girl let me check

Chapter 252 Change of Mindset

Chapter 252 Change of Mindset
  In the feudal empire of the Zhou Dynasty, no economic form could do without one thing.

That is land.

If you want to live with dignity in this world, you must have your own land.

This is especially true for the dignitaries in Changming City.

Although they are not engaged in farming, the total land under their names can even account for half of the empire.

The same is true for Guangling Prince's Mansion.

Fang Weihan is actually, to a certain extent, one of the top people in the empire.

In his previous life, he was probably the kind of person who inherited several buildings in the metropolis and could live a peaceful life by renting out houses and working as a landlord.

But it's a pity that he can't lie down because there are people in this world who want him dead.

Fang Weihan had properties, shops, and even an entire Guangling County under his name.

Although this last item is currently out of his control.

Among the properties near Changming City, in addition to the palace and several shops on Tianjie Street, there is also a farm on the outskirts.

In Fang Weihan's memory, he had only been to that place a few times, and most of his knowledge of the farm came from Mr. Zhao's mumblings.

He said that the farm was given to his father by the wealthy businessman out of gratitude after his father saved his life.

I don't know about other things.

Fang Weihan thought again.

He vaguely remembered that the place was on the edge of the Ming River, backed by a river bend, with beautiful scenery. A few wild ducks occasionally flew up in the reeds under the sunset.

There seems to be a horse farm. I seem to have ridden a horse there?
  It's really strange that I don't even remember the road very much, but I can remember these scattered scenes...

"Yun Jiang, I have something to tell you."

Fang Weihan took a deep breath and said seriously.

Tao Yunjiang was startled by his sudden solemn tone.

According to her understanding of Fang Weihan, usually when he calmed down the playful smile on his face, he would talk about very important things.

If Fang Weihan needs her help, Tao Yunjiang will never refuse.

"You said."

The girl stared into his eyes without blinking, quietly waiting for his words.

"Someone wants to kill me, and he is outside the city."

Fang Weihan said in a low voice.


When Tao Yunjiang heard these words, his pupils shrank, and the cold murderous intent surrounded the girl almost instantly.

"who is it……"

She gritted her teeth and pressed her bare hand on the hilt of the Qicang Sword. The fingers holding the hilt were squeezed white from excessive force.


Fang Weihan smiled bitterly and added another sentence.

"But he's level six."

The girl's hand on the sword hilt paused.

Turn six...I can't beat that person.

Tao Yunjiang is by no means a stupid person, she just doesn't want to use too complicated thoughts to figure out others.

What Fang Weihan said before contacting her, how could she not understand what Fang Weihan meant.

"I'm going to tell grandpa right now."

Tao Yunjiang turned around and started to leave. The tail of his flowing hair passed over the tip of Fang Weihan's nose, tickling him.

Fang Weihan knew this would be the case.

He grabbed her.

Facing Tao Yunjiang's puzzled gaze, Fang Weihan sighed.

"You have already asked Grandpa You to help me once, and I cannot ask you to help me a second time."

"Why not! What's the point between you and me?"

The girl stared at him anxiously and struggled slightly.

"Let go of me and I'll go tell grandpa right now!"

"I still want to marry you."

Fang Weihan's simple words made all Tao Yunjiang's struggles disappear.

She stared blankly into his eyes, her mind filled with the deafening thought of this whisper.

"I am Fang Weihan, and I will marry you openly. Before that, I can't owe you too much. Can you understand?"

Fang Weihan said softly.

He repeatedly asked Tao Yan to take action for him, which undoubtedly consumed his political assets and credibility. When dealing with Tao Yan in the future, his momentum will undoubtedly be weakened by three points.

He already had a strategy that he could solve this matter by himself, and there was no need to plead with Tao Yan.

I'm afraid that Tao Shizhong, who is known for his toughness, will not be in a good mood if he sees his granddaughter asking him for mercy for his sweetheart again.

At that time, how can I face Tao Yunjiang who is caught in the middle?

The girl understood what he meant.

He didn't want to make it difficult for himself.

Tao Yunjiang has learned a lot these days that he didn't understand before.

For example, if you want to gain someone's trust, sometimes complimenting them is not the best way.

If you want to gain a person's trust, exposing your sincerity may be counterproductive.

Not everyone lives under your own world view.

Tao Yunjiang watched as Xiao Jin was able to integrate into Xuan Zhongwei's command system with ease, chatting and laughing with all kinds of people with ease.

