The world of film and television started from optical film

Chapter 398 Recruitment, Tokyo Gu's

Chapter 398 Recruitment, Tokyo Gu's

On the school field, Wang Zhong looked at Niu Er who was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, and soon knocked down seven or five guards trained by Gu Er himself, his eyes couldn't help but shine.

You have found a treasure!

"Stop!" With a loud shout, Wang Zhong walked into the arena with a smile, his eyes couldn't stop looking at Niu Er: "Good martial arts! Come, let me try your skills!"

"Stay back, all of you!" This was said to the five guards besieging Niu Er. Upon hearing this, several guards immediately bowed and bowed, and retreated to the side under orders.

"Ah?" Niu Er looked at Wang Zhong, his eyes full of surprise.

"Forget it, the Sa family has heavy fists and kicks, don't hurt Tong San!" Although Niu Er looked a little naive, his mind was not as rough as it appeared on the surface.

"Hahahaha!" Wang Zhong laughed loudly and said, "If you beat me, I will protect you as a capital!"

"Tong San's words are serious?" Niu Er's eyes suddenly lit up!

Wang Zhong rolled up his sleeves and said loudly: "I always keep my word!"

Although Wang Zhong's stature

"Brother Niu Er! Don't be careless, we have high martial arts skills, usually a dozen brothers together are not opponents of Tong San!" Yu Chu Er kindly reminded from the side.

Niu Er couldn't help raising his brows slightly when he heard the words, and looked at Wang Zhong quite unexpectedly, the contempt in his eyes immediately reduced a bit, but perhaps it was because of his strong confidence in his own strength, Niu Er still didn't feel that Wang Zhong was so young. The civil servants will be their opponents.

"Please enlighten me!" Niu Er clasped his fists in a salute, and opened his fists.

Wang Zhong smiled and said: "Brother, be careful, I am born with supernatural power, and my fist strength is not light."

As soon as the words fell, Niu Er felt that Wang Zhong in front of him disappeared in a flash. Before he could react, a strong sense of crisis came to him instantly. He crossed his arms in front of his face, but the strong wind turned suddenly, moved down a few feet horizontally, and pressed directly on Niu Erhe's thick chest.

In an instant, a wave of force suddenly erupted.

Niu Er finally saw Wang Zhong clearly, with a smile on his face, one hand behind his back, standing sideways, his right hand raised forward, five fingers raised, palm facing forward.

With just one palm, Niu Er's huge body was slapped flying, flying upside down for about ten feet, and fell to the ground with a plop, dragging several feet before he could barely stop.

"Brother Niu Er, how about this palm?" Wang Zhong looked at Niu Er with a smile on his face, and the guards beside him who had just been knocked down by Niu Er clapped their hands and cheered loudly: "The judgment is mighty!"

Niu Er hurriedly got up, rubbed his chest, rubbed his sore buttocks, and then looked at Wang Zhong in shock.

"How, do you believe that I am born with supernatural power?" Wang Zhong said with a smile.

Niu Er didn't show any contempt on his face anymore, he looked at Wang Zhong solemnly, clasped his fists and said in a loud voice: "If you judge your martial arts well, then the Sa family won't hold back any more!"

While speaking, Wang Zhong's eyes were full of eagerness to try.

Wang Zhong also put on a posture and said, "Go ahead."

Niu Er obviously has real kung fu on him, he steps forward left and right, and his boxing style also changes left and right, he is obviously concentrating and accumulating energy, when Wang Zhong approaches, his two arms are like two fine steel Like a forged iron mace, it was drawn towards Wang Zhong, with a strong wind.

"Good come!"

Feeling this powerful blow, Wang Zhong couldn't help applauding it, raised his elbow, and bumped into it without dodging or avoiding it.

Seeing Wang Zhong's posture, Niu Er's eyes became brighter and brighter. It has been several years since he has met such a person who dares to confront him head-on.

Immediately, he let out a roar like a fierce tiger and black bear, and the pace of his feet also changed accordingly. As his arms flapped, there was a continuous sound of breaking through the air.

In just a moment, the two bumped into each other countless times.

Niu Er only felt that what he collided with him was not flesh and blood, but steel and rock, and every time he collided, it was a sharp pain that pierced his bones.

Niu Er knew in his heart that he would never be able to take down Wang Zhong in this way, as soon as he thought about it, he immediately started to change his moves, his arms turned fists into claws, intending to use the sumo wrestling technique to deal with Wang Zhong.

But just when Niu Er changed his moves, Wang Zhong's eyes, which had always been extremely calm, suddenly froze. As if he had expected it, he stepped forward with his right foot, his body sank, and he elbowed away. At the same time, Niu Er's big hand took advantage of the situation to bully him, and with a shake of his shoulder, he used the iron mountain crouch in a Bajiquan.

While the rabbit was up and down, Niu Er's huge body was thrown into the air again.

After getting up again, Niu Er felt sore all over his body, and his arms didn't look like his own at all.

"Tong San is good at kung fu!" Even so, Niu Er's face still did not show any pain, but was full of surprise and smiles.

Wang Zhong said: "We've compared fists and feet, shall we try weapons?"

