The world of film and television started from optical film

Chapter 374 Sheng Wei Arrives, Saltworks Start Construction

Chapter 374 Sheng Wei Arrives, Saltworks Start Construction

However, in just a few months, under the rule of Quanzhou, the people of Jinjiang County all knew that now Quanzhou had a special judge who asked the people to help build the saltworks and even paid back the wages, ten copper coins a day, two meals Cooking rice, such a good treatment, let alone the government, can't be found anywhere in Quanzhou.

However, because of the construction of a salt drying field, Wang Zhong, who had just arrived and was young, was given the name of Wang Qingtian by the people of Jinjiang County. Chen Jun, the prefect, was a little dumbfounded when he heard the news.

I think he, Chen Jun, has served as the magistrate of Quanzhou for nearly three years. Not to mention his dedication, but he is also conscientious, encouraging Nongsang, neither greedy nor exploitative. A junior who just arrived stole the limelight.

This makes Chen Jun feel at ease.

But this was done spontaneously by the common people, and Wang Zhong couldn't be blamed, so why would Chen Jun not like it?

Fortunately, Chen Jun is not a narrow-minded person, he sighed a few times, and that's all, instead he began to think about the way.

After thinking about it, Chen Jun realized that it was only because of the ten Wen a day wages and two dry meals that Wang Zhong paid the common people.

One day, at Wang Zhong's mansion, Wang Zhong was teaching ten students in the front yard. Suddenly, the second day of Yu Chu came to report that Chen Jun had come.

"Duke Ming is here to welcome you. I hope you will forgive me!"

"I came here suddenly, what does it have to do with Zihou!" Chen Jun seemed to have another purpose.

Wang Zhong immediately led Chen Jun into the front hall, and the envoy brought freshly brewed hot tea.

"I don't know what's important for Mr. Ming?" After exchanging a few words with Chen Jun, Wang Zhong asked directly.

Chen Jun took a sip of tea, put down the tea bowl, looked at Wang Zhong and asked, "Zihou! Now that the saltworks have been completed, when will the salt production start?"

It's no wonder that Chen Jun was in such a hurry. All the expenditures for the construction of the saltworks were funded by the state government treasury. Although Wang Zhong had the imperial decree of Emperor Jiayou, if he only went out but not in, the people below would inevitably gossip.

Wang Zhong smiled and said: "Minggong Mingjian, the salt field we built is different from the traditional salt field. It is made of seawater after many times of sedimentation and filtration. This method has never been used before, so The officials specifically ordered me to conduct an experiment in Quanzhou, whether it will be successful or not is still unknown!"

Chen Jun frowned slightly, and asked, "How sure is Zihou?"

"About [-]% to [-]%!" Wang Zhong said: "But the matter of drying salt, in addition to technology, also depends on the face of God."

Chen Jun had also learned about the detailed process of drying salt with Wang Zhong in advance, so he naturally knew what Wang Zhong meant.

"I don't know what Zihou said a few years ago, about the investigation?" This is the real purpose of Chen Jun's trip. The family also specifically asked Wang Zhong to come to Quanzhou to investigate carefully to see if Quanzhou is suitable for setting up a shipping department.

That is the Shipping Department. Quanzhou is close to the sea and has a very advantageous geographical location. If a shipping department can be established and a port can be established to attract passing maritime merchants and ships to stay, in time, Quanzhou can completely get rid of the remoteness and poverty and become the next Hangzhou.

Wang Zhong looked at the big fish that took the bait with a smile that was not a smile, and said, "It all depends on Duke Ming's courage!"

"My courage?" Chen Jun pointed to himself and said, "What does Zihou mean by that?"

Wang Zhongdao: "Quanzhou Linhai is located in the middle of Hangzhou, Mingzhou and Guangzhou Shipping Department. The geographical location is superior, and there are natural ports such as Quanzhou Bay. It is indeed suitable for building a shipping company, but it is not up to me to say whether it is suitable. Moreover, Quanzhou is not the only choice. Let’s not talk about it. We only talk about Fuzhou. The geographical location is not bad compared with Quanzhou, and the wealth and population are even higher. I dare to ask Ming Gong, if you choose, Ming Will you choose Fuzhou or Quanzhou?"

