spooky calendar

Chapter 253 A glimmer of hope

Chapter 253 A glimmer of hope

Zhou Baiyu.

This name Qin Ze is not unfamiliar at all. After all, he had already met Zhou Baiyu's parents.

Sometimes, Qin Ze feels that... he and Zhou Baiyu should be quite destined.

Of course, Qiao Wei must be the promoter of this fate.

It is definitely not a coincidence that I can live above Zhou Baiyu's parents.

Mechanical King said:

"Do you finally feel like you are no longer a stranger?"

Qin Ze nodded and suddenly asked:

"How is your relationship with Zhou Baiyu...?"

"We met a few times and was scolded by him."

Qin Ze didn't know how many times he was stunned.


Has the Mechanical King been scolded by Zhou Baiyu?

He suddenly became interested:
"Can you tell me this?"

"If you're wondering, I can tell you that this is... part of the agreement."


Qin Ze seemed to understand a little bit.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the Machine Tribe did go into too much detail.

If the machine race were absolutely neutral, there would actually be no need to do this at all.

Mechanical King said:

"Zhou Baiyu and I passed Qi'er before the arrival of the old calendar era."

"I told him some truth. The truth about the previous two eras."

"He believes that the mechanical race should end, and he also believes that the first generation savior did it, and the immortal is no longer so powerful."

"The Immortality of the Disease Era suffered a heavy blow. Although King God relied on his immortality to gain an almost endless lifespan..."

"But endless lifespan doesn't mean you can't be killed."

"The King God will die, and the God of Corruption will also die. As long as this ultimate creature is truly killed, the immortality will be completely destroyed."

"As the king of the machine race who once cooperated with the first savior, I should help him fight against the King God."

"But I refused and he challenged me to fight..."

"It is said that he once worked as an MLM lecturer. He is very good at talking and punching. He talks and hits at the same time."

The Machine King talked about his embarrassing things, but he didn't think it was embarrassing at all...

Qin Zexin said, this is too detailed. Is it necessary to do this?

But it seemed that he heard some regrets in that cold voice.

"The machine tribe must maintain absolute neutrality. I have not been convinced, nor have I been persuaded."

"Each generation of saviors is inferior to each other. An existence like King God is simply not something that people of this era can deal with."

"He's wrong! He's so wrong. He doesn't believe my data or my calculations!"

"I said, he has no chance of winning. He has absolutely no rationality as a savior."

"He actually said some ridiculous things, saying that you only know if you can do something if you do it."

"He is the one who creates difference and chaos, who makes the impossible possible."

"But unfortunately, he was wrong."

There was no emotional ups and downs in the words, so that Qin Ze suspected that the trace of regret he heard before was all fake.

The Machine King is a mechanical life that can control its emotions more rationally than No. 4...

How could he have regrets?
Qin Ze said:

"It seems that Zhou Baiyu did fail, and the world was destroyed because of it? To what extent did he achieve it?"

The Mechanical King was silent for a rare moment, and after a while, he said in that cold tone:
"He killed the King God. He created a new power system."

"That's the weird calendar in your hands. The most powerful organization at that time was called Pantheon, and most of them came from outside Longxia."

"Huang Mi and Zhou Baiyu have opened up new powers with some specific inheritance of Long Xia."

"At this point, the strange calendar was born, and the power of the pioneer lineage was actually abolished by themselves."

"But that era is not actually called the Old Calendar Era. It is still the Advance Era."

Qin Ze's eyes widened:

"So, he has done it? At this point in the story...is this a proper savior behavior?"

"The strongest god has been destroyed, and a new power system has been born. He is not the loser of the era at all, but the terminator."

"This is not a savior. What is a savior? But why do you say he failed?"

The Mechanical King had a complicated look on his face, but Qin Ze couldn't see it. He could only hear the cold tone as always:
"Because he made a mistake."

"He and Huang Mi teamed up to defeat the God of Corruption, but the King God himself is the God of Corruption. In other words..."

"The container of the King God is actually the container of the God of Corruption."

"The moment they thought they had succeeded, the God of Corruption also succeeded in occupying the container."

"They did win, but they did neglect it. It is true that they opened up a new era, but it is also true that the new era does not belong to them."

"You probably know the rest of the story, right?"

