girl let me check

Chapter 176 This is the truth

Chapter 176 This is the truth

"I've heard of it, but I don't know what it means."

Fang Weihan answered very honestly.

"Do these words actually have a specific meaning? I thought it was just used by Jingtian to show off."

Yun Shu: "..."

"I don't rule out the possibility you mentioned."

Yun Shu didn't refute, but nodded seriously.

"After all, Jingtian always regards himself as a group of people with the highest standards in the world. He deliberately makes his scriptures, spells, etc. so obscure that outsiders look like they are reading a book from heaven."

"But as far as this sentence is concerned, Jingtian is actually quite honest."

"So what does this stargazer's blindness... mean?"

Fang Weihan asked curiously.

"The meaning of stargazer blindness is that the mirror sky can observe earth-shattering events happening in infinite space and time, but it cannot observe a series of small events that will happen."

"Especially when this little thing concerns me."

"This is like the restriction imposed by the laws of nature on Jingtian. Just like a doctor cannot heal himself, Jingtian cannot peek into his own future."

Yun Shu said.

"Similarly, now that the bond between the two of us has deepened, I have also been contaminated by part of your karma. Because of this, I cannot read your mind."

Having said this, Yun Shu glanced at him.

"You should know that Jingtian's mind-reading principle is not voyeurism but arithmetic, right?"


Fang Weihan nodded.

"How did you know?"

Now it was Yun Shu's turn to be curious.

"I have met Yuchen from Linyuan Pavilion, and she has used Linyuan Pavilion's mind-reading skills."

Fang Weihan couldn't help but think of the gorgeous scene when Wen Zhexue used this move that day.

"Yu Chen?"

Yun Shu groaned.

"I haven't been back to Linyuan Pavilion for many years. I didn't expect you to meet such a big shot."

"Who is Yuchen now?"

Fang Weihan recalled Wen Zhexue's appearance.

"Her name is Wen Zhexue, she is a very beautiful lady, just like a fairy sister."

Yun Shu: "..."

"You won't have another member of your harem during my absence, right?"

Yun Shu was a little suspicious.

"No, where did you miss me? I've been busy doing serious things these days, so I don't have time for flirting."

Fang Weihan quickly confessed that he was wronged.


Yun Shu didn't object to his point of view this time.

"Actually, it would be good if you hook up with Wen Zhexue. She can mobilize a certain degree of Linyuan Pavilion's resources."

"And you can convince her to predict the future for you. After all, Yuchen of Linyuan Pavilion can circumvent some of the constraints of cause and effect on Jingtian."

Fang Weihan: "..."

"Let's talk again when I get a chance. You're such a crappy guy who can really talk nonsense..."

Fang Weihan said vaguely.

Yun Shu sneered but didn't say much.

She knew very well how easy it was for someone with Fang Weihan's personality and status to start a harem.

It can be said that as long as he can handle the relationship between the various harem members, he will be able to maintain a stable situation.

Are you pretending to be innocent and romantic with me?
Damn you, you scumbag.

"By the way, Yun Shu, don't you know everything that happened in the past? Then why don't you know who the contemporary Linyuan Pavilion Yuchen is?"

Fang Weihan asked.

"The disciples of Linyuan Pavilion have the causal shield given by Tianshan. I can't see their fate."

"And even if there is no causal shield, I can't see it. Didn't I just say that?"

Yun Shu glanced at him with some disgust, as if to say why are you so stupid.

"I can only observe the history that happened a long time ago, but I cannot see the recent history. Even if I can see it, it is very inaccurate. They are just fragments of time and have little reference value."

"Then what is the limit of what you can observe?"


Yun Shu replied calmly.

Fang Weihan nodded.

He poured himself another cup of tea and drank it in one gulp.

After talking so much, I’m dying of thirst.

"What a pity, Yun Shu. You came back too late and didn't see my majestic appearance when I beheaded Wang Zhongguang in the street."

Fang Weihan sighed.

"Come on you."

Yun Shu rolled his eyes cutely.

"If I were here, I would definitely try my best to stop you from taking action."

"In this situation, once you overturn the table first, you will be out of the game."

"By doing this, you are undoubtedly putting your destiny directly into the hands of others. This is undoubtedly a very risky behavior."

