Guarding the border: I am sanctified in the flesh

Chapter 133 Bloodwashing the Bloody Clothes Gang, and Surnamed One Clean

Chapter 133
The more Lu Fan looked at it, the more frightened he became.

How could such an important map be in the hands of the blood-clothed helper?

Is it...

He had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Do you know how this map got on that person?"

Lu Fan calmed down in an instant and made an analysis. This map is so important, that person should keep it well and not put it on his body.

What's more, that person is just a deacon, not the helmsman. How could such an important map be on a deacon?
Then there are two possibilities.

One is that this person has just received the map and has not had time to hand it over to the rudder owner.

There is also a possibility that the helmsman handed over the map to the deacon and asked him to pass it on to someone else, but he hadn't had time to hand it over.

On balance, the first possibility is the most likely.

Because the Bloody Gang is in Zhennan Pass, if they follow the important locations marked on the map to create chaos in the city at the critical moment of the battle, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble for the Zhennan Army.

Moreover, it will cause panic and even riots among the people in the city.

As long as there is chaos in the city, the morale of the Zhennan Army will definitely be affected, which will lead to the defeat of the battle.

If this is true, then the Bloody Gang is likely to be bought by the enemy.

It should be Chu State.

Lu Fan quickly figured out the relationship.

After all, a few months ago, Chu State and its coalition forces were powerful, and Great Zhou was in danger.

Gangs like the Bloody Clothes Gang are very likely to leave a way out for themselves.

It makes perfect sense to take the risk.

If Zhennanguan is captured, not only will they be able to protect themselves, but they will also get credit for their internal response.

In the future, Chu State will naturally not treat them badly.

They can still dominate.

Of course, it is also possible that Tang Chuowan deliberately framed this matter in order to deal with the Bloody Gang.

But that's unlikely.

Let's not talk about whether this little girl has such scheming and means, but this map is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

And it's not necessary.

If things go wrong, Tang Chuowan will not be able to end up in the future.

"I did not see it."

Tang Chuowan shook her head, "Maybe it's always on him?"

"Didn't you follow him all the time?"

Lu Fan's heart moved, and he asked, "Tell me, where did he go? How long did he stay? Who did he meet?"

"Okay, I'll tell you from the beginning."

Tang Chuowan lowered her head and thought for a while, then said: "He first went to the Lihuayuan to listen to the opera, then went to the Zuifeng Tower to drink, and finally went to the Liuxiang Pavilion, and stayed there until late at night before coming out. As for the fact that he has seen people Who, I didn't dare to follow too closely, I really don't know."

"Liuxiang Pavilion?"

Lu Fan remembered, isn't that a Goulan?

The headliner there was Liu Dai, who was Xu Zhao's sweetheart.

What a coincidence.

Lihuayuan, Zuifeng Tower, and Liuxiang Pavilion, these three places need to be checked carefully.

Among them, Liuxiang Pavilion is the most suspected, because that person stayed in Liuxiang Pavilion for the longest time, and it was the last place to go.

If Lu Fan's speculation is true, Liuxiang Pavilion is likely to be an intelligence point of Chu State.

Everyone in Liuxiang Pavilion is suspected of being a spies of Chu State.

Of course it also includes Liu Dai.

This matter is quite complicated, and it may even involve Xu Zhao.

"What you told me today is very important."

Lu Fan instructed: "You must not tell anyone."

"of course not."

Tang Chuowan was very happy, "This map is really useful to you, so my work is not in vain."

"I will write down the credit for you."

Lu Fan smiled and said, "After this matter is settled, your benefits will be indispensable."


Tang Chuowan quickly waved her hand, "I don't want your benefits, I just want to help you. After all, you have helped me so much and given me the opportunity to practice. I am very grateful to you."

"Two different things."

Lu Fan interrupted the other party and said: "You are not only helping me, but also helping the Zhennan Army, so the benefits will naturally be given to you by the Zhennan Army. You can just keep it at ease, and there is no need to refuse."

"it is good."

Tang Chuowan nodded happily, and then said seriously: "It's a pity that I'm not a man, otherwise I would join the army and fight with you on the battlefield, killing the enemy and making meritorious deeds!"

"What about the daughter?"

Lu Fan smiled, "If you really want to, you can work for the court."


Tang Chuowan was overjoyed, her face flushed red because she was too excited, "I really can?"

