Chapter 307 The Mongolian Army’s Despair

In fact, most of the Han army is unwilling to speed up. There are still more than [-] steps away from Dashan Pass. If you run now, you won't have the strength to fight until you reach Dashan Pass.

Before the Han general's voice fell.

"Bang, bang, bang." The artillery on Dashan Gate fired one after another.

The loud noises shook the sky and the earth. Many of the Mongolian army horses far behind had not experienced such intense gunfire and were restless.

Puchi, puchi.

The cannonballs fell into the Han army's formation one after another. Each time they fell, it was like cutting a huge hole, shattering the Han army's formation and splattering blood everywhere.

Chen Xiaodao pulled all fifty cannons from Dashanguan to the north and arranged them in three columns. Two columns were long-barreled cannons, and ten shotguns were waiting at the back.

After the first platoon fought, the Han troops suffered heavy losses, with more than 200 casualties.

At this time, even if the Han troops were unwilling to speed up, they knew they could not walk so slowly and be beaten by the Song troops.

They accelerated rapidly and entered 450 steps one after another.

Bang, bang, bang, the second row of artillery in Dashanguan started firing again.

After these two waves of artillery fire, the Han army's loss of more than 5000 men was close to [-].

If this had been replaced on other battlefields or in the wild, it would probably have collapsed long ago.

The Han troops didn't know how many artillery pieces the Song army had, so they started to speed up like crazy. In order to reduce the burden, some people even threw away the wooden planks they were carrying.

Fortunately, at this time, the Song Army's artillery was clearing and loading in preparation for the second wave, and there was no sound for at least several minutes.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Han army rushed forward crazily, and the subsequent Mongolian armies also moved forward one after another.

Zhang Xuan, who was on the top of the city, found that the Mongolian army did not have many ladders.

It turned out that before the Han army attacked, the entire army carried about forty ladders.

The Mongolian army also followed the standards of Dashan Pass. They only built dozens of them in total. They probably thought that something like Dashan Pass could be broken in one hit.

The north side of Dashan Pass is more than 300 steps wide, and forty ladders are relatively dense. Of course, the Mongolian army also considered that some would be knocked down on the road. Usually thirty ladders are enough, one for every ten steps.

However, the artillery of the Song Army was too powerful, and many people even targeted the direction of the ladder.

After two rounds of artillery fire, the Han army still carried less than thirty ladders.

How can this ladder be enough for them to fight?
"I'll hit them on the ladder later." Zhang Xuan said to Chen Xiaodao at this time.

"?" Chen Xiaodao rolled his eyes at him and wanted to hit the Mongolian army headquarters behind him.

In the second round, he wanted to hit the Mongolian army behind him: "I'm afraid I won't be able to fight, so I'll come up quickly. When they gather together, I'll hit them with shotguns."

Chen Xiaodao was right, the Han army was running with all its strength.

The Song army's artillery was not ready for the second round, and the Han army had already rushed within a hundred steps.

Ordinary artillery is no longer very easy to hit at this distance, unless you use shotguns.

But Chen Xiaodao doesn't want to use shotguns now. The Song Army's shotguns are mostly used in the field, and they are short-barreled shotguns. There are fifty cannons on their city, and there are only ten short-barreled shotguns, which are specially used to attack archers.

The Mongolian army does not have a large group of archers appearing now, but they will definitely appear in a while. If they are afraid of the Mongolian army now, the Mongolian army archers will not dare to step forward.

While they were talking, there was a sudden buzzing sound from the top of the city.

The Song army's [-] divine arm bows were launched first.

There was a buzz in the air, and a wave of arrows flew up overwhelmingly.

The Divine Arm Archers will probably shoot two or three rounds. After shooting, many Divine Arm Archers will switch to infantry hard bows.

Next comes the free shooting time. In addition to the artillerymen, almost all of the more than 1000 Song Army soldiers at the top of the city are archers with bows. Most of them are free shooting. There are also 200 divine arm archers divided into four teams, with 50 people in each team. Slow shooting from the back row, with someone watching from the front.

Mainly to shoot at the attacking archers.

There are many archers on the Mongolian side, so let's shoot there together.

There were also ten people at the scene who were good at shooting and specialized in shooting the opponent's officers with their divine arm bows.

At this time, the officers of the Mongolian army were relatively easy to recognize, as many officers had curled flags behind their backs.

So starting from a hundred steps, the Song army rained arrows non-stop, throwing various kinds of arrows and shooting directly.

The Han army suffered casualties along the way, and many Han soldiers felt that they had never encountered so many arrows.

There is no way, Song Jun's city walls are now all capable of archery.

