Chapter 181 Colonel Luo

On the way, Yang Changhong didn't want to ask, but he still couldn't hold back his curiosity.

"Is my information wrong? Or maybe you encountered some special situation, why did it take so long..."

"Your information is indeed wrong. There are not a few second-level zombies there, but dozens."

Wang Tao's voice came from the intercom.

"Ah? Dozens of second-level zombies! How do you survive the danger?!"

Yang Changhong was startled. With her current ability, although she couldn't defeat a few second-level zombies, as long as they were not particularly powerful second-level zombies, she would have no problem escaping.

But if there were dozens of second-level zombies, she wouldn't have anywhere to run!

"The danger is not that great, because the zombies are all in the grass. I set a fire with gasoline and burned them all to death..."

Wang Tao gave an overview of the situation, but the specific gains were naturally hidden.


After Yang Changhong heard Wang Tao's words, he was dumbfounded.

Burned to death... dozens of second-level zombies? !
How many second-order crystal nuclei do we need to get?
Yang Changhong has always been a decisive person who never regrets anything she does, but now, she suddenly regrets it - not regretting telling Wang Tao about the second-level zombies, but regretting not following Wang Tao there!
At that time, Wang Tao also asked her if she wanted to go together. Considering the safety of her men, she naturally did not go. After all, the second-level battle might affect them.

But who would have thought that Wang Tao would just set a fire and easily burn all the second-level zombies to death!
If she had followed her there, she would have been able to get a few second-order crystal nuclei...

In the off-road vehicle, Wang Tao listened to the silence on the other side, and suddenly grinned:

"Does Boss Yang regret it?"

He wasn't sarcastic, just joking.

Yang Changhong was also single. She smiled bitterly and said:
"...I do regret that I didn't follow you. If you have this opportunity again next time, please be sure to take me with you!"

"Haha, easy to say."

Wang Tao laughed.

"Ahem, um... do you have any unused second-order crystal cores there? I want to buy one..."

Yang Changhong spoke a little embarrassedly.

"There are quite a lot of second-order crystal cores that are not used, and I feel that many of them are suitable for you, but... what price do you want to pay?"

For his own people, the crystal core in Wang Tao's hand is definitely free of charge.But to outsiders, he can't give it away for free, even if he has a lot of crystal cores in his hands now.

Yang Changhong was temporarily relieved when he heard Wang Tao's words.She was afraid that Wang Tao would not sell those crystal cores. After all, they were all second-order crystal cores. Now there were not even a few second-order superpower users. These crystal cores were too precious.As long as Wang Tao is willing to sell, she will have a chance.

But when she thought that this was a second-order crystal core, and she didn't seem to have anything of high value to exchange for it, Yang Changhong became a little silent... She had never felt so poor before!

"...I'll think about it carefully first."

Yang Changhong spoke in a low voice.

Wang Tao heard the helplessness in her tone, so he smiled and said:
"Okay, I can trade at any time. But to thank you for recommending this place to me, I can give you one for free... Let's talk about it tonight."

Although Yang Changhong is still an outsider now, she told Wang Tao about this place after all, and it is normal for Wang Tao to thank her.

"Ah? Thank you!"

Yang Changhong quickly thanked him.

She actually wanted a shock wave crystal core. She had never encountered a shock wave zombie before, nor had she seen this ability.The last time she saw Xu Xiaojun kill a group of zombies with one move, she was very jealous.

But this was the crystal core Wang Tao gave her after all. She had no reason to ask for it, so she didn't say more.

On the other side, Wang Tao took a look at the crystal core in his space backpack.He does have a lot of second-order crystal nuclei, but it is impossible to send Yang Changhong a shock wave.Because he doesn’t even have enough crystal cores.

As for the specific gift, he would talk to Yang Changhong during the evening break. After all, he still doesn't know what Yang Changhong's abilities are.

The convoy was not moving very fast.

