Become the ultimate creature from the black robe

Chapter 85 It Looks Like This World Will Finally Be Destroyed (2 in 1)

Chapter 85 It seems that this world is finally going to be destroyed (two in one)

In the hall of the apartment, a whip leg that was extremely fast slammed on the long tongue of flesh and blood, making a dull collision sound.

As the corner of Xia Shang's clothes fluttered, the attacking bloody long tongue was thrown flying as if it had been hit hard.

I saw that even the body of the long-tongued monster couldn't maintain its balance, and fell heavily on the ground.

"Taekwondo?" Yin Zhixiu, who was watching on the sidelines, looked extremely shocked. She stared at Xia Shang's right leg and said in disbelief, "This must be at least at the level of a black belt."

"This joke is not very funny." Bian Shangyu clenched his baseball bat tightly, rushed up quickly, and hit the felled weirdo's head with force, puff!The long tongue monster's head was sunken inward immediately, and blood gushed out from the wound.

ha! !An angry roar came from the torn mouth of the long tongue monster. It propped its hands on the ground, and the bloody long tongue in its mouth wrapped itself around Bian Shangyu's body like a giant python. This was a strangulation that resembled a snake. The long tongue tightened in circles, and Bian Shangyu hurriedly put the baseball bat on his chest to prevent the sternum from being crushed.

When everyone was helpless, Xia Shang's left leg suddenly exerted force, and his figure flew out like a cannonball. In an instant, he came to the front of the long-tongued monster. He clenched his five fingers and swung a fist. Compared with Xiashang's carbon super silver, its strength is nothing compared to the big one.

puff!Under everyone's horrified gazes, Xia Shang punched the long-tongued monster's chest, blood and flesh splattered immediately, and the monster's painful and distorted howling sounded in the hall.

It immediately let go of Bian Shangyu who was bound, and retreated one after another, breaking its body out of Xia Shang's arms.

"Back back!" Just as it was about to control the long tongue and attack Xia Shang again, Li Sihe held a fire extinguisher and shouted calmly.

Next second!He pressed the switch of the fire extinguisher, and countless smoke gushed out from the fire extinguisher. Seeing the monster retreating under the attack of smoke, he turned his head and shouted at Jin Shixian: "Uncle! Uncle!"

Jin Shixian was stunned for a long time, but after Li Sihe shouted several times, he gradually came back to his senses.

"As soon as I give the signal, you press the switch of the iron rolling door."

"Okay, okay." Jin Shixian came to the security room trembling and crawling. He stood in front of the switch of the iron door, his fingers trembling uncontrollably.

Seeing the long tongue monster back near the iron gate, Li Sihe roared loudly: "It's now! Uncle! Press the switch!"

However, when Jin Shixian pressed the switch, the iron door slowly closed.

However, Li Sihe found that the monster was still half a step away from the iron gate. If it was closed now, it would probably lock the other party in the apartment, and the house leak happened to rain all night, so the fire extinguisher in his hand was used up at this time.

As the smoke dissipated, he found himself only one step away from the monster.

There was a trace of bewilderment and panic in his eyes under the lens.

However, a figure rushed out suddenly, knocking himself and the monster out together.

That person was Xu Yijing, a former firefighter. After rolling twice on the ground, she quickly stood up and ran towards the iron gate.

At this moment, the iron gate was still slowly descending, so Li Sihe supported the iron gate with both hands, trying to slow down the iron gate's descent and buy time for Xu Yijing.

But at this moment, the long-tongued monster who was knocked out by her suddenly shot out its long tongue, stabbing Xu Yijing's leg.

At the very moment, Xia Shang bent down and walked outside the apartment. He reached out and grabbed Xu Yijing's wrist, and threw her back into the apartment.

"Really, being beaten like that and still not dying, life is a bit tenacious."

The Long Tongue Monster didn't choose to continue attacking Xia Shang, but instead took stiff steps and walked aside.

"Come back quickly." Yin Zhixiu ran to Li Sihe's side, and held the iron gate together with him.

Of course, Xia Shang didn't intend to pursue him, and killing the long-tongued monster would do him no good at all.

He turned around and went back to the apartment. Seeing that Xia Shang was safe and sound, everyone heaved a sigh of relief, bang!The moment the iron gate was completely closed, everyone sat on the ground paralyzed in shock. The scene that happened just now seemed to have destroyed their world view. What happened to this world?
"Thank you." Li Sihe said to Xia Shang and Xu Yijing.