"Listen to Tong San's orders!" Niu Er had already begun to admire Wang Zhong, different from just respecting Wang Zhong's virtue and ability at the beginning, now he admired Wang Zhong's martial arts and strength.

He was able to go head-to-head with Niu Er and still gain the upper hand, and he could fight back with three punches and two kicks. After so many years, Niu Er really only met Wang Zhong. He was the master who taught Niu Er how to practice martial arts. None of the instructors have this ability.

A moment later, Niu's second-hand middle stick was picked off by Wang Zhong for the third time, and he completely lowered his haughty head: "Tongjuan's martial arts are superb, far superior to the Sajia, and the Sajia admires it!"

"Brother Niu is very skilled in martial arts. If he goes to the battlefield, he will be a brave general who will charge the battle and capture the flag."

Wang Zhong threw the long stick in his hand to Yu Chuer, walked up to Niu Er and asked, "It's just that I still have a doubt in my heart. I don't know if Brother Niu Er can explain it to me?"

Niu Er clasped his hands and said, "The judge wants to know anything, just ask!"

"Now in the land of Huaixi, there are rebels and rebels. The imperial court has sent a large army to encircle and suppress them. The two Niu brothers are so powerful in martial arts. Why are they here if they don't go to the front line to fight and earn fame?"

With Niu Er's martial arts skills, even if he starts from the top soldier, he can quickly climb up to suppress bandits and suppress rebellion. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make meritorious service.

Niu Er waved his hand disdainfully and said: "It's just some people who can't eat. If they can't survive, who would dare to risk their heads to rebel and exchange their lives for credit? I, Niu Er, don't bother to do it! "

"Hahaha!" Wang Zhong couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, patted Niu Er on the shoulder, and said: "Among the rebels, it is true that most of them are ordinary people, but there are also some people with ulterior motives who only fight for their own sake." If they are selfish, they will bewitch and coerce the people."

"Forget it, I wanted to recommend you to go to Huaixi. Since you don't want to go, you have two choices now. One is to go to the barracks and become a captain. You will receive a monthly salary of two yuan, and you will have room and board. In the military camp, you practice in your free time, and fight against pirates in your free time. If you capture anything, half of it will be confiscated and the other half will be kept for yourself. As for promotion, but now that the two battalions in Quanzhou are full of brave men, if you want to go up, it may be difficult.

The second is to work as an errand for my personal guard, and the monthly salary is twice a month, but with your ability, it is enough to be the captain of the personal guard. The monthly salary can be up to three for the time being, and it can be increased to five after a year. For meritorious service, there are also rewards from the field shop. "

"Is Xiangyong in command personally?" Niu Er asked.

Wang Chongdao: "There are the county captains of Jinjiang and Nan'an counties, and the magistrates of the two counties, and the magistrate of Quanzhou, have nothing to do with me!"

The magistrates and county magistrates are the top leaders in the army and government of the prefectures and counties. Wang Zhong is only a small general judge at present. Wang Zhong and Chen Jun borrowed troops from the Xinghua Army, which was also a way to prevent one of them from taking power alone.

"I'll choose the second one!" Niu Er didn't even think about it, and said directly, "I'm here for the judgment."

"But there are some things I have to tell you first. If you want to be my bodyguard, you have to abide by my rules!" Wang Zhong reminded Niu Erdao.

Niu Er patted his chest and said: "Don't worry about the judge, I, Niu Er, have always been the most disciplined!"

"That's good! It just so happens that Wang Erxi is not here recently, so why don't you be the leader of my personal guard first!" Wang Zhong said.

"I also have a condition!" Niu Er suddenly said.

Wang Zhongdao: "What condition? Tell me?"

"I want to ask you about fists, kicks, guns and sticks!" Niu Er said straight to the point.

"You can rest assured about this. Every few days, I will give advice to everyone. If you want, you can also ask me to discuss, but the premise is that I have to wait until I have free time."

"no problem!"

"I have a few brothers, can I also work under Xianggong's command?" Niu Er's address for Wang Zhong has changed from Tongpan to Xianggong.

"How is their martial arts better than yours?" Wang Zhong asked.

Niu Erdao: "It's worse than me, but stronger than the personal guards like Xianggong."

"Okay, you bring them here, the second grade will arrange it."

After finalizing the matter of Niu Er, Wang Zhong asked Yu Chuer to take Niu Er to settle down. Naturally, Wang Zhong would not immediately trust Niu Er who had just appeared. He had to investigate his origins before spending time. In the investigation stage, the virtues and character are determined before they can be truly entrusted with reuse.

Now that Quanzhou has gradually entered a stage of steady development, Wang Zhong has also put his mind back from the shipping department to his own work. The first batch of recruited refugees have also been resettled. Now that these refugees have just arrived, their hearts are not stable. Nature still needs reassurance.

But on the other hand, Gu Er led the army to station in Shen County for several months, and the rebels were repelled several times. It was not until mid-February that the soldiers under his command had trained for more than a month, and they had already gotten used to it before sending troops. Counterattack, at that time the imperial army in the north of Haozhou had already fought against the rebels.

