing to say that ordinary people can't bear this kind of suffering. They wish to lie on their warm beds every day, play games, and look at Shitu, so they don't want to go out for adventure.

Of course, yearning is still very yearning, otherwise Chen Jing's live broadcast would not have attracted so many viewers.

Time passed in a hurry, and it was noon in a blink of an eye.

Chen Jing stopped to light a fire and barbecue, and pointed out the snow nests and hoof prints found along the way, explaining the traces of the reindeer herd to the audience.

"These are the marks left by the reindeer gnawing on the moss. It seems that we are very close to them. The maximum running speed of the reindeer can reach [-] kilometers per hour. Towards a relatively warmer coast, their speed is less than [-] kilometers per hour."

"Hold on, I'll catch up to them soon."

"Wild reindeer have a bad temper, especially bucks, and they often fight fiercely. They are only afraid of bears and wolves, not humans, so we can easily get close to them."

"It's just that it takes a lot of effort to tame wild stags. It's time to test your skills."

Chen Jing was full of confidence, but soon, his complexion suddenly changed.

In the cold wind, a large mass of snow suddenly fell from the sky, and when he raised his head, the snowflakes that were still floating just now suddenly swelled countless times collectively, instantly covering the world with a shadow of gloom.

The terrifying blizzard blocked the light a lot, and the thick fog made the vision blurred.


Blizzard is the extreme weather that reindeer are most afraid of encountering during their migration.

Experienced reindeer men often restrain the male deer in the herd at this time, form a small troop, open the way ahead, look for open areas, and camp.

In this way, the remaining deer herd will follow the footprints and smell of a large number of bucks to find the position of the vanguard.

But in the wild reindeer herd, once encountering a snowstorm, there is a high probability that the deer herd will cause commotion, and then flee in all directions instinctively.

In this case, many reindeer cubs and young reindeer will usually break away from the large group and starve to death. The tundra wasteland with lower temperature.

And this is obviously not what Chen Jing wants to see.

Reindeer are spirits in the Siberian wasteland, a gift from God to this world. Wild reindeer are damaged too much, and there is no doubt that it has a great impact on the ecology here.

Because they are also one of the important food sources for polar bears.

There have been reports in academic experimental papers that due to the melting of Arctic glaciers, polar bears spend more time on land.

Coupled with the drowning of a large number of seals, polar bears have to hunt reindeer for food, but this situation is getting worse year by year, and polar bears are likely to be completely extinct in this century.

Chen Jing didn't want the reindeer to die in large numbers because of the polar bears, but every chain of the ecological environment has a vital impact on the world.

He loves this world, and try his best to maintain some things within his ability, there is nothing wrong with it.

After expressing his concerns, Chen Jing immediately pulled the sleigh and ran wildly against the snowstorm.

"We must find a way to get them back on track before the reindeer herd riots!"

Chen Jing turned on all his firepower and ran while pulling a sled that weighed over a hundred catties. It didn't take long before he was so tired that he was out of breath.

The wind and snow poured into his mouth and blew onto his cheeks. The coldness and pain raged on his body. His cheeks were extremely red, and under the burst of heat, sweat oozed out and was quickly frozen into frost.

Under such circumstances, the rate of physical energy consumption increased exponentially, and the whistling wind was mixed with his heavy panting.

"Hoo chi~"

Finally, he fell down and fell headfirst into the snow, but behind the snow hill ahead, there were bursts of strange cries.


Like a donkey, like a horse, almost like a mule.

With excited eyes, Chen Jing struggled to get up from the snow, shouting.

"It's the cry of the reindeer, we've found them!"

Regardless of pulling on the sled, Chen Jing rolled up the snow hill and looked into the distance.

On the vast and boundless land of ice and snow, there are dense herds of wild reindeer with gray and white fur, howling in the wind and snow, the number is extremely large.

Most of them seem to have lost their minds, rushing left and right, circling back and forth, and many female reindeer cuddled tightly together, protecting their fawns.

Chen Jing took a cursory glance. There were at least a few thousand reindeer in this herd, and maybe it was only a small part.

"The temperature along the northern coast is higher, and the extreme cold airflow has caused the temperature in the hinterland to drop. The snowstorm is coming. The reindeer left too late, or the snowstorm came too coincidental."

"If they can't find the right direction and keep circling aimlessly around, not only will there be a shortage of food, but the low temperature will also kill them."

"Without further delay, I will subdue the two strongest male reindeer."

"In the reindeer family, the most prestigious is the oldest and most experienced female."

"But the herdsmen told me that there is no real leader in the wild reindeer herd."

"They are all migratory groups assembled by reindeer families, and they are considered temporary partners."

"Similarly, at this time, they will also elect a temporary leader, that is, the strongest bucks in the whole herd, and they will follow these bucks."

"But in fact, these strong male deer do not necessarily have a lot of migration experience, they are just easy to identify, whether it is the sound or the size."

"For reindeer herders, the secret to conquering wild reindeer herds is finding the strongest bucks."


Chen Jing turned around and pulled the sled board over the snow hill. His body was filled with strength again and again.

In the field of vision, countless reindeer leaned close together in the cold wind, and the rugged and strange horns were clustered together, looking like rotten bushes.

The cold wind made the young reindeer shiver, closed their eyes tightly, and even fell down on the ground, refusing to move a step forward.

In fact, they don't know where to go at this moment.

The chaotic roar conveyed too much messy and useless information, and the flat eyes of each reindeer were filled with confusion and panic.

This is the majesty of heaven and earth, and it is difficult for ordinary creatures to resist, so they can only passively wait for the final judgment.

The vast number of reindeer shocked everyone in the live broadcast room. If it wasn't for Chen Jing, they would never have had the chance to see the scene before them. It was a rather magical experience.

But when they thought that tens of thousands of reindeer might lose their lives in this blizzard, there was an indescribable complex emotion in everyone's heart.

Fortunately, the hope of life has not been cut off. The fate of the reindeer and the fate of the lost contact are all tied to that man at this moment.

【"Come on Jingshen!"

"It must be successful!"

"He really, I cried to death..."]

When they got close, Chen Jing untied the hemp rope from the sleigh, pulled it into a circle, then lowered his body, and rushed towards the herd of reindeer.

"Reindeer is a medium-sized deer. Adult males are generally 1.8 to 180 meters long and weigh [-] to [-] kilograms."

"But this is an average value. The largest stag will be one level taller than the entire deer herd, a circle larger, and it is easy to distinguish. Of course, their combat effectiveness is also very powerful."

"It can even drive away wolves. The huge interlaced antlers on their heads are as hard and sharp as bones, and have a strange shape."

"I have to find them!"

Chen Jing's gaze carefully inspected the herd of reindeer. After a while, his eyes lit up and he pointed to the center of the herd.

"found it!"

(End of this chapter)

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