Survival male god

Chapter 341 He is a legend!

Chapter 341 He is a legend!

It will be the top of the list, and the mountains are small.

Standing on the top of the Matterhorn, which is more than 600 meters above sea level, the snow was so cold that Chen Jing could hardly open his eyes.

He was extremely tired, his mind went blank, and he just wanted to have a good sleep.

This is the result of physical exhaustion and complete exhaustion of energy and spirit.

No matter how he breaks through the limits of the human body, it is impossible for the energy in a person to be drilled out of thin air. What he consumes is the energy he has accumulated over time. This time, he has truly overdrawn his life force.

In my mind, system prompts kept coming, the task had been completed, and a large number of achievements and reward information were conveyed.

However, before Chen Jing had time to check the details of the information, he felt his vision go dark and he fell uncontrollably on the snow.

An unprecedented feeling of weakness enveloped him, as if life was slowly passing away.

He had burned himself out, and when his consciousness was about to fall into chaos, Chen Jing consumed a huge amount of points and used the mythical skill of the Source of Life on himself.

At the same time, in the sky, the sound of helicopter propellers could be heard.

He saw a ladder built with ropes hanging from a high altitude, and at the same time there were shouts in his ears.

The staff is descending to the peak via the rappelling ladder and preparing to take him away from here.

"It seems like he won't die."

Chen Jing felt relieved, and then completely fainted.


On June 28, the news that Chen Jing, an adventurer from China, the greatest rock climber in history, and also known as the God of the Wilderness, successfully conquered the world's most difficult mountain to climb, the Matterhorn, shocked the entire world.

An altitude of 6000 meters, six hours, bare hands, no tools, no fixed routes, a wild natural mountain peak that has not been tested for safety level, one-time climb, no rest in the middle.

An almost impossible task for humans. Rock climbers from all over the world have been working hard for centuries but have never achieved the ultimate challenge. It was completed by a guy named Chen Jing.

Breaking through limits and creating legends is a historical monument for mankind's victory over nature. It also poses the most difficult extreme challenge in history and creates an almost untouchable ceiling record.

There is no doubt that Chen Jing is the strongest rock climber in the world and a great pioneer in mankind's challenge to nature.

Words alone are no longer enough to express how shocked the world was by this incident.

After everyone understands the whole story, they can't help but admire such a person. What's more, Chen Jing is already a well-known global internet celebrity.

The sky is healthy, and the gentleman keeps on striving for self-improvement!
This sentence is the best explanation of his efforts.

The overwhelming news and magazine introductions flew to every corner of the world like snowflakes, and everyone was praising Chen Jing.

Every forum has praised this outdoor god and sincerely congratulated him on his success.

For a time, Chen Jing was in the limelight.

In a true sense, he became a godfather-like existence in the wilderness.

At only 25 years old, he is already on top of the world. He was called the most classy man in the world by a domestic Internet magazine, and Time Magazine even used a headline that caught the attention of countless people.

A summary of the news and current affairs in this issue is given.

"The strongest human being in the world!"

"Throughout human history, emperors and generals have emerged one after another, but there is only one person who has ushered in a new era of human life. He represents that human beings will eventually break through their own shackles and push the limits of their bodies and wills one step further."

In today's Internet, information is transferred extremely quickly.

Chen Jing set a record for free solo rock climbing and successfully climbed the Matterhorn, the peak of death. In less than a week, it became a household name and everyone knew about it.

The excitement about this matter lasted for half a month. After the excitement and excitement, many people finally remembered, what is going on with Chen Jing now?

That day, in front of hundreds of millions of eyes, he fell straight into the snow and then cut off the live broadcast.

Whether it's life or death, there's no word yet.

The Guinness World Records official side also kept silent about Chen Jing's condition.

Many people were asking whether Chen Jing had died on that snowy mountain. After all, he had completely exhausted his life force.

In fact, the situation is indeed very pessimistic.

Chen Jing's body was severely traumatized. Not only was his vitality exhausted, but he was also injured and bleeding due to the extreme cold and harsh conditions.

