The game of fate, the cheater who started from Ghost Slayer

Chapter 584 The noble was beheaded in Rukongai

Chapter 584 The noble was beheaded in Rukongai

Tsunayashiro Tokinada's words were not only heard by Tong Gu, but also by Shifouin Yoruichi, Shifouin Yushiro, Shiba Kukaku and others behind Tonggu.

Their expressions were either doubtful or gloomy.

Tong Gu didn't care that the [original sin] Tsunayashiro Tokinada mentioned should indeed be counted on the God of Death and these nobles of the Soul Society to a certain extent.

The [Spiritual King] temporarily freed the world from the three major dilemmas, but the five nobles dismembered the [Spiritual King] and sealed it. On this basis, they seized control of the three realms and became the official mediator of the balance of the three realms. Messenger of Justice.

The Shinigami hold Zanpakutō and claim to be the guardians of order, but at the top of the Shinigami, Team Zero is guarding the Soul King's Palace where the Soul King is sealed, and the Gotei 13 is maintaining the order established by the five nobles.

It makes sense that Tsunayashiro Tokinada believes that everyone, including himself, is guilty of original sin.

But Tong Gu is not the soul born in this world. His appearance, whether in the past life or this life, is not blessed by the [Spirit King].

For Tong Gu, the power of death is not a weapon to protect order, it is just his power to face fate, nothing more.

What's more, he doesn't agree with this theory of original sin.

It seems that all souls born after the five nobles are born with sins and must make atonement for the actions of the five nobles.

I will not cry because I will eventually die, nor will I feel uneasy because of my inevitable birth, "I", that's all.

Tong Gu was not bothered by such philosophical and theological topics. He raised Tsunayashiro Tokinada in front of him, raised the corners of his mouth, and said softly

"Do you know what the so-called nobility and the so-called justice really mean?"

Tsunayashiro Tokinada looked at Tonggu with his golden and green eyes. He didn't see any awe or self-blame in those eyes. The only thing he could see was the indifference of "I" alone.

"The so-called nobles are not born noble, but a group of people who treat themselves with more stringent standards and then make themselves better than ordinary people, so that they can lead all living beings forward."

"The so-called justice has nothing to do with the [Spiritual King], original sin, or nobility. Justice has different names in different places. Justice, conscience, God..."

"But the only thing they have in common is the morality of public order and good customs, which are unified under the concept of [human]."

Unknowingly, more and more Rukongai souls were following Tong Gu and the two nobles.

Rukongai is a vast area, but it is extremely poor, and the farther away from the Seireitei neighborhood, the more poverty and chaos it becomes.

Quite ironically, this is where the soul of this world belongs.

After a person dies, no matter how many good deeds he has performed in the human world or how noble his conduct is, he will continue to suffer when he comes to Soul Society until he suffers the pain of death again in Soul Society and is reincarnated in the human world. There is no endless reincarnation.

Until he finally becomes the God of Death and escapes reincarnation, or is swallowed by the void and disappears completely, or... falls into [Hell].

On the contrary, those evil souls can continue to do evil in Rukongai by relying on the kindness of others.

The operating rules of Soul Society do not include justice in themselves...

Tong Gu's words made these souls who still abide by the order feel sad despite being poor.

The civilization of the human world continues to develop, but the ecology of the Soul Society has always stagnated. This backwardness in spiritual civilization will not change because of the gap in spiritual pressure.

Tong Gu dragged Tsunayashiro Tokinada to the ground. Soon, the wound that Tong Gu had pierced before began to bleed. Tosen Kaname, who was following Tong Gu, smelled the smell of blood, his face changed slightly, and his breathing began to change. rapid.

He and Utamaro were both from Rukongai. Utamaro had justice in his heart and wanted to become the God of Death to practice justice, but Utamaro was eventually killed at will by his husband Tsunayashiro Tokinada. This distorted reality , making him despair of Soul Society.

"The so-called fairness and the so-called justice have nothing to do with whether you are a noble or not..."

