Elves: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 119, Strangers Landing on the Island

Chapter 119, Strangers Landing on the Island
Desert Island Survival No.30 Four days, sunny.

After a night of heavy rain, the sky cleared up, that is to say, it was sunny again.

This morning as usual, Yu Hai first took Mosquito Frog and Ba Dadie to steal honey, this time he took two buckets, a large bucket and a small bucket.

Because they have another big foodie, although he has not yet decided whether to subdue the armored rhino, but it is still possible to gain favorability.

Whether the armored rhinoceros will be subdued in the end depends on whether the armored rhinoceros group finds out that this armored rhinoceros is lost.

According to the brain circuits of the armored rhino group with well-developed limbs, it only takes a week if the armored rhino is not found, and they can leave the desert island with the armored rhino.

In other words, it only needs to persist for a week, and the fate of this armored rhino is very clear.

I hope that Ironclad Tyrannosaurus has no brains, and Ironclad Tyrannosaurus is still careless. Even if the cub is lost, it can still be carefree enough to sleep late and bask in the sun by the lake.

As the two buckets were half filled with honey, Yu Hai greeted Mosquito Frog and Ba Dadie to go back. He carried the big bucket, and Mosquito Frog carried the small bucket.

There is no armored rhino, they can bring a bucket, but this time the foodie is a heavyweight.

If the mosquito-repellent frogs are snacks, then the armored rhinoceros is a big eater, a big eater he can't afford.

Hey, what a headache...

On the way back to the tree house, Yu Hai was worried about how to solve the food problem of the armored rhino if he took in the armored rhino.

After thinking about it, I thought that the armored rhino seems to eat rocks, so it's okay.

But what is the difference between the iron-clad rhinos bred in this way and the other iron-clad rhinos that grew up eating rocks on the island.

Although this armored rhinoceros is very talented, it is not difficult to just break through the king of heaven.

But what he wants is not just the king, but the champion.

Even if you can't reach the full level, you must at least be level 99!

I hope that the human beings in the elf world have already researched the energy cube. When the time comes, he doesn't need to worry about the elves' food, but how to make money.

For the cubs, just drink Moomoo's milk. He is not worried about this thing. Moomoo's milk should be very common, but I don't know if the energy cube has been researched.

Yu Hai, who returned to the tree house, released all the elves. After distributing the honey to the elves, he took the stew pot and came to the pool to boil a pot of water and make a glass of honey water to drink.


But when Yu Hai came to the pool, he saw something. The saucepan in his hand slipped and fell to the ground suddenly.

The elves thought that something happened to Yu Hai, and ran over to protect Yu Hai, but Yu Hai just stared blankly at the pool, and the elves also looked at the pool curiously.

There is a garbage bag in the pool, the same garbage bag as on the beach, a transparent and colorless garbage bag.

After the elves arrived, Yu Hai reached out to pick up the garbage bag in the pool, which was a food packaging bag.

There are a lot of this thing on the beach, but this is the first time I have seen it in the pool.

Given last night's storm, it's likely that the storm blew into the pool.

But he looked carefully at the brand new food packaging bag in his hand, and there was no trace of wind and rain, and there were still some bread crumbs on the food packaging bag.

Seeing these bread crumbs, Yu Hai's pupils shrank imperceptibly, his expression was solemn, his brows were furrowed, as if they were in trouble.

How could such an uninhabited deserted island have an extra fresh food packaging bag out of nowhere?

The appearance of this food packaging bag undoubtedly indicates that strangers have landed on this uninhabited deserted island.

For this stranger who suddenly appeared, Yu Hai thought that the harm outweighed the benefit, and he didn't think it was a good thing.

Because this stranger, there are only two kinds of people...

The first one is the elf hunter.

The second type is the elf ranger.

No matter who they are, they are the ones who take the initiative to land on the island. There are no routes near this deserted island, not even fishing boats. He doesn't believe that anyone will go to the island to seek death out of boredom.

If it is an elf hunter, it is undoubtedly the worst situation. This kind of person is not a good person, and the lives contaminated by his hands cannot be counted with ten fingers.

Since the other party dared to go to the island, he must have come for the biggest value in the island, the Bidiao and Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus.

On this uninhabited deserted island, only the overlords of these two kinds of elves, or the cubs of the overlords, are worthy of being an elf hunter, traveling thousands of miles away.

Claw crabs are very common, and it is not surprising that there are basically coastlines with beaches.

The large needle bee is even more common, as long as there are woods, there will be a large needle bee.

