Chapter 235
Chen Jin and Cui Qizhao went to Datun Mountain hand in hand. They did not bring any followers, soldiers, or carriages, just two people and two horses.

Chen Jin wears a long sword on his waist; Cui Qizhao's long spear is hung on the saddle. Her magical plum blossom spear was lost in the capital. Now she is using an iron spear that looks very ordinary.

But no matter how ordinary a weapon is, as long as it is held in the hands of a warrior in the fourth realm, it will become a deadly weapon.

After Chen Jin's diligent treatment, Cui Qizhao is now able to use force. Although he has not yet returned to his peak state, in terms of force, he is definitely superior to Chen Jin.

The horse was riding fast, much faster than a carriage. When they arrived at the foot of the mountain, it was almost the same as last time. Many natives lined up outside the village, staring at them with evil eyes.

The leader, Cai Lishi, cupped his fists and said, "I've seen Mr. Chen... please go this way."

He led them to a small stilt building nearby and said: "You two adults have been running all the way, please rest here. I will send someone to deliver food and other supplies later."

Chen Jin asked directly: "Where is Cai Tongpan?"

"The Venerable is sick and unwell and needs to rest. He cannot come out to meet Master Chen now."

"Oh, that's fine."

Chen Jin didn't say anything more and went upstairs with Cui Qizhao.

This is a small building. The upstairs is simply furnished, with a hall and two rooms, which is fairly ventilated and clean.

Cui Qizhao said: "Looking at this scene, people here obviously don't take you, the prefect, seriously."

Chen Jin smiled and said: "We are not here as guests, how can we treat guests well?"

Cui Qizhao pondered: "To be honest, before boarding the ship, I collected a lot of intelligence information about Rakshasa Sea Continent, but when I actually arrived and learned more about it, I found that many things did not add up."

"It's not surprising. After all, the intelligence information itself is just rumors and rumors. The public opinion is accustomed to making false claims."

"So, this Mountain and Sea Festival?"

Chen Jin thought for a while before replying: "This is a major custom of Rakshasa. It should be divided into two categories, mountain sacrifice and sea sacrifice. Sea sacrifice is for the sea king and dragon god, and those who believe in him are mainly the fishermen along the coast and some people." Tribe, they are not in Datun Mountain. Strictly speaking, what we are here to participate in is the Rakshasa Mountain Festival, hosted by Cai Tongpan, and attended by the two secret sects of Hehuan Gu God and Datun Zombie God."

Cui Qizhao sneered and said: "What secret sect? It's nothing more than heresy, cultivating poison, refining corpses, pretending to be gods and ghosts."

Chen Jin smiled and said: "I think so too, but I don't know what the so-called Rakshasa Demon God is."

"No matter what it is, if it dares to do evil and cause trouble, it will be killed."

Cui Qizhao showed his domineering side.

At this moment, his identity and momentum as the chief helmsman of Tongwenhui seemed to be restored.

Chen Jin warned: "We are going deep into the tiger's den now, so we have to be careful... By the way, have you put on the amulet I gave you? This thing can ward off evil spirits and prevent insects."

"I wear it."

Cui Qizhao responded.

In fact, with her cultivation level, her energy and blood are steaming like a furnace, and ordinary poisonous insects cannot get close to her. She also has magical weapons and rare treasures on her body, which are much better than the amulets made by Chen Jin in terms of efficacy.

But this talisman was a gift from Chen Jin. Cui Qizhao cherished it like a treasure. He hung it on his neck and placed it in his heart. He cherished it very much.

After a while, two maids brought a large plate of various fruits and snacks.

The snack was not delicate, it had a rough style, probably made from rice flour or something.

Just in case, Chen Jin directly opened his Dharma eyes to see; Cui Qizhao took out a silver needle to test the poison, and his actions were very skillful.

Seeing this, Chen Jin couldn't help but think of the time when Cui Qizhao was attacked by the Gray Spider Guards of the Inner Factory in painted skins and was stabbed.

Originally, the knife wound was not serious, but the blade was smeared with Su Gu powder, which made it impossible for her to use force. In the end, she was besieged by the inner factory cavalry and almost died.

Thinking back on it, Cui Qizhao's life was really difficult. I don't know how many people wanted to take her life, with open and covert attacks everywhere.There are only a handful of people like her who can be trusted around her.

After checking, the fruit snacks are all fine and can be eaten.


Cai Lishi came to the outside of the stilted building of the Venerable and waited for a while before being allowed to go upstairs and come to see him.

Cai Tongpan seemed to be older and trembling, as if a gust of wind could blow him over. He asked, "How many people did Chen Jin bring?"

"There was just a young man with a very handsome appearance. He was the head of the Yamen appointed by Chen Jin, named 'Cui Qizhao'. It was he who led a large group of people to the island, took over the Yamen, and started training in military armor. It is said that he has There were hundreds of people.”

"Training troops? Haha, what a big deal."

Rakshasa Haizhou belongs to the territory of Daqian for special historical reasons. It was not conquered by force, so there are many problems.The typical point is that the influence of the imperial government is not great, far less than that of the four gods.

To put it bluntly, the imperial court had no troops stationed on the island.

There are countless old and weak soldiers in the city.

Regarding these situations, Emperor Jingwen wanted to make changes in the past, but before the decree was implemented, major changes occurred. When the new emperor came to power, he could no longer care about Rakshasa Haizhou.

Cai Tongpan thought that the transcendent status of the Four Gods would continue forever, but he never expected that after killing the disloyal Magistrate Song, the new guy would turn out to be such a ruthless character.

If I had known this, it would be better to keep Magistrate Song.

The intelligence information about Chen Jin has been sent back two days ago, but it is of little value. The main reason is that Chen Jin comes from a poor family, has learned a lot, and can recite poems and write lyrics...

However, these are not the same as Chen Jin who came to the island. They don't seem to be the same person.

Therefore, Cai Tongpan even doubted whether the contract had been switched.

It is not unheard of for a new official to be replaced on the road when he takes office.

But now that the matter has come to this, there is no point in even doubting it. Chen Jin has firmly controlled the government office and has also started training soldiers. In a short period of time, he has formed a majestic army, including swords, guns, and armor. .

what does this mean?
it goes without saying.

If the Four God Tribes don't do anything, they will have no choice but to watch Chen Jin become powerful and unable to suppress him anymore.

The army is equipped with armor, galloping back and forth, which is enough power to destroy mountains and cut down temples.

Even if Cai Tong judged them to have the advantage of the terrain, it would be difficult to resist.

At this point, Cai Tongpan can be sure that the people Cui Qizhao brought must be well-trained elite officers and soldiers.

Some people have equipment, except for orthodox officers and soldiers, and don't do what they want.

Therefore, it must be the new emperor who wants to attack Rakshasa Haizhou...

So cruel!

Cai Lishi's eyes flashed with a ruthless look: "Honorable Sir, should we take action tonight?"

Cai Tongpan waved his hand: "Don't act too hastily, so as not to scare the snake. If they dare to enter the stronghold with two people, they must have something to rely on. Send your troops out to see if there is an ambush outside."


"Also, take people to guard the surrounding area. Now that they've come in, don't even think about going out again."

(End of this chapter)

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