spooky calendar

Chapter 208 The Road to Dawn in the East Wind

Chapter 208 The Road to Dawn in the East Wind

Regarding the doubts about the fallen master of the old calendar, Qin Ze has no way of knowing more information for the time being.

But perhaps, the fallen Lord of the Old Calendar has something to do with the fallen Messenger.

What the messenger cares about is probably how to eliminate them.

It's still too early for Qin Ze.

After the messenger left, Qin Ze also fell into a deep sleep.

May 11th arrived as scheduled.



May 11th, early morning.

Many people's calendars are in a dormant period, but there are also many people whose calendars are in a normal state.

Hu Dongfeng was very unlucky today.

Because May 11th is a day for Hu Dongfeng to avoid work.

The taboo level is not high, only the suffering level.

Hu Dongfeng also understood that suffering means trouble, trouble that can last for a long time.

Originally, Hu Dongfeng's principle was to be a player who would never violate taboos.

Just like Huo Qiao and Yu Ji, they pursue having some superpowers but live like ordinary people.

In Hu Dongfeng's view, if a person can earn three thousand, then he has worked hard.

At this time, he might be thinking, how great would it be if I could earn eight thousand?

But if it really reaches 8,000, but the consumption level is raised again, the expenses will increase, and the insurance will not be enough, which will be even more painful.

Therefore, the secret to maintaining happiness is to improve one's own abilities while maintaining the original life.

This is what Hu Dongfeng thinks. As a politician, he has the initial skill of "bribery".

That's enough, my life has entered easy mode.

By "paying bribes", I have been able to live a life that is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But if you want to violate taboos, you have to live as a professional calendar practitioner...

Then your life will be full of danger.

After truly becoming an Old Calendar person, Hu Dongfeng understood how terrifying it was for a person like Qin Ze who violated taboos almost every day for a month, grew up rapidly, and reached the threshold of the ghost and god realm.

But there are countless people in this world who are more terrifying than Qin Ze.

Just like Team Leader Jane.

Many people can be called geniuses, but becoming a genius is only the threshold for meeting Jian Yiyi.

And Jian Yiyi is not the strongest in the world.

Thinking about it this way, Hu Dongfeng felt that he was just a diver and it was enough to snorkel seven or eight meters underwater. Why would he need to swim through the bottom of the sea by himself?

But Hu Dongfeng has to work today. He has to hold court today.

If you miss the court session, your client will definitely lose.

So based on the idea that it was just "suffering" anyway, the worst he could do was ask Qin Ze for help - Hu Dongfeng's first taboo started.

Justice Law Firm has already started business in the morning.

The image of Ms. Yui today is very similar to the mother of Mao Lilan in the national manga "Ke Xue Elementary School" of the island country.

She wears a small suit with a hip skirt and brown stockings. She wears glasses, but her eyes are still sharp even through the lenses.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Ms. Yui had already sorted out the information. In fact, Hu Dongfeng had read all the information.

However, Ms. Yui still does this and it has become a habit.

In particular, the two of them are indeed planning to live together recently. Although her heroic appearance remains unchanged, she is a little more virtuous on the inside.

Hu Dongfeng was not there because Hu Dongfeng had a superstitious behavior and had to eat at Pizza Hut before every court session. Ask for good luck.

Clients in law firms generally don't come very early.

But today, a man came. This man had long blond hair and wore a navy blue suit.

Standing nearly 1.9 meters tall, the man is a British-style gentleman.

When he saw Yui, he held Yui's finger very skillfully and gave her a hand kiss.

Yui doesn't like being touched very much, but as a barrister who takes charge of her own business, she can adapt to various situations. She can also see that there is no lust in this man's eyes, it is just a gentleman's courtesy.

"Is there anything you need to entrust us with?"

The man showed a charming smile:

"I want to know if Mr. Hu Dongfeng is here."

"He won't be back until a while, and he's eating fast food outside right now. If you have any business you want to handle, you can talk to me. I'm his fiancée," Yui said.

Yui's words made the man's eyes light up:

"He can still marry such a beautiful wife, so I should have more confidence in his abilities."

"Beautiful lady, although you are very charming, and I also believe that your professional skills are very strong, I need to see lawyer Hu Dongfeng."

"After all, you are persuaded, not righteous in the first place."

This sentence was very strange, and Yui was confused.

What does it mean that I was persuaded instead of believing in justice from the beginning?

