Chapter 284

"Black iron beats silver, [the one who seals the disadvantages] Tong Gu knocked down the seventh seat of silver with one punch!"

"The strongest black iron player in history was born in Eastern Xia"

"No one can stop him. [The Fenghui One] defeated Gao Siyi with a fist without even using his sword!"


The overwhelming reports almost immediately after that arena match quickly raised the craze to the point where the whole country was aware of it. Not only Dongxia, Neon, Korea, Tianzhu, but also the surrounding small countries were all hit by this news.

Dongxia’s [Silver 22 Seats] are not unknown people. Many people in these surrounding countries have heard of these people’s names.

But today, Silver's seventh seat was defeated easily in a head-to-head duel by a junior Black Iron player who had only been in the [Awakening Trial] for less than half a year.

The name of [False Sealer] began to spread, and even the previous deeds of [False Sealer]'s thorough attack on [Ghost Slayer World] were brought up again. After this period of time, people in these countries have also discovered that [Ghost Slayer World] It has never appeared in any player's mission world again.

Everyone had to start to re-examine the abilities of this terrifying young genius.

In the Neon Territory, the best trialist this time was a player named "Hachiro". He received an A- rating in the [Awakening Trial] and was quickly promoted to the Black Iron level, causing uproar at the time. A small sensation, and a small number of media even called him the new future of neon.

But the emergence of these news and videos today quickly caused a huge shock in Neon Country. Everyone knows that although Hachiro has advanced to Black Iron, no one can guarantee that Hachiro can defeat a genuine Silver-level player, let alone Dong Xia's [Silver 22 Seats] level.

The name of [Suppressor] Tong Gu, along with his terrible ambition to completely conquer [Game of Destiny], has penetrated into the hearts of the young generation from all over the world. Some people are even preparing to come across the country to experience the terrible Dongxia. new ambience.

"How is it? Do you feel excited?"

Zheng Xingxia was a little bit from ear to ear at the moment, the arrangements and hype he made in advance, although Tong Gu suffered certain risks, but with Tong Gu's victory over Gao Siyi, those public opinion hypes immediately turned into a yellow robe and were added to Tong Gu.

Everyone knows about the boldness of [Breaker] who directly announced the victory before the game, and the strength to stabilize the seventh silver seat.

Tong Gu closed his eyes, sat on the sofa next to the office, shook his head and said

"I haven't yet set my sights on the prosperity of neighboring countries."

"How about that quota, can it actually fall on me?"

The smile on Zheng Xingxia's face faded, and he was a little surprised. This 18-year-old young man seemed to be a little too mature. Let alone 18 years old, he felt that if he could achieve this kind of achievement at the age of 28, he would be able to impress the whole world. The whole world has begun to talk about my name, and I’m afraid I’ll tell people about it in my dreams.

"Why, do you also know that I defeated the seventh seat of Silver with a Black Iron rating?"

He's just so down to earth.

But this [Blocker] is still thinking about that quota at this time.

It's... so indescribable.

Zheng Xingxia didn't expect that he would really have this kind of "fearful" mentality today. He always felt that he was still young and felt very relaxed, but at this moment, he unconsciously felt that he was a little behind the youngest group of people. .

"Don't worry, that spot is yours no matter what."

Zheng Xingxia said seriously, his tone revealing a meaning that made Tong Gu instantly think of a lot.


At this time, there was a knock on the door. Zheng Xingxia straightened his body and then said in a deep voice:

"Come in." Her long, purple-tinged hair hangs down past her waist. The long hair on her forehead covers her left eye. Tachibana Tachibana's temperament is as cold as ever.

This woman seemed to be deliberately hiding her charm. Zheng Xingxia coughed in his heart and felt that this was not a good thing.

When Tong Gu saw Ju Dongliu arriving, he stood up politely and said hello. Although the two had a slight friendship, in this formal occasion, facing the current chief of [Silver 22 Seats], Tong Gu had to show corresponding etiquette.

But this scene made Zheng Xingxia sigh again and again, feeling that Yang Yuanping was indeed unable to achieve great things.

When Ju Dongliu saw Tong Gu, he nodded slightly. The two sat next to each other with an empty seat in between.

Zheng Xingxia looked at the two people who would become the pinnacles of Dongxia sooner or later and said
"I came here to see Miss Judong Liu, mainly because I hope you can impart some of your experience in strategy and team building to Tong Gu."

"After all, it is unprecedented for the Black Iron Class to form a strategy team, and we are also worried that there will be many omissions."

Tachibana Dongliu did not doubt that he was there, nodded and agreed.

Tong Gu felt a little strange. No matter how he looked at it, Ju Dongliu didn't look like someone who was very good at explaining and teaching others.

The little girl and Yimeng occasionally send messages to Tong Gu recently, complaining about Sister Dongliu's unexpected clumsiness in many aspects.

Zheng Xingxia Shiran stood up with an impeccable smile on his face and said

"I suddenly remembered that there seems to be something else today that I need to deal with."

"Then, boy Tong Gu, you should ask Judong Liu for advice. You are of the same age and should be able to communicate well."

Tong Gu heard the underlying meaning of the other party's words and could not guess what the other party was thinking.

Seeing Zheng Xingxia leave the room quickly and close the door "considerately", Tong Gu sighed in his heart.

He didn't understand what these people were thinking. In his opinion, this was not the time for him and Tachibana Tachibana to fall in love.

Not to mention that he is busy forming a strategy team to do the real big thing, Tachibana Toryu, I heard that he has recently begun to search for a path, trying to find his own chance to become enlightened.

Tachibana Dongliu casually pushed the hair behind her ears and said
"It seems that President Zheng is under a lot of pressure."

The voice was crisp and had a chilly feel to it, making Tong Gu actually feel a little bit cold.

Ju Dongliu was not stupid. She also saw Zheng Xingxia's purpose, but she acted quite calmly and did not feel embarrassed. Instead, she breathed a sigh of relief and continued.
"It seems that I don't need to really spend my time thinking about how to form a strategy team."

"You should have had an idea a long time ago, and you don't need me to speak half-heartedly."

Tachibana Dongliu turned to look at the man who seemed to be a perfect match for him in everyone's eyes, and found that the man did indeed fit the world's impression of a "perfect match" in a sense.

Handsome, full of potential, and powerful, even in the eyes of many people, [The Sealer] may stand higher than this female Shura himself in the future.

At this moment, Ju Dongliu suddenly had a strange thought in her heart. She looked straight at Tong Gu's face and said
"Do you want to have a game with me?"

 感谢 SkyGuDuCheng、书友20220306141914310、书友20190823214544856、菲特我的婆、空空怪神棍、小小笔记、夜心幽、下着小雨、风起_叶落、掌中明灭、万物皆蛋疼、书友20181116114300392、最古君子、本多正纯、wangyang1983、罗星源152、双11的悲剧、唐沁泉等投出的推荐票;
  Thanks to Wu Shimo, Guanshi Yingling, Little Notes, Loulou, luoke000, Judgment Black, Flashing a Little Bit, Ouhuang Master, etc. for their recommendation votes;

  thanks for your support


(End of this chapter)

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