Chapter 7

It was another working day, and when everyone in Huimin Pharmacy saw Zheng Xiong, they all looked a little strange, and hesitated to speak.

Zheng Xiongshi ran to the main hall and glanced around. Everyone on the night shift was in good spirits. After all, no one ran around at night, and they even came to the pharmacy to see a doctor and get medicine, which is similar to the emergency room in the real world.

In fact, there are just a few people on duty, but there are enough people and there are few people coming, so there is no need to adjust.

After clearing his throat, Zheng Xiong said.

"Don't leave when the meeting takes over. I have a meeting. When people come, they all come to the backyard."

After finishing speaking, he ignored everyone and went to the backyard to lay the dead body.

After an hour or so, the handover people also came. After the handover was completed, all the people came to the backyard to listen to Mr. Zheng Xiong's speech.

Wu You stepped forward and woke up Zheng Xiong who had fallen asleep again.

Shaking his head, he didn't say much when he saw that everyone was here, so he went straight to the point.

"Yesterday, a batch of wine was brewed in the backyard. You must have heard of it. But this is not for you to drink, but for healing. This wine is very effective in cleaning up and healing trauma."

Before Zheng Xiong finished speaking, another doctor who was on duty outside hurried in and spoke to everyone.

"Master Tiling, a man came outside. A few days ago when he was working, he was hit by a stone on his foot. His bones are fine. It's just that the wound was very traumatic, and he didn't seek medical treatment in time. It has deteriorated in the past two days. The skin has necrosis, pus, and low-grade fever. I can't figure it out. We need to discuss a countermeasure."

After listening to the doctor's narration, everyone looked at Zheng Xiong.After all, you have to go and see to find out.

Zheng Xiong was also a little surprised, he was being treated as the protagonist, and as soon as he got out the alcohol, some trauma patients came to see a doctor, and he was idle.

It's better for someone to be a guinea pig than just talking about it, and greet everyone to go to the main hall.

A man with a pale face was lying on a chair, a big man beside him was looking around anxiously, and a woman was wiping the cold sweat of a sick patient with tears in her eyes.

Seeing someone coming, the woman immediately knelt down and begged.

"My lords, please do me a favor and save my husband. Our whole family depends on my husband. If he is gone, how will we live? I beg my lord."

"Okay, Mr. Tiling is here. It's not appropriate to cry and make a fuss. Life and death are life and death. If you can save us, you will do your best. Don't quarrel. We are all here to see your husband's illness, get out of the way."

Hearing this, the woman hastily moved out of the way and stopped crying, but she couldn't stop the tears from flowing down.

When they came to the front, everyone looked at the patient's thigh, which was more serious than what they said, and it had already begun to rot.

Everyone watching shook their heads. This kind of trauma is already very difficult to treat. You can refer to the ancient army. As long as the trauma can stop bleeding and scabbing, it will be fine.

Except for tetanus, that thing can't be cured now, so we can only get an injection as soon as possible. Normal trauma is difficult to treat once it dies. This is also an important reason why the army casualties are equal.

In fact, ancient times also had experience with this kind of trauma, using wine and some other drugs to clean the window, but the alcohol concentration is not high enough to sterilize, so the effect is not very good.

However, with modern knowledge, as long as this kind of trauma is handled properly, it is not too fatal.

"Which one of you is better at surgery, come forward."

Everyone looked at each other, and soon one person stood up.

"My lord, I have some experience with external injuries."

"Okay, go and scrape off his infected meat with a knife. Until you see fresh meat, go and hold him down with a few people. This process is a bit painful, so don't let him move around."

Pointing to a few people casually, Zheng Xiong continued to give orders.

"Wang Er, go get a pot of boiling water, put a spoonful of salt in it, and put it in cold water to cool it down."

"Zhao San, go and get some alcohol. By the way, do you have any cotton?"

"My lord, we don't have any cotton here."

"Forget it, just bring the alcohol, remember to buy some cotton next time, go quickly."


After giving the order, Zheng Xiong looked up and saw that everyone had already put their hands on the patient, and the doctor who was better at treating trauma also raised his knife, Zheng Xiong hurriedly called to stop.

"Have you sterilized this knife?"

"My lord, what is disinfection?"

