Chapter 239
It's almost time, and my arrangement should be in place.

In addition, it was not early, and I was still waiting to get off work.

Zheng Xiong was about to enter the gambling house, and his hands were ready to rush in.

Before Zheng Xiong gave an order, a voice came from the casino, making Zheng Xiong's movements stagnate.

"Haha, I heard that an adult came to the door. I'm being polite. I don't know which adult is in person. Please come in and talk."

Before seeing anyone, a word of greeting came out, and after finishing speaking, a slender figure walked out from the door.

At first glance, it looks a bit elegant, somewhat similar to Liu Bucheng.

Upon closer inspection, this elegance is quite a bit of showmanship, with a sophisticated look.

The look in his eyes moved, which showed that he was not an easy person to deal with.

The moment he saw Zheng Xiong, Erye Liu's pupils shrank, he was a little surprised and felt troublesome.

The official robe of the third grade is very conspicuous, and with Zheng Xiong's young face, Second Master Liu recognized the person coming.

If it's that kind of old man, Second Master Liu wouldn't be afraid, move to his own boss, exchange a few words, no matter who it is, they will think carefully about the gains and losses.

But Zheng Xiong is different.

Who is the most troublesome person is Zheng Xiong.

Not to mention the issue of wunderkind.

Just the status of a young man who has just stepped into society is a big headache.

Without being severely beaten by the society, this kind of people only know that the sky is blue, what is right and what is wrong.

The simple point is that at the beginning of human beings, nature is good.

Only after severe beatings can one understand that human persistence is meaningless.

There are not only black and white colors in the world.

There is also a gray area.

This kind of zone can be said to be the sophistication of the world, or it can be said to be unspoken rules.

It is closely related to people's interests. If someone breaks it or tries to provoke it, it will cause hostility from everyone and be suppressed by others.

After the severe beating, congratulations, you are either assimilated, or the kind that won't last long.

Those who can walk for a long time are those with long sleeves and good dancers.

There is no right or wrong for this kind of people, only the difference between useful and useless.

A useful person does something wrong, and being wrong is not necessarily wrong.

The final result, collectively referred to as factions.

Do bad guys have to do all kinds of bad things to be discovered?
In fact, it is not the case. It is very likely that it is just the result of the attack between factions.

The derived result is the importance of standing in line.

To give a simple example, take Qi Jiguang as an illustration.

Whether Qi Jiguang is good or not, and whether he is great or not, is not what he decides.

Everyone knows that Qi Jiguang is a famous anti-Japanese general and a national hero.

But he doesn't know that no matter how great his ability is, it's useless. Apart from inheriting the shadow of his parents, he can do nothing.

Since inheriting Mengyin from his father's generation in [-], he has been serving as a commander in Dengzhou Wei.

Until [-], nearly ten years, the years have been wasting.

In [-], Qi Jiguang began to hug Zhang Juzheng's thigh, and after getting Zhang Juzheng's recommendation, he went a step further and was promoted to be the director of all affairs.

Then comes its highlight moment.

Until Zhang Juzheng's death, he was impeached and deposed in just a few years, until he died of illness at home.

Looking at Qi Jiguang's life, we can clearly see the importance of factions.

This is because Zhang Juzheng is an officer, and Qi Jiguang is capable, so his name will last forever.

Most of the others are drifters.

In the entire Ming Dynasty, there was only one famous person like Hai Gangfeng, who could keep himself clean.

If it gets too far away and the camera zooms in, Zheng Xiong will appear to be tricky.

Young and in a high position.

In addition to bringing the attributes of an otaku, apart from a little relationship with the prince, the social circle is very small.

Such a person who doesn't belong to the Huaixi School and the East Zhejiang School can occupy a high position. Apart from his own ability, it also has a lot to do with Lao Zhu's appreciation.

And Zheng Xiong himself is a character who is not afraid of offending people.

The pharmacy says that blacklisting is blacklisting.

You can always ask for accounts, and even made a special drama to ask for accounts. This kind of character is very annoying if you can't get it down.

Now that he appeared in front of him, Erye Liu was also very helpless, not knowing what Zheng Xiong was going to do.

Only take one step at a time.

"The doctor is face to face, sorry for my poor eyesight, but Xia Liuxia, I have met Lord Hou."

Reaching out his hand without hitting the smiling face, seeing Liu Xia's attitude was still respectful, so Zheng Xiong exchanged pleasantries with him.

"Oh, the ceremony will be waived. Are you in charge of this casino?"

At this time, Liu Xia also felt the pressure, mainly because of Zheng Xiong himself, and also because of his identity.