"of course."

Lu Fan nodded slightly, "Now is the time for employing people, and your skills are good. The most important thing is that no one knows that you have practiced, let alone think that you will work for me. Therefore, no one will doubt your turn."

"What do you want me to do for you?"

The excitement on Tang Chuowan's face has not faded, "Whether I can do it or not, I will do my best."

"Let's start with the eyeliner."

Lu Fan said: "You are still in the bun shop, help me find out the news, if you encounter suspicious people or things, tell Su Mu, I will let Su Mu contact you."

"it is good."

Tang Chuowan happily agreed.

"As for your remuneration, you must be indispensable."

Lu Fan thought for a while and said, "Every time you provide useful information, there will be extra rewards."


Tang Chuowan did not refuse this time.

"Okay, let's go."

Lu Fan instructed: "You can't tell anyone about this, including your father."

"I know."

Tang Chuowan was very clear about her identity, the less people knew about her identity, the better.

Although her father can't talk nonsense, he may reveal something unintentionally.

After all, she was working for Lu Fan, and her status was very different from now on. If her father knew about it, he would definitely feel proud.

That pride and self-satisfaction will be revealed involuntarily, which will inevitably arouse the suspicion of interested people.

Therefore, she could only wait for a later date before telling her father the good news.

Presumably at that time, father must be very happy, right?

Even be proud of her.

After all, she is actually changing her own destiny.

And she did!

In the future, as long as she works with Lu Fan, she will have a safe future.

She was convinced of this.

"Su Mu."

Knowing that Su Mu was waiting outside, Lu Fan yelled.


Su Mu trotted in.

"From today onwards, Tang Chuowan is our eyeliner."

Lu Fan instructed: "Only you and I know about this matter, don't reveal it to anyone."


Su Mu said yes loudly.

"In the future, you will be responsible for contacting Tang Chuowan and passing on the news."

Lu Fan said: "You send Tang Chuowan out of the barracks, and you two can communicate on the way. How to meet and how to pass on the news, you can discuss it."

"it is good."

Su Mu and Tang Chuowan resigned together.

Lu Fan suddenly remembered something again, and shouted behind Su Mu: "By the way, bring me Qin Yu again."


Su Mu agreed, and left side by side with Tang Chuowan.

Not long after, Qin Yu knocked on the door and came in, "My lord, you are looking for me."

Lu Fan stretched out his hand to signal, "Sit down, I have something to tell you."

"Thank you sir."

Qin Yu sat down opposite Lu Fan.

Lu Fan pondered for a while, and asked, "Do you still remember those three people who were killed by the bloody gang a few months ago?"


Qin Yu nodded, "I remember that it was a few young people who died."


Lu Fan corrected: "One of them is the deacon of the Bloody Clothes Gang."

"It turned out to be a big boss?"

Qin Yu was stunned: "But the news was released by the Bloody Clothes Gang, why did they hide this person's identity?"

"It means that the Bloody Clothes Gang has ghosts in their hearts."

Lu Fan frowned slightly, "Go and help me find out this matter, first confirm the identity of this person, and then find out where he went and who he met before he died?"

"Also, don't alarm anyone about this matter, and don't let anyone know."

After a short pause, Lu Fan went on to say: "As long as anyone who came into contact with him that day, we must focus on monitoring and thoroughly investigate to the end, no matter who it is."


Qin Yu replied loudly: "My lord, please rest assured, just leave this matter to me."

"By the way, how is Xu Zhao doing recently?"

Lu Fan asked, "Has there been any progress in the relationship between him and Liu Dai?"

"Xu Zhao is still the same, but..."

Qin Yu suddenly changed the subject and said, "That Miss Liu Dai seems to have left. I heard that she left Liuxiang Pavilion a few months ago."


Lu Fan's heart sank, and he asked in a daze, "Where did she go?"

"It is said that she has saved enough money, redeemed herself, and found a place to live in seclusion."

Qin Yu thought for a while and said, "As for where she went, no one really knows."

"Okay, I see."

Lu Fan nodded slightly, "Go ahead and call Song Yu over by the way."


Qin Yu got up and left.

Lu Fan fell into deep thought, the more he thought about it, the more suspicious Liu Dai became.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?

Why did you choose to leave Zhennan Pass at this time?
Are you afraid that things will be revealed?

