Chapter 47, Uncle Snake Comes to Play
Orochimaru watched Danzo run away, shook his head and prepared to run away himself.

The curse mark he left on Danzo's body has been erased by him with Izanaki.

However, Orochimaru has also collected enough experimental data, ready to continue to complete his immortality.

Just as Orochimaru was about to escape into the darkness, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Uncle Snake, why are you running? Come and play! The battle is not over yet! The fun has just begun."

Jiang Nan had discovered Orochimaru a long time ago.

The entire Anbu was shrouded by Jiang Nan's spiritual thoughts, and any disturbance here could not escape Jiang Nan's perception.

Including Orochimaru hiding in the dark.

From the appearance of Orochimaru to the present, Jiang Nan has watched every move he makes.

Including helping Danzo launch Izanaki.

But Jiang Nan didn't stop him.

After all, if you accidentally get excited about playing, what should you do if you lose people?

And the fourth generation also said, just let yourself look at Danzo, don't let him run away.

Orochimaru, the fourth generation did not say.

As long as it doesn't say...

Jiang Nan showed a bright smile.

"Actually, I have wanted to meet you for a long time. After all, I have heard of your name since I was a child. Let me know my name is Jiang Nan, the helper of the fourth generation."

Jiang Nan said very politely, as if it was a chat between friends.

Orochimaru looked at the hand on his shoulder, and then at the owner of the hand.

"You know what? Few people dare to speak to me like that these days."

Orochimaru's long tongue licked his lips.

"Don't say that! Be more enthusiastic, and be cold all day long, like a pervert, how can you make friends!"

Jiang Nan is still very enthusiastic, compared to the coldness of Orochimaru, it seems to be two extremes.

"Friends, first of all, they must have that qualification, otherwise I don't mind killing them."

Jiang Nan pretended to be very surprised and said.

"You are too bad! If I become your friend, will you kill me?"

"who knows!"

For this sudden appearance of people, Orochimaru is very vigilant.

Because from the beginning to the end, I didn't find out how this person appeared behind me.

If it's an enemy, it's terrible.

Colorful snakes are crawling in the darkness.

These are Orochimaru's psychic beasts, and also his ninjutsu.

Jiang Nan patted him on the shoulder indifferently.

"It's okay, it's okay, becoming friends requires getting to know each other, and it needs a process. Although I know everything about you, you don't know me, and you can't even see your own insignificance. Let's watch the show first! After watching the show, we will have an in-depth exchange."

Jiang Nan let go of his hand.

Orochimaru jumped away in an instant, and put on a fighting posture, with a pair of snake eyes that were extremely cold.

"Don't be so cruel! You said to watch a movie!"

Jiang Nan didn't care about Orochimaru's cold eyes, and pointed down.

"Can I say no?"

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, as if he was provoking someone.

"I advise you not to do this. Sometimes it is more uncomfortable to live than to die."

Jiang Nan said with a smile.

A little snake came to Jiang Nan's feet at some point.

It was a giant venomous snake, once bitten, the toxin would instantly spread throughout the body.

Jiang Nan just raised his foot at random and directly trampled to death.

"If you don't watch it, don't watch it. Why would you let the snake bite me! I am a person who usually treats me first and then fights. Since you don't like watching operas, Uncle Snake, I will take you on a trip. This is a travel gift package I prepared for Danzang. Don't worry, you won't die. I will deprive you of death. This is something you have always dreamed of. I hope you can have fun..."

Jiang Nan snapped his fingers lightly and sent Dashewan away.

Pluto is a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt.

Pluto is the first Kuiper belt object discovered, the first pluto-like object, and the largest and second most massive dwarf planet known in the solar system.

Due to the distance from the sun, it is difficult for the temperature of the sun to reach here.

So the temperature of Pluto is very low.

Because Pluto is so far from the sun, temperatures at the equator could drop to -240°C causing nitrogen to freeze into nitrogen ice, just like water would freeze on Earth, according to a paper published by the University of Arizona.

The same effect as Pluto would be observed on Earth with the Antarctic ice cap several times larger.

Without any protection, if you come to Pluto Orochimaru, you will only die, and the kind of death will be miserable.

But Jiang Nan deprived him of his death.

Orochimaru could only endure the severe cold and struggle to survive.

This is what Jiang Nan said.

"Sometimes it's more difficult to be alive than to be dead."

Uncomfortable eternal life, that is torture.

Lu Mingfei could only observe a minute of silence for Orochimaru.

It would be bad luck for him to offend the group leader.

"Group leader, Orochimaru, is he okay!"

Lu Mingfei asked hesitantly.

Jiang Nan waved his hand and said.

"What are you thinking! I am a good person. I know Orochimaru wants to live forever, so I took away his death so that he can never die. I know Orochimaru likes to study science, so I sent him to Pluto to let him experience his own insignificance and the greatness of science under the starry sky. I am such a good person!"

Lu Mingfei: "???"

Jiang Nan continued to speak.

"Do you know how human science progresses? It's because you look up at the starry sky and understand your own insignificance, so you want to explore this starry sky. Curiosity is the driving force for progress. Through continuous exploration, scientists have seen the mysteries of the world. Now that the science of the Naruto world has just sprouted, Orochimaru still can't see the way to go."

"So I helped him come to the starry sky and let him witness this scientific path of exploration, presumably! On Pluto, which is more than minus 200 degrees Celsius, he can calmly think about the path he wants to take."

Lu Mingfei made up his mind that he must not offend the group leader in the future.

Saitama touched his bald head.

"Pluto seems to be quite far away from the earth!"

Lu Mingfei took out his phone.

"I checked and it seems that it is quite far away!"

"32.25 billion kilometers!"

Jiang Nan spoke.

Lu Mingfei: "It's really a bit far away. Dashewan probably won't come back for the rest of his life. It doesn't matter if he doesn't come back. Anyway, he's a pervert."

Jiang Nan waved his hand.

"What are you thinking? Orochimaru is a scientist, we have to respect a scientist, even if he is a pervert and conducts illegal experiments..."

On the battlefield below, trees and vines are intertwined to form a towering tree.

The Fourth Hokage was sealed inside.

In the next instant, a Kunai stuck on the ground.

Wave Wind Minato appears.

He has red eyeshadow on his eyelids, and the pupils of his eyes are the same pupils as toads.

Fairy pattern.

The Fourth Hokage activated the immortal mode, and then broke free from Mu Dun's control.

Uchiha Fugaku looked at the Fourth Hokage who appeared and said in a bad tone.

"Tanzo ran away!"

(End of this chapter)

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