Chapter 214 Recruiting Talents
Ran Tingchen was slightly startled, and thought to himself that [Fraud Sealer] really deserved its reputation, and he could see the footsteps of his abilities at a glance, but so what, he believed that with his physique breaking through 30 points, even [Fraud Sealer] would be able to Can fight!
The strong wind suddenly started to surge, and the surroundings were like a typhoon passing by. Everyone exclaimed and lowered their bodies to stabilize themselves with the help of the high platform. Ran Tingchen squinted his eyes in the strong wind. There was such a movement in a fist-retracting posture, and suddenly there was a sense of horror in my heart.

There is an instinct to howl in his body, wanting him to pull out his fists in his pockets to protect his front.

No, no, if I want to win, I must rely on the extreme speed of the boxing technique.

Tong Gu took a step forward, and the earth suddenly let out a dragon roar.

The wind contained the fire, and the air exploded instantly. The violent explosion caused Tong Gu's fist to tear all the air around in an instant. Before the too swift fist, a large number of blazing white smoke clouds appeared quickly.

That's the sound barrier!

Tong Gu slammed on the sound barrier cloud with violent force, and his fist passed through the barrier in an instant.

Ran Tingchen's expression was astonished, he only felt the unparalleled impact, he couldn't even pull out his fist, so he was hit by the terrifying shock wave on his body, like a truck, no, he felt as if he was hit in the chest by a shell.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person rolled and flew backwards in an instant.

The air suddenly condensed, and white smoke clouds appeared in the air behind Ran Tingchen if they had any substance. He passed through dozens of smoke clouds, and finally the incomparable strength was dissipated, and he was able to escape the fate of being seriously injured.

Ran Tingchen's feet just landed on the ground at this time, his expression was terrified, and he bowed slowly after a long time

"Thanks for the advice."

He was completely convinced at this moment, and he no longer had the arrogance he had before.

Tong Gu nodded and said seriously

"Your physique and background are good, it's time to venture into a new field."

"Stay in the white position. Although you may gain temporary comfort, you will have no future after all."

Ran Tingchen also understands this truth at this moment. Without the support of energy and powerful ability, he will not be able to go far after all.

After Ran Tingchen conceded defeat, there was warm applause in the arena.

More and more players gathered around, already excited by this rare open challenge, some players who knew they were not qualified to challenge the [Cheat Sealer] simply fought against each other in the crowd .

Tong Gu entered the state of self-study again. The battle just now made him feel that his physique and muscle strength had improved.

All of this was recorded by the media that had been waiting here for a long time, and then, it quickly began to ferment on the Internet.

Whether it's [Faith Sealer] taking the initiative to walk out of the mountain city, so that white players from all over Dongxia can perform [Ability Grant] more conveniently, or Ran Tingchen's move made the whole Dongxia see the powerful strength of this white player .

The response has been overwhelming.

【Fate Forum】It was even more heated. Ran Tingchen had been well-known in the forum before. Many players in Southern Yunnan said that Ran Tingchen was the strongest white player, but such a title as the strongest is always prone to controversy.

Many players outside of Nandian did not recognize Ran Tingchen.

Because the white rank and the black iron rank are not like silver and gold, there are generally recognized indicators such as [silver 22 seats] and [gold [-] seats].

Most of the white players and black iron players are only active in their own areas, and they seldom compete with each other, so it is difficult to judge whether they are strong or weak.

However, Ran Tingchen's strong attack in front of the camera today, his swift boxing skills and his terrifying physique that is slightly better than that of "The Fraud Sealer" did make many people recognize his gold content as the strongest white rank.

Of course, there are also many players who sneer at this, thinking that Ran Tingchen is after all, after all, and has time to refine his body to that point. If he focuses on the pursuit of ability and energy, I am afraid that there is no small possibility that he will step into the silver rank.

When the scolding war started on the Internet, an account name [Cheat Sealer Personal Office] with a golden certification posted a post on the forum.

[The Fraud Sealer's Personal Office sincerely invites heroes from all over the world to overcome fate together]

Once this post was published, it was immediately marked red under the operation.

A large number of players have reposted messages.

"From today onwards, the Fraud Sealer's Personal Office will recruit excellent white and black iron players from all over Dongxia and the world, and work together to conquer the [Game of Destiny]!"

"All the selections and information support for conquering the world will be in the charge of Tong Gu himself, who has completely conquered the [Ghost Slayer World] and [Magic Soldiers Legendary World]."

"[The Fraud Sealer] Tong Gu, from now on, will participate in the competition for the latest strategy group to get a place, so stay tuned!"

The content of the post is very simple, but it contains a huge amount of information.

Guo Dengyuan, who spent less time surfing the Internet after learning the breathing method, picked up his phone in a hurry after being reminded by his family and saw this post.

He carefully looked at the content of the post, and quickly noticed that in the second line, there was another world that Tong Gu thoroughly conquered quietly!
"Has anyone noticed that [Magic Soldiers Legendary World] has also been completely conquered?"

"I'm second, so fast!"

"When did this happen? The cooldown period of [Cheat Sealer] entering [One Piece World] last time hasn't ended yet..."

"too strong……"

"That is to say, we can use destiny points to buy those magical ARMs of [Magic Soldiers Legendary World] from [Cheat Sealer]?"

Because the amount of information exploded, the post was refreshed quickly. Guo Dengyuan refreshed it casually, and the post had dozens of pages of replies.

Soon, a large number of users under this post began to post individually, discussing topics they were passionate about.

Whether it's a matter of thoroughly clearing the second mission world, recruiting players from all over the world, or... a matter of the clearing team!

A player posted [Can the cheaters of the Black Iron Rank really qualify for the Raiders group? 】

There are different opinions on the next convenience, and some say that even Ju Dongliu has just been qualified, and [Faithful] Tong Gu has no qualifications, so he will definitely not be able to compete for [Silver 22 Seats];
Some people say it's more than that, [The Fraud Sealer] is strong only if he is strong, but after all, he is only strong at the white rank and the black iron rank. No one can guarantee that he can be as strong as ever at the silver rank, and there may even be times when he can't find his way and completely disappears. However, the possibility of everyone, so those players with real potential are not necessarily willing to join [Cheat Sealer].

But amidst the bad-mouthing, a user named [Zhanfengjian·Qingshan] replied simply and forcefully.
"I've joined."

This reply once again sparked an upsurge, just like Ran Tingchen's reputation among white players, Zhanfengjian Qingshan has been famous in the Black Iron Rank for a long time, and every once in a while some small and medium-sized organizations will win over or challenge him .

But Zhanfengjian's name became more and more famous, and he never bowed to anyone.

Didn't expect such a powerful lone wolf to silently join the younger than himself under the command of the [Fraud Sealer]?
Not long after, Ran Tingchen excitedly posted on his own account:
"[Fraud Sealer] personally invited me to join!"

Someone below asked uncertainly
"Then have you agreed?"

Ran Tingchen responded immediately.

"Of course, it's a fool not to agree. [Cheat Sealer] can personally plan a strengthening route for me. How can I miss such a good thing!"

For a while, there were countless responses on the online forums, and even more experts vowed that they would wait for the [Cheat Sealer] to come to their city to take the challenge, and wait for a chance to be invited to attend.

(End of this chapter)

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