Hogwarts: Where are the Pokémon?

Chapter 135 Muggles are better at war than wizards

Chapter 135 Muggles are better at war than wizards

Not long after Xia Lin received the letter, the wizard level exams for the seventh and fifth grades were finally over.

The weather is also getting hotter.

Now the entire Hogwarts has been completely shrouded in enthusiasm for the upcoming Pokémon Contest!
Some time ago, the students who were preparing for the wizard level exam were doing battle practice frantically these days, so that they could make up for the time they lost not long ago.

The enthusiasm of the students was almost as high as the hot weather, almost as much as it was time for a Quidditch match.

McGonagall and Flitwick complained more than once that the little wizard could no longer focus on the final review. Even Snape was very dissatisfied with this, and his face was darker than before in class.Harry also suffered a lot of unreasonable disasters because of this.

The U.S. Ministry of Magic's attempt to intervene in the investigation did not have much impact on the competition. After all, they have not found any evidence yet. Even if they want to have a trial against Xia Lin, they will have to wait until the competition is over.

Dumbledore expressed some concerns about this, but he has always been partial and promised to defend Xia Lin at that time.

However, Xia Lin's actions may indeed break the secrecy law, which also makes Dumbledore have doubts about his actions.

Once the secrecy law is broken, the impact on the wizarding world can be said to be very huge. Dumbledore did not look down on Muggles because he was a wizard, because he knew deeply that the secrecy law was used to protect wizards from the very beginning.

Before the Act of Secrecy came into effect, in the fifteenth century to be precise, Muggles persecuted wizards a lot.

At that time, although many adult wizards were not afraid of Muggles, and some even enjoyed the feeling of being caught on the fire, it was different for wizard children.

Little wizards who can't control their magic power well have no power to fight back in front of Muggles, not to mention that there was no school in the world that taught them how to use magic at that time.

Therefore, even an adult wizard cannot tell how much magic he knows.

But Muggle witch hunts were carried out by dozens or even hundreds of people.

Now, although the overall power of wizards is stronger than before, relatively speaking, the power of Muggles is much stronger!
Thanks to his old lover, Dumbledore still has some understanding of Muggle weapons of mass destruction. Once the secrecy law is breached and there is another conflict between Muggles and wizards, the blow to wizards will be devastating. sexual.

Now, the two of them and other professors were standing at the gate of the school, ready to welcome guests from afar, and at the same time, taking this opportunity, Dumbledore was also talking to Charlene.

"When I was young, I used to hate Muggles very much." His face was calm, and there was no pain or anything else in his eyes, "I guess you already know something, but I believe you shouldn't mind me This long-winded old man looks back on the past."

Charlene nodded, so Dumbledore continued, behind them, the other professors didn't seem to hear their conversation.It seems that Dumbledore has used magic to isolate the voices of the two.

He actually doesn't like to talk about the past with others, it's tantamount to adding salt to his own scars.

"You know my sister, she was once discovered by some Muggle children while she was performing her magic, and she was treated cruelly. She became an Obscure. My father attacked the few Muggle children to avenge her Muggle kids.

"Of course he used the power of magic, for which he was sentenced to Azkaban for violating the secrecy law.

"But at that time I didn't hate Muggles too much until I met Gellert." He avoided talking about the relationship that he was ashamed to talk about, and continued.

"He is very talented, and many places have refreshed my eyes. Under his influence, I began to hate Muggles. Although I quickly realized this mistake, I had already made many plans for Gellert.

"Later, after he and I parted ways, he acted according to the blueprint we set back then, causing huge riots all over the world."

"Gellert treats Muggles and wizards as separate species, and he's trying to overturn the International Statute of Secrecy and create a benevolent new global order led by wise and powerful wizards and wizards. In practice, of course, his process is a bit Nor kind."

Speaking of which, Dumbledore sighed.

"A new order led by wizards sounds more beneficial to wizards, and there are so many people who want to oppose him?" Xia Lin asked curiously.

"That's why he was supported by so many people - for the greater good," said Dumbledore nostalgic.

"However, here is the problem - this world has been ruled by Muggles for too long, what will happen if a group of people who call themselves wizards suddenly appear? Not to mention that this group of people is trying to gain the right to speak. Muggles must not Accept that such a group of people exists.

"Also, Suwo said bluntly, although Muggles don't know magic, they are much better at war."

Actually, it is true.

For hundreds of years, wizards have been distributed in corners of the world to live in solitude, reporting groups in twos and threes to keep warm, seeking a peace and protecting themselves from destruction.

Once the secrecy law is overturned and the magic world is completely exposed, what will happen?
Especially under Grindelwald's radical ideas, the war between Muggles and wizards is inevitable.

"I think that we really need to be more careful in contact with Muggles. Once the secrecy law is broken, we may not be able to bear the consequences." Dumbledore said.

This almost represented his position, but Xia Lin actually disagreed with him.

Avoiding Muggles is only a temporary escape.As Muggle technology becomes more and more advanced, the wizarding world will one day be exposed.At that time, the wizard will have no initiative at all.

But although this was Xia Lin's idea, he actually didn't intend to worry about it. What does the future of the magic world have to do with him?He doesn't care what will happen after so many years.

"Dumbledore, I don't care much about the conflict between Muggles and wizards, and in fact, I never let Muggles know that I can magic."

"Promoting Pokémon and exposing wizards should never be the same thing."

"Pokémon is not equated with the wizarding world. I brought Pokémon to the wizarding world, and it wasn't that Pokémon was exposed to Muggles from the wizarding world. That's the difference."

Hearing this, Dumbledore just nodded and said nothing.

At this time, a small black spot appeared in the distant sky.

"It looks like someone has already arrived."

Dumbledore ended the conversation on his own initiative.

(End of this chapter)

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