After several waves of arrows, the Han army finally arrived at the ditch outside the city with huge casualties.

A huge ditch up to five meters wide lay in front of everyone.

The ditches were densely packed with Han people, and many Han people are still alive today.

"Throw, throw, throw." The Han soldiers threw the wooden boards in one after another.

The wooden planks directly pressed down on the heads and bodies of the Han people, and there were screams and pleas for mercy from everywhere below.

Also, the Han army did not throw wooden planks, but directly stepped on the corpses of the Han people and rushed forward.

Swish, swish, the arrow rain continued on the scene, and from time to time someone fell down in the ditch. There were more and more corpses in the ditch, and it was getting fuller and fuller.

It was quite difficult for the Han army to drive a ladder. The ladder on the easternmost side took three waves of people, and they were shot down when they rushed to the edge of the ditch.

It was not until the fourth wave of people brought shields that they finally rushed within two meters of the ditch.

But the ditch was full of people and corpses, making it extremely inconvenient to get down. Someone fell down within a few steps, and then there was another rain of arrows at the top of the city.

"Ah!" The scene screamed again and again. Thousands of Han troops fell down, and they quickly covered up the original Han people.

Chen Xiaodao's second wave of artillery sounded, and the Han army did not even lift a ladder, and was completely outside the ditch to bear the Song army's attack.

The shouts of killing in front were loud, and Subotai's face was ashen behind.

He took [-] Han troops as the vanguard and charged for about a quarter of an hour. The Song army only fired two rounds of artillery, but the casualties in front were estimated to have exceeded [-].

He had never seen a battle that was consumed so quickly. This was not a siege, but a meat-and-blood battle. The Song people were killing their people and slaves.

Subotai and Jebetsu swept through Eastern Europe in those years, engaging in countless battles. Never before had thousands of lives been lost in such a short period of time.

Fortunately, the person who died was not a member of my Mongolian brother clan. Subotai couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

If there weren't such an army of servants, the Mongolians would be able to fight them.

The Song people were indeed very dangerous, and he couldn't help but think of what Tuo Lei said.

Tuo Lei mentioned to Wo Kuotai many times that the Song people were more dangerous than the Jin people, but Wo Kuotai didn't listen.

Su Butai didn't understand it at that time, and thought Tuo Lei was exaggerating. After attacking the city in person today, I finally felt how powerful the Song people were.

But fortunately, the Song people's cannons fired very slowly.

"Boom" Just when Subotai was deep in thought, there was another gunshot in front of him, bringing him back to reality.

He looked up and saw a huge cannonball flying five or six hundred paces away, and it seemed to hit a group of Khitan people.

Bang, he could feel the earth shattering when the shell hit the ground from a long distance away, and then he saw the crowd at the impact point seemed to have been exploded, with all kinds of strange things splashing around.

The next moment you can see the crowd falling in a straight line, and screams everywhere where the shells passed.

Subotai felt the panic of the large formation ahead. Many of the servants were trembling, and some did not dare to move forward.

"The artillery fire of the Song Dynasty is relatively slow." At this time, Hu Shengsun whispered beside him: "The impact points are mainly concentrated between [-] steps and [-] steps. As long as our army rushes within [-] steps, it will be bombarded. That’s less.”

"But the biggest damage caused by the Song Army now is not the cannons, but their arrows."

Which army is like the Song Army, where all those who defend the city wall use arrows?Others defended the city with rolling stones, wood and kerosene.

Following Kusheng Sun's voice, Subotai looked further away.

The head of the Song Army's city was densely packed with people, and each of them had a bow.

Someone took a look forward, and whoosh, after shooting an arrow, he immediately stepped back, and then someone behind him came out and shot again.

Also, Song Jun didn't aim at all and just shot downwards.

There are all Mongolian troops below, and they are also densely packed. If you shoot an arrow with your eyes closed, you are likely to hit.

So looking from the direction of Subotai, I saw a wave of people shooting at the top of the Song Army City, then turned around and left, and another wave came from behind.

Swish, swish, after one wave of ejaculation, he turned around and left, and another wave came from behind.

The Song troops at the top of the city started shooting again and again, while the Mongolian troops below the city screamed and fell to the ground in various ways.

At this time, the two sides had been fighting for two quarters of an hour, and the Mongolian army had just erected two ladders.

One of them had just been erected, but it fell down when the Song army pushed it.

There was no way, the ground below was not a field, but a ditch. There were corpses in the ditch, so it was not stable at all.

The second ladder was erected halfway, and there was a hail of arrows from above. Those holding the ladder fell to the ground one after another, and the ladder reached half of the city wall.