"This..." Wang Zhong's words made Chen Jun speechless. Fortunately, Chen Jun's mind was fast enough, and he leaned forward immediately, grabbed Wang Zhong's hand, and couldn't wait to ask. Said: "Why did Zihou teach me?"

It was only then that he realized that he hurriedly let go of Wang Zhong's hand, cupped his hands in embarrassment, and said, "I was emotionally excited for a while, and I couldn't help myself, so I laughed at Zihou."

But Wang Zhong had a serious face, and he cupped his hands at Chen Jun and said: "Duke Ming is dedicated to Quanzhou and the people. This heart can learn from the sun and the moon, and he only has admiration in his heart!"

Chen Jun heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time became more and more satisfied with Wang Zhong. Different people spoke completely different words. Wang Zhong only had a few words to praise Chen Jun to the height of caring about the country and the people, and being dedicated to the public. He studied and became an official. , seeking nothing more than power, fame and wealth, Chen Jun is not short of money, what he lacks is a reputation that will last forever!

When Wang Zhong said that, why didn't he make Chen Jun happy: "What good plan does Zi Hou have, come and tell me quickly!"

Wang Zhongdao: "If Duke Ming is interested, he can expand the port in Quanzhou Bay, build a wharf, attract passing sea merchants to settle down, and encourage merchants to go to sea for trade. As long as they make achievements, those merchants will spread the name of Quanzhou to the world for us. At that time, Duke Ming said how would the officials choose?"

"It's not that easy to expand the port and build a wharf!" Chen Jun sighed.

After all, it is nothing more than a word of money.

Time passed day by day.

In the late February of the seventh year of Jiayou, the city of Tokyo was very lively. Students from various prefectures and prefectures gathered in Tokyo to participate in the triennial Spring Festival.

Quanzhou City, thousands of miles southeast of Tokyo, is also very lively.

Quanzhou Bay, on the pier, Wang Zhong had been waiting here for a long time after receiving the news. Several large ships more than ten feet long and several feet wide were parked in Quanzhou Bay. Those who knew him quickly walked towards Wang Zhong after getting off the boat.

After exchanging pleasantries, Wang Zhong led them to the Danbi Tower where the banquet had already been scheduled.

Amidst the singing and dancing, against the backdrop of silk and bamboo orchestras, at the banquet, Sheng Wei introduced to Wang Zhong that the people he brought were all big businessmen who had a good relationship with Sheng Wei, and one of them was Chang Song's uncle, all of whom were Ying Sheng. Wei's invitation came from the agreement that Wang Zhong made when he was in Youyang last year.

Although Wang Zhong was young, none of these wealthy businessmen dared to underestimate him.

At the age of 20, he was able to pass the judgment in one state, and he was in the sixth rank of the official position, and his future could be described as limitless.

Businessmen are all profit-seeking, so why is Wang Zhong such a huge potential stock not worthy of their investment.

What's more, others don't know, but Changsong's uncle Li Yong knows very well that his brother-in-law's business is so prosperous now, and he is making a lot of money every day, and he is inseparable from Wang Zhongke. None of the booming businesses were related to Wang Zhong.

"Everyone sitting here today is older than me, and has far more experience than me. As for the experience in business, let alone, you are all good hands. job!"

"You are all leaders among the merchants. I don't need to say what the geographical location of Quanzhou is. You all know it well. There is also a natural port like Quanzhou Bay, which can be called a favorable location.

For decades since Taizong's reign, the imperial court has encouraged merchants to trade at sea. In order to establish a maritime silk road, they successively set up shipping departments in Hangzhou, Mingzhou, and Guangzhou to take charge of all matters related to maritime trade and provide various conveniences. Time! "

"Now that all of you are gathered here, it is the harmony of people, the right time, the right place, and the harmony of people, so why worry about major events not being accomplished?"

"What the judge said is very true!" Sheng Wei was not the first to speak out, but Sheng Wei's brother Li Yong was the first to stand up: "Such a good opportunity, how can I miss it, my Li's firm has decided, in Set up a branch in Quanzhou, buy three sea-going ships, and trade at sea!"