After all, the speed is fast and the movement is loud, which can easily cause unnecessary trouble.

The road went smoothly, and we only encountered a few first-level elite zombies. Neither Wang Tao nor the three of them took action. Yang Changhong led people to deal with them.

The first-level elite zombies can increase the maximum blood volume and have crystal cores, which is also a good harvest for them.Wang Tao naturally didn't need to compete with them for this kind of mosquito leg meat.

In the evening, the motorcade stopped outside a parking lot.

Yang Changhong planned to set up camp here before the sun set.

"At our current speed, it will take about four or five days to reach Bauhinia City."

Yang Changhong came to Wang Tao with a big cake and said while chewing.

"Four or five days...that's pretty fast."

Wang Tao nodded.

It was different having a car. When he and Jiang Shixue didn't have a car, it would have taken a long time to walk from one town to another.

"What are your plans after going to Bauhinia City?"

Yang Changhong asked again.

"Me? I might go to the survivor base in Zijing City to take a look, if there is one. Then I'm going to Wuyang City."

Wang Tao replied.

"Huh? Wuyang City?"

Yang Changhong was a little surprised. Although Wuyang City and Zijing City were next to each other, after all, the distance between the two cities was not close.

Moreover, both Zijing City and Wuyang City have large populations, especially Wuyang City, which is the capital of Wuyang Province with a population of more than 1000 million!The urban population is nearly [-] million!You can imagine how many zombies there would be in a place like this!

Yang Changhong felt that Wang Tao was more capable than she was... Although she joked that she was a herdsman in the last days, she still hoped to find a place to settle down.If there was a large survivor base in Redbud City, she might have stayed there...

"I'll go check out the military base first."

Wang Tao didn't hide anything and said it directly.

"Military base! You mean the military base where the airdrops were sent? No wonder..."

Yang Changhong suddenly understood.

It would make sense if you were going to a military base. After all, fools all know that military bases are powerful and must be safe inside.

It's a bit more walking, but it's worth it if you can get to the military base.

So Yang Changhong didn't talk much about this matter.

At this time, a buzzing sound came from the air.


Wang Tao, who had long been familiar with the sound of airdrops, immediately raised his head.

Sure enough, a small black dot appeared from the horizon. It was a military transport plane.

Compared to Wang Tao's calmness, the others were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly looked excited when they reacted.

"It's an airdrop!"

“Finally saw the airdrop again!”

"We have to keep a closer eye this time, so we don't lose sight of where the airdrop is!"

"But the last airdrop was randomly dropped, and there is no trace of it at all. Unless it airdrops now, or we can keep up with it, otherwise..."

After Yang Changhong observed the flight direction of the plane, she said loudly to Wang Tao outside the car:
"Wang Tao, what do you say? Let's chase the airdrop together? Whoever gets it will get it, how about it?"

"Then let's go together."

Wang Tao nodded.

After getting Wang Tao's reply, Yang Changhong immediately greeted everyone.

"Get ready, we're going to follow the plane soon! Keep your eyes open!"

"Yes! Boss!"

Everyone was also very excited, leaving some people on guard while others stared at the sky.

After a while, Yang Changhong was overjoyed:
"You're lucky this time! The plane is flying along the same route! We should be able to follow it for a while!"

The last time I saw an airdrop plane, it didn't fly along the road, so Yang Changhong and the others couldn't keep up after following it for a while.As a result, I didn't pick up any airdrops - although I saw one airdrop, Wang Tao got it first.

This time, there can be no mistakes!

The engines of several cars roared and accelerated directly forward.

Although the plane has not flown over yet, it is on this route, so just follow the road.After all, the speed of the plane is too fast. It is impossible for these cars to catch up with the plane. They can only check to see if the plane drops during the chase.If there is really no airdrop, then it is bad luck...

Wang Tao found it quite interesting to see how everyone was working hard to chase the airdrop.

