spooky calendar

Chapter 189 My home has become the boss’s lair

Chapter 189 My home has become the boss’s lair
Jian Yiyi didn't wait long before the purple exclamation mark came.

As a person with full luck, the purple exclamation mark refreshes very quickly.

And they are not far from where Jian Yiyi is.

With various performances, Jian Yiyi was like a panda sent to a free country, watched by countless people and made as convenient as possible.

Of course, unlike pets, people's ultimate expectation for Jian Yiyi is a humanoid weapon.

About the third hour after sorting out the information, Jane entered the purple exclamation mark area one by one.

As soon as you enter the area, you get the item - Potion x2.

After seeing the effect of the potion, Jian Yiyi felt that this thing was like half a life.

He accepted it with gratitude.

At the same time, the following information was edited——

"My friend Li Qingzhao, thank you very much for your help. Unfortunately, I didn't get any valuable props for you during this exploration."

"But I have compiled a lot of information. Since I only have 10 minutes, I can only tell you the key information. I hope this information will be useful to you."

After these words, Jian Yiyi gave all the information he had compiled and reasoned to "Li Qingzhao".

There was no way, he couldn't choose his allies. To be honest, there was no absolute certainty as to whether Li Qingzhao was a good guy or a bad guy.

But at the moment, he couldn't find a better choice than Li Qingzhao.

It may not be difficult to pass the level. Although many people died in the level, for Jian Yiyi, the priority was never to pass the level, but to pass the level with high scores and high rewards.

Among them, intelligence information collection is also a type of high return.

Therefore, Jian Yiyi hopes to obtain maximum information through cooperation.

"The above is my inference. I think that although Linxiang City is mentioned in the game world and is a place we are familiar with, the two Linxiang cities are not related."

"It's a different world. I feel like it's very much like the Old Calendar world."

"What's more puzzling to me is that the world in the game seems to be related to the world of the old calendar. For example, the reason why people study me is because there is something called the 'blood worm' in my body."

"Sounds like some kind of poison."

"I can't help but think of... Well, not long ago, Amaterasu-sama infected humans with the blood of old creatures and created death squads."

"It feels like this to me now."

Jian Yiyi is actually disgusting with Amaterasu.If possible, he hopes that when he becomes stronger, he can kill Amaterasu himself.

But since he is now playing "Lucifer" in the Hall of Valor, it sounds like he is from the Jesus line, but he also serves the five gods, so he still called Amaterasu-sama against his will.

"Of course, these are all my thoughts. I hope to hear your opinion and hope that this information will be of value to you."

Jane left these messages one by one.

The 10 minutes ended quickly, and Jian Yiyi had to exit the alien space where players communicated.

He became Experimental Subject No. 144 again.

And next, he will face a cruel truth.



The plane of traversers.

Qin Ze and Wen An returned with supplies.

The sky is bright and there are few monsters.Powerful monsters are inside each major room.

In fact, there are still many places to explore in the hospital. It is said that there is a suicide note in the hospital.

This suicide note tells the story of a snow-colored haired female aristocrat's love affair with a disappeared big shot.

But Qin Ze did not explore in depth.

Qin Ze actually had a feeling that this was his first time visiting this place, but it wouldn't be his last.

There are still many places worth exploring in this vast game world.

Perhaps the historical truth is hidden here.

But now, he has to go back with supplies and avoid the powerful creatures in various strongholds as much as possible.

"With so many potions, we have achieved great success. It's really strange." Wen An said.

Qin Ze was confused:

"What are you wondering about?"

Wen An said:

"I always feel that either the monsters are really lazy, or you are very lucky and it was too easy along the way."

"Although we have also experienced monster attacks, which are also dangerous, we have not encountered any powerful existence so far."

Qin Ze nodded, of course he knew his luck well.

Are Nuwa's treasures playing with you?Qin Ze changed the topic:

"You said after we go back, what reward will the boss give us if we bring so many drugs?"

Wen An shook his head:

"I don't know, but I suggest that when you go back... do something stupid to make your boss not have a good impression of you."

