spooky calendar

Chapter 103 First encounter in the country of competition

Chapter 103 First encounter in the country of competition

"After all, you can go back on your word at any time. I don't make fun of the safety of my men." Jian said one by one.

Alice was actually very beautiful.

But because of the old profession of coser, Alice as a person...has changed a lot.

"I may turn into weird human-designed images... Sometimes I'm not even a human being, can you accept that?"

The tone of these words made everyone feel that Alice was a little inferior.

Alice also has her own identity in real life, just like Lan Yu is a big star... Alice's identity is also very glamorous - a big cosplayer on Twitter.

Her cosplay is very realistic and has a special kind of sex appeal.

Any role she plays in any human-created work has very little trace of her acting.

For example, the colorful hair in anime characters would look fake at first glance if wigs were used, but on Alice, it looks very realistic and natural.

It stands to reason that Alice should be a heartthrob.

But unfortunately, she is sometimes forced to play some... non-human characters.

For example, she has rabbit ears and a fluffy, fur-ball-like rabbit tail. Even her nose, paws, and eye color are very similar to those of a rabbit.

In Furikong's eyes, Alice is simply the goddess of the world.

But Alice knew very well that when her appearance appeared at home...the expressions of disgust from her father, mother, and brother,

It was the second week after she got the calendar. At that time, after unlocking the function, her cosplay was very unstable.

In the eyes of some people with more traditional concepts, Alice is actually a very "non-mainstream" existence.

Jian Yiyi smiled and said: "I have a tattoo, so I'm quite right."

This short sentence made Alice feel a warm current rushing through her.

"Why do you firmly think that your subordinates can come back alive?" Alice has obviously agreed to Jian Yiyi's "discussion".

Lan Yuxin said, this is equivalent to adding a board-level combat capability to the Linxiang City team?
But why does it feel so weird that Jian Yiyi can actually seduce?
Lan Yu is also curious about the source of Jian Yi's confidence in Qin Ze.

Jane said one by one:

"I just think Nuwa is very abnormal."

"Nuwa?" Lan Yu looked at Jian Yiyi in confusion.

Among the company members present, there were still a few who didn't know the situation and didn't know how they got involved with Nuwa.

But Alice knew better.

She nodded and said:

"I see. If you think about it carefully, Nuwa is indeed suspicious. What is she planning?"

"I originally thought that she wanted to gather all forces in Linxiang City and cause a war."

"But now it seems that if the bait of the war is Ling Aozhe, it seems that the bait is too big."

"If she wanted to kill Ling Aozhe, Ling Aozhe would not survive today."

"If she wants to start a war, it would be too ill-considered. After all, a being of Odin's level will be very cautious and will not take action easily."

Jian Yiyi didn't understand either, but he guessed a possibility:
"Is it possible that the luck in Ling Aozhe's body has been taken away?"

"Nu Wa really hopes that everyone can start a fight and lure the members of the killer organization and the Hall of Heroes to Laixiang City, and use our hands to eradicate them."

"And Ling Aozhe's luck was actually taken away a long time ago. So Nuwa didn't spend any money at all, but she deceived everyone with a lie?"

"Perhaps what Nuwa is planning has little to do with Ling Aozhe. Ling Aozhe is just a cover-up used by Nuwa to cover up a larger conspiracy or plan?"

Alice really hadn't thought of this possibility.But when I think about it carefully, it makes sense.

If she were Nuwa and wanted to divert the Hall of Heroes' attention from pursuing the real reason why she entered the world of the Old Calendar...

That would require provoking a very big incident.

This incident was Ling Aozhe's luck.

Ling Aozhe knew a certain secret, and this secret put Ling Aozhe in a state of "Heavenly Execution".

But due to the protection of luck, not only would Ling Aozhe not die, but he would live quite well.

The business is getting bigger and bigger, and from time to time, due to good luck, the current predicament is overcome.

Luck is something that can lead to many hidden adventures in the realm of the old calendar.

Since Nuwa plans to enter the world of the old calendar, there is no reason why Nuwa herself should not have luck.

Has she got luck?

So Ling Aozhe, who had no luck to protect him, would be punished by heaven?
The more Alice thought about it, the more she felt it was possible.