Xu Xiaojun was driving. He had no experience in chasing airdrops, so Wang Tao just asked him to follow the convoy.

Wang Tao took out a military walkie-talkie.

This walkie-talkie is from the airdrop I picked up a few days ago. It can contact military equipment.

Of course, just having the equipment is not enough. If you want to contact the military, you need to know the corresponding channel, password, etc.

And Wang Tao happens to know all of this!
The airdrop he picked up for the first time in Shuize County contained three pieces of paper.There is a piece of paper written on how to contact Wuyang Military Base!
Although the piece of paper was lost while escaping, the contents on the paper were firmly remembered by Wang Tao.

Wang Tao now had a sudden thought - could he use a walkie-talkie to contact the plane?

In theory, it should be possible.After all, this is a high-power walkie-talkie for the military, and it is produced at the Wuyang Military Base... Wang Tao began to debug it according to the content in his memory.Soon, the walkie-talkie was debugged.

"Can anyone receive it? I am survivor Wang Tao!"

"Can anyone receive it? I am survivor Wang Tao!"



Wang Tao shouted several times into the walkie-talkie, but the only response was a burst of electricity.

He was not disappointed and kept trying.

"The plane is coming!"

Yang Changhong's voice sounded from the car intercom.

Wang Tao looked up and could see through the skylight that a plane was about to pass over the crowd.

"You still haven't lost the airdrop..."

Everyone's hopes of praying to God and worshiping Buddha were quickly dashed.

However, their prayers were obviously of no use to the plane. Seeing that the plane was about to pass them, everyone felt helpless.Yang Changhong was also a little disappointed.

It would be best if you can miss the shot at this time, they can pick it up quickly.But if the plane flies over and misses the airdrop, then they will really have to chase the airdrop.At that time, it may happen that the previous airdrop was picked up by Wang Tao.

Of course, there is at least a hope.The worst-case scenario is that the plane fails to land a single airdrop, or the airdrops have already been dropped...then the joy is in vain.

At this time, Wang Tao was in the car.

Wang Tao frequently used the walkie-talkie while watching the planes in the sky.

His current position should be the closest distance between the walkie-talkie and the aircraft.If you wait for the plane to fly over, there will be no chance at all.

"Can anyone receive it? I am survivor Wang Tao! I am right below you!"

"Can anyone receive it? I am survivor Wang Tao! I am right below you!"


After sending several messages in a row, Wang Tao paused to see if there was any reply.A walkie-talkie cannot speak and listen at the same time, so after speaking, you have to pause to see what the other party said.


There is still the sound of electricity.

Seeing that the plane was about to fly overhead, Wang Tao thought there was no hope when suddenly——

"Zizi... Survivor... Hello... Zizi..."

Wang Tao, who was leaning on the back of his chair, suddenly sat up.

There is an echo!

He looked at Jiang Shixue beside him, who nodded seriously.

"Brother, someone is talking."

Sure enough, it was not an illusion!
Wang Tao immediately pressed the call button again.

"My name is Wang Tao, what do you call me?"

"Zizi... my name is... Zizi... Luo Guozhong... military rank... colonel..."

Maybe the signal was not very good. I felt that the other party was speaking very slowly, missing some content, and the voice was sibilant, but at least I could hear all the key words clearly.

Since he could communicate, Wang Tao started begging shamelessly.

"Colonel Luo Guozhong, can you give us some airdrops! A group of our survivors are under your plane! Thank you!"

"Zizi...below...survivors...zizi...wait a moment..."

"Huh? Is this agreed?"

Wang Tao just said it casually, but he didn't expect that the other party actually agreed!

He immediately used the car intercom and spoke to everyone in the convoy:
"Attention everyone! The drop is about to fail!"

"Attention everyone! The drop is about to fail!"

"Attention everyone! The drop is about to fail!"


