Lord of Earth Fiend

Chapter 218 Rakshahai City

Chapter 218 Rakshahai City
Chen Jin has dealt with the river god, the mountain god, and the earth god...

But Poseidon, this is the first time.

Of course, the "god" he knows and understands is different, but it does not prevent him from following along and gaining insights.

The wind was very strong on the deck, and there were several specially made wind lamps hanging around, shining out the light.

Merchant ships mainly carry commercial goods, and there are not many pure passengers. There are only about ten people on board, who are just passengers.

The largest number are the sailors and the guards of the trading company.

They were busy moving cages up from the cabin one by one.

The cages may be large or small, and they contain animals, including pigs, sheep, chickens, and even large oxen...

These are the sacrifices.

Looking at this scene, he is very familiar with it and has quite a lot of experience. This is not the first time he has done it.

According to the crew, this happens almost every time they go on a voyage.

Sea God Festival!
In fact, before setting sail, a special ritual ceremony will be performed on the shore.

It is said that after the sacrifice, everything will be calm and smooth sailing.

If there are still strong winds and waves, it means that the previous sacrifices were not sincere enough and they have to make up for it on the boat.

For example now.

People who rely on the sea have many beliefs, which is rooted in the mystery and irresistibility of the vast ocean.

There is nothing wrong with that.

After all, belief in ghosts and gods often comes from "fear".

When the sacrificial procedures were almost completed, the sacrifices began to be thrown into the sea. The pigs and sheep howled and were immediately swallowed up by the sea water.

Then everyone began to kneel down, kowtow, offer incense, etc.

Chen Jin did not kneel down, but he also offered a stick of incense.

After finishing, we went back to the cabin to sleep.

Perhaps this sacrifice had an effect. The night passed without any danger, and by the next day, the sky was clear.

During the long journey, Chen Jin didn't care about being alone or having various emergencies. The only thing that bothered him the most was the problem of eating.

There is no other way. Warriors are very particular about eating finely and cooking finely.A simple meal can only fill the stomach, but it cannot bring a real "feeling of fullness".

In the past, food and beverage matters were either handled by Xiao Qian or Gu Leyou. Now, Chen Jin can only rely on himself.

Although it is said that if you do it yourself, you can have enough food and clothing, but it also depends on the environmental conditions.

Nowadays, it's okay to be on a boat. As long as you pay enough, you can eat fish every meal. They are all very large sea fish, which have a strong fishy smell, but are very nutritious.

After lunch, Chen Jin returned to his cabin and saw a little girl standing in the aisle, about eleven or twelve years old, thin and wearing old clothes, looking at him eagerly.

"Little girl, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing his kind demeanor, the little girl plucked up the courage and said, "Sir, can you save my grandpa?"

"Your grandfather?"

"Well, he fell down in the cabin and couldn't get up."

Chen Jin was startled: "Take me to see it."

Entering the cabin, I saw an old man with gray hair lying on the ground, who looked like he was in his 60s.

The old man was not unconscious. When he saw Chen Jin coming in, he shrank subconsciously.

Chen Jin smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, old man, I'm here to help you, what are you doing?"

After asking, I found out that the other person was not sick, but had not eaten for a day and was hungry.

The grandfather and grandson came from Yunzhou. The old man's son went to Luaksha Haizhou to make a living the year before last. He had taken root and wrote a letter home, asking them to come and reunite and live together.

The old man took his granddaughter on a trip, scrimping on food and clothing all the way, and arrived at Feiyu Port. The money he had was only enough to buy a boat ticket, the cheapest one did not include food.

As for the last bit of dry food he had with him, the grandfather left it for his granddaughter to eat.As he got older, he felt weak after a few hungry meals.

After hearing this, Chen Jin took out a bunch of money and gave it to the little girl named "Ayun", asking her to buy some food and come back.

Ayun thanked her, and after a while, she bought back several steamed buns and let her grandpa eat them first.

The old man's name was "Zheng Shan". He was also very hungry and began to eat in big gulps.

After eating two steamed buns, I regained my energy. I quickly took my granddaughter and kowtowed to Chen Jin.

Chen Jin did not accept the courtesy from the two of them and said: "I don't have to be polite, it's just a little effort."

Zheng Shan was very grateful and said: "Young master saved our lives with just a little effort. This is a great kindness. How much does it mean to kowtow a few times?"

"Sit up first. I have something to ask you."

"Young master, what are you talking about? I am too scared to teach you anything."

