spooky calendar

Chapter 205 The mastermind behind the scenes

Chapter 205 The mastermind behind the scenes

May 10th.

At the recording site of a variety show, the female guest Ms. Dong finally realized that she could make mistakes at will.

Because Lan Yu is too strong.

In various physical competitions, Lan Yu is like a popular star on a martial arts film set who came to the romance film set next door...

That strength is comparable to a dimensionality reduction attack.

Lan Yu didn't make his physical abilities look excessive, and he didn't break any records. He was in a position that people thought was great, but he seemed to be able to achieve it.

Qin Ze looked at Lan Yu's grimaces and expressions again and again, seeing such a cute star for the first time.

Lan Yu refreshed all the male viewers' understanding of him. The program originally wanted to express the theme that "the wisdom of female guests can help male guests, and the physical fitness of male guests can increase the error tolerance rate."

But Lan Yu turned it into the main theme of "As long as the force value is full, it doesn't matter if intelligence is not required."

I have to say that this made the atmosphere at the scene instantly ignited.

The female audience members screamed.

It was also at this time that the second accident happened.

An ordinary-looking girl in her twenties walked to the stage in a wedding dress.

Her behavior was too bold, with a smile on her face without any anxiety, and she even nodded to the security staff around her...

It was as if she was the owner here and everyone else was a guest.

It was precisely because of this performance that the security personnel thought this was part of the show.

So the woman came to the stage without any hindrance.

This scene is like the award ceremony for the best game of the year. A young man appeared next to Hidetaka Miyazaki. Everyone thought he was a staff member, but in fact, he was an audience member who wanted to express his personal opinions.

When the woman came to the stage, everyone looked at him in astonishment. The host was also confused and stopped midway through the next question.

The host was quite experienced and subconsciously looked in the direction of the director.

But then, the director, everyone, and even Ms. Dong, who secretly expressed her love for Lan Yu, were all shocked.

Because the woman in the wedding dress said to Lan Yu:

"Lan Yu, when do you plan to marry me?"

After Lan Yu was stunned for a second, he realized that this might be an extreme fan.

He understood immediately that this was not the malicious intention of the program team. But as a live broadcast, if you don't handle it well, it will definitely cause big news.

So Lan Yu said calmly:

"Are you my fan? You are dressed beautifully today, but we are still recording the show. Can you please leave here first?"

He had a smile that was as gentle as Jian Yiyi.

If he could laugh at this level in a TV series, the director would definitely not complain about Lan Yu's lack of acting skills.

At this time, many viewers also realized that this girl is an extreme fan.

When the security personnel tried to pull the woman down, the woman took out a knife.

Aiming the knife at her own neck, her eyes became ferocious, with a bit of morbid madness:

"Lan Yu! I've had enough! You are a big star now, you can pretend to ignore me! But when you were with me, you clearly said that you loved me very much! You said you wanted to marry me! "

"But what are you doing now! What are you doing!"

The woman almost growled the words.

The explosion of emotions immediately silenced the scene.

The importance of acting is that it can make fake things look real.

Just like the videos on Douyin, you clearly know that normal people don’t have cameras on their heads, but when you see those jokes about explosive acting skills, you still subconsciously think it’s true.

The woman's acting skills are amazing.

Because this was not an act, but in her memory, Lan Yu really went to bed with her, breathing heavily while exercising on the pillow, and said all kinds of love words.

But due to the huge identity gap between the two parties, she can only live in her own life like a lover.

The light belonging to Lan Yu could not shine on her at all.

This memory actually feels very inconsistent.

Because in essence, she is not a person who can accept herself waiting for a man.

So when this memory was created, the woman couldn't bear it anymore. She wanted to tell everyone in her own way...

What kind of person is Lan Yu?

As an "actor", Lan Yu, a person whose acting skills deceive everyone, is able to distinguish between what kind of person is acting and what kind of person is genuine and emotional.

At this moment, he realized that this woman... was not acting.

"Say it! Say it! When will you marry me! Do you still remember what you said in bed!"

The dagger had pierced into the skin, and blood overflowed along the tip, like full and bright red hatred.

The whole place fell into silence. This explosive performance caused some thoughts in everyone's minds to quietly change.