His excessive physical exertion caused multiple acute failures of body organs, hemolysis of muscle cells, and anoxic shock in the brain, leaving him in a state of coma.

But the miraculous thing is that although his vitality is weak, his major organs are still running and maintaining life activities.

There is even a tendency to gradually recover and get better, but I just don’t wake up.

This phenomenon has left even the best hospitals in Switzerland at a loss.

Finally, after contacting his family and consulting with Chinese medical institutions, Chen Jing was secretly sent back to China.

On July 7, in the hot summer, Yanjing was shrouded in scorching heat, and heat waves hit the roadside.

It was cool in the intensive care unit of the Supreme People's Hospital.

Of course, what was even colder was Chu Yunxi's heart.

Until now, she didn't dare to reveal the news about Chen Jing's coma to Chen's father. The only people who knew about it were her and the head of the studio, Sister Bai.

Through the glass window, I looked at my beloved lying on the hospital bed, with a rosy face, as if he was asleep, but he had been in a coma for two weeks.

Chu Yunxi's heart was almost broken, and her beautiful eyes had long been red and swollen from crying.

This guy did succeed, but he didn't fulfill his promise to himself.

I clearly promised to come back healthy and safe, but now...

Chu Yunxi felt at a loss and confused.

In this situation, she really doesn't know what to do?

The only thing she could do was to delay as much as possible, conceal Chen Jing's true situation from all walks of life, and prevent her relatives and friends from worrying.

The days passed like this.

On the other side, what no one knew was that the unconscious Chen Jing was currently trapped in another world.

No.20 seven times...

Falling off the Matterhorn.

But no matter what, after falling, he will not fall to death. He will always wake up when the sun rises and face the terrifying mountain peak standing high in front of him.

Then he starts climbing. He will feel tired, bored, and feel like he has become the same person again.

Covered in pain and exhausted, he fell from the cliff.

Many times later, Chen Jing understood that it was himself in the previous life.

He has no system, no specialization, and no skills like superpowers.

He is just an ordinary person, with average physical strength and average skills. The Matterhorn in front of him, except for the base of the mountain, is only over 2000 meters high.

But he always failed and fell to death after climbing to the node of his previous life.

Chen Jing was sure that this was a dream.

He was trapped in a dream and couldn't get out.

Maybe only by conquering the mountain in front of him can he escape from the dream.Ever since, he started climbing again and again, failing again and again.

However, the bitter taste of failure filled his heart again and again.

No.20 eight times, No.20 nine times, No.30 times...

Still failed!

Chen Jing stopped and sat dejectedly on the cold ground, watching the snowflakes falling.

"So I am destined to fail. Without a system, I will never be able to defeat all this."

"Is it playing tricks on me?"

"Let me live another life, let me enjoy all the prosperity and glory, let me stand on the top of the world, let me be complacent, and then knock me down to the mortal world so that I can see the reality clearly?"

Chen Jing stared at his hands, which were covered with deep calluses and scars.

The cheap jacket and hiking boots he wore were also worn out. Even the backpack used to hold the shooting equipment was covered in dirt and patchwork and had been used for an unknown amount of time.

He lived frugally, gave up love in order to treat his father's illness, and embarked on a lonely journey, honing his skills again and again, enduring hardships, and paying off debts, just to fulfill his dream.

He fell to his death from the Matterhorn. He only had reluctance and regret, but he never regretted his choice.

After being resurrected from the dead, he possessed the system. This unexplainable and shocking opportunity allowed him to completely change his destiny after his rebirth.

But unlike the world in my memory, this world has too many incredible places.

Forbidden creatures, forbidden areas in the wilderness, his body that is so powerful that it transcends cognition, and all kinds of heaven-defying props.

Every night in the dead of night, I look at that familiar yet unfamiliar light curtain, my countless fans, and the balance in my account that I can’t spend in a lifetime.

He always feels panicked.

Is this a dream?Is it a dream fabricated by the system?

When will the dream wake up?

Later, he no longer thought about those things, so as not to increase his troubles. He just wanted to do his best and live his life freely and freely.

