Chapter 56 The current progress is 99%
"You mean, you planted a remote-controlled bomb inside me."

"Yes, it can be understood in this way." Naturally, Xia Shang would not tell him that the remote control bomb in his body can only survive for half an hour at most, because once the split cells lose their activity, they have nothing to do with inorganic substances like stones. the difference.

"I will give you what you want as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, the twins suppressed their anger and left in a hurry. After all, no one was cheated and could still maintain a happy mood.

"Unfortunately, the taste of the dishes in this restaurant is really good."

Xia Shang returned to his seat, cutting the Australian lobster on the plate with a knife and fork.


At the same time, Billy on the other side was lying on the bed. He picked up his mobile phone and clicked on a surveillance video from eight years ago. The video was very simple. It showed his wife sitting alone on a park bench for three hours. video, and since that day, his wife has been missing.

Therefore, whenever Billy thinks of his wife's tenderness, he will click on this video and watch it repeatedly, not only to miss his wife, but also to remind himself who the real enemy is!
As usual, he was ready for bed after watching the video.

As a result, I accidentally caught a glimpse of the news about the resurrection of the invisible man.

"Hold the hair?" Billy was at a loss. The news of the invisible man's disappearance has been raging a lot these days. There are even rumors that the invisible man is dead. Generally speaking, Billy also made a lot of efforts in person.

"what's the situation?"

Billy suspects that this may be another method of the Walter Group, just like the edited video released by Walter before.

However, when he read the whole news, he immediately frowned.

"The invisible man can actually start a live broadcast to interact with the audience. Could it be that Walter has developed a black technology that can resurrect the dead?" Billy, who handled the corpse of the invisible man himself, felt that his idea was absurd. Such a black technology, why are you still staring at the military system? Wouldn’t it be more profitable to resurrect the dead?

"No, there must be something wrong with it."

Billy came to the sink, rinsed his face with cold water, then found the video of the Invisible Man's live broadcast, and watched it repeatedly.

In order to prevent Walt from finding someone to pretend to be the invisible man, he even found the previous videos of the invisible man for comparison.

"Impossible, there must be something wrong." Billy observed for half an hour, but still did not find any flaws. Since the live broadcast screen can interact with the audience, the possibility of editing was first ruled out.

Second, even twins differ in certain details.

But at least in this live video, he didn't find any difference between the invisible man and the past.

"In the end, there is only one possibility left...Vote Group has superhumans who can transform." Billy put down his phone decadently. Even if he uploaded his thoughts on the Internet, those netizens would probably not believe it.

"Damn it, I only knew that the body of the invisible man should have been left at that time."

Billy said unwillingly.

The next morning, Billy has used up the last of his savings due to investigating superheroes, so he decides to see if he can get some money from his former colleague, now the FBI Operations Deputy. Director Susan.

Early in the morning, as soon as Susan opened the door of the office, she saw Billy who looked like a dog skin plaster.

"You're like that damn mold on the tiles in my laundry room, scrape it off and it'll grow back in no time."

Her taunt obviously couldn't break Billy's face.

He put down the papers in his hand and said, "It sounds like your problem is caused by moisture."

Susan ignored Billy, she picked up the phone and smiled, "Help me answer the security department, thank you."

Billy pressed the phone in her hand and said, "I can stop them from letting superheroes into the military system."

"Why do you think I care?" Susan looked into Billy's eyes and continued: "Personally, I wish they could go to Syria, maybe they can end the war quickly."

"No, they're just going to prolong the war, which gets funded after all." Billy shrugged.

Immediately, he took out a file bag from the inner pocket of his clothes.

And put the photos inside in front of Susan one by one, "Last week, the locomotive injected the drug before the big game, and his girlfriend, the claw girl, also injected the same drug. They called the drug No. [-] compound .”

As he said that, he held up a screenshot of the demon girl injecting drugs.

"I suspect it's some sort of enhancer or steroid for metahumans that instantly enhances their abilities. If there were rumors that metahumans were nothing more than a bunch of injecting drug addicts, I'm sure no one would want to let them into the country. Fang Department."

In fact, from the standpoint of the government department, Susan is naturally unwilling to hand over the power of life and death to a private company.

"These photos can't explain anything, unless you can take out the blue potion inside, do you have a sample in your hand?" Susan said.

"not yet."

Billy was a little embarrassed.

"Since there is none, then the blue drug can be anything, such as antihypertensive medicine."

Susan put down the photo in her hand.

"You don't believe me? You think transhumans are assholes enough by now, then you wait until they put on camouflage and see, how many people will the Motherlander Sergeant kill? Tell me, you just give the missile launcher to the Walter got it." Billy's tone grew agitated.

In the end, Susan was persuaded by Billy and agreed to secretly allocate funds from the FBI to fund his continued investigation and find "Compound No. [-]".

"If you fail, you just wait to get out of prison. Damn it, I hope that when you die, your blood won't splash on me." Susan put down her harsh words.


"The effect of compound No. [-] is really long-lasting, and it barely disappeared after a week." After get off work, Xia Shang returned to the car and took out the box containing compound No. [-] from the trunk.

At this time, the progress on his panel reached 78%.

In other words, only one or so No. [-] compound is needed to completely end his fusion.

"Unfortunately, as the dose of the injected drug increases, the effect will gradually weaken, and even the cells will produce antibodies. At that time, more compound No. [-] must be injected. The premise of injecting more compound No. [-] is that you have a stronger physique and self-healing ability." Xia Shang took out a compound from the box, cut off the top glass cover, and poured it into the palm of his hand.

As compound No. [-] is gradually absorbed.

The progress bar on the panel increases bit by bit, and finally gets stuck in one position and stops moving.

[Carbon super talent fusion, the current progress is 99%]

(End of this chapter)

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