Chapter 627 The King of Knights, Artoria

Matou Zangyan felt the cold sharp blade on his neck and forcibly suppressed the urge to summon a Servant to attack Tong Gu at all costs. He was much more knowledgeable than juniors like Tohsaka Rin.

This white-haired [player] is obviously very powerful, much stronger than the two he once saw in Fuyuki City.

But even those two people caused him a lot of trouble. At this moment, even if his Servant can defeat the other party, he may be dead before that.

"[Spiritual Seduction Ceremony]?"

"That kind of thing is simply out of reach for today's Fuyuki City!"

Although Fuyuki City is relatively well-preserved, it is not that easy to achieve the arrival of a crowned Servant.

Moreover, he had met the being known as the [Magic Marshal], and learned from him how dangerous the world was right now. Even if he was a crowned servant, so what, so what if he could defeat the [Beast]... …

"The world that belongs to us...has ended!"

The insect-like Matou Zangyan rarely let out a roar, but in just a moment, he was slammed to the ground by Tong Gu.

Tong Gu could tell at a glance that the noble soul named [Zolgen Magiri] in Matou Zangyan's body had completely disappeared, and there were only a large group of humble bugs left in the other party's body who wanted to live an ignoble existence.

Despite the awe-inspiring righteousness and sorrow and indignation that he said, the young girl Tosaka Rin, who is still unfamiliar with the world, feels sad, but in fact, this old worm only wants to start a new [Holy Grail War] as soon as possible, with the help of several Servants The soul opens the way to the [source].

Grant yourself eternal life.

Five hundred years of erosion have long since washed away the last trace of ideals in the other party's soul. Now, he is just an insect begging for his life.

Therefore, Tong Gu had no respect for him and would not be fooled by his righteous words.

"Whether the world ends or not, Matou Zouken, there is no possibility for you to gain eternal life."

There was not much threatening tone in Tong Gu's words, his tone was flat, but anyone could hear his firmness, almost as if he had made a final decision.

Matong Zangyan was angry in his heart. He raised his head to look at Tong Gu, and happened to meet his eyes with those golden and green eyes. In an instant, a terrible sense of oppression suddenly fell.

Matou Zouken seemed to feel that for a moment, the world completely lost its color, leaving only black and white.

It was difficult for him to control himself, and his body began to turn into insects and escape, and his soul also screamed like a howl under the terrible pressure.

It seemed like a century had passed, but it seemed like it was only a moment. Matou Zangyan came back to his senses and found himself collapsed in the smelly sewage. Beside him, the little girl of the Tohsaka family and the arrogant King of Heroes were all He gave me a strange look.

Matou Zangyan could no longer hide his anger at this moment, and a certain [Assassin] hiding in the darkness showed an instant murderous intention.

A flash of light instantly illuminated the darkness, directly knocking down the wall hundreds of meters.

"Do you want to try? Can your [Assassin] save you before I kill you?"

The real fear returned to Matou Zangyan again. The old man, who was thirsty for life to the extreme, finally bent down and knelt down in the filthy muddy water.

"Excuse me, what do you want from me?"

Rin Tosaka saw the old man of the Matou family being so humble, and his heart that had been persuaded by him before was shaken.

When Tong Gu saw this insect, he finally began to be afraid from the bottom of his heart, and slowly lowered his head and whispered a few words.

At the same time, Zhao Xiaoqi, who was guarding outside the Tohsaka family mansion, was placing several artificial intelligence detectors and began to use technological means to detect the current Fuyuki City. He himself was sitting in the cockpit of the smart mecha with a nonchalant expression.

Suddenly, he inadvertently lowered his head and saw that a certain pattern seemed to be appearing on his right hand, but when he looked carefully, he found that he did not see it.

He didn't pay attention at first, but suddenly, Zhao Xiaoqi remembered what he learned from Emiya Kiritsugu about the process of the [Holy Grail War] when he fought side by side with him.

"This is impossible……"

"Obviously the time has not yet reached sixty years, so it is impossible for the [Great Holy Grail] to accumulate so much magic power..."


The cockpit of the mecha opened instantly, and Zhao Xiaoqi appeared in the mansion in a blink of an eye. As expected, he saw the red-haired boy named Emiya Shirou looking at the back of his hand in confusion, and strange patterns slowly appeared.

More than that, in the living room in front of him, a magic circle that had been carved by the Tohsaka family slowly appeared.

Emiya Shirou was a little at a loss. After the world changed drastically, Emiya Kiritsugu only had time to tell him some key information, and then died quickly. He didn't understand at all why a new [Holy Grail War] would start at this moment.

Zhao Xiaoqi was equally confused, but [the player]'s mentality was completely different from that of the characters in the plot. He immediately said loudly

"Quick, summon your Servant!"

"That guy Emiya Kiritsugu should have prepared some holy relics for you!"

Emiya Shirou looked at the slowly lighting up magic circle, his expression constantly changing. Emiya Kiritsugu didn't leave him any holy relics at all, but...

He looked at the fragment of the scabbard in his hand.

Recalling the [Savior] whom he prayed to come to this world, the other party stepped forward and deliberately left a scabbard in his hand.

Emiya Shirou put up the Cambridge fragment that had everything to do with his eyes determined.

Before Shirou Emiya could recite the incantation, the magic circle started to move on its own.

Soon, a blond knight in a blue skirt and white armor appeared in the magic circle.

The knight was petite, with blond hair hanging over his shoulders, and emerald green pupils, except for an unruly strand of hair standing proudly on top of his head.

Although the female knight was not tall, she looked at Zhao Xiaoqi, Emiya Shirou and Fujimura Taiga with majestic eyes. Finally, she looked at Emiya Shirou and said

"Are you my Master?"

"King of Knights...Saber..."

Zhao Xiaoqi stared blankly at the appearance of this familiar figure, as if he had returned to that time again.

Emiya Shirou also stared blankly at the heroic spirit summoned by him, with the command spell already appearing in his hand.

This is your own power...

He couldn't help but think back to Tong Gu who gave the scabbard to him as a holy relic. Why did he let him summon Saber? The confused boy in his mind did not give Artoria the answer, but the King of Knights had already summoned Saber with the command spell. Confirmed the identity of his master.

Moreover, the other red-haired boy in front of him also exuded a familiar smell.

Zhao Xiaoqi looked at Saber looking at him. The corners of his mouth twitched twice, but after all, he did not show his true identity.

He quickly modified the summoning circle on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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