Bi Diao and Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus are different, one can fly and is handsome, with beautiful red head feathers.

If a tall and mighty man can become his own elf, he will feel full of security.

He said before that the claw crab and the big needle bee are the overlord of the coast and the overlord of the jungle, which is a bit flattering.

So far, he hasn't encountered a king-level giant claw crab, or a king-level giant needle bee. If there is a king-level overlord, the big needle bee will not let them steal honey for so long.

Obviously, neither of these two ethnic groups has a king-level overlord leader.

Then the purpose of the elf hunter is obvious, it must be for the cubs of the king-level bidiao or the king-level iron-clad tyrannosaurus.

It's just speculation about an elf hunter, and a guess about an elf ranger.

Although this is an uninhabited desert island, it is also one of the jobs of the elf patrols to regularly inspect the condition of the elves on the desert island and the ecological environment of the desert island.

There are a large number of Bidiao tribes on the desert island, and the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus tribe is not only the overlord, but also the guardian of the desert island.

The task of the elf rangers is to prevent the elf poaching group from hunting wild elves and destroying the ecological balance of the deserted island.

He's more of an elf hunter than an elf ranger.

No other, just because of this food packaging bag.

Littering is a moral issue, especially in this uninhabited deserted island, where there are no people, immoral people will only be more unscrupulous.

From this little incident, one can judge the character of the stranger on the island.

You can also further judge whether the opponent is an elf ranger or an elf hunter.

Being able to become a trainer of an elf ranger is a true love. After all, it needs to travel through mountains and rivers, go deep into dangerous places, there are many things, less money, and tiring. If you are willing to do such a dangerous job, you really only have love.

An elf ranger who loves elves and nature will not destroy nature or litter, at least the morality in this respect is fine.

If a person does something not for profit and rights, then there is no big problem with this person's character and morality. If a person does it for profit, he doesn't care about anything, so he doesn't care about such trivial things.

What if there is more money?
Uh... how much money is there to be an elf hunter? It would be nice if everyone was an elf ranger.

You must know that the most profitable method is written in the criminal law, which is a [-]% profit. If the patrolman has such a high salary, there will be no bad guys.

But it doesn't rule out that some trainers specialize in poaching elves under the guise of rangers.

It can only be said that there are very few. When cross patrolling, it is easy to be detected and reported.

But elf hunters are different, elf hunters are only looking for profit, they only have profit in their eyes, regardless of other messy things, elf hunters only have poaching elves in their eyes.

The mosquito-repellent frogs saw Yu Hai staring at the plastic bag in a daze for a long time, obviously thinking about something very important, the elves did not bother Yu Hai, and went back to eat honey.

"Mosquito-repellent Frog, Ba Dadie, Long-winged Gull, Orb Silk Spider, come with me." After sorting things out, Yu Hai threw away the food packaging bag in his hand, and prepared to ask the elves to go to the forest together.

He wanted to further confirm whether the speculation in his heart was true, and whether there were really strangers landing on the island.

Since the food packaging bags were not blown by the wind, they should have flowed down from the upper reaches of the pool.

As long as a stranger walks across the stream, some traces will be left, and the traces will not be cleaned up if the stranger does not know him, and these traces will be easy to find.

If there are traces of strangers, he has to do his best to avoid them, not to meet them, and to avoid conflicts. Even at noon and evening, he cannot light a fire for cooking.

If it is confirmed that the identity is an elf hunter, then the target must be the two overlords of the deserted island. It is better for him to stay away. It is a confrontation between the heavenly kings.

The elf hunter who dared to steal the overlord's cub was at least a quasi-king. If any elf was released at random, it would have the strength of the megalodon boss, maybe even stronger. He couldn't handle it at all.

Calling the four mosquito-repellent frogs was just to let the elves explore the way, so that they could avoid this stranger in advance.

"Claw crab, take good care of your home, don't go anywhere, and watch the armored rhino," Yu Hai told Crab before entering the woods.

"Kuu-chi, Kuo-chi," the claw crab raised its pincers and waved, indicating that it knew that it would stare at the armored rhinoceros.

"Hoo hoo, hoo hoo," Iron Armored Rhino saw that Yu Hai and the others were about to leave, and hurriedly followed, wanting to see if Yu Hai and the others were going to steal honey, but was stopped by Yu Hai raising his hand.

"Go back, Armored Rhino, we are going to do something very important," Yu Hai reached out and patted Iron Armored Rhino's head, and said seriously: "Don't mess around, or I won't give you honey..."