He always tried his best, without reservation, in everything he did.

Traveling thousands of miles across mountains and rivers, walking too many roads, and seeing too many scenery, looking back, he was already standing on top of the world.

It is indeed too fast and too unreal!

It was so unreal that he felt as if he had really just had a big dream.

But he thought that after conquering the Matterhorn in his "dream", he would wake up.

But what's going on now?

Not only did he not wake up, but he fell into a new dream.

He started climbing the Matterhorn again, which was only more than 4000 meters high, climbing again and again and falling again and again.

Any extra points, specializations, or skills all disappeared.

He once again became a weak ordinary human being in his eyes.

Without a system, would you become a waste?Chen Jing sat on the ground and thought for a long time.

Finally at a certain moment, a smile appeared on his face.

He has it all figured out!
"No, that's not the case. Although the abilities given to me by the system cannot be ignored, the truly powerful one is always myself."

"As long as I continue to hone my body and improve my skills, I will be able to do these things sooner or later."

"The conditions for success that I lack are not physical strength or skills, but my mind!"

"In my previous life, I was too eager for quick success."

"After going through a lot of backlog, I even lost the courage to continue living. When I climbed, I never thought about success. Instead, I felt that on the road of pursuing my ideals, I would not regret it even if I died, and I would die well. .”

"But I am different now. In this life, whether it is thanks to the system or my own efforts, I have changed my destiny without any regrets."

"I believe I will succeed!"

Chen Jing stood up, clapped his hands, and started another challenge with a smile on his face.

He walked slowly but firmly towards the Matterhorn in front of him.

There is no audience and no system.The dream space without any external objects opens up the real challenge.

And when he finally stood on the top of the Matterhorn after all the hardships, everything around him shattered like mist and bubbles, and the dazzling white light made him subconsciously cover his eyes.

Then, when he opened his eyes, what he saw was the slightly dazzling fluorescent lamp on the ceiling.

The surroundings were quiet, nothing could be heard, and the smell of medicine filled the air.

Chen Jing immediately understood that he was lying in a hospital ward.

There is also a transparent glass cover on his nose, which is the ventilation tube of the ventilator.

On the left hand side, there is a figure lying on the bed sleeping.

The other party's face is so familiar that it couldn't be more familiar.

It's Chu Yunxi.

Chen Jing tried to move, but found that he was quite weak and had difficulty even raising his hands.

He tried to expand the system panel, but was told that the system was under maintenance and was expected to be completed in two weeks.

Chen Jing finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that this time, he really woke up.

The woman next to him was so beautiful even in her sleep, but her haggard face and frowning eyebrows made him feel heartbroken.

There is the logo of Yanjing First Hospital on the wall. From Switzerland to returning to China, no matter how fast it is, two or three days will pass.

He knew that Chu Yunxi must have been anxious and exhausted these past few days.

Let the other person have a good rest and check his body by the way.

After feeling it carefully for a long time, I didn't feel any abnormality or pain. It was just weakness, which may have been caused by not eating for several days.

However, Chen Jing could still feel the surging vitality hidden in his physical strength. The third level of life was so terrifying that it was indescribable.

Not to mention Lu Bu and Tyson, he even felt that if these two were put together, and Xiang Yu and Li Yuanba were added, he would be worthy at all, and he could knock down one of them with one punch.

Of course, the premise is that you have to eat enough.

The only thing he was dissatisfied with was that it was so good, why was the system under maintenance again, and he hadn't even looked at the rewards yet!

I remember that just the achievements he unlocked that day and the points he got directly allowed him to upgrade two levels in a row, from platinum to diamond. After completing the task, he was promoted to master.

As a result, I had to wait two weeks before I could see the rewards.

But it doesn't matter, living is more important than anything else.

Isn’t it just two weeks?He can afford to wait.

Chen Jing glanced at it and found a copy of the People's Daily on the cabinet nearby. He picked it up and saw that on the front page was a photo of him climbing the Matterhorn.

The title of the edition is, "He is a legend!" 》

(End of this chapter)

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