spooky calendar

Chapter 170 Consecration and Prison Break

Chapter 170 Consecration and Prison Break
"It's not the people in the diary, but the people in the diary on a certain day. There are dates in the diaries."

Gong Ping said:

"The side effect is that maybe... you will be taken over by the person in the diary. You will become a copy of that person."

This is really creepy.

Qin Ze understood. No wonder Qiao Wei wanted to take apart the diary and the mask.

I fell asleep for a few days last week, so I didn't have time to study my diary.

But in Qiao Wei's expectation, she should find a way to figure out the function of the diary.

This person is probably Ou Yezi.

Qiao Wei also warned in her "will" not to read the diary easily.

It can be seen that Qiao Wei hopes that she can use the diary at critical moments.

I hope I can find a way to eliminate the side effects of journaling.

The next week, because the fifth day of May was coming, Qiao Wei had no choice but to give the mask to herself.

Because on the fifth day of May, the calendar will become special because of the festival, and at the same time, there will be big events in the Hall of Valor.

I need to improve my strength.

In fact, Qin Ze's strength has improved no slower than Jian Yiyi back then.

Last week, Qin Ze was still a foreigner. This week, compared to the foreigner, Qin Ze's outer body and mind have been improved. With a good combination of diary and mask, there may be a gap in strength between ghosts and gods, but he will definitely crush existences of the same level.

"Seize the house..."

Qin Ze muttered this word in his heart, it was really a terrible word.

If you think about it carefully, the probability of losing this thing is very high——

Then maybe Qiao Wei can really be used to create a copy.

Carefully cultivate someone so that this person has a special past, special encounters, and incredible luck.

Help him along the way, give him props, and give him opportunities——

Finally, use the diary to make him become another person.

Qin Ze did think of this possibility, but in the end he did not believe that this was Qiao Wei's original intention.

He believes in the relationship between husband and wife.

"Now you understand, how terrifying this thing is. Nuwa created humans... If you really become someone created by Nuwa, you can imagine how many forces you will attract."

"It can be said that Nuwa is the biggest source of chaos in the current Old Calendar world. Before she disappeared, Linxiang City was not so chaotic."

Gong Ping had lingering fears and was still afraid of Nuwa's things.

Qin Ze retorted:
"Before she disappeared, Linxiang City was not so chaotic. Doesn't that mean that she was protecting Linxiang City?"

Gong Ping said anxiously:

"Why are you still helping her to speak? Forget it, I don't care. I'm telling you, if you really need help, you can try to use it."

"It's like using one death to cover another death."

"But except for me, don't let anyone know about this diary of yours!"

"I'm absolutely tight-lipped!"

Qin Ze smiled and said:

"If you don't keep your mouth shut, I will turn into Nuwa and kill you."

"Fuck, don't make such a joke!"

Gong Ping was really frightened.

Qin Ze found it interesting.

It's strange, it seems that everyone except myself thinks that Nuwa is extremely dangerous.

Well, it’s not surprising actually.

"Okay, okay, get out of my office, I have a date with a girl this afternoon!"

"You really have an iron kidney, but the drill bit is a little small." Qin Ze said.

Gong Ping was stunned at first, and then wanted to compete with Qin Ze!
"Damn it, who do you think has a small bit? If you can, take off your pants and compete!"

"Oh, you scheming... Shudu people, take your leave."

After Qin Ze put away the mask and diary, he left.



On the third day of May, Linxiang City, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was blazing.

There are two temples in Linxiang City. Qin Ze had visited one before, which attracted ravings from the Buddha.

Relying on babble, he defeated the babble of the fallen god Hai Zhu.

This time Qin Ze went to another temple called the Golden Buddha Temple.

It is a local tourist attraction. It is different from the previous temple. Although the previous one also charged various fees, it was still nothing compared to the Golden Buddha Temple.

The commercialization of the Golden Buddha Temple was very successful.It is a standard "modern temple".

A huge wooden plaque hangs above the gate of the temple, with glittering religious mottos written on it.

The square in front of the door is lined with trees, and stone steps lead to the main hall.The walls of the temple are inlaid with exquisite tiles and artistic murals.

Under the sunlight, these pictures sparkle with brilliant colors.

The courtyard layout of the temple is exquisite, surrounding a solemn main hall.

There is also a small pool in the center of the courtyard. The clear water reflects the surrounding buildings and the blue sky and white clouds.

Qin Zede said that monks know how to enjoy themselves. He couldn't help but think of a host who had a relationship with a pilgrim a few days ago and was extorted millions.

Ordinary people can't afford millions.I am still very rich.

In the main hall, a magnificent Buddha statue is enshrined, surrounded by smoke.

