Elves: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 377, Liugan Island

Chapter 377, Liugan Island
On the 40th day of the journey north, it was sunny.

"Holy shit, shit, shit, lightning bird, lightning bird ahhh..."

Yuhai was in chaos, completely in chaos. Why did a lightning bird turn into a silky chicken?

No wonder it only took sixty days to hatch. Logically speaking, it should take eighty days for the lightning bird to hatch, but unexpectedly it was born twenty days prematurely.

What a crime. Who was the one who suffered a thousand cuts and let the Lightning Bird come out so early? The Lightning Bird is now so weak that it doesn’t even have a single feather on its body and is covered in down. His Lightning Bird! Woohoo!

This couldn't be blamed on him. This newly hatched lightning bird looked similar to the baby silkie chicken in the previous life. It was covered in gray. How could he recognize the lightning bird?

Also because the Lightning Bird was born twenty days prematurely, the potential of the Lightning Bird is not even 60, but only 58. Even the silly fish has a higher potential than this silly bird.

That's why he said that he was going crazy. Why did the Lightning Bird hatch so early? Isn't it good to continue to stay in the elf egg?
Not only does this lightning bird's potential not match that of a mythical beast, it also doesn't have the same moves as a mythical beast. It doesn't even have a single inherited move.

It seems that the name "Miscellaneous Bird" is indeed correct. This lightning bird should be the descendant of the lightning bird and the toucan, or it may be the descendant of the lightning bird on Thunder Island.

If the lightning bird showed mercy everywhere, the toucan would lay an elf egg while it was flying. The elf egg would fall into the sea and be picked up by an elf hunter. He would take it to Da Chu Island and obtain it.

Damn it, it turned out that he had wrongly blamed the elf hunter. He was not bad at all and had incredible luck. He was considered a child of luck. That guy should not have stolen the cub of the eagle, but picked up the eggs of the mythical beast.

Alas, I still missed it after all...

Who would have thought that a lightning bird could hatch from this unattractive brown elf egg.

Not to mention that the elf hunter didn't expect it, even he didn't expect that there was actually a lightning bird in it. He did it, he really did it, hahahaha...

Unexpectedly, just picking up an elf egg can hatch a mythical beast. Although it is just a silly bird, it is still a mythical beast, and it belongs completely to him.

If there is still a possibility of Darkrai leaving, Zapdos will stick with him for the rest of his life, the kind that will never leave him.

It's just that... the potential of this stupid bird is too thin compared to the bloodline of the lightning bird, otherwise it would not have been born prematurely, or it would not have a single inherited move.

If the Lightning Bird had not been born prematurely, perhaps its potential could have increased a little bit more, but it’s a pity that fate has a way with people, it’s God’s will!

However, no matter how many shortcomings there are, it is still the Lightning Bird, his Lightning Bird, hahaha, his Lightning Bird.

He was crazy with joy. From last night to this morning, he had a smile on his face. Even in his dreams, he was smiling. He also woke up with a smile this morning. He was so happy. That was a Lightning Bird. He hatched it. lightning bird.

The quasi-god is nothing. He has conquered two divine beasts. Now he is a little swollen, and even the quasi-god can't look down on him.

He is really happy, hahaha...

This egg is a bigger surprise than the water jumping fish.

As for the premature birth of Lightning Bird?
No genetic moves?

Is there still potential for becoming a king?

Issues such as being dusty and unsightly?

There is no need to worry. If you are born prematurely, just add more nutrition. If the potential is low, it will gradually increase later. He knows that there are many treasures in the animation that can increase the potential of Lightning Bird.

There is also the issue of moves. Lightning Birds can also be learned. There is no need to worry at all. Mosquito-repellent frogs can be cultivated, let alone Lightning Birds.

The potential of Lightning Bird 58 is not low at all, but it is too low for a mythical beast, but it is a high-quality elf for ordinary elves.

There is also the issue of appearance. Now it is the best camouflage color. When the Lightning Bird grows up, the ugly duckling will naturally turn into a white swan. These are all small problems.

The reason why Lightning Bird can turn into a white swan is because it is itself a Lightning Bird. No one can deny its identity. It only needs to spread its wings and thunder once to turn around magnificently.

As long as this silly bird is a lightning bird, all difficulties can be overcome...

For the Lightning Bird, he has to do it if there are conditions, and even if there are no conditions, he must cultivate this Lightning Bird. This Lightning Bird is his future card.

Once he becomes the Water King, what others immediately think of is the Lightning Bird. This is the card of his Water King. He wants to see who dares to use the Electric Elf to push the team.

As a water king, the strongest elf is Lightning Bird, which makes sense!
Just like Du is the dragon king, as a dragon king, the strongest one is the dragon elf, which makes sense!
Hahaha, don't wake him up, he still wants to laugh for a while. He didn't laugh enough last night. Even in his dreams, he was happy. He woke up laughing this morning, and now he is still hiding in bed and laughing secretly.