Coupled with Liu Dai's top brand status, it is really suitable for eyeliner.

It seems that this person is the most suspicious.

Just as Lu Fan was thinking, Song Yu knocked on the door and came in, "My lord, you are looking for me."

"Come on, sit down and talk."

"it is good."

After Song Yu sat down, Lu Fan said: "You keep an eye on the Bloody Gang, especially their sub-head, to see if he has acted suspiciously lately? If so, tell me as soon as possible."

"Yes, my lord."

Song Yu agreed, and said, "The Bloody Clothes Gang was very rampant some time ago, and they have already aroused public resentment, but they have restrained themselves a lot recently, maybe they have been beaten by some big people?"

"Ok, I know."

Lu Fan understood that Song Yu wanted to remind him that the Bloody Gang has a backer, and the backer is not small.

"You just need to know about it yourself. Don't tell anyone. Remember to be careful and don't startle the snake. Well, you go."


Song Yu got up and left.

Lu Fan also stood up, put away the map, and walked outside.

He is going to see Zhao Fei.

No matter who is behind the Bloody Clothes Gang, once it is found out that the Bloody Clothes Gang is doing things for Chu State, he will take action without mercy.

Before that, he wanted to say hello to Zhao Fei.

After all, Zhao Fei is the commander of Zhennan Army, out of respect, he still wants to say something.

As for whether Zhao Fei might be the backstage of the Bloody Gang?
Of course it is possible.

But Lu Fan believed that even if Zhao Fei was the backstage of the Bloody Clothes Gang, he was just trying to get some benefits, and he would never be dragged into the water by the Bloody Clothes Gang to do things for the state of Chu.

If that was the case, Zhennan Pass would have been lost long ago.

And it's not necessary.

Zhao Fei's identity and status in the Great Zhou was considered extremely noble, and the Zhao family was even more deeply rooted in the Great Zhou.

There is no need to take the risk of treason to collude with the Chu people.

Unless the Great Zhou is destroyed, the Zhao family has the ability to replace the royal family and take charge of the Great Zhou.

But the Zhao family didn't have that kind of strength.

In the entire Great Zhou, there are several families that are stronger than the Zhao family, such as the Liu family, the Ye family, the Wu family, and so on.

If the Zhao family is in power, these super families will definitely not be convinced.

It is impossible to secure the throne.

Lu Fan thought as he walked, and soon came to the Commander's Mansion.

After the notification, Lu Fan was invited into the living room.

"Master Lu, please sit down."

Zhao Fei greeted Lu Fan with a smile and asked Lu Fan to sit down.

Then he poured a cup of tea himself and handed it to Lu Fan, "Tea, please."

"My lord, you are welcome."

The two exchanged some pleasantries, and Lu Fan winked at Zhao Fei.

Zhao Fei understood and dismissed everyone, leaving only the two of them in the living room.

"Lord, please see."

Lu Fan took out the map and handed it to Zhao Fei.

Zhao Fei unfolded it and looked at it, his face suddenly changed, "Where did this come from?"

"It was found from a leader of the Bloody Gang."

Lu Fan said truthfully.


Zhao Fei frowned, and shouted angrily: "The Bloody Clothes Gang? How courageous!"

Of course he knew what that meant.

"Master Lu, what are you going to do?"

"I've sent someone to investigate."

Lu Fan did not hide his thoughts, "When I get evidence that proves that the Bloody Gang has colluded with the enemy forces, I will take action without mercy."

"Yes, why not take this opportunity to completely eradicate the Bloody Gang!"

Zhao Fei said: "You just have to let go and do it. At this critical moment of life and death, you must not show mercy."


Lu Fan nodded, and tentatively said, "I heard that the bloody gang has the support of our Zhennan army's top brass?"

"I know this."

Zhao Fei admitted it frankly, "You can leave it to me, and I will handle it well. However, I hope you can understand that now that Da Zhou is employing people, we can't fight each other internally, but we must work together externally."


Lu Fan naturally understood that now is not the time to pursue.

If it is really pursued, I am afraid that many people will be involved, and it will involve the high-level members of the Zhennan Army.

It's okay in normal times, but now it's wartime.

If there is too much movement, the entire Zhennan Army will be affected.

Thus affecting the entire battle situation of the Great Zhou.

Too much risk.

"Nothing else, I'm going back."

Lu Fan folded the map, put it in his arms, and got up to say goodbye.