The director was the first to react. He was not an unscrupulous director and immediately shouted:

"Stuck! Stuck! Stuck! Cut this part off! Stop filming now and solve the problem! Solve the problem first!"

Lan Yu calmed down instead. He looked at the woman seriously:

"So what else did I do?"

"How long have I known you? Since you want me to give you an answer today, can you tell me when I was with you."

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. I just want to know how we fall in love."

"Can you tell me the specific time?"

Lan Yu is very aware of how busy he is all day long. As the most influential person, he is not only responsible for the company's business, but also busy being a star.

The latter is important because many major events require him to use his celebrity status.

Lan Yu knew that the first thing he had to do was to confirm whether this woman had encountered some strange force.

Secondly, it is to prove one’s innocence to oneself.

Therefore, the specific time is important.

As long as it is a fabricated memory, there will definitely be holes in the specific time.

In the past few days, the media will definitely report the dirty stuff about him, sleep with a certain woman, and use his celebrity status to make verbal promises.

But as long as you deal with it calmly, you can use this wave of black material to increase the popularity, and...eventually reverse public opinion, achieve a second rise in popularity, and a second refinement of fans.

So Lan Yu needs specific time.

The woman yelled:

"Do you think I can't remember! Let me tell you, it all seems like it happened yesterday!"

In fact, all of this did happen yesterday, because these memories were created yesterday.

The woman began to tell her story with Lan Yu one by one.

The details include the brand of ice cream, the appearance of the waiter who went to the restaurant, the amusement park rides we played together, the specific content of the love words they said when they hugged each other, and some of the moods when talking about Lan Yu's roles in those TV series.

All kinds of scandals in the entertainment industry are easily accessible.

She spoke with certainty, almost without pause, with an expression of sadness, anger, and fascination and expectation...

The woman's story convinced almost everyone.

"Can you deny it?! Lan Yu, what are you going to give me in return for my youth!"

"Either you agree to marry me in front of everyone today! Or, I will die in front of you!"

When the communication reaches this point, it is over. The audience was all excited, and every one of them was extremely excited.

But many female viewers were greatly disappointed. They all believed the woman's words.

Lan Yu calmly turned off the recording:

"I have recorded all this. I will post it all on Weibo as a warning. I hope that artists will not think that they are so great and provoke ordinary people. Of course, at the same time, it is also to defend my reputation. evidence of."

"Finally, I suggest you see a psychiatrist, lady, you need to get treatment."

The woman's eyes widened. She didn't expect that Lan Yu would refuse to admit it, this hypocrite! This scumbag!

She gritted her teeth, as if she had made up her mind to stab the knife into her neck!

But at this moment, a person from behind silently approached the woman, held down the knife in the woman's hand at an extremely fast speed, and then knocked the woman unconscious with a blow from the other hand.

Qin Ze.

Qin Ze guessed something was wrong when he heard the woman describe various specific memory details.

While everyone at the scene was confused and confused, Qin Ze quickly walked from the audience to the stage. At the moment when the woman was about to kill herself, he launched a surprise attack.

In front of the Old Calendar, it is difficult for ordinary people to even commit suicide.

Qin Ze unloaded the knife, knocked him unconscious, picked him up, resisted and left the scene at the speed of light, all in one go.

So that no one understands what happened...

This shocking melon was over when I was halfway through eating it.

Lan Yu bowed to the audience:

"I'm sorry that the program was stopped due to an accident. I will respond to this matter as soon as possible."

Lan Yu has given up all his acting skills.

At this moment, he bowed ninety degrees and faced the ground, looking absolutely calm.

Like Qin Ze, he realized that this matter was definitely not an ordinary fan's crazy behavior.

Here, it is most likely related to weirdness.



On the afternoon of May 10th.

Major media have begun to report it, and some new media outlets on the Internet have even begun to break the news crazily for the sake of gimmicks.

Words such as "Lanyu deceives little girls", "fuck fans", "sleeping fans" and "white prostitutes" appear frequently on major forums.

I have to say that Lan Yu’s fans are still very competitive.

In this unfavorable situation, fans resisted the abuse from all over the Internet:

"What a fucking fan! Don't women have fun? It's not necessarily who has more fun! Isn't my brother tired?"

"Free prostitution? Isn't it your honor to have your idol prostitute you?"