The rest of the people did not express their opinions in a hurry, but after looking at each other, one of the extremely rich middle-aged fat man cupped his hands at Wang Zhong and said, "I agree with what the general judge said, but the profits from trading at sea are not enough. High, but the risk is also high, not to mention pirates, even storms at sea are beyond the control of manpower, but if they encounter them, the loss of cargo is nothing, and they are afraid of losing their lives!"

"There is no such thing as a pie in the sky in this world! Although the sea is dangerous, the profit is extremely high!" Wang Zhong said with a smile: "Nowadays, Hangzhou and Mingzhou are the two city shipping companies that go back and forth by sea every year. There are thousands of ships, and a large amount of musk, wood, gold and silver, etc. flowed into our dynasty from overseas through the Shi Ship Department. Know."

Another businessman clasped his hands and asked, "The grass people have a doubt in their hearts. I don't know if the general judgment can solve the doubts of the grass people?"

"But it's okay to ask!" Wang Zhong said with a relieved smile.

The man said: "Although we are also businessmen, we only do business in the territory of our dynasty. It is nothing more than north and south. We have never had experience in going to sea. Tong San also said that so many people go to sea every year. What about me waiting?"

Wang Chongdao: "I was ordered by the officials to judge Quanzhou. Naturally, I have to make some achievements to live up to the entrustment of the officials. However, there are many mountains and little fields in Quanzhou, and the agriculture and mulberry are not prosperous. I want to make achievements. They can only find another way.

Quanzhou is near the sea and has natural ports such as Quanzhou Bay. The geographical location is extremely superior. Nowadays, overseas trade is becoming more and more prosperous. As you can see, there are only three shipping bureaus in Hangzhou, Mingzhou and Guangzhou, which bring taxes to the imperial court every year. how many? "

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

Wang Zhongdao: "The detailed number is a secret of the imperial court, and it is not convenient for me to say it, but what I can tell you is that the tax collected by the imperial court on sea trade every year is no less than the salt tax, and this number is not much higher every year. are growing."

"Tong Juan's statement is serious?" Several businessmen were stunned.

Wang Zhongdao: "It is only my family's words, which is naturally difficult to convince the public. There are also many businessmen who go to sea in Quanzhou. You may wish to find out by yourself."

To these businessmen, Wang Zhong didn't have to be so polite, but these people came with Sheng Wei, and these people have cooperated very closely with Sheng Wei, and they have a good relationship, and their character is not bad, otherwise Sheng Wei would not be so polite. won't bring them here.

Of course Wang Zhong wanted to give Sheng Wei some face.

After the banquet, a group of businessmen searched for their own residences. Wang Zhong led Sheng Wei and Chang Song back to his house in Quanzhou.

Wang Zhong's residence is just a small house with two entrances. The only bright spot may be that it has two quite spacious yards. Moreover, this house is still rented, not bought.

A little far from downtown, but better than quiet.

In the study room in the front yard, Wang Zhong brewed two cups of fragrant tea, and knelt with Sheng Wei on both sides of the long table.

"Among the people I brought this time, there were 33 shipbuilders, 12 skilled blacksmiths, more than 20 apprentices, [-] spinning machines and [-] looms each, and [-] skilled female workers. Other..."

Wang Zhong poured Sheng Wei a cup of tea, and joked, "Uncle, are you planning to move your family to Quanzhou?"

Sheng Wei also said with a smile: "Since Zihou is determined to make contributions in Quanzhou, I, as an uncle, naturally have to fully support him!"

Wang Zhong said: "Uncle, aren't you afraid that the stall will be too big, and the cost will not be recovered by then?"

"I remember Zi Hou said that as long as there are people in this world, we won't worry about our family's cloth not being sold!" Sheng Wei looked at Wang Zhong with a half-smile.

"Besides, You Zihou is now the general judge in Quanzhou. With Zihou here, it is a good opportunity to open up the Quanzhou market. As the saying goes, if you don't take what is given, you will be blamed instead. What does Zihou think?"

"Chongzi should fully support uncle." Wang Zhong clasped his hands.

Sheng Weidao: "As the saying goes, brothers have to settle accounts clearly. Today is different from the past. I want to separate the new yarn factory, cloth workshop, shipyard and fleet in Quanzhou from the previous family industries. To build another company, with a total investment of 20 guan, my wife will hold [-]% of the shares, my aunt will hold [-]% of the shares, and my sixth niece will hold [-]% of the shares, what does Zihou think?"

