Elves: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 113, Evolution Tomorrow

Chapter 113, Evolution Tomorrow

Desert Island Survival No.30 One day, sunny.

The day's plan lies in the morning, and it's another day to make honey.

Today, the claw crab and the long-winged gull are still guarding the house, and Yu Hai takes the mosquito coil tadpole and Ba Dadie to steal honey. They are all experienced and repeat offenders.

When they came to the edge of the Big Needle Bee's territory, and they didn't hear the roar of the beast, and the Big Needle Bee was at home, then things would be easy to handle.

Ba Dadie opened the way ahead, and after Ba Dadie hypnotized all the bees, Yu Hai took the mosquito coil tadpoles to steal honey.

It was still the familiar formula and the original taste. Yu Hai asked the mosquito coil tadpoles to cut honey on the tree, and Ba Dadie brought them down. The division of labor between the two little ones was already very skilled.

After stealing the honey, they returned to the tree house and woke up the big needle bee again.

This group of bees didn't make any progress at all, and they were allowed to succeed every time. If this continued, they would lose their vigilance, and they might overturn in the future.

As the saying goes, if you often walk by the river, how can you not get your shoes wet...

"Everyone come over to eat honey," Yu Hai returned to the tree house, released the silly thing and the orb silk spider, and began to share the honey.

After all, honey is so easy to get, so everyone has a share, and every elf has honey to eat.

As for the overturned car, never mind, wait until the car overturns.

"Yito, yito..."


Among them, the happiest ones are the silly thing and the orb silk spider, as well as the weak dingle, and the mosquito coil tadpoles can often eat honey, and they have already eaten it for breakfast.

After distributing the honey to the seven elves, Yu Hai also made himself a cup of honey water and hid the bee bucket in the tree house. The honey in the bucket was enough for one dessert.

Drinking the honey water, Yu Hai listened to the sound of the water flowing in the pool. Since they had this stream, they no longer lacked fresh water, and they could take a shower as luxuriously as possible.

Although the stream is not big enough, it has a four-meter-wide and two-meter-deep reservoir, and the stored fresh water is enough.

In this damn weather, the scorching sun lasted for several days. Before the lack of water, he simply wiped his body, but now he can relax and take a shower.

After the elves finished their breakfast, morning exercises began again.

The morning exercise of mosquito coil tadpoles is still running around the tree house.

Ba Dadie returned to mind training.

Long-winged gulls are back to water gun training.

The giant claw crab gave up the high-speed movement and continued to lift the claws for exercise. Now the claw crab has been able to persist for half an hour.

If you can persist for an hour, you can start the next step of training, lift your pliers and run around the tree house, just like mosquito coil tadpoles.

However, the training intensity is much higher than that of mosquito coil tadpoles, which is why he let the claw crab practice lifting its pincers first.

The rest of the idiots were doing nothing, spitting bubbles in the bucket, and the orb silk spiders didn't have a training plan, so they just lay on the tree and guarded the surroundings, helping the four elves in training to observe the environment.

Always pay attention to the direction of the beach. If there are crabs coming to eat honey, sneak attack the crabs, tie up the crabs, and hang the crabs up.

After eating the honey, Yu Hai opened the honey that lured the crabs again. It was honey in a small plastic bottle, which would be covered by a big plastic bottle at night.

As for hunting crabs, he let the orb silk spiders do their best, and it counted as many crabs as they could catch. He also started his morning exercise, jogging.

Running is a kind of aerobic exercise for the whole body. If you are just exercising your body, there is no need to fix those fancy things. If you want to build muscles, you can consider going to iron.

After two hours of morning exercise, Yu Hai went to the lower reaches of the pool to take a shower and began to prepare lunch for the elves.

Lunch was crabs caught by orb silk spiders with a silk net. There were six crabs, and he cooked them all, and some fish.

Lunch was ready quickly, and the elves gathered around to start eating lunch.

While eating lunch, Yu Hai opened the Long-winged Gull's proficiency panel, and this guy's proficiency panel hadn't been looked at for three days.

【Long-winged Gull】

[Attribute: Water + Flying]

【Gender: Female】

【Potential: 57%】

【Level: 20.37%】

[Characteristic: Wet Body/6.39%]


The level of the long-winged gull has reached level [-], and there are still five levels left to evolve.

After the long-winged gulls evolve into large-billed gulls, they will be able to leave the deserted island, and it will only take four or five days.

For some reason, when it came to leaving the desert island, he was not at all excited or excited, and even a little scared.

He knows that this situation is called social terror.