Maybe everything tonight was just a cover-up trick by Nuwa, and at the same time, it was also Nuwa's attempt to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

But Alice and Jane thought of a key point at the same time——

"Nu Wa disappeared three weeks ago, and Ling Aozhe was still fine as of yesterday. If Ling Aozhe's luck has disappeared, how can Nuwa ensure that Ling Aozhe, who Lin Rang knows about a secret great existence, can survive? In three weeks?”

"Also, the Five Tigers of the Hall of Heroes said that Ling Aozhe will encounter a certain event. If he does not encounter this event, even if he kills Ling Aozhe, he will not be able to take away his luck."

"What exactly is this incident?"

Alice listened to Jane's analysis one by one, and felt more and more suspicious.

But both of them understood that there was no way to investigate now.

Alice said:
"But this has nothing to do with whether your subordinates can come back safely."

If Qin Ze can come back safely, maybe we can find out the reason from Qin Ze.

But the premise is, can he come back?

Jane said one by one:

"Wait, I don't dare to reveal the answer. If you guess it, please keep it secret."

Several people were confused, including Alice.

She and Jane don't get exactly the same amount of information one by one.

She didn't know that before the heavy rain came, Ling Aozhe met Qin Ze.

Jian Yiyi has another bold guess——

Everything tonight, the heavy rain and the heavenly punishment, all started from the meeting between Ling Aozhe and Qin Ze.

Maybe, this is the event.



Somewhere in Linxiang City.

The young messenger held up a man's head and said:

"Member of the Hall of Valor, Gao Jingzhi, codename Bloody Mary. It's her again. You killed her twice."

"Why do I think there will be a third time? Are you sure you don't want to use the soul weapon?"

"Since she revealed the contents of the manuscript last time, she revealed it again this time...it's really a headache."

The young messenger pouted.

The tall messenger said:

"It only takes three. The third time I will use the soul weapon."

Once someone reveals the contents of the Golden Calendar manuscript, the messenger will get an exact coordinate.

But the messenger - didn't know who he wanted to kill.

Only after getting close to a certain range can the messenger know who this person is.

So this time, the messenger and the reserve young messenger——

No one thought that Gao Jingzhi, the powerful empress codenamed Bloody Mary in the Hall of Valor, would be the target of pursuit.

Not surprisingly, the messenger's unparalleled strength was enough to remove Gao Jingzhi's head.

The messenger also received a "mission accomplished" prompt.

This means that Gao Jingzhi is indeed dead.

But looking at Gao Jingzhi's head, which is still dripping blood, he is as well-informed as a messenger...

I also felt a hint of evil.

Gao Jingzhi had already been killed by her once, and now she was killed again.

Maybe as the young messenger said, there will be a third time.Therefore, after killing the people this time, the messenger did not leave immediately.

Together with the young messenger, he searched Gao Jingzhi's house.

I want to see if Gao Jingzhi left something behind.

I want to find out the secret of Gao Jingzhi’s resurrection from the dead, and how long Gao Jingzhi has lived. If she is not dead yet and can live again, then what method did she use——

Let the messenger get the "mission ended" prompt.

The ability to hide from the old calendar is a bug.

Now that the rain has passed, another bug must have been fixed by many killers and black calendarers.

Messengers hate bugs, and they don’t want too many bugs in their careers.

So two messengers, one tall and one short, began to search for clues.

This is the first time they have encountered such a thing, they usually kill people and then leave.

The "Pursuit System" unique to the messenger did not make any mistakes at all.

Not long after, the two actually found a note.

However, this note did not mention the details of how Gao Jingzhi got stuck in the bug, but only vaguely wrote some clues.

However, this is still an extremely important note, because it mentions another bug that caused the heavy rain tonight.

It turns out that all of this is connected.



"It turns out that after proving my loyalty, memories will really emerge. Thank you, the great Lady Nuwa!"

"I can't talk to you. Even in that memory, I can only see your beautiful figure covered by a black robe..."

"If I were next to you, I would kneel on the ground and kiss the uppers of your shoes to show my admiration for your great power and my personal admiration for you."

"I believe that one day, you will be able to find a way to separate the disadvantages of the old calendar form."

"When you can freely control the form of the old calendar, I think... you will be like the real Nuwa, filling the sky and preventing the end from coming."