But Yui's mind also moved very quickly.

There was only one case in which she was persuaded, and that was the case of Jingquan College not long ago.

In this case, she initially thought that Jingquan College and the capital behind it were too strong, and that fighting against such a force would probably offend some big shots in her law firm.

This is indeed the case. He was kidnapped, and Hu Dongfeng almost died in this incident. Even... Zhengyi Law Firm was also exposed by netizens.

Both she and Hu Dongfeng were in desperate situation. If he really dies, even his reputation will be bad.

Instead of remembering them for serving justice, people will ridicule them.

Yui's eyes became sharp:

"You are actually paying attention to this case?"

"Wow, beautiful lady, there is murderous intent in her eyes. You can't use murderous intent on clients, right?" The blond man snapped his fingers.

Strangely enough, with this snap of his fingers, Yui's sharp aura was instantly gone.

So much so that the whole person became confused.

The blond man said:

"Don't be afraid, we are not enemies. If we were enemies, it would be much easier to deal with."

"I'm looking for Mr. Hu Dongfeng. I hope he can become my personal legal advisor."

Yui gradually wakes up:


"Why? Hahaha, good question, if I have to say... These days, idiots who stick to justice are very cute. I need such stupid people. Only some guys who accept death can go to the end with me." The blond the man said.

"Furthermore, I feel that Mr. Hu Dongfeng and I are of the same kind. Of course, when I say similar, I don't mean that I am a fool who upholds justice."

"This kind of thing determines that you, beautiful lady, cannot discuss business with me. In order not to waste your time, can you tell me what the name of that fast food restaurant is?"



At nine o'clock in the morning, Hu Dongfeng was eating Pizza Hut pizza.

It's not delicious, but it has a sense of ceremony.

In the Pizza Hut store, Hu Dongfeng swallowed the spicy pizza very quickly, and the Coke cup next to him was half empty.

The joy of this carbohydrate bombing made him feel refreshed.

You know, not long ago Yui disliked his unhealthy diet.

Hu Dongfeng really feels that... there is a high probability that he will be disliked by everyone in the future, right?

Yui is really a person who pursues perfection, and she is a person who is willing to play such a role.

Life after marriage must be very tiring, he thought, but a smile appeared on his lips, a bit mean.

There is an old saying that a married man's fate is to be rejected by his wife, but a good man always complains and enjoys at the same time.

At this time, on the other side of Hu Dongfeng's dining table, a young man with curly hair came.

The boy was holding fried chicken in one hand. Fried chicken is something from the United States, but in the boy’s other hand, there was a baguette.

What a wonderful combination. Hu Dongfeng took a look at this young man.

He is very young and looks like a student. His curly hair is very distinctive, a bit like the kind of curly hair that has been carefully designed by a barber.

However, what surprised Hu Dongfeng was that there were obviously seats around him, but this young man insisted on sitting next to him.

Of course, he didn't care.

"Interesting memories will bring specific associations, and specific associations will make you show corresponding expressions. That smile just now must be thinking of the person you like, right? Lawyer Hu."

Hu Dongfeng was stunned and looked at the curly-haired boy.

"you know me?"

The young man smiled:

"Of course, after all, it was such a big case at Jingquan Academy, and you spent so much money to block the school. Your reputation was ruined at that time..."

"But who would have thought that later the school teachers collectively changed their tune. Lawyer Hu, you are so amazing. You actually made a comeback in the face of great headwinds and a desperate situation where your reputation and reputation were ruined."

"Now Wellspring College admits that they did bad things to their students and admits that they broke the spirits of some children."

"Teachers, parents, and social media who have attacked you have all apologized to you."

"Even the principal of Jingquan College took the blame and resigned, and his whereabouts are unknown."

Hu Dongfeng became alert.

The young man’s smile became even brighter:

"Lawyer Hu, you are so powerful. You are really great. An ordinary person can fight against such a powerful force. Do you know how much effort I put into covering up this incident?"

"I didn't expect you still won."

The boy put down the food in his hand and started clapping. It seems that I really feel that Hu Dongfeng has done a good job.

Hu Dongfeng instinctively felt danger:

"You, who are you?"

The young man's smile faded little by little, and his deep eyes were like dark abyss.

"I am a person who likes to review plans. The black mask did not cover Jian Yiyi's face in the end, which surprised me."

"Well, I always feel that someone like Jian Yiyi is a very scary guy. He can avoid all my plans."

