In the Southern Song Dynasty, I competed with Mongolia for the world

Chapter 231 Invite father to sweat, unite Jin to destroy Song

Chapter 231 Invite father to sweat, unite Jin to destroy Song
In the third year of Baoqing, undercurrents surged inside and outside Lin'an City.

But we still have to stretch the time to the second year of Baoqing.

In August, Tuo Lei led his soldiers and horses from Linzhao to Jiudu of the Yellow River. In September, Genghis Khan led his troops through the desert to Jiudu of the Yellow River.

Due to the small size of the ferry, it took more than half a month for the tens of thousands of troops to pass through.

At the end of September, Genghis Khan camped [-] miles away from Yingli County, and at the same time ordered to shoot books to surrender Yingli County.

The county guard of Xixia Yingli directly shot and killed the messenger, and Genghis Khan was furious.

But it was almost dark when they arrived that day, so he could only arrange to rest first, and ordered the next day, the famous general under his command, Bo Ershu, one of the four masters, would attack tomorrow, leaving no one behind.

Genghis Khan's tent had just been set up, and he was convening his subordinates to discuss matters. It was reported that the fourth prince Tuo Lei had returned with his troops and horses, begging to see the Great Khan.

Genghis Khan was stunned for a moment.

Tuo Lei went to chase the cattle, horses and sheep. If he succeeded, he must return to Wuwei City in Xiliang Prefecture first. It is impossible to catch up with them so quickly.

Unless Tuo Lei only brought a few relatives to come first.

"How many soldiers and horses come back?" At this moment, Wo Kuotai on the right side of Genghis Khan suddenly asked.

The man replied, about seven or eight hundred riders.

Genghis Khan's expression changed again.

Wo Kuotai gloated and asked again: "How many cows, horses and sheep are there?"

This was intentional. Even if Tuo Lei chased him back, he would not be able to follow here with his cattle, horses and sheep. This was a clear reminder to everyone that Tuo Lei must have failed.

The man said again, "It seems that there are no cattle, horses and sheep."

There was silence in the big tent, and everyone had incredible expressions on their faces.

Although Tuo Lei was young at this time, he was also a general recognized by the Mongolian army, and his ability was not weak.

I thought that with a thousand elite riders, I would be able to successfully recover the cattle and sheep, but looking at it now, not only failed, but also suffered heavy losses.

One thousand elites went out, only seven or eight hundred came back, and what they wanted to do did not succeed. This was definitely a heavy loss for the Mongolian army, which was on the rise at this time and was almost invincible.

"Bring him in." Genghis Khan said with a dark face.

After a while, Tuo Lei took two generals, Autun Shiying and Tachar, into the camp.

The Mongolian nobles in the camp were all looking at them. Some gloated, some were shocked, and some seemed in disbelief. Especially seeing the blood on Autun Shiying's body, with a disheveled expression on his face, he was even more convinced that they pursued things failed.

"Greetings to Father Khan." Tuo Lei knelt down helplessly, and immediately started talking after getting up.

He quickly briefly talked about the battle with the Song army, and finally said: "My child has never seen this Song army. They are well-equipped, morale is strong, discipline is strict, and they will never retreat. Let us shoot arrows like a storm. Everyone is as immovable as a mountain, and the boy thinks that if the Song army has such soldiers and horses throughout the country, we should unite with Jin to destroy Song and attack the Song people first."

Boom, the scene was completely blown up.

The big camp was almost boiling, not to mention that Meng Jin was a world feud, Genghis Khan’s strategy of uniting Song Dynasty to destroy Jin had been determined a few years ago, to destroy Xixia was not only to report that Xixia was not trustworthy, but also to lay a base on the West Road, in the future The West Route Army can start from Xixia and has a fixed logistical supply.

Tuo Lei said that he would change the established national policy as soon as he arrived today, and join forces with the Jin Dynasty to destroy the Song Dynasty, which is simply unimaginable.

At this time, there was a commotion in the camp, and the Mongolian nobles were all whispering to each other.

Genghis Khan had a cold face, still thinking about what Tuo Lei said.

Tuo Lei is his son, of course he understands that Tuo Lei will not lie, and will never make excuses for failures in battle.

Although one thousand Mongolian troops fought against two thousand Song troops, it is not a failure if they fight like this, but if they are not successful, they are failures.