"At this point, you can only trust your good friends."

She seemed a little resentful.

"It's easy for you to say."

Fang Weihan glared at her.

"Didn't you read my mind? If you put yourself in my shoes, do you think I could bear it in that situation?"

Yun Shu was silent for a moment.


"What's the matter?"

Fang Weihan curled his lips.

"Oh, by the way, you were in such a hurry to die that I didn't even have time to ask a lot of questions."

"Now that we are both free, I just want to ask you."

"What is your purpose in finding me?"

Fang Weihan asked.

"What do you mean by being too anxious to die...I won't die even if you die..."


Yun Shu took out a scepter, transformed into a snow-white wizard hat and put it on his head.

She is now dressed like a witch from the West.

"That's what I was going to tell you."

"Fang Weihan, listen carefully. What I am going to say next is very important."

Yun Shu adjusted his clothes and put on a cute baby face with a serious expression.

Fang Weihan held his breath and concentrated when he heard Yun Shu say:

"More than 1000 years ago, the Zhou Dynasty had not yet been founded. At this time, Fang Ganyi had just raised his first team on the banks of the Huaihe River. The huge and decadent Han Empire was extinguishing the flames of peasant uprisings everywhere."

"On the same day of the same year, there was an earthquake in the Tianshan Mountains. The light of the heavenly decree shot straight into the sky, and the bell of Linyuan Pavilion rang nine times, recalling all the disciples."

"Tianyi issued a warning that the destiny of this world will be completely exhausted one day in more than 1000 years, and the entire world will face catastrophe."

"This is the only disaster prediction of this level issued by Tianyi."

"On the issue of whether this prophecy is true or false, Linyuan Pavilion has also split into two factions."

"One group believes that based on past history, Tianyi's predictions are likely to come true, and this time it is about the life and death of the world. Linyuan Pavilion cannot take it lightly and should make every effort to prevent this disaster. happens." "And the other side has the opposite view."

"They believe that although Tianyi's predictions are accurate nine times out of ten, they are all at the level of distant future predictions of 2000 years and above. But for a relatively recent time period of more than 1000 years, the predictions have never been accurate. "

"Besides, a major event like the destruction of the world has extremely huge causes and effects, and Linyuan Pavilion cannot inform everyone in the world. And if you want to change all this, Linyuan Pavilion can only act alone. According to the joint calculation of several elders, this will consume Almost all the power and foundation of Linyuan Pavilion. Who will be responsible for suppressing the demons in the Western Wasteland?"

"The two factions are quarreling over the accuracy of this prophecy, and even our three holy weapons of Linyuan Pavilion are involved in it."

When Fang Weihan heard this, he finally frowned on this matter.

"So... do you believe this prophecy?"

he asked tentatively.


Yun Shu said calmly.

"I believe this prophecy. Although Hetu has no weapon spirit, the Linyuan Pavilion Master who controlled Hetu at that time did not believe it."

"As for Tianyi..."

"He remains neutral."

Yun Shu smiled mockingly.

"That old-fashioned old guy is always like this... knowing that the outcome is uncertain, but still unwilling to take the risk."

"Sure enough, after seeing the future, you will be more nostalgic for the past. But people like me who have seen the past are the most radical ones."

"The dispute between the two factions reached the end, and no one could convince the other. So the entire Linyuan Pavilion split."

"The conservative faction stayed in the Tianshan Mountains and continued to pursue the so-called 'glorious isolation', refusing to participate in human affairs and only studying the mysteries of the supreme starry sky. The radical faction went down the Tianshan Mountains and dispersed to all parts of the world, exhausting their All means are used to try to change the outcome of the devastation of all living beings 1000 years later, including me."

"But obviously, we failed."

Yun Shu smiled sadly.

Fang Weihan listened silently.

These past events from thousands of years ago sounded like anecdotes to him, but Fang Weihan inexplicably felt that they had a heavy epic feel.

"How can the world be so easy to change? We have tried our best and paid countless high prices, but we have not had the slightest impact on the advancement of history."

"When a person...a group of people really wants to influence the world, they will find that they are just ants."

"There is a secret method in Linyuan Pavilion that can cause the physical body to decay in advance, in exchange for the consciousness to exist in the state of soul, thus greatly extending the length of life."