Jane one by one.

Of course Hu Dongfeng was familiar with this name, the trump card of the official organization.

How could he not recognize it.

Anyone who can mention the name Jian Yiyi is unlikely to be an ordinary person.

Hu Dongfeng's eyes widened and he looked at the young man with a solemn expression.

The boy took a bite of the baguette and felt it was a bit hard, so he dipped the baguette in milk and said in a vague tone while chewing:

"I thought about it, and I still have to verify it. You were immune to my memory attack just now. This is effective for ordinary people instantly. It shows that you are no longer an ordinary person."

"And when I mentioned Jian Yiyi, your reaction also showed that you knew him."

"It's really interesting. You can't always be the one protecting Jian Yiyi, right?"

"I'm curious, who are you?"

The fall of Feng Enman, the disappearance of the banker Lu Buwei, and earlier, the death of the actuary Yang Mulin.

Sima Yi has always felt that besides Jian Yiyi, there is another master in the official organization.

It might be Lan Yu, or it might be a character he doesn't know.

And just last night, when reviewing what happened recently——

Sima Yi noticed Hu Dongfeng.

A lawyer who was supposed to be a terrible lawyer actually rose from the ashes in the incident at Jingquan College.

Of course, this could be an official organization helping and then using Hu Dongfeng as a cover.

But he still had to come and investigate for himself. What if Hu Dongfeng was really a hidden official member?

But now, the young man was convinced that the Hu Dongfeng in front of him was an old calendar person.

"You are not very strong. You must have just become an Old Calendar person. Come with me. Without Jian Yiyi, I can only invite Lan Yu to play the game now."

Lan Yu, game invitation?

Hu Dongfeng didn't know what to do. This person was definitely not a good person.

He felt that although the other party was a young man, he had an evil feeling. Especially when you laugh.

Hu Dongfeng's intuition was accurate, because this young man was none other than Sima Yi, the most mysterious person in the Hall of Heroes. In other words, his other identity is Su Ye.

Just in the early morning, the millet industry launched a "historical revision."

Erasing his own existence, all memories related to Sima Yi in the Hall of Heroes are no longer in history.

Of course, this is not done purely to be wary of official organizations.

More importantly, it is actually a defense against the Hall of Valor.

Sima Yi remembered that he performed well during the Dragon Boat Festival and seemed to be among the top.

Of course, I did get some incredible information.

He had a premonition that the Five Gods might cause trouble for him.

In other words, as a superior, ask yourself to hand over something.

In any case, whether useful or not, Sima Yi had to erase some memories.

This is why he remains mysterious.

Sima Yi's eyes turned scarlet.

That was a sign that he was about to activate his abilities.

Taking Hu Dongfeng away, he believed, was the most important step in the next stage of the game.

There must be something of interest to him hidden in Hu Dongfeng's memory.

With this thought in mind, he prepared to forcibly implant a memory that said, "I am one of my own, and you are right to follow me."

This kind of implantation is difficult and basically only effective for ordinary people.

Let alone Lan Yu and Jian Yiyi, even Cheng Wandu can resist such forced changes.

Hu Dongfeng is an Old Calendarist, but he has just become an Old Calendarist and has basically no mental defense capabilities.

In an instant, some memories emerged in his brain, as if the boy in front of him was not a boy... but an old friend whom he had known for a long time.

However, this memory did not last long.

Because as a blond man pushed open the door and entered, Su Ye instantly became alert.

This top-notch intuition made Su Ye immediately turn around and escape without even thinking about it.

He couldn't care less about top prey like Hu Dongfeng.

While escaping in a hurry, Sima Yi searched for his memory.

From the memory palace, I found the brief glimpse just now.

He saw the blond man pushing the door open.

After recognizing who the other party was, Sima Yi actually felt a sense of fear.

"He came after me??"

Sima Yi was confused, but he didn't stop.

Just kidding, even Jian Yiyi may not be able to get good results from this man.

After all, in this world, besides the officialdom and the Hall of Heroes, there is another big force.

The strongest beings in this force are the four killer emperors.

Among the four killer emperors, the strongest one is a man with blond hair and a height of 1.9 meters.

The Killer Emperor, codenamed Chronos. It is a more powerful existence than Hawkeye and even Yuetong, who is also the emperor.

Sima Yi didn't understand why this man appeared here.

(End of this chapter)

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