"Back to Lord Hou, my brother is serving as the Minister of the Ministry of War. He often talks about Lord Hou with his subordinates. Every time he talks about him, he praises Lord Hou for being young and promising. Looking at it today, his demeanor is even better."

"I don't know if the Marquis can show you the honor, let me drink a cup of tea and let me show my respect as a landlord."

Zheng Xiong saw that Liu Xia was also a person who talked about him, and inadvertently put up a military servant to explain the backstage. Even if he didn't mention the business, his impression of him was much worse.

I'm not a timid person either, I knew who the backstage of the casino was when I came here, it's useless to order now.

Maybe it was because there were too many onlookers that he wanted to invite Zheng Xiong to enter, but Zheng Xiong is a stable person, he would not enter a dangerous place, so he lost interest at the moment and replied.

"Benhou knows, your brother is the Minister of the Ministry of War, since you can invite me in, then you are in charge of the gambling house, aren't you?"

Liu Xia forced a smile and said sadly.

"Master Hou's eyes are as bright as a torch. This gambling house has something to do with me. At the beginning of its establishment, some money was paid out. If there is a mistake, I will accept the punishment."

Seeing that she couldn't escape, Liu Xia simply admitted as a bachelor, but she left a way out for herself and only admitted to participate.

Seeing this situation, Zheng Xiong didn't bother to push back.

When I first met Niu Honghong, I thought the casino was your home?As a result, it became soft. Although I only admitted part of it, as long as I participated in it, I could take my time with the rest.

Without further talking, Zheng Xiong immediately ordered.

"Left and right, take down the few people in front of you, and wait for the rest, let me rush in."

"All the people I saw along the way will be taken down by this officer, don't let anyone go."

Seeing that Zheng Xiong was serious, Liu Xiagang wanted to resist, but seeing the arrester behind Zheng Xiong was still timid.

The gap in the number of people is too large, and resistance is asking for trouble after all, so I still put out my small thoughts.

Besides, I am not unprepared, this kind of gray industry still has a backup.

So seeing this situation, I just let it go, I can only wait for my elder brother to reach out to fish it.

A group of wolves and tigers were catching fast, waving iron rulers in their hands around, and they came to hit anyone who was dishonest.

Everyone I saw along the way was beaten to the ground.

Soon they arrived at the main house in the courtyard.

The people staying in the house heard the movement outside the door, looked up, and immediately screamed in fright.

Then he came to his senses, and quickly shouted to the gamblers and other people in the room.

"The official messenger is here, run!"

The room was quiet at first, and then suddenly became chaotic.

The one who was afraid of getting into trouble could not take care of other things, and fled from the house in a hurry.

The ones who were not afraid of getting into trouble left a group of those who got into the eyes of money. Seeing the chaos in the scene and those who maintained order were too busy to take care of themselves, they thought carefully, greedily looked at the gambling money on the table, and then quickly put the money they saw into their arms.

Soon, all the gambling funds on the table disappeared, leaving a mess on the ground.

Not satisfied with the snatching, he aimed at the people beside him. Fortunately, a loud shout came from outside the house, which woke up everyone and hurriedly fled in all directions.

"Everyone knelt down with their heads in their hands. Don't take chances. Those who continue to escape will not be held responsible for killing or maiming them."

Those who can keep calm are a minority, a small number of people knelt down and begged for mercy, and the rest continued to flee.

Especially the group of people who robbed the gambling money came out, they were real gamblers, and they all took a fluke attitude.

The front was blocked, so they swarmed towards the north gate.

Not far away, the road was blocked by a group of people oncoming.

"The north gate is blocked, full of officers and soldiers."

There are many talented gamblers. When they heard that the north gate was blocked, they guessed that the other side gates should be in the same situation.

When there are many people, there is great power, so they encourage everyone.

"Quick, run over the wall, the north gate is blocked, and other places must be blocked as well."

Hearing this sentence, everyone seemed to have found their backbone, and they all echoed.

"Yes, we can only climb over the wall, everyone hurry up and find something."

The timid ones are still watching, while the daring ones have already found something and are trying to climb over the wall.

Zheng Xiong waited until all his subordinates had entered, and finally led Liu Xia and his younger brothers into the courtyard with several people.

Everywhere you look is a scene of people fleeing in all directions.

The rest of them climbed over the courtyard wall, and before they had time to rejoice, they were splashed with cold water by those outside the courtyard wall.

I saw that the courtyard wall was also surrounded by officers and soldiers, holding weapons in their hands and looking at the people on the wall.

The iron ruler in the hands of the officers and soldiers was even sent upwards, as if provocative, telling you to come down and try.

The people on the courtyard wall shrank back, and those who didn't come up from the bottom didn't understand the situation and were still pushing up, and they were suddenly caught in a dilemma.

