Li Sizhuo successfully stabilized the power in his body, and his realm also stopped steadily at the Hedao realm. His body slowly returned to its original state, and his combat power was already close to that of the Taoist realm. This still has not been integrated. The result of previous cultivation.

It was obvious that Li Sizhuo won his bet this time. He successfully completed an almost perfect transformation, and he would never be unstable again.

After saying that, he appeared next to Senior Bai almost instantly.

"Boy, I'm back. We have to settle our accounts. Not to mention you destroyed my tower. You even destroyed my cocoon and turned my evil lotus world into this. What do you mean? Come on! How do you want to compensate me?"

Li Sizhuo looked at the dilapidated Evil Lotus World and the messy land. The Evil Lotus World was okay, it could repair itself slowly, but if the cocoon was gone, it would really be gone.

"Why don't you ask Taoist Fellow Ba Song to get another cocoon?"

"Forget it, forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you, just grab your things and get out! Nothing good happens to you every time I meet you. If you are so eager to improve your strength, you probably have a lot of things to deal with! Let's go. ! I won’t argue with you this time.”

As he said that, Senior Bai directly threw the cultivation level that Li Sizhuo had stripped off to Li Sizhuo. He could see that Li Sizhuo probably had something important to do, so there was no need to embarrass him at this time.

With the fusion of cultivation, Li Sizhuo's strength can be said to have skyrocketed, directly reaching the peak of the Hedao realm.

"Looks like it's still close! The stronger the Tao, the harder it is to cross. The stronger I am, the harder it is to cross my Tao. It's really troublesome!"

Li Sizhuo shook his neck and made a snapping sound.

"It's time for me to leave, please help me take care of Wangcai and them!"

"Won't you take them with you?"

"No! I don't have the confidence to come back alive. Their combat power can no longer keep up with my level. Rather than letting them die, it is better to let them live well here. If I am still alive, I will come to them. .”

As he spoke, Li Sizhuo disappeared in front of Senior Bai in an instant.

In fact, with his current strength, even if he can't defeat Jie Tun, he should still be able to run. His combat power has reached the peak of Tao Dao Realm. Even if he can't defeat Jie Tun, he won't be killed instantly with one move. , if he wants to escape, there is no limit to the universe, and Jie Tun may not be able to find him.

But he can run, but others cannot. Instead of living alone, it is better to face it bravely. Although he may not survive, he can guarantee that he will fight to the death. He just hopes that he can survive before he dies. Leave him some time to change this ruined life.

He had an agreement with Su Mo. He had a chance to change the past. As long as he had one last breath, he could resurrect everyone. He just hoped that everything would go as he wished!He is not sure whether his trump card can really fight the world to the death, but he has to do it. If there is really no chance, then he will die!He really tried his best.

Across time and space, Li Sizhuo arrived above the earth and stepped on the moon. A dark figure had been waiting for a long time.

"Haha! You're finally here. I've been waiting for you for a long time!" "Go to the outside world! Our battle should have started long ago."

Li Sizhuo looked at Jie Tun with a long knife in his hand and said.

"Hahaha! Whoever wants to go to the outside world with you will fight here today! Why do you think I stayed on Earth? If I had chosen to start the war on Earth, Li Buping would never have been able to defeat me. No matter what he did, Being powerful will also be limited by the earth. This is my advantage. I have already made a mistake once and will not make the same mistake twice!"

"Boys, all attack, target! Earth!!"

Jie Tun directly ordered his men to attack the earth. After all, it was useless to attack Li Sizhuo with his strength, but the earth was different.

Although Li Sizhuo had moved his mother away, it was impossible for him to be without any of his relatives and friends on the earth. In addition, it was impossible to take away all the people from Yunxian Island, including his seven aunts and eight aunts. , and his classmates and friends, he couldn't possibly watch them die.

"Dimension isolation!"

Li Sizhuo used dimensional isolation to directly isolate the entire earth.

However, this kind of isolation is effective for other people, but it is not enough for Jie Tun. Even some Jie Slaves may not be able to stop it, but it is enough to isolate most of the enemies.

At their current level, the earth is too fragile, and what Jie Tun wants now is not to destroy the earth, but to use the people on the earth to destroy Li Sizhuo's spirit. It can be said that Jie Tun has learned the lesson from the last time I have thoroughly learned to be despicable. As long as I can win, any means is a good means. This is fighting, not a child's play. It is natural to do whatever it takes to win.

Li Sizhuo can give up the earth, but as a human being, he cannot watch his compatriots being killed one after another without feeling anything. As long as it affects him, the purpose of Jietun will be achieved, and it doesn't matter whether the earth is destroyed or not.

It will not destroy the entire earth in an instant, it will let its subordinates kill the humans on the earth bit by bit.

Li Sizhuo once again created countless shadow clones to block the intruders. This would undoubtedly weaken his combat effectiveness, but he had no choice because he knew that if someone he knew well was really killed, the impact on him would only be bigger.

But then Jietun also took action. Li Sizhuo spent all his strength to stop its men, but it didn't have to worry about it at all. Li Sizhuo might not dare to use some powerful moves, but it dared to use them, and Li Sizhuo even had to share the pressure for the earth. , how can he win in this situation?Even Jie Tun could not imagine the possibility of him winning.

Li Sizhuo himself was far weaker than Jie Tun, and now that he was distracted a lot, the situation suddenly fell into a disadvantageous position.

In fact, the advantage has always been with Jietun, but it has always relied on its strong strength and failed to use it. The previous failure made it understand that it should never underestimate anyone, so this time it used all its advantages. , the lion fights the rabbit, also uses all strength.

With just one blow, Li Sizhuo vomited blood and flew backwards. He was still as vulnerable to it as before. The only difference was that before, he was killed instantly, but now he might be able to withstand a few more attacks, but obviously The result was still so disappointing. No matter how hard he practiced, he still couldn't catch up with Jie Tun in a short period of time.

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