Judging from his words, he should not be an ordinary low-level citizen.

Chen Jin asked: "It's a long way from Yunzhou to here. How did you get here?"

Zheng Shan replied: "We are following the caravan."

Chen Jin understood immediately.

In the Qian Dynasty, although it was difficult for ordinary people to travel far away, there were solutions, such as going with a caravan; those with money could also hire a bodyguard to escort them.

He asked again: "Are there many people coming to Rakshasa Haizhou from Yunzhou?"

"As far as I know, there are quite a few who come across the sea to open up wasteland. They can get the land without paying taxes."

"I see."

This should be a policy that was implemented in the past and was not abolished after the new emperor came to power. The main purpose was to develop the Rakshasa Sea Continent.

As for the effect, we don’t know. We have to see it after we land on the island.

Most of what Zheng Shan learned about the situation was what he heard and what his son said in his letter.

After another conversation, Chen Jin said goodbye and left.

In the afternoon, the merchant ship docked safely and parked at a pier.

Compared to the one at Feiyu Alley, the pier here is a bit cruder, but it is more reliable.

Arriving at the shore, passengers began to disembark.

Chen Jin noticed that the people in the trading company actually put pot ashes on their faces, making them so black that they were unrecognizable. He was very curious and couldn't help but ask.

The other party smiled and replied: "The Rakshasa natives have weird temperaments and prefer black to white. If you want to do business with them, you can only make yourself black and look the same to gain favor."

Chen Jin: "..."

I can't help but think of the famous fantasy novel: "The Rakshasa Sea".

So he asked, "If I don't paint it in black, will it be okay?"

"As long as you don't ask for anything, you'll be fine... This is your first time here, so be careful. I'll give you a suggestion. It's best not to run around, especially not to the villages outside the city. Don’t eat the food of the natives easily. In short, whenever you go to a new place, you must find out the local taboos and rules beforehand. Otherwise, you won’t even know how to die.”

"Is it so serious? Didn't the imperial court set up a government office on the island? Does the government government not care about it?"


The man seemed to have heard the joke: "It's not clear in other places, but in Luosha Haizhou, the yamen is just a decoration. Those who come to be officials here can only behave with their tail between their legs. If you want to put your hand out and take care of things, you have to do it well." Prepare to die. I am not afraid to tell you that two prefects have died while in office. They said they died of illness due to acclimatization, haha!"

He gave Chen Jin a "you know" look.

After a pause, he continued: "I heard that the imperial court has sent a new prefect. This time it is different. He is actually a new Jinshi. I don't know who he offended, but he was sent here to be an official. It's pitiful. "Chen Jin: "...Maybe this new scholar has the ability to manage Rakshasa Haizhou well?"

"Go ahead and dream... I don't have time to chat with you, you should get off the boat quickly."

"Naughty nagging."

Chen Jin put on his bamboo hat, led his horse, and climbed ashore along the plank of the ship.

This pier is like a small market, with a row of simple houses built, and there are many stalls on the roadside, with food and entertainment scattered here and there, but it seems lively.

"Benefactor, benefactor, please stay."

It was Zheng Shan and his granddaughter Ayun. Next to them stood a middle-aged man, who should be Zheng Shan's son.

"My benefactor, he is my son Zheng Han. He opened a grocery store on this pier."

Chen Jin smiled and said, "That's good."

Zheng Han took out a bunch of copper coins and said, "Master, thank you for saving my father. I will return these coins to you."

Before Chen Jin reached out to take it, he heard someone shout: "Zheng Han, you said you were short of money and asked us to give it a grace period. How can you give it to others now?"

A big hand grabbed the money and snatched it away fiercely.

Zheng Han said hurriedly: "Team Leader Qin, this young master is the one who borrowed this money."

Captain Qin was wearing a soap coat, but he deliberately opened his clothes to reveal his strong flesh. He sneered and said, "I don't care whether you borrow it or pay it back. In short, the money is in your hands. You have to give me this month's payment." Hand it over."

After that, he walked away with two guards wearing crotchless clothes.

Zheng Han sighed and looked at Chen Jin in embarrassment: "Master, I'm really sorry."

"It's okay. Where is your store? I want to take a look and drink a glass of water."

"Okay, please come this way."

Soon, Chen Jin came to a narrow grocery store, looked around and asked, "I saw that Team Leader Qin just now, is he from the Yamen?"


"What's going on with the money?"