Han troops rushed up from behind and set up their positions again under the rain of arrows.

Then someone started climbing up.

But there were people on both sides of the Song army shooting at them.

It was useless for the Han army to hold a shield in one hand. It could only protect the top of the head, but not the left and right sides.

The opposite side is full of arrows, shot from the side, shot from the top, and one by one falls when you climb up.

Of course, there were also Mongolian and Song troops shooting at each other under the city.

But it is not easy to shoot the Song army to death. The Song army is all armored, and the exposed shoulders, chest and head are the most heavily defended parts.

Unless it hits Song Jun's face, it will not be easy to cause serious damage to Song Jun.

Moreover, there are anti-archery sheds everywhere in the Song Army City, which can protect them from rain when it rains.

The Mongolian army's projectiles were basically useless, they could only shoot directly, relying either on luck or on their shooting skills.

At this time, after the Mongolian army had a ladder against the wall, another wave of Song troops came up from the city, with about 800 people.

This wave of Song troops were basically spearmen and sword and shield soldiers, mainly defending the Han army that was surrounded by ants. At this time, there were nearly 2000 Song troops on the city wall. However, the Mongols did not have trebuchets, so they could only watch the dense crowds. The Song army shot them at will at the top of the city.

"We need to suppress the arrows at the top of the Song people's city." Subotai said in a deep voice at this time: "Let the Khitans and Xixia people move forward, and gather all the archers to press forward."

In the front, the ants rely on the Han army, and in the back, they can only rely on the Khitan and Xixia people to suppress the Song people's arrows.

Subotai knew that if the Song people's arrows were not suppressed, many people would not be able to climb up.

But it was easier said than done. The Mongolian army did not have the carriages of the Jin soldiers. As soon as the Khitans and Xixia people came within eighty steps with their arrows, the divine arm archers of the Song army at the top of the city shot at them.

The Song army specially had divine arm archers to shoot the Mongolian archers and officers.

The God's Arm Bow shoots far and fiercely, and the arrow is instantly penetrated.

"Up, up, up, press forward." Various shouts from the Mongolian army, and some officers also unfurled the flags on their backs, which meant moving forward with all their strength.

At this time, the Xixia people, the Khitans, and even some Mongolians all used horn bows on horseback. The maximum range was only fifty or sixty steps, and they could kill in seventy steps. The killing range was within three meters. Within forty steps, we now have to shoot at the Dasanguan Song Army, which is more than ten meters high, and we have to get within thirty steps at least.

If you want to cause serious damage to the Song army, you must get within twenty steps at least.

If you want to severely damage the heavily armored Song army, you even have to get within ten or fifteen steps.

The gap between the mounted bow and the infantry bow is here, and the Mongolian archers can only push forward.When the Song army saw a large group of archers moving forward, the divine arm archers caught them and shot wildly.

In the chaotic army, the Khitan beggar Jin Zheng, the commander of thousands, reluctantly put down his horse.

Dashanguan is located on a slope, with a width of only more than 300 steps from left to right, so the Mongolian army naturally has no need for war horses.

He followed the Mongolian army in their Western Expeditions. When fighting Eastern European countries, he could ride a war horse and pass around the opponent's city, shooting while passing by, and those rubbish would have no way to deal with them.

But this trick won't work here. Not to mention the large Sangguan Pass, there are heavy artillery far away on the opposite side.

When the cavalry goes up, the first thing the opponent's heavy artillery will hit is the cavalry.

After receiving the order, Beggar Jin immediately organized his subordinates.

After a while, nearly a thousand people gathered behind him, most of them were Khitans, and everyone could hold a bow.

"We suppress the Song army on the west side. After getting close for a while, let me shoot wildly upwards." Qier Jin loudly ordered the generals around him, and then waved his hand.

Nearly a thousand people sped up and trotted forward.

Sure enough, we had just entered about five hundred steps.

Boom, there was an earth-shaking loud noise from the opposite side, and a cannonball came like a meteor.

The gun didn't hit Qierjin's side, it was about 20 meters away from him in a straight line.

As a person who crawled through the sea of ​​corpses, Beggar Jin's mood did not fluctuate at all.

Many Han soldiers might have been frightened when they heard the sound of cannons, but he just looked up expressionlessly.

I saw the cannonball falling into the crowd with a splash, and then a straight line behind it spread to both sides like straw blown by the wind.

Screams from 20 meters away echoed all around them.

Beggar Jin looked back and saw that many of his companions had pale faces.

"The Song Dynasty's artillery is so powerful." Suddenly his son's young voice came from behind him.

