Chapter 135, Black History
Xia Mi really didn't understand!
What the hell is being a subordinate.

What the hell is it to be an armored warrior.

Why is the development of this plot like a racing car, drifting and turning in a swish.

"what did you just say?"

Jiang Nan still said seriously.

"Become my subordinates, become my armored warriors, let us protect the justice of the world and end the awakened evil."

Xia Mi suddenly felt that compared with the boy in front of him, his schizophrenia seemed much better.

At least she can tell the difference.

"Brother, don't be with these lunatics in the future, they will bring you down."

Xia Mi whispered to Fenrir.

Fenrir hesitated, then said innocently.

"But what brother Jiang Nan said is true!"

Xia Mi suddenly felt dizzy that his good brother seemed to be led astray by others.

"Is it interesting for you guy to deceive mentally handicapped children?"

Xia Mi pouted and said angrily, as if his brother had really been led to ruin by others.

Jiang Nan shook his head helplessly.

"No one believes the truth these days."

From the perspective of outsiders, the communication between the two is normal, just a bit of chuunibiya, but it is a common phenomenon in Japan.

"And what about your response! Jormungandr."

Jiang Nan spread his hands, looking domineering.

Xia Mi rubbed her head helplessly.

"First of all, I don't believe it. Besides, aren't armor warriors all men? There are no women."

"It's okay, I'll change it for you."

Jiang Nan said confidently.

"I don't want to!"

Xia Mi made a grimace.

Like a wayward little girl.

"Jie Jie Jie, little dragon girl, you dare to resist my super villain, let you experience the brainwashing methods of my super villain."

Jiang Nan smiled very evilly.

It's like the demon king cadres who like to hypnotize in the Western Demon King City.

What they like most is watching the righteous brave fall into evil.

Watching the white saint become black and unclean.

Xia Mi couldn't help but took a step back, his eyes were wary as if he was looking at a pervert.

"What do you want to do, don't force me! I'm afraid when I become ruthless."

Xia Mi's cheeks puffed up, pretending to be very fierce, how like a human being!

It is impossible for the Dragon King to make such a move.

"Jie Jie Jie, you are Ye Mengjiad who can't escape from my palm."

After Jiang Nan finished speaking, he took out a piece of paper from nowhere.

Xia Mi thought it was some secret weapon, so he put on a fighting stance.

The blue-black scales under the clothes are raised.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were too many people around, Xia Mi would have transformed a long time ago.

Jiang Nan began to read slowly.

"Yemengard is the king of the earth and the mountain, representing wisdom. She has incomparable wisdom, but sometimes being too smart is not a good thing. Now the dragon king is no longer suitable for survival in this society, so the smart girl began to learn human behavior and disguise herself as a human being."

"She grew up with a very handsome boy. She observed the boy's behavior. The boy was her important human observation object. At the beginning, he only observed him because he had the mark of Odin on his body. But as time passed, the Dragon King discovered that to become a qualified human being, he must have love, so she began to seduce this boy."

Xia Mi's face instantly became ugly.

This tm is black history!
The dark history of a dragon king!

Jiang Nan continued.

"She pretended to be a classmate of the boy. The boy liked to play basketball and was a well-known basketball player in the school. So she became the cheerleader of the basketball team. Every time the boy came on the court, she would dance and cheer in high heels and shout his name affectionately."

"But the boy is a sullen, straight man of steel. Even though the girl is very beautiful, she even shows her intentions, but the boy doesn't realize this at all."

"There is no doubt that this Dragon King failed, but she was not discouraged, so she changed her identity, the head of the dance troupe, she wrote a thesis with the boy, and invited the boy to her home. It was an old house. There was a huge plane tree in front of the house. The boy was sorting out the reference books on the table, and the girl was wearing a tights. Doing yoga behind, somersaults, leg splits, and handstands. The girl tried every means to make the boy look at her more, and it can even be said that she has reached the point of flirting with her head."

Speaking of this, Jiang Nan showed a wicked smile, as if he saw something interesting.

"But the boy didn't even turn his head away, as if a beautiful girl was not as interesting as writing a thesis. The girl danced all afternoon, and she was as beautiful as a swan treading water, but the beautiful swan still didn't attract the boy's attention."

"There is no doubt that the girl has failed again!"

"But the girl didn't give up yet. She searched the Internet and found the three holy places for couples to date, so she took the boy there."

"The first time I went to the aquarium, the boy gave her a lot of knowledge about cuckolds, which made the girl feel like she was in school."

"The second time I went to the cinema, the cinema showed a love movie. When the emotions resonate, people can't help but think of themselves, and then make the relationship warm up. However, what the girl didn't expect was that the boy explained all the plots while watching the movie, just like translating classical Chinese."

"This time the girl did an hour of reading comprehension."

"As for the third time, it was in the future, so I won't mention the process. The result is that the girl directly dismantled the entire roller coaster..."

Xia Mi was a little ashamed at this time.

She never told anyone about this.

The Dragon King chased a human being, but he still couldn't catch him.

Jiang Nan sighed and continued.

"In the process of pursuing a boy, the girl is becoming more and more like a human being. Sometimes she even forgets her identity as the Dragon King. Simply put, she is schizophrenic. In order to chase a boy, she made herself mentally ill."

Xia Mi: "...!"

Fenrir stared blankly at his sister.

"Jie Jie Jie, Ye Mengjiade, you don't want your black history to be known by others! Be obedient and don't resist."

If Lu Mingfei was here, he would definitely complain.

"This Japanese netizen asks you to calm down."

Xia Mi showed a very aggrieved look.

"How could you do that."

"Hee hee, I really like to see the little dragon girl's surrender. If you are not obedient, I will print 60 billion copies of this black history, ranging from a hundred-year-old to a zero-year-old baby. By the way, I will print another [-] copies to ensure that every dragon can see your black history as soon as it wakes up."

How evil Jiang Nan is!

Great evil.

Xia Mi kept backing away, but her right hand retracted into the sleeve had been covered by scales and turned into a dragon's claw.

A dangerous and qualified hunter must know how to use his own advantages.

She wanted to say something heartfelt.

(End of this chapter)

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