In fact, it is not a social fear, but interpersonal communication is too troublesome, and maintaining interpersonal relationships is too tiring. Over time, I fell in love with fishing and living alone.

Now that he has to return to human society, when he thinks about the complicated interpersonal relationship, it takes time and energy to maintain it, and his head hurts.

But it is impossible not to return to human society. The natural resources of uninhabited deserted islands are very rich.

However, despite the abundance of natural resources, many daily necessities are lacking, and human society is needed to obtain certain things.

For example, if he has wound medicine, the foot injury will not heal in more than ten days. If he has hemostatic spray, he can stop the bleeding at that time and recover within a week.

Therefore, he had to return to human society. Even if there was social fear, even if it was not for himself or for the better development of elves, he could only bite the bullet and enter human society again.

He doesn't worry about the language problem either, it's just a small problem, what if he travels through the world of elves in the Mandarin version!
And he also has a proficiency panel, even if it is the language of the small day, at worst, he can pick up the language of the small day that he took in school and review it.

He still remembered some simple everyday expressions.

The proficiency panel behind the long-winged gull has no change in characteristics. The wet body can remove the abnormal state, and it will become rain after evolution, so there is no need for training at all.

For the remaining moves, only the proficiency of the water gun increased by [-]%, and the proficiency of the electric flash increased by [-]%.

The last trick is to move at high speed, which the long-winged gull has learned.

Long-winged gulls can learn to move at high speeds so quickly, thanks to flight and the flash of lightning.

Flash of Lightning is a preemptive move, and it has a speed bonus at the start. Long-winged Gull has the foundation in this aspect, so it is easy to learn to move at high speed.

The chicken soup he feeds the claw crabs is not all chicken soup, it still has chicken leg meat.

This is indeed the strength of the long-winged gull and the weakness of the pincer crab. There is no comparison between the two.

After seeing the proficiency panel of the long-winged gull, Yu Hai opened the proficiency panel of Ba Dadie again. Ba Dadie also hadn't read it for three days, and he didn't know if Ba Dadie was lazy.

【Bada Butterfly】

[Attribute: Bug + Flying]

【Gender: Female】

【Potential: 69.96%】

【Level: 20.96%】

[Characteristic: Compound Eyes/8.21%] [Hidden Feature: Colored Glasses/0.21%]


Ba Dadie's level has also reached level [-], which is not bad.

The compound eye feature has increased proficiency by [-]%, and the frequency of use has increased again.

The proficiency of mind power moves has increased by [-]%, and the increase has not stopped.

Silk spinning has also increased by [-]%, which is increased in conjunction with the use of the power grid.

Both the hypnotic powder and the paralyzing powder have reached [-]%. Recently, there has been a lot of hypnotizing needle bees. It is the first achievement to be able to steal the honey Butterfly.

The final power grid has a proficiency of [-]%. For this move, Ba Dadie has suffered a lot.

Yesterday, I was smoked more than ten times by electricity, and my mouth was numb, so I learned the power grid move.

It can also be used in conjunction with silk spinning, grid plus silk spinning, which not only has the toughness and stickiness of spinning silk, but also blocks the opponent's actions, slows down the opponent's speed, and has the paralyzing effect of electric attribute attacks.

This move is very good for electric fish, if you have a chance another day, you can try it.

The electricity and the net are integrated. When the fish is caught in the net, the fish is stunned to prevent struggling, and then the net can be collected, which is perfect.

Satisfied, Yu Hai turned off Ba Dadie's proficiency panel, and the elves had finished their lunch, and it was time for lunch break.

During this lunch break, he took out the Huazi that he had treasured for a long time. He remembered that the last time he drew Huazi was half a month ago.

After another half a month, he lit another Huazi in the shade of the tree after lunch, and there were three more Huazi in the box.

There was nothing worth celebrating today, but he still ordered a Huazi, because he was about to leave the deserted island, so he took it out to relive the taste of his previous life.

After all, Huazi is still lying around. After arriving in human society, there will be a lot of cigarettes, and they can be bought at any time.

But in the past month, he has been busy surviving. An old smoker almost quit smoking, and cigarettes are no longer necessary.

After smoking a cigarette, he slept for a while, and when he woke up, he took his old buddy to fish. He couldn't believe it, and he was still in the air force today.

The afternoon training of the elves is still the same, and everyone has a very self-disciplined training habit. He doesn't need to worry about it, and he doesn't need his supervision. Even Ba Dadie knows how to add water to the bowl to increase the difficulty of thinking.

Mosquito-repellent tadpoles, claw crabs, and long-winged gulls are all training water guns at the beach.