"Forget it, you go and get the charcoal basin and roast the knife."

He pointed at another person casually.

When the doctor heard about it, he hurried over with a charcoal basin.

After roasting the knife, the doctor officially began to operate the knife.

After a while, a new situation appeared.There's a little more bleeding.

The man also struggled because of the unbearable pain, but there are so many people and strength, the man's struggle is useless.

Seeing that there was a lot of bleeding, which affected the progress, Zheng Xiong asked someone to bring a cloth strip and tie it up above the wound. After a while, the blood flow slowed down, and the doctor quickly cleaned it up.

Cleaning up the wound is delicate, the main thing is that there are many people watching, and people who come to buy medicine for treatment also join in the fun, attitude is everything.

The alcohol had already arrived, the simple saline solution was cooled and brought over, and the wound was cleaned up.

With the last bit of pus cleared away, Zheng Xiong asked the doctor to rinse with salt water, and after rinsing, he untied the cloth strip.

Then ask the doctor to wipe it slowly with a cloth dipped in alcohol. The alcohol evaporates quickly until the bleeding stops. After this step, the cleaning is basically completed.

Put on some ointment, this step is mainly to create a sterile environment, the ointment is just for the sake of getting better quickly.

The rest is to ask the family members to take good care of him and not to move around to prevent the wound from collapsing.

The tense mind relaxed, seeing the carrion in the small basin, I felt a little nauseated.

"Take this away, find a place to bury it, and don't go home, I have a ward here, I will stay here for two days, please leave someone to take care of it."

After speaking to the family members, he continued to speak to the crowd.

"You guys discuss it later, and come up with a prescription to cure the fever. I have seen how to treat trauma, and I will follow this step next time. Actually, back carbuncle, wound cracking, suppuration, cleaning like this is useful, please remember. Pay more attention to this patient, if there is wound necrosis, continue cleaning, wash it with salt water, and wipe it with alcohol again."

"Yes, my lord."

Everyone doesn't know the principle, they can understand the wound cleaning, there are precedents, others are half-knowledgeable, it's not easy to ask, only two days to see the effect.

Zheng Xiong left, and everyone dispersed.

After watching the excitement, the strange onlookers also left, but the strange treatment method and the fast-evaporating alcohol left a deep impression on everyone, and they talked about it with great interest.

That night, the patient's mental condition improved a lot, and the doctor on duty was amazed when he heard about it.

The next day, the dressing was changed and the wound recovered well. The scabs had already formed, and everyone was amazed.

At this point, there is basically nothing wrong with it, but it needs to be observed for another day.

The woman also wept with joy when she heard that, she thanked everyone, and even went to pay respects to Zheng Xiong.

"No need, adults don't like common things, we will explain to adults."

It's been a while since we got along, and everyone also knows the nature of this lord, that is, he is lazy, and he will never stand when he can lie down.

Unless something happens, it's just a salted fish, they all sigh to themselves.

On the third day, the patient was discharged from the hospital, and the cost of the treatment was calculated at [-] renminbi. The rest is easy to say, but alcohol is not easy to price.

These two hundred coins are not cheap in Nanjing City, and ordinary people can earn ten or twenty coins a day, which is equivalent to half a month's salary.

The woman looked distressed, but the sick man gritted his teeth and cupped his hands.

"My lords, I can't repay you for saving my life. I'll ask my wife to get the money for the treatment."

Seeing her husband speak, the woman immediately went home to get the money.

The man stayed in the main hall, and a curious person recognized him as the one who was seriously infected two days ago.

After chatting for a few words, I was amazed to see that the man's wound had really scabbed over.

When the news came out, Huimin Pharmacy and even Zheng Xiong were praised and admired.

In the next few days, more people came to treat trauma.These doctors operated according to the steps taught by Zheng Xiong, and the cure rate was 100%.

This step is terrifying. Although there is no penicillin, the survival instinct of the ancients is naturally effective after the wound is treated properly.

There are many people who treat diseases, and among them are those who buy wine, especially those who buy wine.

In the beginning, it was only traders who came to ask questions, but later even some officials scolded people to buy wine when they heard the news, which made Zheng Xiong's head as big as a bucket.

(End of this chapter)

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