"Hoo hoo," the armored rhinoceros wilted instantly when he heard that he couldn't eat honey.

Honey's ultimate move is better than any cruel words.

"If you follow quietly and interfere with our work, there will be no honey to eat," Yu Hai finally warned.

"Huhu," the armored rhinoceros nodded, and retreated silently. Anyway, it has honey to eat while sitting, so it doesn't need to mess around.

Seeing that Yu Hai was so serious, it didn't dare to be naughty, after all, the mosquito-repellent frog had already raised its fist.

"Ba Da Die, Long-winged Gull, let's go to the fork of the stream first to see if there are any humans, people like me," Yu Hai explained to the two flying elves, and later they will find out what they need to find.

"Hey, yip," Ba Dadie was about to fly away, when he heard Yu Hai say to see if there were any human beings, he stopped again, and looked at Yu Hai suspiciously.

This is the first time it has seen a human like Yu Hai, and it has only seen a human like Yu Hai, and has never seen other humans.

"Ba Dadie is a human being like me," Yu Hai explained to Ba Dadie, pointing at himself, afraid that Ba Dadie would not understand.

"You have to be careful. When you see a human being like me, you must not show any expressions, panic, excitement, or joy. You have to pretend to fly over, and then come back and tell me..."

"Hey," Ba Dadie immediately nodded to express his understanding. It is a professional performer, and it also knows the meaning of Yu Hai's words. Not all human beings are good people like Yu Hai, but there are also bad people.

"Oh," the long-winged gull also nodded to show that it understood. It is very vigilant against human beings.

If Yu Hai hadn't tempted it with honey, it would not have been fooled, nor would it have been subdued by Yu Hai.

Following the butterfly and the long-winged gull flying away, Yu Hai followed the mosquito-repellent frog and the orb-silk spider on the branch, and walked slowly to the fork of the stream along the tunnel dug by the claw crab.

All the way to the stream, they were very careful, and if there was any disturbance in the woods, they would stop and observe.

They will not move on until they discover a false alarm.

The journey took more than ten minutes, and they walked for half an hour. Butterfly and Long-winged Gull had already been waiting here.

Yu Hai stood by the stream and asked the two elves on the tree: "Ba Da Die, Long-winged Gull, have you found anything?"

"Yi Yi Yi," Ba Dadie shook his head, indicating that he didn't find anything.

"Oh," the long-winged gull shook his head in the same way, with the same result as Ba Dadie.

After getting this result, Yu Hai took a closer look around the stream and found nothing unusual. He looked up to the upper reaches of the stream.

This is the fork of the stream, even if there are traces, it can only be upstream.

"Ba Da Die, Long-winged Gull, you guys go to the upstream to have a look, and come back and let me know if you find anything unusual." After Yu Hai let the two elves continue to explore the way, he lifted his heels to follow in the footsteps of the two elves, and walked upstream.

When he came here, every step he took, he would choose a hard road to walk on, so that no footprints would be left.

Even if footprints are left, the Orb Silk Spider can eliminate the traces behind, and will use its silk to pull some leaves to cover the footprints of him and the mosquito-repellent frog. This is the task he gave to the Orb Silk Spider.

While looking for traces, they naturally cannot leave traces. Facing strangers who suddenly landed on the island, it is necessary to be careful.

This time they went up the river, and they didn't have to walk for long. They only walked for more than ten minutes, and the long-winged gulls who went to explore the way ahead came back.

"Woo, woo," the long-winged gull landed on Yu Hai's raised arm, raised its wings and pointed forward, and told Yu Hai that they had a new discovery.

"Take me there," Yu Hai wasn't flustered or nervous, nor was he joyful. This was expected, and it was just the worst situation.

But it wasn't too bad that they didn't meet strangers, and they became more careful.

After walking along the stream for a few more minutes, they finally saw the new discovery that the long-winged gull had said, and the Butterfly was staying here, waiting for them to come.

"Footprints?" As soon as Yu Hai came here, he saw big footprints by the stream, bigger than his shoe size.

The footprints by the stream are clearly visible, and there are many, not one or two, but more than ten.

He also used his own shoes to step on them for comparison, which were completely larger than his soles. It seemed that the stranger's gender could also be determined, and it was a strange man.

The footprints are only on the side of the stream. The other party should have crossed the river, or left towards the stream on his side.

 I'm doing white things at home...

  Alas, I still left after all...

(End of this chapter)

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