The mosquito coil tadpoles are still four floating balls, familiar with the state of moisture perception.

Claw crabs and long-winged gulls are both training to consolidate three floating balls, but long-winged gulls are trying to train with four floating balls.

It doesn't matter if you don't mention the stupid things, the two stupid fish are the most useless ones. Even the Orb Silk Spider, who just joined, is more useful than the stupid fish.

In terms of hunting, the Orb Silk Spider is a real expert, and he gave the Orb Silk Spider the task of dinner.

Anyway, the honey that lures the crabs has always been placed under the tree, and there are all traps under the tree, and the crabs that cannot withstand the temptation will come when they should come.

Just like the temptation of Gayaozi in the previous life, you can't make money in the land of the world's second largest economy. Why can a small place that is not even the third in the world offer high salaries.

Anyway, he would rather lie flat and fish than believe it. In the end, the facts proved that it was all a routine, and only a few of them could come back alive.

But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that he is in the air force again...

Why is there no fish? Even if a fish bites the hook, it will quietly remove the snail meat and leave an empty hook for him.

Strange, could it be that the fish on this beach have become smarter and know that the bait is a trap.

If there was such a smart fish in the previous life, he wouldn't believe it.

But this is the world of elves, and anything can happen. He couldn't help but believe it, even the fish could recite the nine-nine multiplication table.

In the end, Yu Hai had no choice but to close the pole and go back to make dinner.

The ingredients for dinner are crabs caught by the orb silk spider in the afternoon, and there are only five of them.

After he covered the honey, he took away five crabs. Today's crabs have also learned to be smart, and almost no crabs in the future were fooled. These five crabs were caught after lunch.

Dinner was ready quickly, and he also called back the three elves who were training at the beach, "Mosquito coil tadpoles, long-winged gulls, and large claw crabs, dinner is ready..."

When the elves started to eat dinner, he also started to eat dinner, and opened the proficiency panel of the mosquito coil tadpoles, watching while eating.

【Mosquito coil tadpole】

[Attribute: Water]

【Gender: Male】

【Potential: 34.31%】

【Level: 23.94%】

[Characteristic: Moisture/7.13%] [Hidden Feature: Freedom/3.13%]


He hasn't looked at the proficiency panel of the mosquito-repellent tadpoles for two days, and the potential of the mosquito-repellent tadpoles has increased by 0.1, just like a turtle crawling.

In terms of level... Good guy, he is just a good guy, if you don’t know it, you will be shocked.

The little tadpole's level is almost level 24, that is to say, if nothing happens, the little tadpole will be able to evolve tomorrow.

"Tomorrow? Tomorrow!" Yu Hai thought of the gem of water, and he must prepare it tomorrow, as well as highly nutritious food, honey.

Tomorrow, I will steal a little more honey to prepare for the evolution of the tadpole. Whether the gem of water can increase the potential will be known tomorrow.

It is impossible for him not to let the mosquito-repellent incense tadpoles evolve because he is afraid of failure. He can only prepare for failure, and he must accept failure. He has experience in this kind of thing.

The more you look forward to, the more you will be disappointed. Adults have to learn to let go... What the hell!

The fisherman who lay flat had already given up his expectation of life.

Now I am whetted by the evolution of mosquito-repellent tadpoles, what a pain!
He really wanted to see the evolution of the mosquito-repellent tadpole as soon as possible, because Te Temeow was tormenting people, and he couldn't wait for a moment.

But the proficiency panel can't add points, if he can add points, he must frantically press the plus sign of the level.

In the end, I can only think about it, wash up and go to bed earlier, it may be faster, after all, the time to sleep passes quickly.

The proficiency panel of mosquito coil tadpoles continues to look down...

The humidity has risen by two percent.

The eye of the heart is also [-]%.

There are also water play moves at [-]%.

A new look rose one percent.

Serial slaps rose by one percent.

The water gun went up one percent.

The proficiency panel of mosquito coil tadpoles changes, that's all. When training moisture perception, the eyes of the heart, playing with water, and water guns are all trained together.

A new look is to restore the injury of the tail and the burn of the mouth, which is why he wants to relieve the elf from the heat.

The chain of slaps is caused by pumping crabs, and the injury is also the reason.

Finally, after the elves had their dinner, he moved out the honey bucket, distributed the honey to the elves, and cleaned the bucket.

After the elves finished eating the honey, they used the elf balls to take back the silly things and the orb silk spiders, and went back to sleep.

Go to bed early and get up early, continue to steal honey tomorrow, and prepare for the evolution of mosquito coil tadpoles...

(End of this chapter)

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