"what is that?"

Xu Yijing panted heavily, looking at the corpse that had been drained of blood.

"That's not human." Li Sihe looked outside the apartment.

Seeing the crisis approaching, the residents slowly stretched out their heads and observed the situation in the hall.At the same time, Jin Shixian, the uncle of the supermarket, walked up to Xu Yijing and asked, "Hey, I heard that you are a firefighter. What are you doing in the government? Don't you know how to protect the safety of our people?"

"They will take measures." Xu Yijing just got out of the death line, although he was physically and mentally exhausted, he still replied.

"Axi, we paid so much tax a year, they can't even deal with a monster." Jin Shixian reprimanded Xu Yijing unceremoniously, as if he was different from the cowardly and frightened him just now.

"No, there's more than one monster." Li Sihe said calmly.

The scene fell silent instantly, and the residents followed his gaze and looked outside.

I saw that outside the apartment, it was like a drawing of hell!
Countless ferocious monsters with different shapes frantically chased and killed the surviving humans. It seemed that the whole world fell into hell at this moment.

Looking at this horrific scene, Xu Yijing couldn't help muttering to himself: "What happened to this world?"

Li Sihe shook his head, "I don't know, but it seems that this world is finally going to be destroyed."

Everyone was silent, and the great anxiety and fear weighed on their hearts. After half an hour, the crowd still hadn't dispersed. Some of them picked up their mobile phones and started to call the police, while others huddled together, trembling, not daring to leave. Think back to everything you just saw.

"How's the situation?" Xia Shang walked to Bian Shangyu and asked.

Bian Shangyu returned the bent baseball bat to Yin Zhixiu, "I can't die."

Later, Yin Zhixiu suggested to go to the rooftop to have a look, maybe there will be a signal there.

Because of the elevator failure, the three of them could only go up the stairs. Yin Zhixiu hugged the blood-stained baseball bat tightly and followed them closely. Only in this way could she feel a sense of security.

"Have you completely lost your mind?" Xia Shang walked behind Bian Shangyu. He sensed a familiar radio wave approaching him not far away. The radio wave was very chaotic. It seemed that the hungry girl fell from upstairs. Not only did he not die, but he was completely infected.

Not only the hungry girl, Xia Shang also sensed radio signals from several other places.

On the other side, not far from the three of them, Lee Eun Yoo was making a phone call with his mobile phone, but accidentally stepped on the ground and rolled down the stairs. The severe pain made her cry out softly. At that moment, she heard heavy footsteps behind her.

At the same time, a girl's voice sounded.

"Did you use Taekwondo just now? I seem to have seen it on TV." Yin Zhixiu saw that no one was talking, and everything around her seemed eerie, so in order to break the creepy atmosphere, she had to whisper to Xia Shang chat.

Because compared with the serious Bian Shangyu, Xia Shang, who is always smiling, is obviously easier to get along with.

"Taekwondo? That kind of thing is good for kicking wooden boards. If you want to practice combat, I don't recommend you to practice that." Xia Shang said with a smile.

"Really? I saw them on TV. They are very powerful...Look, it seems that there is a person lying down."

Li Eun Yoo, who was lying on the ground, turned his head and glanced at the three of them, then picked up his phone and pretended nothing happened, "Don't look, I'm just resting here."

Suddenly, Xia Shang looked up to the right, and saw a figure in a red dress pounced on Bian Shangyu's back, and bit him on the shoulder. Facing the sudden attack, Bian Shangyu acted quite calmly, he He grabbed the woman behind him and threw him over his shoulder to Xia Shang.

Xia Shang sideways dodged the flying hungry girl, then kicked her into the wall, boom!As the smoke rose, the hungry girl opened her mouth and kept yelling to Xia Shang that I was so hungry, while Yin Zhixiu's face turned pale with fright, and the baseball bat in her hand kept shaking.

"Really, why throw it to me."

Xia Shang put his hands in his pockets and kicked again. The blood in the hungry girl's mouth couldn't hold it, and she spit it out and splashed it on Yin Zhixiu's face.

Bang bang bang bang! !
Under continuous heavy blows, the hungry girl finally took on a strange posture and was framed in the wall.

Cracks were visible to the naked eye on the surrounding walls, and the cracks continued to extend, shaking off layers of wall skin.