When did Song Jun become so strong?But Genghis Khan really didn't believe it, although he had never seen Song Jun.

Before Genghis Khan could speak, someone beside him laughed loudly: "The fourth brother is a lion on our grassland. Was he frightened when he fought the Song army for the first time?"

"I heard that the Song army is not even as good as the Jin people. Large areas of mountains and rivers are trampled by the Jin people at will. According to what my fourth brother said, how can the Jin people be the opponents of the Song people?"

Tuo Lei immediately countered and said: "The new emperor of the Song Dynasty took the position by mutiny, reused famous officials such as Qiao Xingjian and Cui Yuzhi, quietly defeated Linzhao and Fengxiang, formed an alliance with the Xixia people, and traded war horses. Judging from various performances, the emperor of the Song Dynasty It's definitely not the soft bones of the past, Hai'er concluded that the Song people will make a northern expedition in the future."

"My Mongolia and the Song people will fight sooner or later. If the Jin is destroyed first and then the Song Dynasty is defeated, it will give the Song people enough time."

"It's only been two or three years since Zhao Yurui ascended the throne, and Song Jun has already made such progress. How many more years will he be able to pay?"

The big camp was noisy again, and everyone whispered to each other.

But no matter how extravagant Tuo Lei said, almost everyone at the scene didn't take the Song people seriously.

Wo Kuotai said again: "You didn't bring heavy cavalry, but only light cavalry to rush into the Song army's formation. Isn't this the style of my fourth brother?"

"If you can swim and shoot, you can destroy this Song army in a few days. Why does the fourth brother sacrifice his strengths and take his weaknesses?"

This is a face-to-face satire that the tactics of torpedoing are wrong, and the fight is poor.

Swipe, Tuo Lei's face was flushed, and he could only argue: "At that time, the Song Army had already set up a large formation, I thought—" I thought the Song Army was shit, and they could be defeated with one blow.

But he didn't say what he said later, since he lost the fight, there's no need to make excuses.

He immediately changed his words: "It's my commander's fault, please punish Father Khan."

Plop, kneel down directly.

Genghis Khan turned his head to look at Yelu Chucai, who also had an expression of disbelief on his face.

The two saw the shock and disbelief in each other's eyes.

Regardless of the strength of the Song Army and Tuo Lei's command mistakes, it is shocking.

Genghis Khan was about to speak.

"Report." Just then someone outside suddenly shouted.

Then it was reported that the Xixia army should be the county guard, and just brought a group of cavalry to kill out of nowhere. The Mongolian army was unprepared, and many people were shot and killed, and then they turned around and ran back to the city.

Grasping the grass, there were all kinds of matriarchal voices greeting the Xixia guard's family in the big tent.

Genghis Khan was furious. He was planning to attack the city tomorrow, but he immediately called Boershu to fight now.

Without further ado, Bo Ershu immediately left the camp and attacked the city with troops and horses.

Genghis Khan waved his hand at this time, people in the camp went out one after another, and many people wanted to watch the siege.

Tuo Lei did not make a sound, and after the people left one after another, only Genghis Khan, Wo Kuotai and Yelu Chucai were left in the camp.

He stepped forward again and said loudly: "Father Khan, this Song army is really different."

"The new emperor of the Song Dynasty has only been on the throne for less than two years, and he has trained such elite soldiers. If he is allowed to operate for a few more years, the Song people will be our number one enemy in Mongolia."

"I beg Father Khan to think twice and attack the Song people first."

"Fourth brother, do you know what you are talking about?" Wo Kuotai said angrily, "How can you attack Song Dynasty without destroying Jinxia?"

Wo Kuotai was very angry. In order to cover up his defeat, Tuo Lei deliberately exaggerated and said Song Jun was so powerful, obviously confusing his eyes and trying to excuse himself.

Tuo Lei immediately said: "Both Linzhao and Fengxiang have returned to Song Dynasty, they can directly attack Song Dynasty, and then break through Dashan Pass and enter Sichuan."

"Talk about peace with Jin and force him to attack Song. Jin and Song are feuds, so we must agree." Tuolei said.

Yelu Chucai said: "After Wanyan Shouxu ascended the throne, he devoted himself to forming an alliance with the Song Dynasty, and sent troops to Guangzhou to post announcements, stating that he would no longer invade the south. I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult."

Tuo Lei looked anxious: "Then ignore the Jin people and attack the Song people first."