"Please forgive me for not being able to say it to you in person, I can only write it down on paper."

"A heavy rain is coming tonight, and I will die. But I believe that with the help of luck, my story will not end."

When he saw this, the tall messenger frowned.


Indeed, the great luck made it impossible for the old will to kill Ling Aozhe.

Even Ling Aozhe can live better and better.

But Nuwa seemed to have used her luck to do something else.

Gao Jingzhi's arrival in Linxiang City was also related to Nuwa.

The messenger felt that the problem was a bit big, because he really couldn't kill Nuwa. It wasn't that he couldn't defeat her, but it was because of the agreement.

The messenger continued looking down.

"Thank you for giving me a little bit of your great luck, although just this little bit of luck is enough to save me from danger."

"I am looking forward to the scene of the rainy night you mentioned more and more, but I cannot visit it because I will also face death again on this day."

"The messenger is a very terrifying existence. I think no one in this world can avoid his pursuit, but you let me do it. Please allow me to express my respect and gratitude to you again."

"Finally, I hope everything goes well for you and that your designated son of luck can join you smoothly."

"Maybe the calendar will guide him to meet you again."

This is what the notes are all about.

Messengers are the people with the most information in the world. They are more powerful and know more than any Old Calendar.

When the tall messenger read this note, he was greatly shocked.

"It turns out that the bug is no longer a bug. Nuwa played a trick on everyone tonight. Ling Aozhe's luck is indeed with him, but his luck has been divided into many parts by Nuwa..."

"The lion's share has been transferred to others."

The tall messenger said a long sentence, which was indeed long enough for him.

The young messenger said:

"To whom was it transferred?"

Of course the tall messenger knew who it was, and his expression was a little complicated.

I didn't know whether to be happy or angry for a moment.

Happily, if that person is lucky enough to have a better chance of killing the fallen messenger.

Angry, Nuwa broke the rules and used her luck to let people who shouldn't survive survive.

This increases his workload.

Finally, the messenger did not speak, but shook his head and said:
"Let's call it a day. From next time, you will carry out the messenger mission alone. I will be responsible for the killings, and you will be responsible for delivering the manuscript."

"Can I read those manuscripts?" the young messenger asked with a smile.

"Yes. This is the privilege of the messenger, but you cannot reveal it to anyone, including me." The tall messenger said.

The young messenger nodded:
"You've seen it all. What I know, you already know."

The tall messenger said nothing, and the two began to walk out step by step.

Soon disappeared into the night.



The realm of the old calendar.

When Qin Ze opened his eyes, it was raining heavily in the land of old calendar and the country of competition.

The rain was so violent.Even though he was sitting in prison and couldn't see the rain outside, he could still hear the sound of the rain falling.

Subconsciously, Qin Ze thought he was still in the real world.

Until, he found himself in prison.

The dark and damp prison was filled with a stench.

Qin Ze suddenly woke up:

"Uncle Ling, Uncle Ling, where are you?"

Qin Ze's first reaction was to find Ling Aozhe to see if Ling Aozhe would come with him if he was recruited.

if there is not……

Then he could only think that Ling Aozhe had died in the real world.

"The Uncle Ling you called is the old man lying on your back, right?"

A somewhat leisurely and lazy voice appeared, making Qin Ze turn around.

He saw a man with silver hair.

I also saw Ling Aozhe, who was lying on the meadow, sleeping.

Qin Ze rushed to Ling Aozhe's side.

The silver-haired man opened his ears and said:

"Don't worry, he's fine. He's breathing evenly and his heartbeat is strong. He's fine, but most of the people who appear here as prison inmates will be in a coma first."

"Which area are you from? Judging from your appearance, you two don't look like aborigines from the God's territory. You do look a lot like my tribe, but I don't recognize you."

Qin Ze checked and was sure that Ling Aozhe was indeed fine. Only after he fell into a drowsy state did he turn his head and look at the silver-haired man in front of him.

In the land of the Old Calendar, it is extremely rare to see Old Calendar creatures dressed as humans.

So Qin Ze suspected that the person in front of him was a human being, an Old Calendar like himself.

"Where are you from?" he asked.

Then, Qin Ze heard an answer that surprised him.

"Okay, let me start first. My name is Akash, and I come from the land of chaos."

(End of this chapter)

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