"The Old Calendar Era has begun to come in full force, and the pioneers have been massacred by the new power, and have become history one by one."

"Huang Mi is indeed a perfect container."

"Even though he is a vessel, he is constantly fighting against the King God, or the God of Corruption."

"It even split into a clone, and this clone became one of the masters of the old calendar, or... can be called the number one ancestor of the old calendar."

"Zhou Baiyu fought against the God of Corruption again, but this time, without Huang Mi's help, his duel with the God of Corruption ended in failure."

"Before he failed, he created an independent world. He retained some fire."

"The other masters of the old calendar also used their own methods to leave some fire."

"And Huang Mi's true form, the new God of Corruption... was sealed by Zhou Baiyu with his last strength."

"The Battle of the Old Calendar is his battle with the God of Corruption."

"No one knows the details of this battle."

"But after this battle, there will be more gods, alien gods, fallen gods, and rulers of the old calendar in the world."

"And the God of Corruption is inside the seal. The key to breaking the seal is something called turbid air."

"You can understand the turbid air and the pure air as the human nature and nature of the corrupt god."

"The human part is called Huang Mi, and the natural part is called the God of Corruption."

"If there are many white people in this world, the pure Qi will increase."

"If there are many black calendar people in this world, the turbidity will increase."

The Mechanical King paused for a second:
"But purity and turbidity are not entirely determined by the number of Old Calendar people. Otherwise, we can kill all Black Calendar people."

"In fact, the clearness and turbidity coefficient that those with black calendar and white calendar can affect is very small. The real big factor lies in the value of gods and the fallen gods."

"The greater the influence of the worthy gods and fallen worthy gods, the faster the turbidity will grow."

"The existence of gods will lead to more and more distorted rules in the real world."

"The existence of fallen gods will cause more and more Old Calendar people to turn into Old Calendar creatures."

Qin Ze had actually guessed that neither the worthy god nor the fallen worthy god were good people.

Just like in ancient history, the clean party and the dirty party above the court.

They seem to have different opinions, but in fact, they are all tools of the emperor. Qin Ze said:

"So now, the most powerful enemy is the God of Corruption. It is the real master behind the God of Value and the God of Fallen Value."

"Kill it, and the last owner of the immortal power will die. With the efforts of previous generations of saviors, the immortal has been weakened into Shouyuan's immortal, but it can be killed."

Mechanical King said:


Qin Ze suddenly felt a little angry:
"Then why do you want to remain neutral?"

The Mechanical King said nothing.

Qin Ze said loudly:

"I will not question whether the first savior insisted on completely annihilating immortality. Is it right or wrong? Such a great existence, and something that is afraid of, may really have to be completely eliminated, otherwise it may cause unimaginable disasters."

"With the efforts of the second generation of saviors... the immortal power is no longer immortal."

"When we get to Zhou Baiyu, maybe he can win!"

Only then did the Machine King speak:
"You also said, maybe."

Qin Ze's fists clenched.

Only then did he truly understand what Zhou Baiyu had done.

It can be said that that man is almost ready to inherit the title of "Savior" and complete the real salvation.

If the machine race was willing to help at that time, perhaps the God of Corruption would not be allowed to inhabit the container.

Nothing will be reversed.

The Machine King spoke again:
"The Old Calendar Era has begun. Several people have already embarked on the path of challenging God."

"Among them are you and the woman who has a close relationship with you. Of course, it's not just you."

"We have always believed in the law of the jungle, and we have the ability to avoid all disputes."

"So, we have the right not to participate."

"We also accept the possibility of complete extinction of human beings. If the creatures of the old calendar are better survivors, then why should we exterminate the creatures of the old calendar and help humans?"

"This is how the world works, the strong destroy the weak."

Qin Ze said:

"You are not worthy of inheriting the name Zero, you are just an ordinary leader of the mechanical clan."

The Mechanical King responded indifferently:
"Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to leave here when you talk like this?"

Qin Ze said:

"If you think that I have participated in the path of challenging God...then you must maintain absolute neutrality."

Qin Ze was convinced that the Mechanical King was actually not as ruthless and absolutely neutral as it pretended to be.

That's why Qin Ze dared to say this.

This is also the reason why Qin Ze can come here. If he is really absolutely neutral...

