Become the ultimate creature from the black robe

Chapter 76 The Shining Light's Upcoming Storm Girl

Chapter 76 The Shining Light's Upcoming Storm Girl
Later, Breast Milk brought Mezimo to the current hiding place of Frankie and Simiko. They hid in a small house in the outskirts of New York. When Xia Shang drove by at work, he happened to sense the radio wave of Simiko.

There are subtle differences in the electric waves emitted by each superhuman, and Xia Shang can identify the identity of the superhuman through these differences.

Moreover, because of Himiko's strengthened self-healing, his strength, physique and reaction speed have been strengthened in all aspects, resulting in the innate ability he had previously integrated, and the range of radio wave perception has increased from the original 100 meters to about 200 meters. You must know Electric wave induction has the ability to grow, and it can continuously expand its range according to the strengthening of his will.

Therefore, Xia Shang parked the car not far from Frankie's house, and took the form of Yuji, standing under a tree, watching everything silently. Soon, in his perception, a superhuman was heading towards Look at where Kimiko is and approach.

Breast milk had just brought Mezimer into the house. Billy and Huey were slow and he pushed open the door. After seeing Mezimer, Billy greeted him with a smile, "Hi, Mezimer, I'm I'm your fan, I'll talk to you later."

After finishing speaking, Billy turned around and frowned. He grabbed the breast milk and said softly with a gloomy face: "I don't know what you are thinking? But now we have to kill him."

"No, we don't need to kill him. Listen, we made an agreement with that guy. As long as he keeps a secret, he can see his daughter. He is just a father who wants to see his daughter." Breast milk also explained in a low voice .

"He's a superhuman who wants to see his daughter. You brought him here. What are you thinking? Your mental retardation is almost surpassing that of Huey." To put it bluntly, Billy doesn't trust superhumans at all, especially May. Zimer used to work for Walter, and if the other party leaked the secret, they would all be screwed.

Breast milk was still explaining to Mezimer, and Billy showed a helpless look at this. Now that he has been brought home, he can only take one step at a time.

"Let's start." Breast milk nodded towards Mezimo.


As Mezimer said, he held the girl's hand, trying to pry into her heart through superpowers, "It's a jungle, and there is a camp in the jungle. She is a soldier in the camp, and there will be a flag beside her. It has a pattern of a two-headed snake."

Suddenly, there was a crisp knock on the door.

The sudden sound interrupted everything in the house instantly.

Billy and the others seemed to be on the verge of a formidable enemy, their eyes collided tacitly in the air, Frankie immediately took out a rifle from under the sofa, and Breast also pulled out a pistol from her waist and pointed it at the door.

"If the situation is wrong, go away." Billy made a gesture, then drew his gun and slowly approached the door.

"Who is it?" Billy called out the door.

"Pizza delivery guy."

"Did any of you order pizza?" Billy turned to ask French and them.

The result was a shake of the head in response.

"Sorry, you may have sent it by mistake." Before Billy's voice fell, Xia Shang cut off the deadbolt, pushed open the door and walked into the house.

Seeing that the person who came was an old acquaintance, Billy breathed a sigh of relief, and while closing the gun, he complained: "Dude, your tricks were used when I was working in the FBI. I thought it was Susan who sent someone to arrest you." me."

"Go on." Billy no longer wanted to ask the other party how he found him, it was meaningless, and the other party would not say it anyway.

"By the way, did you mention the double-headed snake just now? Like this..."

Billy crossed his hands, and his palms looked like a snake's head. After receiving an affirmative answer, Billy continued: "There are red rays behind the pattern."

Huey on the side asked with a confused face: "What is that?"

"It's the flag of the People's Liberation Army of Shining Light." Speaking of Shining Light, there was a bit of anger in the breast milk's eyes, and then he looked at Frankie: "Frankie, your girlfriend is a terrorist."

Xia Shang didn't expect that their investigation would be so fast, and they would have already found Shining Light. It seems that the Storm Girl will show up soon. Her super power is very good and she has great potential.

Frankie, who was standing by the sofa, looked at Simiko in disbelief: "Are you a terrorist?"

Kimiko had a bewildered expression.

"Shet, she can't be a terrorist." Frankie didn't want to believe that Kimiko used to be a murderous terrorist.

It was because of a terrorist attack that they fell to where they are today. It can be said that Billy's hatred for terrorists is not weaker than that of superhumans.

"Damn, I think you have to keep her under control," Billy said impatiently.

On the contrary, breast milk is associated with the connection between terrorists and the Voight Group: "Vote smuggled an extremist terrorist into the United States, and then injected her with Compound No. [-]..."

"After she awakens her superpowers, let her out to wreak havoc on everything around her. The only one who can clean her up is the damn Sergeant from the Homeland." Billy said along the lines of his mother's milk.

"Why would Walter use a terrorist?" Huey didn't understand.

"Because more terrifying than terrorists are extremist psychics."

Xia Shang said casually.

He is now paying more attention to Mezimer. This guy's super power is quite useful, but judging from the performance in the original book, the other party seems to be unable to control his super power, that is to say, his reading There is no switch in Xinshu, as long as it touches the opponent, it will definitely trigger the superpower.

From this point of view, the superpower of mind reading is also tasteless.

If during the battle, a memory from the enemy's heart suddenly appeared in his mind, it would definitely cause some interference to himself.

When he can solve this problem by himself, Xia Shang will consider integrating mind reading skills.

However, for now, Mezmer has a good use value, he can play the same role as the twin, or even better.

It was really not a wise move for Walter to abandon him, it was tantamount to killing the chicken and picking the egg.

"Do you have a business card? Maybe I can give you what you want." In the original book, after hugging his daughter, Mezimer realized that her daughter did not welcome his arrival, and only came to see him with the social worker out of politeness. he.

Therefore, Mezimer thought that since the wish of being with his daughter could not be realized, it would be better to use the information in his hand to make a fortune, so he betrayed Billy and others, and found the people from the motherland who revealed to him that Billy Li and others' photos, and the conditions he put forward, in addition to wanting to get a large sum of dollar bills, he also wanted to become a senior management member of the Water Group.

(End of this chapter)

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