Elves: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 101, The Vicious Overlord

Chapter 101, The Vicious Overlord
【Large Claw】

[Attribute: Water]

【Gender: Male】

【Potential: 56.5%】

【Level: 10.66%】

[Characteristic: Strange Force Clamp/2.22%] [Hidden Feature: Forced/0.53%]


Claw Crab's potential hasn't changed much, and he's also mentally prepared, and his potential doesn't improve every time.

In terms of levels, the giant claw crab has reached level ten.

The proficiency of the characteristic strange force pincers has also increased by [-]%. Recently, the pincers are training pincers, and they also use pincers for attacking. It should be related to this.

The proficiency of the water gun has increased a little bit, and the claw crab is already familiar with the training of two floating balls, it is time to increase it to three floating balls.

The hardening has also been increased by [-]%. When fighting, the giant claw crab often uses hardening moves.

In the end, the giant claw crab also learned a new move, digging holes, a ground-based move with a power of [-].

Seeing this move, Yu Hai couldn't help but feel his heart tighten, and quickly covered his little brother.

It took him a while before he came to his senses that he was safe now.

Seeing digging holes, he had a stress reaction, and he suffered from crab traumatic stress syndrome. He was frightened by the crab, the sixth child who likes to play sneak attacks, for fear that the crab would dig holes and attack him at night.

It can't be blamed that he is too sensitive. He has a psychological shadow on the claw crab's burrowing attack.

Although Claw Crab has learned a new move, he is very happy, but this move is too irritating, and he can't be happy.

I had no choice but to hastily close the proficiency panel of the crab, closed my eyes and went to sleep.

But Yu Hai didn't know that crabs began to gather on the beach at this time, not one or two, nor three or five, but more than ten crabs, and there was a tendency to gather more and more crabs.

In this group of crabs, there is the leader of the crab and another crab that escaped.

It turns out that the gathering of so many crabs was caused by them.

Yu Hai still doesn't know that his worry is not paranoia, but something real and happening.

With so many crabs, maybe they would dig holes into his house at night and steal his ass.


In this way, Yu Haian slept peacefully until midnight, when he suddenly felt the ground shaking.

No, it should be the tree house shaking, more precisely, the wooden door shaking.

"Who? Who's knocking on the door?" After Yu Hai subconsciously asked this sentence, no matter it was the knocker outside the door or Yu Hai who was speaking inside the door, they all fell into silence.

Everyone fell silent, including the awakened mosquito coil tadpoles, big butterflies, and giant claw crabs...

They all stared at the wooden door in silence.

dong dong dong-

Kaka, Kaka——

After the silence, there were more violent knocks on the door, until the bolt of the wooden door broke and fell off, and the wooden door crashed down, raising dust.

Using the moonlight, Yu Hai finally saw clearly who was knocking on their door.

"Big claw crab?" Seeing that it was a big claw crab, Yu Hai immediately hugged the mosquito-repellent tadpole and shouted loudly: "Mosquito-repellent tadpole, the most powerful water gun..."

"Yo yo, poof," the mosquito-repellent tadpole fired a powerful water gun, washing away the claw crab outside the door.

"Mosquito-repellent tadpoles, Ba Dadie, Xiao Xie, leave the tree house and defend outside the door..."

Enclose, enclose, enclose—

Click, click, click——

After the mosquito-repellent tadpoles rushed out, Yu Hai also heard shouts outside the door one after another. The voices were densely packed everywhere. There should be a lot of them, and it was impossible to tell how many claw crabs there were.

Looking out from the gate of the tree house, there are shadows outside the door, and there are big claw crabs everywhere, and there are big claws everywhere, and there are too many big claw crabs.

This is just a crab in one direction, what about other directions?
Thinking of this, Yu Hai quickly took the four elf balls next to the pillow, and put them into his pocket, which contained King Carp and Weak Dingyu.

There are also the lighter, Huazi, and folding knife next to the pillow, all of which he picked up and put in his pocket.

After packing everything, he put on his shoes, otherwise he would not be able to walk.

Finally, I took the fishing rod, crutches, and honey bucket and left the tree house.

When he came outside the tree house, by the bright moonlight, he saw all the crabs outside the door, enclosing the inner three floors, the outer three floors, and the middle three floors of his tree house.

That is to say, it is surrounded by nine floors, and the number of giant claw crabs is even more innumerable, one hundred, two hundred...

He felt that all the crabs on the beach should be here. He didn't expect that the temptation of honey was so great that it could attract so many crabs.