"I send you."

Zhao Fei got up and saw him off, and sent them all the way out of the Commander's Mansion. He patted Lu Fan on the shoulder, "Master Lu, as long as you get the evidence, you can handle it yourself. You don't need to run to me anymore. I believe you can handle it well." .”

"Okay, goodbye."

Lu Fan bid farewell and left.

With Zhao Fei's statement, he no longer has any worries.

Go ahead and do it!

Get rid of the Bloody Gang.

Regardless of whether the Bloodcloth Gang is collaborating with the enemy or not, just based on what they usually do, they deserve to die!
Therefore, Lu Fan has made up his mind. Even if there is no evidence, he will wipe out the Bloody Gang and return the common people to peace.

Moreover, in the future Zhennanguan is not allowed to have any gangs.

Otherwise, he sees one and destroys the other.



ten days later.

On the fifth day of August, at night.

The Dragon Shadow Guards quietly assembled outside the barracks.

Lu Fan and Ye Wuchen stood side by side opposite the crowd, their gazes sweeping across the faces of the Dragon Shadow Guards one by one.

After experiencing the fighting on the battlefield, today's task couldn't be easier for them.

"Tonight's mission is to exterminate the Bloody Gang!"

Lu Fan said: "Only their helmsman is left for questioning. The rest of the gang members are not left!"


Everyone shouted yes.

"set off!"

With Lu Fan's order, all the dragon shadows turned and disappeared into the night.

Neither he nor Ye Wuchen went.

No need.

After two years of experience, the strength of Long Yingwei has long been different from what it used to be, and it is more than enough to deal with a blood-clothed gang.

Even if only one Song Xiucheng is sent, it can be done.

Of course, for the sake of safety, Lu Fan sent all the Dragon Shadow Guards out.

Just for everyone to share some credit.

"Is it really Liu Dai?"

Ye Wuchen put his hands behind his back and looked towards Langui Street.

"It should be her."

Lu Fan nodded, "She was the only person who had contact with Tian Li alone that day, and the two of them spent a long time alone."

Qin Yu has already found out the identity of the leader of the Bloody Clothes Gang. He is the deacon of the Bloody Clothes Gang, named Tian Li.

"Hidden enough."

Ye Wuchen thought of Xu Zhao, and asked, "Does Xu Zhao know about this?"

"I didn't tell him."

Lu Fan said: "Anyway, Liu Dai is gone too, and it is impossible to come to Xu Zhao again in the future. Just treat him as a passer-by in his life. Now that he has matured a lot, he should be able to figure it out."

"Yeah, so he can be hit less."

Ye Wuchen agreed very much, "But no matter what, Liu Dai's appearance gave Xu Zhao the motivation to become stronger, and he did it."


Lu Fan smiled and said, "From this point of view, Liu Dai has indirectly helped Xu Zhao, which is considered a good deed."

"This is fate."

Ye Wuchen was touched, and said: "Just like we met you, it also changed our destiny."

The two did not go back, but stood outside the barracks, chatting.

They were waiting for the action to begin.

After half an hour.

There was a shout of killing in the distance.

The flames soared into the sky, screaming again and again.

The whole border town was shocked.

That night, blood flowed like a river.

The bloody gang was bloodbathed!
Except for the sub-rudder leader Liang Dong who was captured alive, everyone else was wiped out.

When dawn was approaching, the Dragon Shadow Guards returned with a full load.

Countless gold and silver, jewelry, silk and satin, antique calligraphy and paintings, as well as weapons, horses, various grains, fine wines, etc., fully loaded hundreds of carriages.

Qin Yu turned a middle-aged man in front of Lu Fan and said, "My lord, he is Liang Dong, the leader of the Bloody Clothes Gang."

Lu Fan took a few glances, only to see that his face was full of fear and despair.

"My lord, you are wronged!"

Liang Dong recognized Lu Fan and begged, "Please let me go, sir, I haven't done anything."

"Take it down and ask carefully."

Lu Fan waved his hand, "If he is willing to speak up, give him a chance to live. If he doesn't speak up, kill him directly. It's useless to keep it anyway."


Qin Yu took Liang Dong down.

"I don't think this person is so tough."

Ye Wuchen said: "Maybe I can really ask something out of his mouth."


Lu Fan smiled and said, "I just intentionally scared him. If he wanted to live, he would definitely speak up."