After laughing enough, he was also thinking about the future arrangements of this Lightning Bird. Since it was going to be the Water King's card, it must be an elf that was cultivated openly, and it could not be exposed.

"Yes," Yuhai thought of his misjudgment at the beginning, so he just called the lightning bird a firebird and cultivated it disguised as a different-colored firebird.

If you think about it carefully, the Spearow and the Lightning Bird look very similar. Regardless of the color of the feathers, just looking at the silhouette, the Spearow is a smaller version of the Lightning Bird. Both the head feathers and the wings are very similar.

When the Spearow grows up, it can also disguise itself as a Toucan, which has a sharp, slender beak anyway.

As for the subtle differences?
Those are all trivial matters. He is a heterochromatic firebird, so it’s normal to be a little abnormal!

Little Mouth Snail can use electric moves, and Spearow can use electric moves. Isn't it strange?

Both are elves of different colors, and some abnormalities are normal, so don’t make a fuss, hahaha...

This disguise is simply perfect, hahaha...

Only he can come up with such a genius idea, hahaha...

When Zapdos grows up in the future, as long as he becomes the king's trainer, Zapdos no longer has to hide, and Zapdos can officially appear and become his water-based king's card.

After laughing enough, the growth direction of Zapdos has been determined, the elves have been fed their breakfast, and both Zapdos and Waterleap are drinking Moo Milk.

After doing these things, he packed up and headed to the port to catch the earliest ship and spent 10,000 to buy a ticket to Liugan Island.

The incubator that was scrapped last night was also thrown away. If the waiter finds it, the murderer of last night's power outage can be found.

However, there was no ward check at the hotel last night, so he obviously didn't care about it, and he got on the boat happily.

He felt that it no longer mattered whether he joined the gym or not. This was the confidence brought by the mythical beast.

As long as he cultivates the lightning bird, someone will ask him to join the alliance, and he doesn't need to worry about these nonsense at all.

But even though I’ve come here, I still have to give it a try. What if I can join the gym?

Moreover, becoming a gym apprentice is no longer necessary, and it doesn't matter even if he is kicked out of the gym. He just wants to be a trainer certified by the alliance, that's all.

After boarding the ship, he went to his room, released the water jumping fish and the lightning bird, played with the water jumping fish, and slept with the lightning bird.

It has been ten days since the water leaping fish hatched. The juvenile stage has long passed, and he has not arranged any training for the water leaping fish. The main reason is that there is no suitable venue to train Shuiyueyu, so we can only drag it first and wait until it stabilizes. It doesn't matter if it extends the juvenile period for a few days, just let Shuiyueyu play for a while.

There was also the stupid bird that was already sleeping. He used a soft towel and carefully held it in his arms. This stupid bird was so fragile that the down on its body had not faded. It was estimated that it would take more than ten days of sleep before it could walk, even with both legs. The legs are all soft.

After the silly bird loses its down, and it still needs to adapt to its infancy, it is too early to start training, at least for a month. After all, it was born twenty days prematurely.

After playing with the two little guys for a while, Shui Yueyu, who was very curious, got tired of playing. They lay on the bed and took a nap. After they woke up, Liugan Island arrived.

The distance between Citrus Island and Liugan Island is the second longest side of the triangle. The distance is not that far. The ship sailed from morning to evening and arrived at Liugan Island.

After getting off the ship, he did not go to the hotel immediately. Instead, he went to the Liugan Gym to ask about the process of joining the gym.

When he inquired about the Liugan Gym, he discovered that it was both a Liugan Gym and a luxurious hotel. However, he did not meet Hao Er and the two along the way, and he did not know where the two little ghosts went. .

Even if he meets these two people, he will not come forward to recognize them. Once he recognizes these two people, everything he has done before will be in vain.

When he came to the front desk of the hotel, he directly asked the lady at the front desk about the process of joining the gym, what tests he needed to go through, and what things he needed to check.

The front desk told him that he could register at the front desk first and accept the assessment from the gym owner tomorrow. Whether he can join the gym or not depends on the gym owner's decision.

After getting the news, he asked again: "Isn't it possible now?"

"No, the master of the gym is not in the gym. We can only wait until tomorrow..."

Hearing this, he could only give up and register his name at the hotel with his ID card, and just come over for the assessment tomorrow.

This gym happened to be a big hotel, so he directly opened a room in the hotel and spent 50,000 alliance coins, and he could also soak in the hot springs here. If he hadn't seen a hot spring here, he wouldn't have stayed here.

After paying the money and getting the room card, he took the elevator to his room, checked the room casually, and released the orb silk spider.

"Orb Silk Spider, you stay here and guard the room. If anything goes wrong, don't say anything. Wait until I come back." Yuhai told the Orb Silk Spider to keep watch, and also gave the Orb Silk Spider an energy cube: "Here's something to eat for you, Orb Silk Spider." Spider, wait until I come back..."

After leaving the Orb Silk Spider behind, Yuhai took his backpack and went to the hot spring pool. These hot springs were divided into compartments. He chose one of the unoccupied compartments and walked in with his backpack.