The purpose of these large claw crabs should all be for honey. With a cane in his hand, he opened the honey bucket with the other hand. The floral fragrance from the honey instantly made all the crabs restless.


"Don't you just want honey, the honey is here," Yu Hai grabbed the bucket containing honey, and there was more than a catty of honey in it, and he threw the bucket towards the sea.

The parabola of the bucket firmly locked the eyes of all the crabs, until the bucket fell, all the crabs went crazy and rushed towards the direction where the bucket fell.

Seeing this, Yu Hai took the opportunity to take back the little crab with the elf ball, greeted the mosquito coil tadpole and Ba Dadie, and left this place of right and wrong.

"Mosquito coil tadpoles, Ba Dadie, let's go..."

"Yo yo," said the mosquito-repellent tadpole a little behind Yu Hai, staying behind to prevent the claw crab from making a surprise attack.

"Hey, yip," Ba Dadie was flying in the sky, opening the way ahead, and when he saw a crab that wanted to block the way, he spun silk to entangle the crab, preventing it from approaching Yuhai.

In this way, Yu Hai and the others left the encirclement of the pincer crab, and when they were about to go deep into the jungle, Yu Hai dropped the fishing rod near a bucket of weak dinghies.

This thing is just dead and not tasty, and it was taken away only to prevent the crab from raiding the house and destroying his old buddy.

It's still in the middle of the night, and it's not convenient to take it with you. If it's placed in the woods, there shouldn't be many elves moving.

He covered the bucket of the weak dingyu with weeds, and as long as the claw crab didn't go deep into the jungle, he shouldn't be able to find it.

When he left, he carried all his most precious things with him. Except for the fishing rod, lighter, Huazi, jackknife, four elf balls, and five elves, everything else can be discarded.

Moreover, he couldn't take the big things with him, and he could only take the small things around him because of the urgent time.

They are going to hide in the jungle for a while. It is hard to say how long they will hide, at least until tomorrow morning.

But what they didn't know when they entered the jungle was that they had been targeted by a group of crabs.

Rather than scrambling for honey, the group of crabs tried to gnaw them away with their pincers.

Swish, Swish, Swish—

"Who?" As soon as Yu Hai entered the jungle, there was a rustling sound from the grass behind him. He immediately stopped and turned to watch out for the movement behind him.

Until a large claw crab poked out from the grass and pushed the grass away, revealing the true face of the pursuer.

"Claw crab? Damn," Yu Hai cursed secretly when he saw the crab. He saw the anger on the crab's face. It was the anger that would kill him if he gave up the honey. He also figured out what happened to the gathering of the crab.

It was the two giant claw crabs that escaped, and they came back to avenge the murder of their wives.

"Ba Dadie, blow the wind with the greatest power, blow the crabs flying, blow it a few more times, mosquito coil tadpoles, let's go..."

Under the moonlight, Yu Hai saw more and more giant claw crabs emerging from the grass, without the slightest hesitation, he called the mosquito coil tadpoles and turned to go deeper into the jungle.

At the same time, let Ba Dadie interfere with the pursuit of this group of claw crabs. Ba Dadie has a very sensitive sense of smell, and Ba Dadie will follow their scent to catch up later, so there is no need to worry.

As soon as Yu Hai turned around, he didn't know how long he walked. He didn't stop until his whole body was soaked and his clothes were dried by the cool night breeze.

The reason why they couldn't stop was because there would be the sound of breaking wind behind them from time to time.


That's Ba Dadie using the wind move to make the sound of the wind blowing the leaves.

The group of giant claw crabs were still chasing them, even if they were far away from the coastline, they didn't intend to let them go.

"Hey, yip, huh, huh," Ba Dadie quickly caught up with Yu Hai and the others after releasing Qifeng for the last time, still panting.

This night, it didn't know how many times it let the wind blow, and whenever they stopped to rest, the giant claw crab would always hang behind their buttocks and follow.

It's not that it hasn't thought about using hypnotic powder, paralyzing powder, or poison powder to paralyze the hypnotic claw crab, but all three powders were dissolved by the crab's water gun.

There were a lot of claw crabs that were chased this time, more than a dozen of them, unlike the previous four that were still standing still and accumulating paralysis powder for it.

This time the claw crabs are fighting a guerrilla attack. The claw crabs don't gather in one place, and they will use water guns to clean up the three powders on their companions, which makes their three powders ineffective.

The crab caught in the attack will also stop hunting, leave the jungle, and return to the coast.

These ten or so claw crabs were still downsizing caused by Sanfan. There were more claw crabs chasing before, with more than 20 crabs.