"As for the business name, uncle can decide for himself!" Wang Zhong said.

In the seventh year of Jiayou's reign, on February [-]th, Wang Zhong once again approached Chen Jun, the prefect of Shangzhou, and held a banquet at Danbilou, and invited the oiran of Danbilou to accompany him.

After pushing the cups and changing the cups, Wang Zhong asked directly: "I don't know what you think about the port and wharf that you talked about with Duke Ming last time?"

Chen Jun was stunned for a moment, then looked at Wang Zhong, and instead of answering directly, he asked, "I heard that Hou held a banquet at Danbi Tower a few days ago?"

Wang Zhongdao: "The reception is for an elder in the family, the elder brother of my future father-in-law, the uncle of the big house of the Sheng family in Youyang County, Jiangning Prefecture, and several friends."

"Oh? He's Mr. Sheng's elder brother?" Chen Jun was quite surprised.

Wang Chongdao: "The Sheng family has three houses, and my future father-in-law is the second house. Most of the children in the house study the imperial examinations in order to become officials. The head of the big house is Uncle Sheng, who specializes in taking care of Sheng. This time Uncle Sheng was invited by a subordinate official to come to Quanzhou, intending to set up a business in Quanzhou and go overseas for trade."

Seeing that Chen Jun was still hesitant, Wang Zhong said again: "Duke Ming is now the magistrate of a prefecture, and the fifth rank serves as a concubine, but if he wants to go further and go to Tokyo, it will not be easy. It’s nothing more than taking a job, I don’t know how long it will take to go further, Minggong is so wise, virtuous, shrewd and capable, there is no need to be reminded by the officials, Minggong is very clear in his heart!”

Chen Jun's face became serious. After pondering for a moment, he remembered the imperial decree brought by Wang Zhong, and couldn't help but tremble in his heart. He raised his eyes to look at Wang Zhong, and said, "Zihou can have such courage at such a young age. How can the idiot eldest Zihou be willing to be the second son of Zihou after so many years!"

Chen Jun was born in a wealthy family with a wealthy family background. He was born as a serious second-class Jinshi. He has both talents and learning. Nearly the year of destiny, it is said that people reach seventy since ancient times, how many people can live to sixty?

If there is no great achievement, Chen Jun can retire at the third rank in this life, then there will be green smoke on the ancestral grave.

"Thank you, Mr. Ming, for your support!" Wang Zhong showed a smile on his face, got up and walked to Chen Jun, bowed and bowed deeply.

Zhizhou and Tongpan have united, and naturally there will be no strange voices in Quanzhou.

On February 24th, in Quanzhou Bay, the construction of Jihai Shipyard officially started. Re-provided the chart, started the first southward voyage, Sheng Wei stayed in Quanzhou to get an overview of the overall situation, while Changsong went south with the ship and went straight to Nanyang.

But as time went by, a problem gradually came to Wang Zhong and Chen Jun, that was spring plowing.

With the arrival of spring plowing, the common people have to be busy with spring plowing and planting. It is the busy farming season. No matter how the state government's policies change, farming is always the top priority, because at this time, the Song Dynasty is still a country dominated by agriculture.

It was Chen Jun who went to the Xinghua Army in the north and transferred two battalions of troops to guard Quanzhou Bay and at the same time be responsible for the construction of the wharf and port. Of course, Quanzhou should undertake all the work from the beginning.

The time came to March, and the salt field, which began to divert water into the reservoir as early as February when the tide was high, also officially began to dry salt. Although the newly recruited salt workers had received theoretical training in advance, they have really reached the stage of practical operation. Still a little bit blind, Wang Zhong could only go into battle himself and direct the crowd to dry the salt.

The seawater entering the warehouse has been evaporated, precipitated, filtered, and sublimated, and most of the impurities in the seawater have been removed, making the brine saturated, but this is only the beginning. The real wonder lies in the subsequent drying of the salt. step.

On March [-], Chen Jun was invited to the saltworks.

In the morning, with the sun rising and the sea breeze blowing gently, Chen Jun was finally moved and astonished as he looked at the crystallized white snow-like salt grains at the bottom of the salt pan.