Of course, there are also people in their right minds:

"No matter how detailed the woman's story is, if there is no evidence, she can only tell stories."

Interestingly, this time, a rare man spoke up for Lan Yu:

"I don't believe that a bro who can pull up continuously with one hand would choose such a mediocre-looking person!"

In short, there are many black and blue Yu, and major WeChat and QQ groups have begun to direct and act in extreme chat records of silly fans.

Why spend a lot of money to buy Lan Yu's bodily fluids, why curse my parents for my brother...

The heat is rising, but it seems... still unable to make Lan Yu fall off the altar.

In addition to this huge wave of traffic...

In fact, there have been many such cases in Linxiang City.

In the private hospital where Lin An was working, there was a person who had nothing to do with the patient and asked the patient to have his name in his will...

Because he claims to be the patient's illegitimate son.

However, the patient did not have an illegitimate child. After DNA comparison, Lin An found that there was no possibility of any blood relationship between the two.

This incident was quite a big deal, and the patient was immediately angered to death.

The patient's family members found the hospital and started making trouble in the hospital.

Lin An did not call the police and realized something was wrong.

The police station has also received many such strange cases.

Basically, there is a pattern - one party's memory seems to be seriously inconsistent with the other party's.

There was even a colleague who started to lose his mind and thought he was an undercover agent. He didn't know how he got back into the game.

The most outrageous thing is not this. A supervisor named Zhang from Daan Life Insurance took the initiative to surrender.

It was said that she was involved in a major case three years ago.

The murderer of this case has been found, and the sentence has been handed down...

In the end, such trouble could still occur.

A worker at the dock claimed that he had escaped from a cargo ship and called the police, saying that the cargo ship was full of explosives.

So the police station was quickly dispatched and found that there was no explosive at all.

But it really wasn't a prank, because during the interrogation process, the prisoner's demeanor and expression seemed to show that he really thought it was a ship filled with many boxes of explosives.



May 10, company.

Lan Yu and Qin Ze basically figured out what happened.

In the company headquarters.

Lan Yu, Luo Shu, Qin Ze, and Yu Ji are all there.

Cheng Wan, Duke and Alice are still on mission. Lin Anze was still dealing with the dispute in the hospital.

Lin An should have been responsible for the interrogation. As a doctor, Lin An could judge whether the patient was in "good condition".

This can be used to determine whether it is affected by strange forces.

However, Lin An was in the hospital, so the interrogation work was handed over to Yu Ji.

Yu Ji's method is very simple.

Not long ago, Yu Ji's cooking skills made a new breakthrough. Among the foods he created with their own buffs... there was a new buff - spitzhen.

The effect is equivalent to a truth serum. It can make people only tell the truth.

But it will not cause damage to the human brain like Veritaserum does.

Tempted by the delicious food, the woman soon began to tell the truth.

the truth……

That's what she said on stage.

Lan Yu and Qin Ze looked at each other after hearing this.

"The memory has been modified. There is no reasonable explanation other than this." Qin Ze said.

Lan Yu nodded:

"The people who can do this are psychiatrists and historians."

"But a psychiatrist cannot be so precise. Psychiatrists go in another direction."

"So Linxiang City is very likely..."

Qin Ze suddenly realized:

"The historian appears!"

The word "historian" made Qin Ze suddenly wary, because he had asked the team leader.

The team leader's answer was that there was a historian in the Hall of Heroes, codenamed Sima Yi.

Qin Ze thought of Sima Yi not just because of the word historian.

Not long ago, people from the Amaterasu faction failed in their attack on Linxiang City. A man codenamed Abe Seimei released the portrait of the Goddess in an attempt to contaminate the team leader and cooperate with Feng Enman.

But in the end, von Enman failed and was arrested.

After that, he met Sima Yi during the Dragon Boat Festival.

Although there was no head-on collision, Sima Yi was ranked ahead of him on the ranking list.

It's hard to imagine what kind of help Sima Yi received.

And the team leader disappeared, so Sima Yi, who has always coveted the team leader...

After being strengthened, will he move from behind the scenes to the front of the stage...

Take action personally?

This series of speculations made Qin Ze think more and more possible.

Qin Ze felt that with Sima Yi's character, it would be very difficult to kill him.

He looked at Lan Yu:

"Is there any way to proactively contact the messenger?"

(End of this chapter)

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