"Let's go, don't stop," Yu Hai couldn't believe that this group of giant claw crabs could chase to the center of the island.

Yu Hai called the two little ones to go on the road again, and they walked to the rising sun. They also left the jungle and came to a prairie. There was a large lake in the center of this prairie, the lake in the island.

There are many elves here, some that Yu Hai has seen, or elves that he has never seen before. They all drink water by the lake. The elves have...

Bobo, Bibi Bird, Bi Diao.

Unicorn beetles, iron shell pupae, and large needle bees.

Iron Rhino, Iron Tyrannosaurus.

Claw crab, giant claw crab.Why are there giant claw crabs everywhere?

Kairos, this kind of elf also has a familiar name, Dajia.

sparrow, toucan.

Green caterpillar, armored pupa.

Walking grass, smelly flowers.

Trumpet buds, mouth flowers.

Little Lada, Lada.

Arbor Snake, it turns out that there are really snakes and mice in the forest.

The largest groups on the island should be the Bi Diao group, the Big Needle Bee group, and the Armored Rhinoceros group.

The slightly inferior groups are the crab group, the sparrow group, the Kairos group, and the small Lada group.

The rest are either going it alone, Arbor Snake...

Or it is too weak, walking grass, trumpet buds, green caterpillars...

Walking grass and trumpet sprouts, as well as little Lada, only a second-stage evolutionary elf guards the group.

The reason why he could tell at a glance that the armored rhinoceros group was huge was because there were more than a dozen armored rhinos drinking water and sleeping by the lake, and there was also an armored tyrannosaurus sleeping.

There are still many armored rhinos coming to the lake to drink water, and many armored rhinos return to the group's mine after drinking water.

The mine of the armored rhino is next to the nest of the bibi bird. In the direction of the armored rhino, there are many towering stone pillars, and the bibi bird landed on it.

There should be a nest of the Bibi bird, and the bare rocky mountain below the nest should have been eaten by an armored rhino.

On this uninhabited desert island, elves like Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, like Bi Diao, are almost overlords.

There is no elf group on the island that can challenge the status of the two. The earthquake noise he heard before should have been made by the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus.

Bi Diao dominates the sky, Ironclad Tyrannosaurus dominates the land, and Big Needle Bee is the overlord of the jungle.

The three almost occupied the entire island, as well as the crabs in the sea and the lake.

If the crabs are united, they will be the fourth overlord of the island, dominating the coast.

But the claw crabs are elves who act in small groups, they are not united at all, and there is serious internal fighting, so they cannot unite.

After coming here, Yu Hai and the others were very careful, for fear of disturbing the overlord here. Once they attracted the attention of powerful elves, they would not be able to escape. After all, there are too many powerful elves here.

In order to prevent the overlord elves from seeing them and chasing and killing strange invaders like them, they didn't even set foot on the grass, and kept hiding at the edge of the jungle.

They can think so, but the claw crabs who are chasing them don't think so. The leader of the crab crabs who came here feels like a fairyland in a dream, and the fresh air relaxes their tired bodies.

There is water, food, grass, green space, sunshine, everything.

The thirsty crabs rushed to the big lake in the center of the grassland, ignoring Yu Hai who was resting at the edge of the jungle, they were dying of thirst.

Drink enough water and eat your stomach first, and it will not be too late to hunt down Yu Hai.

But the claw crabs only rushed halfway, and the whole crab shook, and was instantly shaken from the grass.

It was the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus who was sleeping, woken up by this group of rash crabs who were in a hurry to find water.

The Ironclad Tyrannosaurus who was woken up was very unhappy and got up very angry. Naturally, he wanted to take the group of crabs that woke it up.


The armored tyrannosaurus roared, and the leader of the claw crab and more than a dozen crabs immediately froze.

thump, thump, thump—

The next thing was simple. The Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus raised its terrifying huge foot, and there were two sharp toes exuding metallic luster at the front of the foot, and stepped on the stiff claw crab on the grass.

The Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus also stomped back and forth several times, squashing all the dozen crabs flat, and all the claw crabs were sunken in the grass, and the Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus did not stop.


Ironclad Tyrannosaurus sat down on the grass, and the ground trembled. Only then did Ironclad Tyrannosaurus grab the trampled crabs on the grass with its metal-hard claws, and threw them into its mouth to chew one by one.

The giant claw crab was used as a breakfast snack by the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus, chewed it up and swallowed it.

It didn't take long for the Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus to eat more than a dozen large claw crabs...

(End of this chapter)

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