Zheng Han answered honestly: "I open a shop on the dock, and I have to pay the government every month. This is not rent, but additional miscellaneous fees."

"Apart from this, is there anything else?"

"Of course there is, there are donations to the Poseidon, and there are offerings to the mountains..."

Chen Jin asked: "In the mountains?"

"that is……"

Zheng Han suddenly stopped and looked at Chen Jin suspiciously, wondering who he was.

If the identity is not clear, it is easy to say the wrong thing, which will be tragic.

Chen Jin did not pursue the question, but changed the topic: "Didn't we say that when we open up wasteland on the island, we will be exempted from various miscellaneous taxes?"

"That was the current policy in the past, and it was mainly aimed at reclaiming wasteland. I am a merchant and am not included in this."

"In that case, your business here is not easy, so why do you want to leave your hometown and come here to make a living?"

Zheng Han smiled bitterly and said: "These days, if you can live a stable life, who would want to live a homeless life? There is no other way, so I have to go out to see if I can find a way to survive."

Chen Jin was silent.

In fact, for the people at the bottom, their requirements are not very high. As long as they can live a stable life and have a full stomach, that is enough.

But unfortunately, many times even this requirement cannot be met.

Chen Jin did not drink water. After learning some things, he left quickly because Zheng Han became suspicious of him.

They met each other by chance and asked questions about sensitive topics, which naturally made people suspicious.

Unless Chen Jin revealed his identity, it was not the time yet, and he did not choose to punish Squad Leader Qin and others.

Punishment is easy, but it will bring disaster to Zheng Shan's family.

It's satisfying to act chivalrously and righteously, but if you can't solve the problem at its root, it will be like leaving a mess after you leave in style.

Watching him leave, Zheng Han looked confused. He couldn't figure out the other person's identity.

In such a situation, it is best to keep a distance to avoid getting involved in anything.

For ordinary people, being wise and protecting themselves is the first principle.


Got it!
After leaving the dock, Chen Jin mounted his horse and ran towards Fucheng along a fairly wide dirt road.

There are not many pedestrians along the way, and if you look farther away, you can see the rolling mountains.

Seeing these mountains, he couldn't help but think of the mountains in Lingnan.

The two are quite similar in many aspects, except that the mountains of Rakshasa are taller and steeper, the mountains and forests are vast, and there is a kind of untamed wildness.

Chen Jin felt that these mountains and forests were not just hiding birds and animals, but there were other things as well.

scary stuff...

After exploring for about an hour, when he saw the "city", Chen Jin couldn't help but wonder if he had gone the wrong way.

But on the top of the city gate, the word "Rakshasa" is clearly visible, making it clear.

This one is the state capital of Rakshasa Sea Continent.

It just seems that it may not be comparable to a county town in the Central Plains region.

The city walls are short and mottled and worn, and the wall tiles are covered with moss.

At the city gate, there were a few soldiers who were responsible for guarding the city. They stood swaying here and there without any image. They ignored people coming in and out, and they did not check the road signs. They were completely useless.

Chen Jin dismounted and led the horse into the city.

On the way, an elderly soldier glanced at him and let him in without saying anything.

No wonder this place has become a good place to harbor fugitives. No matter what crimes they commit outside, as long as they escape here, they can live and work in peace and contentment, and nothing will happen to them.

After entering the city, Chen Jin did not go to the government office, nor was he in a hurry to find an inn. Instead, he led his horse for a stroll on the street.

The order and appearance on the street are not bad. Although there is a mixed crowd, people seem to be observing certain rules and not messing around.

Among the people walking on the street, there are very few real Rakshasa natives. There are more people, and by their appearance and accent, you can tell that they are from the Central Plains.

As for the identity, it’s hard to say.

He might be a fugitive, he might be a businessman, he might be a pioneer...

According to reports, most Rakshasa natives live in villages in the mountains and fields outside the city, and only come to the city when something happens.

After all, this city was slowly built after Rakshasa Haizhou was included in the dynasty's territory.

In terms of history, it is much newer than those villages in Dazhai.

Chen Jin walked slowly, thoughtfully.

Before coming here, he had collected a lot of information about Rakshasa Sea Continent, but there was nothing good to show it. They basically talked about how dangerous, bad, and terrifying this place was.

It’s simply demonized!
When I came there in person, I suddenly realized that it was not as brutal as the rumors said.At least so far, Chen Jin is alone, but no one has come to cause trouble.

Perhaps it was because he was operating within the city rather than outside it.

(End of this chapter)

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