"It's a lie." Wo Kuotai sneered, and he also called me a famous general of the Great Mongolia, and he said it out loud.

Seeing Tuo Lei's anxious appearance, Genghis Khan finally said: "I heard that Sichuan, a Song Dynasty, is far away from the capital, and the local military, government, money and food are basically self-governing?"

"Indeed." Yelu Chucai said, "It takes two months for the Song people to send letters from the capital to reach Chengdu."

Genghis Khan said slowly: "The emperor of the Song Dynasty has only been on the throne for less than two years. With the control of the local area by the Song people, it may be difficult to influence the local military leaders."

"Cui Yuzhi is a famous official from the Song Dynasty, quite capable. From my perspective, the changes in the Sichuan army should be brought about by Cui Yuzhi."

What Genghis Khan meant was, don’t make a fuss, the Song army cannot be like this all over the country, it can only be a new army trained by Cui Yuzhi after he arrived in Sichuan.

Yelu Chucai and Wo Kuotai nodded one after another, expressing their agreement with what Dahan said.

"Besides, you only brought light cavalry this time, and your tactics were wrong. You made a mistake in judging the enemy. Next time you meet this Song army, I believe my boy will be able to destroy them in one battle."

"Of course." Tuo Lei said proudly, this time he was careless, and it is impossible to fight like this next time.

But this time he suddenly had nothing to say, because what Father Khan said seemed to make sense.

How could the emperor of the Song Dynasty affect Sichuan when he was so far away from Sichuan?How could he help Sichuan train troops in Lin'an?
It is likely that Song Jun has changed dramatically after Cui Yuzhi came.

Cui Yuzhi's name is still quite important in Mongolia and Jin.

Cui Yuzhi was in Lianghuai, Jin Guo did not dare to go south, Cui Yuzhi went to Sichuan, and there was no war in Sichuan.

Now that Cui Yuzhi has returned to Sichuan, he must be training troops and stockpiling food. The strength of the Song army has increased, which is normal.

But Cui Yuzhi is more capable, and he is really annoying.

"How old is Cui Yuzhi?" Genghis Khan suddenly asked Yelu Chucai.

Yelu Chucai didn't even think about it: "I should be 68 years old this year."

Genghis Khan was stunned for a moment, then sighed, "Three years older than me."

He glanced at Yelu Chucai appreciatively, Yelu Chucai was simply his treasured book, he could get answers to whatever he wanted to ask.

At this time, Genghis Khan's voice also became louder: "But the Song Army that my son said is so powerful, we have to pay attention to it."

"——Order Bolu to go south to attack and destroy all the army leaders in Shandong, occupy Shandong first, and try to plot the two Huaihe Rivers."

At that time Muhuali's son, Bolu, was in the north of Shandong. Genghis Khan didn't take the Song people seriously, and he was still more vigilant. He immediately ordered Bolu to attack Shandong, conquer the Shandong army, and then test the Huaihe Song army to prepare for the future. To prepare for the attack on the Song Dynasty, even if you do not attack the Song Dynasty, you must create pressure on the people of the Song Dynasty.

Genghis Khan's decision made Tuo Lei more happy, and Wo Kuotai was very upset, and felt his father Khan's love for his fourth brother even more.

The Mongolian army did not capture Yingli County that day, and continued to attack the next day. Unexpectedly, Xiaoying Yingli resisted fiercely and failed to capture it for several days.

It turns out that history has been changed by Meng Ying and the others. The last time the envoy of the Song Dynasty came to Xia, he asked Li Dewang to scatter more gold and silver to encourage the army to defend the city. Li Dewang was not willing to give up the money and was still hesitant.

But in July, when Genghis Khan was still in Xiliang Mansion, Li Dewang died of panic as in history.

His nephew, Nanping King Li Wei, succeeded to the throne. He immediately adopted the suggestion of the envoy of the Song Dynasty to distribute the gold and silver first, and then moved the families of the main guards in each city to Zhongxing Mansion.

The Xixia army had no choice but to defend every city.

At the beginning of October, after seven consecutive days of attack, Yingli County was finally broken.

The Mongolian army slaughtered the city again, leaving no one behind.

In November, Genghis Khan personally led his soldiers to approach Lingzhou. A few days later, the Eastern Route Army also came to Lingzhou to join him.

(End of this chapter)

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