"But even if the secret method is used, human lifespan has its limit after all."

"No matter how powerful a monk is, he cannot live for more than a thousand years."

"45 years ago, the last Linyuan Pavilion monk died beside me."

"She is the daughter of the pavilion master back then."

"Although her father disagreed, she still decided to go down the mountain for... just a prophecy with no hope."

Having said this, Yun Shu lowered his eyes and his chest rose and fell slightly.

That must be someone who had a good relationship with her back then.

Fang Weihan looked at Yun Shu in front of him, feeling a little dazed.

After talking to Yun Shu for a long time, he would always subconsciously ignore the things she had experienced.

How did she endure it for thousands of years?
Some people die, some people leave, some people quietly disappear into life, never to be seen again...

"Before the consciousness dissipated, at her request, I devoted all my strength to help her activate a secret method that burned life."

"If the world is going to be destroyed eventually, there will always be a person or object that has the greatest probability of saving the world. But the infinite future is so vast that we cannot accurately measure the time and space when this thing appears at the same time."

"So, we only measured space and roughly assumed a time frame."

"This is the biggest bet I've ever made with time."

"The the soul of a Jingtian."

Yun Shu looked at Fang Weihan with complicated eyes.

There is relief, there is happiness, and there is also a trace of inexplicable sadness.

"I cast a space-time stabilization spell so that I will definitely arrive at that location at some point in the future and enter a state of disguise and fall into hibernation."

"You mean...that person is me?"

Fang Weihan pointed at himself in confusion.

"Yes, it's you, a time traveler, a native who has awakened the memory of his past life, an outsider with two completely different halves of his soul."

Yun Shu said word for word.

"You are the best hope to save this world."

"And that space..."

"It's Huanhua Tower."

As Yun Shu's words fell, it was like a thunder exploding in his mind, and Fang Weihan seemed to understand many things in an instant.

Huanhua Tower... Huanhua Tower...

The man in black he met in Huanhua Tower might be carrying the sleeping Yun Shu in the package!

I initially investigated the space downstairs in Huanhua and found that the reverse formation of the Lingshan Longtan Formation there had not been destroyed, so I took it for granted that the people from the Vulcan Cult probably did not take anything away from there.

The investigation results that Xiao Ji's client told him later confirmed his judgment.

That's why I never understood why the man in black was carrying an empty package.

It's somewhat of a performance art.

But I obviously fell into a misunderstanding at that time.

Why does the black cloth package contain something stolen from Huanhua downstairs?
The man in black can definitely take him there by himself!

"What is your disguise?"

Fang Weihan suddenly asked.

"It's a writing brush, it looks like this..."

Yun Shu opened her little hand, and the illusion of a white jade-like brush appeared in her hand.

"This pen...doesn't it look like something that can break the formation?"

Fang Weihan continued to ask.


Yun Shu groaned.

"You said's possible. After all, even if I go into hibernation, the power of the space will inevitably be revealed."

"It is indeed easy to be regarded as a high-level formation-breaking magic weapon."

Fang Weihan suddenly realized.

The mystery that had puzzled him for so long was finally solved.

It was so!
"It seems... you seem to have figured out something?"

Yun Shu asked.

"Well, you must have been found by the Vulcan Cult while you were dormant, and used as a formation-breaking tool."

Fang Weihan explained.

"Huh, Vulcan Cult..."

Yun Shu was a little disgusted.

"Fortunately, I was careful and didn't use the real body, but the illusion, otherwise I would have been disgusted to death."

"Then let me take a look at what your true form looks like."

Fang Weihan instantly became curious.

"There's nothing interesting to read, just a book."

"You have to know that the main body is of no use. The important thing is my weapon spirit."

"My relationship with my body is different from the relationship between your soul and your body. If you want to make an analogy, it's like the relationship between a person and a house."

"If the house is gone, I can still find another one. If I am gone, your mother will be gone."

Yun Shu glared at him.

"Do you want to see people, or do you want to see houses?"

"Isn't it good to look at beautiful girls? Have you been taught a PUA by exam-oriented education, and you feel unbearably lonely when you read books?"

Fang Weihan said weakly:

"I saw that beautiful girls are actually lonely and unbearable."

Yun Shu: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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