His son Bashu Cai followed the beggar Jin Ye in his expeditions for three years.

Young Bashu was obviously a little afraid of the Song artillery.

"Don't panic, that thing hits slowly. You can watch it in advance and avoid it if you have a chance." Qierjin patted his son gently: "After entering a hundred steps, be careful of the Song Dynasty's divine arm bow."

He looked up at the rolled flag on his son's back.

This can only be carried by a Mongolian army officer. He and his son both have it, and the son is a leader.

He couldn't help but feel a little proud. My son is as brave as me.

The Song Army's artillery at this time was different from the previous two rounds. It was not a volley, but fired intermittently, basically one cannon fired every 2 minutes.

Not long after everyone moved forward, there was another cannon shot.

At this time, they should have entered about 350 steps. The Song army on the opposite side seemed to know that they were all archers, and directly hit them in the crowd with one shot.

This time the point of impact was closer, less than ten steps away.

When the shell hit the ground, the surrounding area felt like an earthquake, with a boom and the earth trembled. Many people who were not hit by the shell at close range almost lost their footing and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, this cannon was not a heavy cannon weighing more than two thousand kilograms, but a heavy cannon weighing one thousand kilograms. After landing, it rolled forward for more than ten meters and then stopped.

There were curses and shouts everywhere around Beggar Jin, and many people were asking about the maternal lineage of the Hou Song family.

The scene was so tragic that Bashu saw a tribesman he knew with his entire right leg cut off, lying on the ground and calling him his mother.

This Khitan man was only 17 years old, even younger than him. The only thing he thought about before he died was his mother.

"Don't look, don't look, go forward, go forward." Beggar Jin was very angry and shouted at his tribe and subordinates.

Everyone continued to move forward. It was relatively safe between two hundred and three hundred steps, but every time a cannonball flew over their heads, everyone would be startled.

Only Beggar Jin was calmer. He looked around while walking and reminded Bashu from time to time: "Pick a shield, pick a shield."

After entering 150 steps, Bashu finally picked up a shield from the ground.

To be precise, this is just half a board. Holding it in your hand is better than nothing.

The father and son huddled behind this half board.

The other Mongolian archers also imitated this, trying to pick up a shield from the ground.

Just got within 120 steps.

Swish, swish, arrows raining down from above his head.

A large number of divine arm archers from the Song Army came to the west, almost 100 of them gathered together, and they shot at their formation.

Swish, swish, and from time to time, arrows from the god's arm bow shot into their crowd.

Bashu heard the sound and felt that the arrow was really powerful.

Next door to their father and son is a centurion from Benqianhu.

The centurion came out with a shield from his horse, which was more thoughtful than they thought.

At this time, there was a bang, and an arrow from the opposite side hit his shield.

"Ah" the centurion suddenly screamed.

The arrow from the God's Arm Bow was about twenty centimeters long. After hitting the centurion's shield, it penetrated directly and hit the centurion's hand.

The centurion screamed in pain, but luckily, the shot from the other side happened to hit his hand.

Bashu looked back and said in horror: "What a powerful divine arm bow——"

"Look ahead." Qierjin said angrily. He was very experienced. Even the bow and arrow flew out with a trajectory. As soon as he saw a large piece of bow and arrow flying towards him, he immediately moved his son to the right: "Follow me."

The two quickly moved a few steps to the side, then heard a soft noise, and another wave of divine arm bows and arrows shot around them.

"Puch!" The centurion who was a few steps away from them was very unlucky this time.

The bow and arrow from the god's arm penetrated the shield again, hit him again, and nailed him on the forehead.

The centurion looked at Bashu unwillingly, and with a bang, his body fell heavily to the ground.

Immediately, someone behind him came forward, picked up his cards, and continued walking forward.

"Father——" Bashu's voice trembled as he spoke. The shield could not block the Song Dynasty's divine arm bow. It was too fierce and the arrow would penetrate right through.

"Stop talking, look ahead -" Beggar Jin said angrily, a bit hating his son for not living up to expectations. What are you afraid of? Who were we afraid of during our Western Expedition?
As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a buzzing above his head.

He subconsciously turned around and hugged Bashu quickly.

Puff, puff, puff, several screams came from all around.

Beggar Jin's whole body trembled, and he felt an arrow shot into his right shoulder.

By the time he let go of his son, two arrows had been shot into the plank of both men.

One arrow missed, but the other one did, and then hit his right shoulder.

"Dad, how are you?" Bashu was anxious.