Everyone was a little confused. The plane didn't drop any airdrops along the way, and it was about to leave. Everyone had given up hope.Lost your vote at this time?And this is not the point. The point is how did Wang Tao know?Can this be predicted?
But before everyone could think about it, they saw a small black dot suddenly fall out of the butt of the plane.

Then the second, the third... five little black dots appeared in a row!
"Airdrop! What an airdrop!"

Everyone was completely dumbfounded. Did Wang Tao really predict this?Are second-level superpowers so terrifying?
"Quick! The others are in groups of two, and Wang Tao and I are each in a group to pick up the airdrops!"

Although Yang Changhong was also shocked, he quickly assigned tasks to everyone.There were five airdrops in total, and they had eight vehicles divided into five groups.

Although the plane dropped five airdrops in a row, the plane was too fast, and there was a long gap between the five airdrops falling.For the sake of efficiency, it is naturally better to pick them up in groups.

After the distribution was completed, the seven vehicles dispersed instantly, each heading in the direction of the airdrop.

As for Wang Tao's car, it continued to run forward because the one he picked up was the last airdrop, which was the farthest from everyone.

Of course, Wang Tao also wanted to talk to more people on the plane.

"Colonel Luo, does the government still have troops? What's the situation across the country now? What's the situation at your military base? I want to seek asylum at your military base. Should it be okay?"

Wang Tao quickly asked everything he wanted to ask.

If the current environment wasn't suitable and there was no airport nearby, Wang Tao would have wanted to let Colonel Luo's plane stop and give him a ride - although this was a bit wishful thinking, there was always a slight possibility.

Afraid that the other party could not hear clearly, Wang Tao repeated this sentence several times.

After a while, a voice came again.

"Zizi... our base... is safe... not safe... we provide shelter... don't come... Zizi..."


Wang Tao frowned after hearing this.

How come it is safe at one moment, unsafe at another moment, providing shelter at another moment, and preventing people from coming here at the next moment?

Isn't this inconsistent?
It might be that the signal was not good, so some information was not transmitted, and it was critical information... This made him feel a little pained.

Seeing that the plane was about to move away from him, Wang Tao quickly said:

"Colonel Luo Guozhong, my name is Wang Tao! I will go to your base! I hope to see you next time!"

He had to make the other party remember his name, or at least make him look familiar.

"Zizi...Wang Tao...zizi...zizi..."

The other party's hoarse voice muttered Wang Tao's name, and then the signal was lost.

The plane slowly turned into a small black dot in Wang Tao's sight, and then slowly disappeared.

Looking at the clear sky, Wang Tao felt a little regretful.

Although I contacted the colonel pilot, unfortunately I didn't get much information.

But at least he seems to be familiar with it, and he might be able to use it in the future.

Anyway, at present, the military base should be very safe, and his plan to go to the military base will not change.

"Xiaojun, go pick up the airdrop."

Wang Tao said to Xu Xiaojun that he had just been in contact with the pilot in order to chase the plane, which resulted in him exceeding the airdrop position.

"it is good!"

Xu Xiaojun immediately turned around enthusiastically and headed towards the airdrop that had just landed.

Not long after, the off-road vehicle arrived near the airdrop.

As luck would have it, the airdrop happened to land on the roof of a two-story building on the roadside, with red smoke rising from it, which was very conspicuous.No need to go out of your way to find it.

Wang Tao got out of the car, sprinted, and quickly climbed up.

He did not activate the airdrop here, but directly pushed the airdrop box down.


The airdrop box fell onto the grass nearby.

Xu Xiaojun immediately rolled up his sleeves, lifted the entire airdrop box, and placed it on the roof of the off-road vehicle.

"Let's go and meet them."

The car drove back for a while and saw the first car, the second car... Soon, all eight cars were there.

Yang Changhong said excitedly on the car intercom:
"Capture all five airdrops! Let's go, the sun has set, let's find a place to rest quickly!"

"it is good!"

Others are also very excited. They have never had such a big gain.

(End of this chapter)

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