Qin Ze was even more confused:


Wen'an's lenses reflected light again:

"If you're far away, you're envious, if you're close you're jealous. If you rise too fast, my second brother will be unhappy."

Qin Ze narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Second brother? Isn't he the most loyal to the boss?"

Wen An sneered:

"Do you know why I maintain an unsociable attitude? Do you think I don't know how to be kind to others in a doomsday environment?"

Qin Ze seemed to understand a little bit.

Wen An is actually a very smart person. Although he is an NPC in this game, what Wen An does is simply the behavior of the protagonist in a doomsday novel.

Wen An continued:

"When my boss led people to find me, I had enough supplies to survive for several years."

"The boss asked me to give away the supplies and let me hang out with her. Many people thought I would hate the boss."

"But I'm not stupid. I know very well that since the situation has reached this point, it is meaningless to hate the boss. Not only should I not hate, but I must obey and cooperate."

Qin Ze agreed.

In the apocalypse, the law of the jungle will be particularly obvious. The weak will be angry at the strong, which is meaningless.It will only make you die faster.

Wen An said:

"But I didn't do it and I could see that if I did I would be seen as a thorn in someone's side."

"I have to keep people around me disgusted, but I have to emphasize my own worth."

"Do you understand what I mean? You have been promoted too fast recently, so you have to be careful. To be honest, I was surprised that you were able to bring back supplies yesterday. I thought you were dead."

"I was still thinking at the time, why are you so stupid? There are obviously powerful monsters hidden in places like skyscrapers."

"Now it seems, hey, it's not that you are stupid, but that you are confident."

Qin Ze intuitively felt the "Doomsday Palace Fight" for the first time.

He felt that Wen An had two meanings when he said this to him -

First, show goodwill and pull yourself into line.

Second, I really hope that I will not be cheated.

He closed his eyes, thought for a few times and said:
"Second brother, are you so small-minded?"

Wen An sneered:

"Not everyone has the so-called pattern. After all, a big pattern cannot withstand the many variables in the future."

"He likes the boss. Otherwise, why do you think such a person would be willing to be driven by the boss?"

"When a man likes a woman, if other men behave too well, it will drive him crazy."

The second brother gave Qin Ze a feeling of being gloomy and reserved.

But such a person actually has the temperament of a mastermind behind the scenes.

Qin Ze already had the answer in his heart.

But now, he needed to confirm his guess.

"I will follow my second brother on the next mission."



Qin Ze and Wen An successfully returned to the manor with the medicine.

When he met the boss again, Qin Ze had completed the second main mission.The rewards received are also very generous, and the manor cadre rights are opened, and they can enter any part of the manor.

At the same time, due to the cadre authority, the attitude of ordinary survivors towards Qin Ze has changed greatly.

Almost know everything.

And, gained the favorability of the boss.

When the boss's favorability increased, Qin Ze also unlocked a piece of vital information.

"You are very good, but I still need to test you more. What I am going to say next, I hope you will keep it secret."

"Not long ago, I got a clue. It was...a secret mission. This mission can only be completed by two people together. I don't know the details yet, but maybe this mission can help us get out of trouble."

"My plan is to choose one from Wen An, Er Ge, or Gao Kuan."

"But your appearance made me realize that there are better candidates. I hope I'm not wrong."

"I hope you can bring more life to this place."

These words are very much like drawing a cake.

It seems to be saying, if you behave well, I will take you to complete the advanced copy next time.

But Qin Ze's intuition was that this was not a painting.

All exploration tasks are the precursor of a certain super task.

Now, he has completed two prerequisite tasks.

"Next, as long as we kill the traitor and bring back something more valuable, we may be able to trigger the boss's hidden mission."

Qin Ze is looking forward to this game.

He only hoped that the time of resentment would last longer, and that this game world would not be reduced to a wisp of empty resentment.

At least, until he found out.


After gaining cadre authority, Qin Ze increased the frequency of dialogue with everyone.

Gather as much information as possible.

He didn't dare to mention Ling Hansu, but he could mention Ling Aozhe and the big star Lan Yu.

What surprised Qin Ze was...

There is Ling Aozhe in Linxiang City, but there is no blue jade.