She envied Xiao Jin's abilities and was even more impressed by her ladylike demeanor.

But...the girl doesn't like this method.

In this cold world, no one will really care about your feelings. What they value is not you as a person, but all the meaning behind your name.

During the time he was separated from Fang Weihan, Tao Yunjiang would always worry about gains and losses.

If I had not met Fang Weihan, what would my life be like?

Go forward alone in the darkness stubbornly, until the night before dawn burns out.

By that time, who else will be by your side?

Tao Yunjiang had a dream yesterday.

She dreamed that her grandfather died in battle at the foot of Jizhou City, with broken arrows stuck in his chest and back.

The tall aliens wearing felt hats cut off his head and held it high on the tip of a spear.

She dreamed that the Qingming organization fell apart and ultimately failed to fulfill the promises they made.

Some people raised the flag of rebellion, some were hiding from the world, some were disheartened, and some were helpless.

In the dream... there was no sign of Fang Weihan.

If I hadn't met Fang Weihan, would this be my future?
  That day in the alley of Changming, Fang Weihan made a hopeful promise to himself.

He said that the vision he was fighting for was no different from his own. He said that he would walk side by side with him until the end. He said... he would marry me.

The girl doesn’t understand what love is, let alone how those legendary and poignant love stories come about.

However, when such a person actually appeared in Tao Yunjiang's life, she suddenly realized it.

what is love?
  It was when the crowd burst into laughter that you subconsciously looked in his direction.

It's the feeling of approaching subconsciously, pacing eagerly, and the throbbing that wraps around your soul all the time when you don't do anything.

It is the light reflected in each other's pupils when they look at each other.

The girl was immersed in this passionate and flamboyant love. In this magnificent melody, which was as grand as the sound of a yellow bell, there was a joy that seemed to be immersed in the bone marrow.

Behold, he is willing to tell you all his plans, even though it is not necessary for him to do so.

He will even risk his own safety in order to take care of your feelings and be more upright when marrying you.

"I understand."

Tao Yunjiang's eyes were filled with Fang Weihan's reflection.

The girl's heart was once filled with distant ideals, but before she knew it, the softest yet hardest corner of her heart had been quietly taken over by his shadow.

I will protect you.

Tao Yunjiang swore in the most solemn tone in his heart.

I definitely will.

Unknowingly, the girl's true meaning of martial arts became more solid, like a sharp and hidden magic weapon.

"You see, this is my plan."

Fang Weihan didn't notice Tao Yunjiang's change. He was concentrating on brainstorming.

A complete plan gradually emerged in his mind. "A rank-[-] monk is not scary. What is scary is a rank-[-] monk in the darkness. If he keeps staring at me outside Changming City, I'm afraid I won't be able to take a step towards Changming for a long time. .”

"So I had to find a way to lure him out and get rid of him."

Fang Weihan pulled Tao Yunjiang to the table in the courtyard, took out the map of Changming City from the cabinet on the side and spread it out.

"This village is called Shili Village. It is a real estate of my Guangling Palace. It is ten miles away from the south gate of Changming City and is completely outside the coverage of the Qiantian Tongming Array."

He pointed at a large manor in the south of the city with one hand.

"If that man were to attack me, this would be a perfect spot. It's close enough that it would only take a quarter of an hour to ride, and I could easily let my guard down without knowing it. It's also far enough away that he'll be able to kill me once he's done." Get out intact."

"I want to... set the venue for your grandpa's dinner here."

His intention was obvious.

Use Tao Yan's power to break the situation.

Fang Weihan looked at the silent girl beside him and asked for her opinion.

If Tao Yunjiang disagrees, he will abandon this plan without hesitation.

After all, this was taking advantage of her grandfather.

"You tell me all this kind of stuff."

Tao Yunjiang glared at him coquettishly, pretending to be angry.

"Using my grandfather and asking for my permission, don't you think it's a little funny?"

"No idea."

Fang Weihan also knew that this was a bit ridiculous.

"I have to tell you, otherwise I will be out of breath due to guilt when I kiss you in the future."

He said helplessly.

Tao Yunjiang smiled, his face red.

"I agree..."

She tied up all her long hair behind her head, and her long hair fell down and spread out. The two locks of hair at the temples hung on the side of her red face, which made the girl look as delicate and shy as a flower.


Fang Weihan was silent for a moment, feeling even more guilty.

He owed Tao Yunjiang again.