The salt particles splashed on the bottom of the pool, and there was a layer of not-so-shallow seawater above. Such a phenomenon was beyond Chen Jun's understanding.

Wang Zhong gave an order, and the salt workers who had been preparing for a long time stood barefoot on one side of the salt field with special tools, and pushed the sea salt crystals precipitated in the salt field to the other end for accumulation.

Looking at the small snow mountains piled up like snow-like salt grains, Chen Jun couldn't help being curious and walked over.

"Is this really salt from the sea?" Chen Jun squatted down, twisted a handful, and put it in the palm of his hand. The salt grains were white, large, not delicate, and the grains were distinct. After observing carefully for a while, he raised his hand and poured the salt grains into his mouth. He couldn't help but widen his eyes and shrink his pupils.

"What do Minggong think of this salt?" Wang Zhong, who was following behind Chen Jun, asked with a smile.

Chen Jun got up, looked at Wang Zhong, and suddenly cupped his hands in a salute: "Zihou is really a great talent, such a wonderful method, which has never been heard before, once this salt comes out, Quanzhou will be rich!"

Naturally, Wang Zhong couldn't ask Chen Jun to salute him, so he hurriedly stretched out his hand to support him, and said, "Ming Gong is honored, this is the crystallization of salt grains, and it has to be processed before it is the table salt we usually use!"

"I don't know how to deal with it?" Chen Jun couldn't care less about being polite to Wang Zhong, so he asked curiously.

But Wang Zhong smiled mysteriously, and said: "Ming Gong went to see for himself, isn't it better than a thousand words from a subordinate official!"

"Not bad!" Chen Jun also showed a smile on his face, grabbed Wang Zhong's hand and said, "Let's go, let's hurry!"

In the evening, the results of the first salt drying were also counted. There are 24 mu of salt fields in total, and a total of more than [-] catties of salt were produced.

Nowadays, the price of salt on the market ranges from 100 Wen to [-] Wen. It seems that the quality of this batch of salt from the salt field is almost equivalent to the best green salt on the market. If it is sold at a price of [-] Wen, it will be [-] million Money, a thousand consistent benefits.

Of course, the price cannot be calculated in this way, and the salt merchants naturally have to make money.

Seeing this figure, even Chen Jun couldn't help being stunned. In just seven or eight days, there will be nearly a thousand dollars of income. If things go on like this, the scale of the salt farm will be expanded, and the few places selected by Wang Zhong are suitable for the construction of the salt farm. All the tidal flats were built, and Chen Jun couldn't even imagine the situation at that time.

Chen Jun grabbed Wang Zhong's hand excitedly and said, "Zi Hou, let's start construction on the places you have decided on, and build the salt farm..."

Wang Zhong couldn't help but smile wryly at what Chen Jun said, and immediately said: "The saltworks will naturally be built, but not now!"

"Why?" Chen Jun asked puzzled.

Wang Zhongdao: "First of all, the process of drying salt is very complicated. We don't even have a skilled salt worker now. I have to watch by me all the time. Even my students who have been by my side are not familiar with it yet. Not to mention ordinary salt workers!"

"What does Zi Hou mean?" Chen Jun asked.

"Let's be on the safe side. First expand the salt field, and then recruit more salt workers. Let these salt workers be familiar with every step and every process of drying salt. After they are skilled, we will go to the other few salt workers. Build a salt farm in a suitable place, and let these old salt workers go to bring in new salt workers.”

Chen Jun calmed down after hearing this, nodded and said, "What Zi Hou said is very true, I was the one who was impulsive just now!"

Wang Zhong smiled and said: "Salt affairs are the cornerstone of the country. Duke Ming is dedicated to the court and the people. He will inevitably be emotional for a while, and it is too late for the lower officials to admire!"

"Hahaha!" Looking at Wang Zhong, Chen Jun couldn't help but stroked his beard and laughed, "Then let's be honest, let's take it step by step!"

"Duke Ming is wise!" Wang Zhong cupped his hands and said.

In the early morning of the next day, the courier took the memorial written overnight by Wang Zhong himself and two jars of sea salt, and took a boat all the way north from Quanzhou Bay to Tokyo.

The sun-salt farm has produced results, so it is natural to report to Emperor Jiayou as soon as possible. This is a proper political achievement!
(End of this chapter)

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