Perhaps, bugs should not appear in the maze.

The Mechanical King is wavering.

However, Qin Ze can also be sure of one thing - it is impossible to convince the Mechanical King just by himself now.

"You already know the truth of history. Your world is the world created by the ancestors of the old calendar. It can be regarded as a world that retains the fire."

"As for the Old Calendar world, if you want to completely cover the turbid air, you must destroy your world."

"As the turbidity rises, many unstable things will gradually appear in your world."

"The showdown between you and God will become more and more urgent."

"There is no right to say who is stronger or weaker between the power of the advance and the old calendar. It all depends on how to use it."

"Now, you have solved the biggest mystery, but you have to understand that your journey has just begun."

The Machine King finally turned around. Indeed, his face is somewhat similar to No. 4. The hair is silver-white, and the eyes glow red.

"Whether the savior's surname is Bai, Jiang or Zhou, it has nothing to do with you."

"Zhou has done his best and ceases to exist. The corrupt god's will affects all worlds."

"Even the mere mention of Zhou's name may trigger divine punishment."

"Find the treasures of those big figures in the past era, and combine them with the new power developed by Zhou and Huang in the new era... you may have a chance of survival."

"But it's just a thin line. The masters of the old calendar are all dead. Who of you can become the new master of the old calendar?"

The road beneath your feet begins to stretch.

Now, Qin Ze could walk in front of the Mechanical King and see clearly the details of the mecha patterns.

Qin Ze took a step forward and quickly walked to the Mechanical King.

"Now, you have no retreat. Obtaining these secrets itself is a blasphemy to the God of Corruption for an Old Calendar."

"It will kill you at all costs. Through the calendar, if you can survive the disaster that belongs to you, maybe we will have another day to meet again."

"Old Calendar, I wish you good luck. We won't help you, but if you come here, you will get our gifts."

The Mechanical King stretched out his hand, and there was a key in his hand.

"We will send you back to the maze. And with this key, you can decide where you go next. Turn in the opposite direction and you will exit the maze."

"Turn forward and you will step into the deepest part of the maze and see one of the most powerful beings of this era - the seventh level god."

The key fell into Qin Ze's hand.

Qin Ze clenched his fists, wrapped the key in his palm, and thought about where to go.

Mechanical King said:

"The journey to the Machine Kingdom is over. You can go back."

Qin Ze said:

"What will happen if the God of Corruption resurrects and Zuo completely drives out Qing?"

The Mechanical King shook his head:

"No one will know the answer. Because by then, no one will be around."

Qin Ze was speechless. Does this mean that if the God of Corruption is resurrected, humanity will die?

This is really a catastrophe.

Judging from the current combat power of mankind, not to mention fighting the strange source of the God of Corruption, even the seven great gods under the god are not something that humans can deal with.

This does not include the fallen messengers, fallen masters of the old calendar, these mysterious beings that have never been mentioned by the mechanical king.

"If the treasure of the Lord of the Old Calendar is the key to victory or defeat... then why doesn't the worthy god look for it?"

Qin Ze asked a very crucial question.

The expression of the Mechanical King is somewhat intriguing:

"Qin Ze, how do you know they are not looking for you? Isn't what you humans are best at doing internal fighting?"

These words suddenly made Qin Ze a little scared.

He suddenly thought that the initiator of the recruitment during the Dragon Boat Festival was actually the Black Calendar Group - the Hall of Heroes.

Those with black calendars will be bewitched by the fallen gods.

The road Qiao Wei embarks on is the road to isolate herself from the nonsense.

At this moment, Qin Ze realized that in the real world, many people were actually on the side of the fallen god.

"In the human world, more and more people are no longer human beings."

"In the old calendar world, more and more rules are becoming twisted and weird."

"Internal worries and external troubles."

 Call it a day, there will be no more similar plots in the future. The following content will return to taboos and trends, that is, it will be closely related to the weird calendar itself, and will no longer be related to other books.

  Also, a book written by a friend of Amway: Farming on the Peach Blossom Grave, Sleeping in a Coffin with the Fox Demon, and a New Golden Finger Randomly Every Month. For a cool article, please read "Opportunities Reset Every Month, Peach Blossoms Accompany Me to Cultivate Immortality")
(End of this chapter)

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