The temple has a modern auditorium for holding religious ceremonies and events, which is equipped with advanced audio equipment and projectors.

The temple also has a library and a learning center to provide believers with a place for learning and communication, promoting the integration of religion and modern society.

This is a large "monk's happy palace".

There was a reason why Qin Ze chose to find this kind of temple with a strong commercial atmosphere. He was in a hurry.

After spending a little money, Qin Ze quickly found the abbot of the Golden Buddha Temple.

The old monk's clothes were flying, and the Buddhist monk's robes he wore gave off the feeling of immortality.

Don't tell me, this face is naturally suitable for deceiving people.

Qin Ze's request is very simple:
"I want to consecrate two evil things and remove their evil nature."

When the old abbot heard this, he asked to see these two evil objects.

So Qin Ze took out the mask and diary on the long table at the back of the main hall.

What is 100% certain is that this abbot does not have a calendar and is not a calendar follower.

But the abbot's expression and demeanor all express what superb acting skills are.

His expression was solemn, as if he had seen something extraordinary.

The old monk said in a deep voice:
"This thing does have a huge evil nature. Even if the Golden Buddha Temple is bathed in Buddha's light, I can still feel this powerful evil energy."

Qin Ze nodded:
"I wonder if consecrating these two things can remove this evil spirit?"

The old monk said:
“Where did the donor’s stuff come from?”

"Relics, don't ask too many questions." Qin Ze's answer was very brief.

He didn't want to waste time.

The old monk said:
"Donor, you are destined to be with this temple. If you hadn't met Lao Monk, your life would have been in danger in the future."

I have to say that by this point in the conversation, Qin Ze felt that the old monk really knew something.

Until what the old monk said next:

"I, the Buddha, also pay attention to fate. If there is fate, I should eliminate disasters for the donor. However, this elimination of disasters and consecration require great merit."

Qin Ze got it straight:

"How much is it."

The old monk had a faint smile on his face:

"It's vulgar to talk about money. I said that Buddhism talks about fate. As the saying goes, there is deep hatred in the sea of ​​blood, and there are hundreds of thousands of fate. Donor, if you want to resolve this deep hatred in the sea of ​​blood, you need great merit, and you need the monks in my temple. , chant the Dharma for two items for three days and three nights, and then you can use these [-] fates to eliminate this blood feud."

Qin Ze understood, it cost eighty-eight thousand.

No wonder this temple is so modern and this opening is so important.

But what Qin Ze has to do is trigger behavior, and he is not short of money.But it took too long, three days and three nights?
He can't wait.

Seeing that Qin Ze didn't speak immediately, the old monk thought it was too much, so he thought about lowering the amount.

But he never thought that Qin Ze said:
"Master, I have voted for this project, but I hope to have more connections with your temple. I will offer you 12 yuan. Do you think you can speed up the process for the eminent monks in the temple?"

"I want to finish the consecration today."

Now it was the old monk's turn to be confused.

Are there really such resentments?
"Since the benefactor has such wisdom, I will tell everyone in the temple to work harder and use merit to get rid of this deep hatred in the sea of ​​blood as soon as possible."

Qin Ze showed a satisfied look.

"I hope to supervise the whole process...oh no, observe, observe the consecration process, is that okay?"

"Yes, but the consecration process of our temple cannot be known to the outside world. I hope the donor will not secretly record it. If you want to watch, you need to change into a monk's robe."

The old monk said calmly.

Qin Ze didn't object, he just wanted to prevent someone from using the mask and causing trouble.

"Okay, no problem. Then go call someone. How long will it take?"

"I need to inform them in half an hour. The donor can wait in the main hall."

"Okay, then I'll wait."

Qin Ze came to the front of the main hall, waiting for the monks to gather together to consecrate the mask and diary.

But then, something else caught his attention.

It's not without reason that Gong Ping described Qin Ze as someone with a troublesome physique.

Qin Ze came to the front of the main hall, under the huge golden Buddha——

There is a man lying on a hospital bed.

This man's whole body is wrapped in bandages, and he is comparable to Shishio in Rurouni Ken's heart, or maybe like a mummy.

It seems that there is no useful place in the whole body except for the eyes.

But even the eyes were closed tightly.

The people surrounding the hospital bed were a team of doctors and nurses, as well as relatives of the person lying on the bed.

Apparently he was his younger brother.

Qin Zexin said that there are all kinds of wonders in the world, but there are still people who come to worship Buddha with such a serious injury?

So Qin Ze asked:

"Are you going to pray for the patient?"

The patient’s brother nodded:
"This is my eldest brother. He is the best person to me in this world. My eldest brother had an accident before and suddenly he lost consciousness."

"Oh, my eldest brother is also unlucky. On a rainy night not long ago, he was struck by lightning, but he didn't die. His whole body was burned."