Ling Aozhe, the chairman of Daan Life Insurance, is an entrepreneur who was not originally in Linxiang City, but then suddenly came to Linxiang City.

In this regard, Qin Ze discovered that Linxiang City in the game is almost the same as Linxiang City in reality.

But the strange thing is that there is no little fresh meat sapphire in Linxiang City in the game.

In Linxiang City in the game, the one closest to the trajectory of Lan Yu is a traffic star named Xu Kun.

Qin Ze couldn't ask other people, they were not that famous.

Lan Yu is definitely a household name with a lot of traffic.

Qin Ze became confused.

He also noticed that when he was communicating with others, his second brother did often look at him.

He was not afraid. Every time he noticed his second brother's gaze, Qin Ze met his gaze directly and responded gently with his eyes.

The second brother's eyes were as dark as his voice.

However, Qin Ze has many trump cards. Not to mention the second brother, even if the second master comes, he will not be afraid.


Before a new day comes, when a new task begins...

Qin Ze once again entered the purple exclamation mark area.

What was different from what was expected was that this time Qin Ze did not receive a return gift from "Lucifer".

He was more or less disappointed.

But as he clicked on the message sent by Lucifer and read it, Qin Ze's brows gradually wrinkled.

The shock in his eyes grew more and more.

He almost agreed with Lucifer's statement that "games are games, reality is reality, and the two have nothing to do with each other."

Until that prophecy mentioned a country he was familiar with——

The country of chaos.

Yes, although there are no clear words indicating that it is a country of chaos, Qin Ze believes that there will not be a second place like this.


A game borrowing from reality again?

Qin Ze didn't believe in such a coincidence. The existence of the Chaos Wei Kingdom was probably related to the guy with four "?" in his name.

But if this is really a country of chaos, then the country of chaos definitely exists.

Nowadays, Linxiang City in the real world does exist.

But in Linxiang City, there has never been any mention of hundreds of thousands of people missing.

There has never been such a big event in the world.

Qin Ze suddenly became afraid.

But then I thought - maybe there is a third world, maybe the world where I exist is the third world?

"If the game is a game and reality is reality...then what's the point of Qiao Wei being so interested in this area and almost asking me to challenge this game?"

Qin Ze always remembers that one of the two worlds has been destroyed.

He remembered this passage clearly.

He always thought that the world that was destroyed was the old calendar world.

But what if the old calendar world exists objectively?
The thought made his scalp tingle.

Because "Lucifer" is from the Hall of Heroes, and because Qin Ze does not have 100% trust in him, he does not intend to tell Lucifer about the chaos in the Wei Kingdom.

But Qin Ze still replied with a message:
"My friend Lucifer, your information is very valuable. If you have similar information again, please tell me."

"I will most likely start a hidden mission. If I get valuable information, I will share it with you."

"I don't have any gifts to give you back this time, but please believe that my promise is valuable."

Qin Ze replied like this.

Of course, Qin Ze also saw the voices of other players.

Some people want to buy medicines, and some people want to buy equipment.

Qin Ze ignored it. He just wanted to solve the mystery of the world's background.

And, get through the main line of the game.



The next day.

In the underground garage of the manor, Qin Ze ushered in the latest task.

The mission this time is to find the core of power.

The power core is hidden in a place that Qin Ze is extremely familiar with.

Qin Ze is very familiar with this place.

Youke Xincheng District.

This area is now surrounded by monsters.

As for the power core, it is something of unrealistic significance and not a technological product.

It is said to be some kind of mutation product left by a new human being.

It is a generator affected by strange forces.

Only by finding this thing can the energy problem of the manor be solved.

This time, the boss arranged for the second brother to explore the road.Just exploring.

From the boss's perspective, this is a long-term task that cannot be accomplished overnight.

You have to figure out the distribution of local monsters, find ways to create traps, and figure out the best route.

But Qin Ze’s idea is...

Qu Yuan's power is weakening, and he must fight quickly.

"The place where I live has become a dungeon. How can I pass the level without the speed of light?"

Qin Ze volunteered to go to Youke New City with his second brother.

(End of this chapter)

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