"Let's go, we should go back too."

Ye Wuchen was talking, then turned and walked towards the barracks.


Lu Fan followed behind Ye Wuchen, feeling extremely relaxed.

The bloody gang was like a thorn that had been stuck in Lu Fan's heart for a long time, but today it was finally removed, and his heart was extremely happy.

Even the state of mind has become much clearer.



The next day, the news that the Bloody Clothes Gang was wiped out by the Dragon Shadow Guard quickly spread throughout Zhennan Pass.

The people all clapped their hands and applauded.

On the street, in the alleys, in my own yard, in every yamen, and even in the military camp, almost everyone was discussing this matter.

"Have you heard? Last night, the Dragon Shadow Guard personally went out to completely wipe out the Bloody Clothes Gang, leaving no one behind."

"Of course, how could such a big event be hidden from me."

"It's such a joy."

"Too relieved."

"These bastards deserved to die long ago."

"I have done all the bad things and lost my conscience."

"It's better for Master Lu to eradicate the last gang in Zhennanguan."

"Shouldn't the gang dare to come again in the future?"

"I hope so."

Langui Street, sesame seed shop.

Cailian and Xiaoyu have sold out the biscuits and are cleaning up the stall.

"Mother, the Bloody Clothes Gang was wiped out by the Dragon Shadow Guard, will it be easier for us in the future?"

"Silly girl, Mother told you a long time ago that without the Black Tiger Gang, there will still be the Bloody Clothes Gang. Even if the Bloody Clothes Gang is gone this time, there will be other gangs coming."

"I think it's different this time."

Xiaoyu retorted: "The current Dragon Shadow Guard is not the same as before. If Mr. Lu Fan made up his mind to punish these gangs, who would dare to come?"

"You also know that the Dragon Shadow Guard is no better than before?"

Cailian suddenly got a little angry, and glared at her daughter, "If only you had married Su Mu back then? Today's Dragon Shadow Guards are great heroes praised by everyone!"

"You follow Su Mu, who would dare to bully you?"

"Before the members of the Bloody Clothes Gang came, we also mentioned Su Mu's name, so the other party didn't dare to do anything to us."

"After all, many people know the relationship between Su Mu and Lu Fan."

"You are so stupid."

As soon as Cailian thought about it, she felt remorseful, and couldn't help complaining: "If you don't agree to a good marriage, it's okay now, even if you regret it, it's too late."

Xiao Yu bit her lip tightly and said nothing.

Stubbornness was written all over his face.


But if she agreed at that time, she would still regret it now.

What you can't get is the best.

If her heart is not satisfied, no matter what she chooses, it will be wrong.


Xiao Yu let out a long sigh, full of melancholy.

She is unwilling to be an ordinary person, but she can't break free no matter what.

The bun shop at this time.

Tang Chuowan ran into the store with a smile on her face, and shouted loudly: "Father, good news, great news!"

"You little girl, what are you doing yelling?"

Tang Rongxing glared at his daughter, "I've been crazy all day long, and I'm out of shape."

"Father, the Bloody Clothes Gang was wiped out by the Dragon Shadow Guards."

Tang Chuowan smiled and said, "We don't need to be bullied anymore."


Tang Rongxing was stunned, and stood there stupidly, speechless for a long time.

After a long time, he finally came back to his senses and murmured: "God open your eyes, God open your eyes!"

"What God opened his eyes?"

Tang Chuowan pouted dissatisfiedly, "Father, that's Lu Fan doing harm to the people."

"Yes, Lu Fan."

Tang Rongxing's sluggish eyes suddenly brightened, "He is a child of our poor family, and he can best understand how hard our ordinary people's lives are. Only he can really help us people and think about us. Great benefactor."


Tang Chuowan was even happier, and said tentatively, "Father, if one day I can work for Lu Fan, how great would it be?"

"I dare not think about it."

Tang Rongxing raised his head and looked at his daughter, "If you are really lucky enough to serve Master Lu, it will be a great honor for your ancestors."

"Father, just wait."

Tang Chuowan smiled playfully, "Maybe there will be such a day?"

"You child."

Tang Rongxing looked at his daughter with more and more pampering eyes.

He used to often think, how good would it be if Wan'er was a boy?
But now, he suddenly felt that maybe his daughter would be successful in the future?



(End of this chapter)

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