Good guy, first he turned into a vegetative state, and then he was struck by lightning.

What kind of bad luck is this?
Qin Ze asked:

"So you think modern medicine has done its best, and you want to see if metaphysics can help you? Or help your brother's fortune?"

Qin Ze had already changed into a monk's robe at this moment, so his words were not meant to be mocking.

The patient’s brother explained:
"Yeah, my eldest brother said he needs someone to take him to pray."

Qin Ze nodded, and then he was stunned and realized the problem:

"What do you mean? Why does your elder brother need someone to take him to pray?"

"Didn't your elder brother... become a vegetative state due to an accident? Can a vegetative person tell you that he needs to pray?"

Of course, a vegetative person cannot express his or her needs to others.

But the patient’s brother nodded patiently and explained:
"Yeah, I don't dare to mess with my brother. It's precisely because my brother told me to do it that I did it."


Has the world become so abstract?How do you give orders to people in a vegetative state?
Qin Ze said:

"What's the order?"

"Dream entrustment. My brother entrusted me with dreams, and also entrusted dreams to several other brothers. I was the closest, and I was responsible for carrying out my brother's instructions."

Seeing that the other party didn't look like he was joking, Qin Ze found it a bit funny.

But he didn't laugh, because the next second, he thought of a possibility.

"Did you feel that in the dream, your brother was really serious? That dream made you feel extremely real?" Qin Ze asked.

"Yes, yes! That dream was very real. When my eldest brother hugged me, I felt as if he was back!"

The patient's brother's answer made Qin Ze think more and more in a certain direction.

"Is he in a dream? He told me a thousand times that this is a dream, and even told you that this is a dream."

"And I have stressed to you over and over again that we must take him to pray and let his body make praying movements?"

"Did you feel magical after you woke up, but because the dream was too realistic, you found other friends who were suitable and found that many people were entrusted with the dream?"

The patient’s brother opened his eyes wide;
"Ah! How did you know that? Are you also a master in the temple?"

Qin Ze's thoughts turned out to be true.

Damn it, I met a fellow inmate!

Some things must be experienced before you can feel them when you encounter them.

If Qin Ze had not experienced being imprisoned by a fallen messenger, then he would not be curious about the vegetative person today, or he would be curious, but he would not associate him with being a "prisoner".

Qin Ze speculated on such a possibility in his heart.

If a person's soul is imprisoned and the body is still alive... then the body will sleep forever.

Just like myself on the first and second day of May.

If you don't rely on Yi, it may be difficult to escape from the area where the fallen messenger is.

And it has to be alive.

Now, Qin Ze may have met another "prison escapee".

There are others, like him, who have gone through all the troubles but have not died.

This person was seriously injured by the Misfortune and survived the Misfortune, but his soul was locked in the locked area of ​​the Fallen Messenger.

So in the real world, this person becomes a vegetable.

Without soul, there is no consciousness.

But this person must be trying his best to leave.

This person is not dead yet, so in the real world, his calendar is still updating Yiji.

Maybe it was because of a certain behavior in the Yiji update that allowed him to entrust his dreams!

After Qin Ze figured out all this, he also knew that he was just guessing and had no evidence.

Maybe it's just a dream?

But he still said to the patient's brother:

"Don't come to Buddhist temples to pray. Buddha statues don't accept prayers."

The patient’s brother was puzzled:

"But when you pray, you have to pray to the Buddha...otherwise who should you pray to?"

Qin Ze subconsciously wanted to say, you can pray to my wife.It's okay to pray to me.

But he didn't say that.He didn't want to leave things alone, nor did he want to create extravagance.

Qin Ze then said:
"Buddha is a foreign thing, Taoism is our own."

"It's useless to worship Buddha. I suggest you go to a Taoist temple. Listen to me. Your brother is not far from waking up."

“The consequences of praying wrongly can be serious.”

Qin Ze didn't know whether the Taoist immortals like the Three Pure Ones in the Taoist Temple were his own people.

But in the old calendar world, if there really is a Buddha, that is not a good thing.

"In his dream, did your brother only mention praying but not worshiping Buddha?"

"I tell you, worshiping Buddha is worshiping Buddha, and praying is praying. Listen to me, find a Taoist temple! A Taoist temple with a true god!"

When he said this, Qin Ze himself felt that it was like a dialogue that only existed in some weird Taoist world.

His expression was solemn, and he guessed correctly several times in succession about the situation in the dream. The patient's brother thought for a moment and decided to listen to the advice.

So he stuffed a lot of money, ordered a group of people to carry the hospital bed back into the ambulance, and drove the car towards the Taoist temple.

It was also from this moment that Qin Ze planted a special opportunity for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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