The days when I fished in Daming

Chapter 405 Hu Weiyong, rush

Zhongshu Sheng, or Zhongshu Sheng headed by Hu Weiyong, recruited people very quickly.

And it is a range attack as soon as it is released.

Neither Zhongshu Sheng nor Liubu were spared.

The result is obviously dominated by Zheng Xiong.

Not many borers were found elsewhere.

Zheng Xiong's Pharmacy, Jiaofang Division and Yingtian Mansion together found quite a lot.

Even the madam and the manager on the sixteenth floor were involved.

In three days, although Zheng Xiong was as steady as an old dog and very cooperative, some people suffered. Dozens of people were taken back for interrogation.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

If it weren't for Zhongshu Sheng's actions this time, Zheng Xiong really wouldn't have known that there were so many moths under his command.

He did it so secretly that he didn't even notice it.

It’s all caused by money. There are still too few cadres who can stand the test in the face of large amounts of money.

Zheng Xiong sighed helplessly, looked at the empty government office, and sighed sincerely.

"Master Hou, Zhongshu Sheng's actions this time involve a wide range of things, with the government office and the [-]th floor as the most important. There was an attack on you in the court today. His Majesty asked you to go to court tomorrow to explain and accept accountability."

It’s good to be accountable, and it doesn’t matter to you anyway.

Looking at Wang Peng, Zheng Xiong said very calmly.

"I understand. Now the government office has few manpower. It makes everyone feel a little tired. Please share more."

"Be prepared and go to court with me tomorrow."

He failed to escape and was directly called out by Zheng Xiong.

You too, you are so tired at court and you have gone there, why can't you give yourself a day off?

Physically and mentally exhausted, Wang Peng replied absently and left.

Zheng Xiong raised his chin and thought quietly.

There's nothing to think about. I'm stuck with the iron coils. As long as I don't hit the board, everything else is acceptable.

It means that Liang Zi has settled down. If he is still in power, he has to think about how to take revenge.

Can't make them feel better.

In the court hall the next day, Zheng Xiong appeared in the morning court for the first time.

Moreover, after being promoted, this position moved further forward, ranking in front of the six ministers, almost in line with Hu Weiyong.

And above, Lao Litou also appeared.

Astonishingly, it was Li Shanchang, the first of the six founding princes.

The key point is that Old Li Tou and Hu Weiyong are related by in-laws, so suddenly going to court today seems a bit unkind.

When Zheng Xiong saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel guilty.

The status of Hu Weiyong and Lao Li Tou is very different.

Hu Weiyong fell, but Lao Li couldn't help but was not implicated.

Coupled with his status as the first of the six founding princes, it can be seen how much Lao Zhu relied on Li Shanchang and how much he recognized him.

The two of them got together and said it was a lie to say that Zheng Xiong was not guilty, and they were a little scared.

I'm really afraid that at this critical moment today, Lao Li will say a few words to influence Lao Zhu's decision, and the problem will be very serious.

"Your Majesty, I have something to report to you, Hu Weiyong."


"Yes, Zhongshu Sheng has conducted self-examination under His Majesty's order. In Nanjing, Zhongshu Sheng, Liubu, Yushitai, Dali Temple, including Yingtian Mansion and Huimin Pharmacy have all done a thorough review."

“So far, a total of 98 illegal cases involving corruption and bribery have been investigated and dealt with, and a total of more than 250 people have been arrested.”

"Among them, Yingtianfu, Jiaofangsi, and Huimin Pharmacy account for a large proportion. There are more than 110 cases in total, and a total of [-] people are involved." "This time we have achieved a lot and have achieved initial results. Please also ask for the handling of relevant personnel. Your Majesty, your Majesty."

What else is there to think about? Lao Zhu smiled contemptuously.

"As long as anyone is found to be corrupt or illegal, we will kill them, their homes will be ransacked, the men will be exiled, and the women will be put into the Jiaofang Department."

Lao Zhu's method is very simple. This time the scope is wide, so Lao Zhu will cut it across the board, no matter how much corruption is involved, cut it all off.

The meaning of shock is obvious.

Zheng Xiong offered a moment of silence to his men, and then straightened his ears and continued to listen.

As for whether the issues of Yingtian Mansion, Pharmacy and Jiaofang Division that Hu Weiyong highlighted were malicious, Lao Zhu simply ignored them and did not bring them up for discussion.

Hu Weiyong could only continue to speak.

"Your Majesty, please tell me how to deal with the crimes of negligence committed by the chief officers of various departments."

Here we are, this girl really has no good intentions.

Lao Zhu thought for a moment, glanced at Zheng Xiong, and said.

"For the crime of negligence, he will remain in office and will be fined another half a year to see the consequences."

This was obviously not enough and did not meet Hu Weiyong's expectations.

I only heard Hu Weiyong continue to say.

"Medical Marquis Zheng Xiong, when he was in charge of the pharmacy, his subordinates Yang Yitian and Wu You were guilty of corruption and illegal acts."

"In charge of the Jiaofang Division, there is still a trend of pocketing money on the [-]th floor. There have been more than [-] cases."

"Including Yingtian Mansion, the same is true. There have been dozens of illegal things."

"I believe that in this matter, Zheng Xiong was young, his subordinates were not strict, and his abilities were limited, which is why so many crimes occurred. Zheng Xiong cannot hold a big position, so he should be dismissed from his post to reduce the harm."

"Also, I inquired and learned that Zheng Xiong's family bought [-] acres of land in Jiangning. Not long after the purchase, Zheng Xiong announced the construction of a straight road from the south of Nanjing to Jiangning, passing through that land."

"I believe that Zheng Xiong is suspected of taking advantage of his official position for his own personal gain and should be severely punished."

"For two crimes committed simultaneously, I believe that Zheng Xiongming should be punished with the death penalty. Please grant your permission."

It's so cruel that he will put himself to death as soon as he opens his mouth. Fortunately, he has an iron roll, so he can hold his own for the time being.

"Zheng Xiong, is what Hu Weiyong said true?"

In fact, Lao Zhu already had the answer and knew everything, so he was now asking questions routinely.

As for the anger, there is not much. If it were ten thousand acres of fertile land, Lao Zhu might have taken action long ago, but it was ten thousand acres of wasteland. It sounded like a lot, but there was very little that could be used.

To cultivate fertile land, you must have water!
There is no river crossing, so irrigation is a troublesome problem in the first place.

Other matters such as finding people to reclaim land and so on are not so easy to solve.

Even if there is a direct connection, it will only increase the value by a few points, but there will not be much value.

Besides, it is a good thing to build bridges and pave roads and create a straight road to Jiangning.

Comparing the two, it is clear at a glance which one is more important.

Coupled with Zheng Xiong's shining points, Lao Zhu asked more because he wanted Zheng Xiong to explain himself.

"Your Majesty, it's true. However, those ten thousand acres of land are more like wasteland than land. They are of little value in the first place. Only if someone can figure it out can it gain some value."

"I know these things well, so I bought them."

"If Prime Minister Hu feels that I have taken advantage, then I can make up the difference and never take advantage, or I can return the money and take back the land. Both are possible. Is that okay?"

To be honest, Zheng Xiong was a little scared, not because of Hu Weiyong, but because of Lao Litou.

I was afraid that he would stab me in the back.

However, Hu Weiyong obviously didn't want to let Zheng Xiong go so easily.

"Zheng Xiong, don't evade the important and take the easy. Is it now a matter of making up the difference? It's a matter of taking advantage of the position to harm the public and private interests. Even if it is made up now, it is too late."

(End of this chapter)

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