"I'm sorry, Yun Jiang."

he said in a low voice.

"As I said, grandpa won't care about this. On the contrary, if he knew you did this, he might even burst into laughter. And my grandpa is very powerful. No one can beat him in the sixth round."

Tao Yunjiang took a step forward, took Fang Weihan's hand, and gently placed it on his cheek.

"You don't have to say sorry."

Her face gently rubbed Fang Weihan's palm, obsessed and passionate.

"Is my face hot?"

Tao Yunjiang murmured softly.

"A bit."

"Thank you for telling me this, thank you..."

The girl's voice was as ethereal as a dream.

"Good apprentice..."


Fang Weihan held her in his arms.

"I seem...I have been unable to live without you for a long time, but I didn't realize it until today."

Tao Yunjiang said with a silly smile.

She liked his smile, she liked his persistence, she liked everything about him.

"Am I stupid?"

"The little master is not stupid."

Fang Weihan stroked the beauty's long hair and whispered.

"If the young master was stupid, he would not have agreed to let me marry you at that time."

Tao Yunjiang slowly raised his head and looked at him blankly.

What does he mean by that?
  The girl's CPU was burned by these words.

"You're not praising yourself, are you?"

After a long time, she choked out a sentence.

"of course."

Fang Weihan smiled confidently.

"If the mother is stupid, just be stupid, and if the father is smart, then the baby born in this way will not be too stupid."

"I'm asking you if I'm a little stupid, not for you to actually say I'm stupid!"

Tao Yungang stared at him and poked his waist angrily.

"And... who is going to have... a baby with you?"

The girl's face was as red as blood and she hesitated.

Seeing Fang Weihan's joking gaze, Tao Yunjiang stamped his feet and changed the topic as if he was giving up.

"Go on, what other plans do you have."

She pretended to be calm and lowered her head, staring at the map on the table, as if there was a unique treasure on the map.

Fang Weihan coughed lightly and withdrew his gaze from admiring the girl's shy face.

"Although the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light, they can take advantage of it, but we are not completely without advantages."

"Our greatest advantage is that the Vulcan Cult does not know that we already know their plan."

He was very confident.

Even if the Vulcan Cult tried to break their brains, it would be impossible for them to know that they could predict the future.

Although there is a possibility that the news I deduced from Wen Zhexue will not happen, this possibility is extremely low.

Fang Weihan believed that according to the character of the senior sister, she would never ask her twice.

"The most important step in my plan is how to lure them out. And if I want to lure them out and allow me to escape unscathed, it will most likely be impossible."

"So I'm going to look for Xiao Fuwei later."

Fang Weihan finally showed his other trump card.

I believe nothing could arouse the interest of this commander more than seizing or killing the core of the top leaders of the Vulcan Cult.

If you invite Tao Yan to dinner, it can be called a word of use.

So asking Xiao Fuwei to take action is more like an exchange of interests.

"If things go well, Xiao Fuwei and I will keep going back and forth between Shili Village and Changming City in the past three days, pretending that there is something that needs to be discussed."

"This will make them notice my whereabouts and increase their investigation of Shili Village."

Tao Yunjiang held the Qicang Sword and nodded seriously.

She would never object to Fang Weihan's opinions on these matters.

My mission is to protect his safety.

Fang Weihan actually did not tell Tao Yunjiang all his trump cards.

In addition to Tao Yan and Xiao Fuwei, he actually knew a strong person of rank six and had some friendship with him.

This time, Fang Weihan was desperate to pull him out to save his life.

As we all know, the escape ability of rank six experts is very strong. What if Tao Yan and Xiao Fuwei alone can't stop that person?
  Fang Weihan felt that one should either not do something or never do it.

Anyone who dares to worry about my life must die.

He decided to solve the problem once and for all.

But just when someone was feeling proud, he didn't know that his dear little girlfriend also had something that he didn't tell him.

Tao Yunjiang unsheathed his sword an inch, and the girl's peerless face was reflected on the sharp blade.

He didn't want to owe his grandfather a favor, which he could understand.

But I can owe this girl any favors I want.

I want to help him. Isn't this a natural thing? This is the soft rice that I put in my mouth! I'm happy to let him eat it!

Moreover... Grandpa is not the only Rank [-] expert around him.

The girl's pretty peach blossom eyes slightly narrowed into a cold arc.

Since you dare to take advantage of him...

No matter who it is, he must die.

(End of this chapter)

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