"Dead?" Bian Shangyu touched the wound on his shoulder and walked over. He bent down and grabbed the hungry girl's hair, and lifted it, which was almost turned into mud, in front of him, looking at the house number on the hungry girl's forehead. He knew that the other party was the guy who knocked on the door before.

"Oh it's you."

Suddenly, the hungry girl opened her eyes and showed her fangs to Bian Shangyu.

Boom!Seeing that the other party was still alive, Bian Shangyu didn't show any expression on his face. He just slammed his head against the wall, two times and three times. His movements were more violent than Xia Shang's, and blood flew everywhere, until The other party was completely silent, so he threw the broken head at Li Siyou's feet.

"Ah!" Li Siyou trembled from fright, and quickly got up and ran to Yin Zhixiu's side.

"Hey, uncle, you are too much." Yin Zhixiu complained.

It didn't take long.

A few people soon met a man who was mumbling towards the corner of the stairwell at a stairway.

"Director Han is a bitch...I've been by your side for so many years, and I've done my best and devoted myself to it."

"The result? Let me take the blame and fire me. What's wrong with me? It's not my responsibility at all." The man said while hammering on the wall. Suddenly, he gritted his teeth and said, "Yes... Blame this shitty world, the world was originally like this, full of deceit, betrayal, dumping...they are all the same, I can only blame me for being too naive."

From his words, Xia Shang could hear that the man was originally a hard-working office worker, but he was dumped by his boss at work. The so-called supervisor Han bullied him for a long time in the workplace, which caused him to have a problem. Extremely resentful, and his greatest desire right now is to kill Director Han.

Extreme emotional breakdown or on the verge of collapse!
Desperate for the world!
Possess a single powerful desire!
The three laws of Xia Shang's conjecture are all satisfied by the man in front of him, that is to say...

Sure enough, the man then turned his head to look at the three of Xia Shang, and saw that his body was gradually distorted, two nosebleeds streaked across his chin, and fell on the ground tick-tock, at the same time, the voices of Director Han and Director Han came out of his mouth.

It seemed that he had already regarded Xia and Shang as his boss, Director Han.

His infection rate is faster than Hungry Girl's, which shows that his desire is stronger.

Just when he was about to pounce on Xia Shang, Xia Shang frowned. This guy looked very weak, and he didn't even need to analyze it. So, without saying a word, he raised his leg and kicked it out. Coincidentally Yes, Zheng Zaixian happened to appear behind the man holding a long knife. Seeing this, he swung the knife and cut off half of the man's head.

"Did you die?" Yin Zhixiu asked with a trembling voice.

It was the first time for her to see the whole process of a monster's transformation. She never expected that such a terrifying monster would be transformed from a human.

"You should be dead, why did you appear here?" Zheng Zaixian withdrew his long knife and asked several people.

"Our mobile phone has no signal, so we can't call the police at all, so we want to try it on the rooftop, maybe the signal there is good."

Hearing Yin Zhixiu's words, Zheng Zaixian said solemnly: "The signal has not disappeared, but has become very weak. If this happens, there should be a problem with the signal base station outside."

While he was speaking, everyone's mobile phones vibrated.

"Emergency disaster it an infectious disease?" Li Siyou took out his phone, looked at the message on it, and read softly.

The text message is sent by the Ministry of Administration and Security of South Korea. The content is not too long. It is roughly a national disaster alert. Anyone with abnormal symptoms such as nosebleeds, fainting, and aggressive behavior should be isolated immediately.

At the same time, everyone downstairs also received this message. The word "national disaster" deeply hurt their hearts. Many people even cried out in despair, not wanting to face reality.

"Let's go, each go back to the room, there's no need to stay here any longer." Before leaving, Xia Shang took a meaningful look at the half-decapitated corpse on the ground.

You know, monsters are very tenacious. Although half of its head has been cut off, it must still be alive.


The next day, Cha Hyun-soo woke up from a coma. At this moment, he couldn't remember anything, as if there was a fault in his memory. He came to the window and stretched out his hand to slowly open the curtain.

What caught his eyes was a scene like the end of the world, endless crows streaked across the sky, the buildings on the ground were dilapidated, and some even ignited raging flames.

Cha Hyun Soo looked at the scene outside the window blankly.

Suddenly, his nosebleeds gushed out uncontrollably, like turning on a faucet, allowing him to cover his nose with his left hand, but he still couldn't stop the blood from flowing, and soon his chin was covered with blood, a gust of blood that once Memories flooded his mind.

 Two in one, one more chapter tonight

(End of this chapter)

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