"It's okay, it's okay, hurry up, let's go." Qierjin moved. He was wearing mail armor on the inside and zha armor on the outside. It felt that the arrow was not deep and the injury was not serious, but he could clearly feel the burning pain. He must have entered the body. Meat.

At this point they were within fifty steps.

There was a dense crowd in front of them. The Mongolian army had already erected more than a dozen ladders, but they were basically filled with human lives.

Many people fell under the ladder and became flesh pads, supporting the ladder from falling.

The ditch was full of people, lying, sitting, and standing, and the cries and screams shook the surroundings.

The shouts of killing that the Mongolian army had always been proud of could hardly be heard.

The Song army shot and killed the people below without hesitation, and the waves of arrows rained down non-stop.

"Archery, archery -" Qierjin shouted, and with a roar he unfolded the curled flag he was carrying behind him, shook it a few times in the air, quickly threw it away, and then picked up his own bow and arrow.

After his flag was waved, everyone in the Mongolian army was shouting for archery. Everyone was still about fifty steps away from the city, which was not the best shooting range. But they were bombarded and shot with arrows by the Song army all the way. They couldn't stand it for a long time. .

Swish, swish, swish, the Mongolian army shot at the top of the city. No matter what, it was better to scare the Song army first.

But the distance was really awkward. Many horse bows barely hit the city wall, and some even landed on the Han troops below the city.

There was a sudden roar of curses in the city.

After a while, the father and son had squeezed within twenty steps and found that the scene was very tragic, with their own people lying everywhere.

Many archers were squatting on the ground, because there were too many corpses on the ground, and some people piled the corpses up for cover.

Qierjin found a place to squat while directing the shooting with the Song army.

There are several corpses lying together here.

"Quick, drag a few over." He called his son to join him. The two fathers and sons braved the rain of arrows above their heads and quickly dragged a few corpses on the ground. One of his subordinates was also hit by an arrow and fell down while they were dragging. Beggar Jin directly took the corpses His subordinates also piled up.

Several corpses were piled into a pile. The two father and son squatted in the back and huddled behind the corpses to take a breath.

Not long after Bashu squatted down, he picked up the bow from the ground and wanted to move forward.

"Don't move." Beggar Jin stopped his son and asked him to continue squatting. He slightly put his head out and looked up.

On the city wall not far ahead, there was a dense and dark crowd, and Beggar Jin couldn't help but feel cold in his mouth.

Because almost the entire body of the opponent was covered in iron armor, even his face had a mask. Under the sun, these armors exuded a cold light and looked extremely dazzling.

The key point is that there is a rain pavilion-like building above their heads to cover their heads. It should be built with wooden boards or iron plates. It is obviously to prevent the Mongolian army from projectiles. And from a close look, it is everywhere on the entire city wall. I don’t know how the Song people built it.

There is also a curved vertical angle at the front, which is about ten centimeters farther than the Song Army helmet standing at the crenel, like the eaves of a roof.

This means that it is basically impossible for the Mongolian army's projectiles to hit the Song army, and the space for direct fire is limited.

The only things that could hit the Song army were the few dozen centimeters above the crenel and below the eaves.

Looking at the Song Army's dense armor, Qierjin was in despair. No wonder the Song Army were all archers and were not afraid of shooting at them.

At this time, the Mongolian troops under the city were shooting at these people.

A large group of Mongolian troops stood there, buzzing. Suddenly there was a buzzing sound in the air, and an overwhelming rain of arrows flew towards the city.

Beggar Jin stared, feeling that Song Jun barely evaded, and the next moment, all Song Jun bowed their heads.

Dang dang dang, the metal sound was heard endlessly.

Most of the arrows were thrown on the awning, completely useless. A small number of arrows were shot into the Song army's formation from the bottom, landing on their shoulder armor or helmets, and most of them were bounced away.

The Zha armor worn by the Song army to defend the city was the heaviest, far exceeding that of field soldiers and horses. Their shoulders, chest, and back armor were over 1 centimeter thick. Adding in the thickness of the head, which was more than half a centimeter, these four parts weighed forty. More than a kilogram, these are the three positions that can be exposed at the crenel.

The Mongolian army's horse bow shoots from bottom to top and can only hit these three positions. If the distance is slightly farther, it will not be able to break the armor.

As long as the Song soldiers were not shot directly in the face, they could block most of the arrows by lowering their heads.

Of course, there are also those who are unlucky and will be shot in the arm. This is Song Jun's weakness. Song Jun only has a thin layer of armor on his arm. If he is shot, he will still be injured.

Beggar Jin had never seen an army that could stand head-on and not avoid the rain of arrows from the Mongolian army. Now he was dumbfounded and even more desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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