He took off his clothes and took a shower first. After taking a shower, he soaked comfortably in the hot spring. This was his first time in the hot spring.

Seeing how comfortable he was, Gengar emerged from the shadow and soaked in the steaming warm water, his body temperature rising several degrees.

Before, Gengar was in the shadow, but he didn't feel hot. Gengar has a cooling effect and can be five or six degrees lower than the surrounding temperature.

After Gengar came out, Darkrai also came out, put his hands on the edge of the hot spring, and soaked in the hot spring.

Seeing this, Yuhai released all the elves. He didn't release the silly fish who were afraid of the water temperature. He also released some mosquito-repellent frogs. Everyone was lying on the edge of the hot spring, soaking in the hot spring and enjoying the rare leisure time.

The fatigue of the mosquito-repellent frog and the flying mantis after training for so long was released in the hot spring. Coupled with his massage, the mosquito-repellent frog even made a comfortable hum.

The giant claw crab did not go into the water. When it came down, it became a boiled crab. You could only watch it by the hot spring.

The big-billed gull floats directly on the hot spring water, drowsy, and it is quite enjoyable to watch...

Not to mention the armored rhinoceros is a fool. It has rough skin and thick flesh, and even hot water is trivial.

The small-mouthed snail is also floating on the water. The snail shell opens and closes slowly, which is full of enjoyment.

Baddie was soaked in the hot spring, and its wings were waterproof. After the massage by the mosquito-repellent frog, it also rushed to let Yuhai massage its head.

Slowpoke was lying in the shallow water, with only his head exposed, and a towel on his head. His whole body was steaming, and he was enjoying the hot springs with his eyes squinted.

The green onion duck is not afraid of water. It floats on the water and goes with the current. Wherever the waves hit, it floats.

The bad frog didn't go into the water, and Yukai didn't even release it. The bad frog couldn't control the toxins on its body surface. If it was released, it would pollute the hot springs in the pool. There was no way around it, and it would definitely poison many elves.

The big-mouthed bat also soaked in the hot spring, but its fangs were retracted to prevent it from biting other elves.

Shuiyueyu is the liveliest elf. He keeps playing in the water and vomiting water. It annoys the other elves taking a bath. It’s too shameful to say anything. Why is this little guy still a baby?

Variety Monster likes to do weird things. He turned into a giant toothed shark in the hot spring and wanted to scare other elves, but no one took him seriously.

However, the little guy Shui Yueyu was so frightened by the Variety Monster that he cried and came to Yuhai for a hug. The baby felt miserable.

Except for the elves who are afraid of hot water and the elves who are inconvenient to go into the water, everyone basically soaks in the hot springs.

They soaked in the hot spring for a long time this time, and also had dinner here in the hot spring. It was just that Orb Silk Spider had to work hard and stayed vigil in the room alone.

After soaking in the hot spring, he took the elves back and returned to the hotel room to rest, letting the elves have a good rest before they have to face the gymnasium assessment tomorrow.

I don’t know what the leader of Liuli Gym is doing. He is not in the gym at night. He can only wait until tomorrow...


At this moment, the owner of the Liuli Hall was taking Hao Er home to visit the previous owner, who was Hao Er's grandfather.

After stepping down as the owner of the museum, Koji's grandfather lived in seclusion in the small town, accompanying his Slowpoke every day and fishing in the lake in the backyard of the house.

"Grandpa, I'm hooked," Haoji came over here and has been fishing with his grandfather. Grandpa also said that this is the practice of telekinesis, probably imitating Slowpoke fishing.

After sitting here for a whole day, Haoji almost got pimples on his butt, and he didn't see any improvement in his super powers. For a boy of his age, he couldn't sit still for something as boring as fishing.

"Broken shoes? It's also called hooking." Grandpa Hao Er picked up a piece of bamboo and knocked it on Hao Er's head. Suddenly a big bag came out. This little grandson was good, but he was too out of touch and restless at all.

It's hard to find a superpower in the family, but it will be useless if it continues like this. He must not let Hao Er grow crooked.

On the contrary, it was another boy, Haoji's good friend, who could endure hardships and worked hard. He also followed Haoji here. No wonder Yuhai couldn't see the two of them.

Little Submissive started training the elves in the morning, and continued to train the elves in the afternoon, learning the knowledge of elves, and still trained the elves in the evening.

He has not seen such a hard-working young man for a long time. He can let young girls in the family try to get in touch with him. If there is a chance, he can let him marry into their family, which can be regarded as keeping the wealth from outsiders.

He felt that the wooden gecko given to his grandson was a good gift. Even if it did not save his life, he should still support the young man who worked so hard, not to mention that he was a good friend of his grandson.

Looking at that person and then looking at his little grandson, he was actually picking at his butt. The old man was so angry that he picked up a piece of bamboo and hit Hao Er on the head.

Could this be someone else's child?
(End of this chapter)

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