Tong Gu's words made the faces of the visitors from the Sifengyuan family change slightly. The reason why nobles are nobles is because they have many privileges. If possible, no noble would be willing to give up those innate privileges.

That kind of privilege that you are far more distinguished than other people as soon as you open your eyes and get that surname!

Shifengin Yushiro glanced at his sister, but found that the other party showed no expression, neither dissatisfaction nor approval.

He also suppressed his thoughts and did not speak.

On the other side, the two people of the Shiba family have even simpler thoughts. Since the death of Shiba Haiyan, the Shiba clan's last hope of revival has been ruined. With their population declining and almost disappearing, they don't care at all about aristocratic privileges.

In contrast, they are just like their ancestors, but they value so-called fairness and morality more. Tong Gu’s words slightly changed the expressions of those souls who couldn’t see the future in Rukongai. They didn’t understand what was going on.

Why did the great nobleman Si Fengyuan discuss these topics with this god of death?

Tong Gu continued to approach the direction of Seireitei, and a long dragon-like team gathered behind him, and the momentum was extremely huge.

Although the gatekeeper Issaka Sakadanbo was huge, he was a little at a loss when faced with the noble Shifengyuan and Tong Gu dressed as the God of Death.

But Tong Gu was not prepared to enter Seireitei through the gate.

He carried Tsunayashiro Tokinada and stepped into the air step by step, looking at the crowd that was still gathering.

He took out the [Judgment Letter] from that year.

"The Tsunayashiro clan, Tokitanada, killed his colleagues for no reason more than a hundred years ago, and also persuaded his wife Tsunayashiro Utaka to kill, and sent his clan members to attack and kill the god agent Ginjo Kūgo's companions, and instigated him and the corpse soul world relations..."

As Tong Gu told Tsunayashiro Tokinada's crimes one by one, the residents of Rukongai below all looked at each other in shock.

Looking at Tsunayashiro Tokinada, who was struggling helplessly and bleeding in the air, his eyes also revealed disgust.

Shifengyuan Yushiro shook his head when he heard these descriptions. No matter who he was, he would be disgusted by this kind of person.

Tong Gu spoke to Dong Xian below.

"Dongxian, come on, I think it's most appropriate for you to be the executioner."

Tsunayashiro Tokinada was startled. He lowered his head and saw the blind man Tosen Kaname ascending into the air step by step.

The Zanpakutō [Qingmushi] in his hand kept making sounds, seeming to be filled with joy.

Tōsen's voice was a little hoarse as he tried to caress the Zanpakutō that once belonged to Uta Kuang.

"You must be very excited, Qing Chong, finally waiting for the day to avenge your master..."


The clear Zanpakutō made an increasingly clear sword cry.

The residents of Rukongai below were all staring at this scene in the sky.

It's like some kind of symbolic drama.

A direct descendant of the five great nobles is about to be executed in Rukongai...

Inside the gate of Seireitei, the two teams of Shinigami looked anxious and kept asking.

"What should I do? The captain hasn't replied yet?!"

They are all the Shinigami of Division 6. As the division of the Gotei 13 that specializes in handling noble affairs and public security within the Seireitei, it is difficult for them not to pay attention to the public execution of members of the Tsunayashiro clan.

Even at this moment, most members of the Tsunayashiro clan had been severely injured in the attack two days ago.

But the Kuchiki clan, as the head of the four nobles now, shouldn't just sit back and watch everything happen.

Captain Kuchiki, what on earth are you doing...

In fact, at this moment, Kuchiki Byakuya was standing under the huge Zanpakuto [Shuanggen], the flames burning like a phoenix, and the blazing high temperature caused the air around him to flow violently.

His expression was indifferent, but his eyes were completely unfocused.

Rukia, who was tied to the execution platform and seemed to have given up resistance, kept reminding him of the instructions of his late wife Kuchiki Hijin.

The constraints of the family, the entrustment of the late wife, how on earth should I do it...

Blood dripped quietly from his clenched right hand.

(End of this chapter)

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