Fortunately, this situation didn't last long. After all the people below were arrested, the situation subsided, and the people on the courtyard wall were also arrested one by one.

The chaos didn't last long, and as everyone was arrested, this sudden gambling operation came to a successful conclusion.

Gamblers kneeling on the ground and people from the gambling house were also gathered.

After the people were arrested, Zheng Xiong continued to give orders.

"Come here, call the brothers outside to gather, and separate two rows of people inside to search."

"Come one by one, be careful, as long as it is money, I will confiscate it."

"A dozen more people will be assigned to the officer to search the house inside and out, and all property will be confiscated. Did you hear that?"

Except for the gambler and Liu Xia, the police officers were in high spirits and promised loudly.

"As ordered."

Zheng Xiong supervised in front of him, two groups of people searched the body, and put all the money found into the basket.

Those who had finished the search were pushed out of the door, and another group of people took over the custody, and everything was orderly.

As the progress progressed, there were fewer and fewer people in the courtyard, leaving a lot of property behind.

Finally, when the last person was searched, the raid was coming to an end.

And the sky also unknowingly darkened.

The police quickly took out torches for lighting, and after counting, the harvest of this trip was also presented in front of Zheng Xiong.

"My lord, nearly a hundred gamblers were arrested in the house. Except for those in charge, the rest are all members of the casino."

"The property found in the body search is nearly a thousand taels. The property in the house plus the property left on the ground is a total of three thousand guan, and the total of four thousand guan money is here. Please look over it, sir."

Zheng Xiong was overjoyed to get four thousand guan in his hands simply, and the money was quicker from robbery.

It's not considered robbery either, since I'm occupying the official name, and it's all proceeds from illegal crimes, so how can it be considered robbery.

"First of all, take the criminals to the prison in the government office, and transfer the confiscated money into the government office for storage. This house will also be sealed by the official."


Watching the crowd leave, Zheng Xiong also stood up slowly.

"Let's go! Go home."

"Master, something is wrong. The second master and his son were arrested by the government, and the gambling house was also closed down."

Hearing this, Liu Qian stood up from the sitting body just after returning home, and asked in surprise.

"What's going on, tell me the truth."

"Yes, according to the news I heard, the reason is that Mr. Liu Bucheng went to collect debts, and he sued the government."

"Because it involves officials, it will be presided over by Governor Zheng Xiong."

"Then because of the gambling problem, Zheng Fu Yin led a team to copy the second master's gambling shop, and everyone was arrested in the government office."

Hearing it was confusing, but he gradually sorted out the general context of the matter, and Liu Qian also knew what happened.

Knowing is better than not knowing, Liu Qian secretly scolded Liu Bucheng for being such a fool.

As for what his second child has done, Liu Qian is clear about what he did, and what he did was rather covert and thoughtful, so it is still possible to separate the relationship.

The next step is to catch people.

I have some headaches in this regard, mainly because I am not familiar with it, and there is no place to put pressure on it.

He was originally a talent who stood on the opposite side of hundreds of officials, but recently he offended a large number of people because of the account.

So wanting to put pressure is out of the question.

In addition, he is not someone on his own line, so it seems useless to ask for affection. The tried and tested routines in the past have lost their effect here, which is really a headache.

"You go to the government office first to have a look. It's getting late today, so you probably won't pass the trial. You go to see the situation. If there is any change, report it to me as soon as possible. Go!"


After ordering the errands, Liu Qian carefully sorted out Zheng Xiong's network.

Zheng Yiyan, as Zheng Xiong's immediate boss, has worked under him for a long time, so he should be able to sell some face to Zheng Xiong.

The next thing Zheng Xiong has to do with is the prince. It is not appropriate to find the prince for his own scandal. Besides, the matter has not reached the point of irreversibility, and he is not in a hurry, so this option is ruled out.

The second is Zheng Xiong's aunt who likes to chew his tongue.

My wife seems to have dealt with him before, so I can try to save the country with curves.

Thinking of doing it, Liu Qian called his wife and asked.

"Ma'am, are you familiar with Zheng Xiong's aunt Jia?"

"I know it, but I'm not very familiar with it. I offended a group of people before. Since Zheng Xiong was re-appointed as Marquis, the Jia family has been shaking again. Recently, he has been jumping up and down. The proper villain has achieved success, which is quite annoying. What's wrong?"

Liu Qian replied in distress.

"Hey, my second brother fell into the hands of Zheng Xiong. Tomorrow, you can bring some gifts and visit Jia Shi, and see if you can get Zheng Xiong to release him through Jia."

(End of this chapter)

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