But I didn't expect that at this time, civil unrest broke out in Jiangzhou and Qianzhou. The rebels rushed into the county government, killed the county officials, raised the rebel flag, coerced the people, and quickly attacked the surrounding counties. The thieves seem to have been planning for a long time, and wherever they go, there will be an internal response in the city, coercing the people in the city to make trouble.

The rebels called themselves the Maitreya religion, and played the banner: Sakyamuni Buddha is declining, and Maitreya Buddha should hold the world, saying that their leader is the reincarnation of Maitreya. Wantonly hunted and killed the local gentry, distributed money and land to the teachings under his command, quickly won the hearts of the people, and started a prairie fire. In just half a month, he occupied dozens of counties in several states, and his power continued to expand. It echoes the rebels who are far away in Haozhou and Shouzhou.

It forced Luzhou, Guangzhou and other places to defend themselves, and did not dare to advance again, which gave the rebels in Haozhou and Shouzhou a chance to breathe.

However, Gu Er has always been a courageous person. What others dare not do does not mean that he dare not do it. Moreover, the art of war is about the combination of justice and victory by surprise. Gu Er's mind has always been exquisite and full of wisdom.

Immediately, he took the stone and three thousand soldiers and horses and went straight into the territory of Haozhou.

Tokyo City, the Gu family, since knowing that Gu Tingye is going to Haozhou to quell the rebellion, Gu Yankai has been very concerned about the news of these rebels. Mindful, he ran to the Privy Council every day, watching the news from Haozhou.

Gu Er didn't let him down either. Within a few days, Gu Er defeated the rebels in Shen County, and the news of regaining Shen County spread back to Tokyo. In the eyes of the public, rebels in the district are just a disease of scabies, and they don't take it to heart at all, but after a noble girl in Tokyo was captured on the Shangyuan Festival, the matter became serious.

After all, Rong Feiyan of the Marquis of Fuchang Mansion could not escape his destiny. On the day of the Shangyuan Festival, in the most prosperous market in Tokyo, at the feet of the emperor, in the bright universe, he was kidnapped by thieves. A few days later Cai was thrown into the street in ragged clothes, and hanged himself that night.

Although anyone with a discerning eye can see who did this, the official family is seriously ill and King Yong is powerful. No one dares to stand up and speak for the Rong family. The court can only attribute this matter to the rebels. superior.

It was at this time that the news that Gu Er broke the rebels and regained Shen County was sent back to Tokyo. The Privy Council immediately ordered Gu Er to be promoted to a higher level, and temporarily led Luzhou, Hezhou and other states to fight against the rebels.

Gu Yan was so relieved that his old face, which had been stern for more than ten years, finally showed a smile of relief.

But other people in Ningyuanhou's mansion couldn't sit still, especially Gu Er's Bodhisattva-like stepmother, Madam Xiao Qin.

After receiving the news of Gu Er's meritorious service and the court's commendation, Xiao Qin's house broke two sets of teacups, a pair of excellent Ru kiln vases, and many rouge powders, bronze mirrors and so on.

"What on earth do the Bai family eat!" Gritting her teeth, Xiao Qin said with a ferocious expression, "It's been so long, why haven't we done anything yet!"

"Madam, please don't be angry. Second brother is in the military camp now. The Bai family is just a salt merchant. Even if they have great power, it is difficult for them to sneak into the army and take action against second brother!" Aunt Xiang next to her hurriedly advised. .

At this time, a female envoy hurried in to report that Gu Yankai was back. Xiao Qin and Grandma Xiang changed their expressions and quickly asked people to pack their things. Xiao Qin quickly packed up her appearance, and her ferocious expressions instantly appeared. He turned into a kind and compassionate smile, and he was faster than flipping through a book. He immediately ran towards grandma to greet Gu Yankai, and he must not let him see the situation in the room.

Xiao Qin had been pretending in front of Gu Yankai for more than twenty years, Gu Yankai naturally didn't know Xiao Qin's sinister intentions, he just thought it was difficult for her stepmother, Xiao Qin was afraid of creating a estrangement with Gu Er, and then let Gu Er and San Lang There is a prison between brothers, so they protect them everywhere and pamper them in everything.

In Gu Yankai's eyes, Xiao Qin is a loving mother who dotes on her children. Although there are some mistakes, her intentions are good. She thinks that she is just like him, and she is only thinking of her son.

Therefore, seeing Xiao Qin, Gu Yankai naturally confide in his heart, and he did not hide his relief that Gu Erlangzi turned back and found his way back, and even added a sentence at the end: "As expected of my son, Gu Yankai, My Gu family finally has a successor!"

Gu Yankai was just expressing emotion for a while, but he didn't want the speaker to be unintentional and the listener to be interested.

The light in Xiao Qin's eyes flashed away. Now Gu Yankai is at the peak of spring and autumn. Gu Tingyu's body, God knows, can last for a few more years. The titles naturally belonged to Gu Tingye.

"Erlang now knows how to return from a lost path, and has made such a great achievement. Sister Bai must be very pleased to know about it!" Xiao Qin said this with a face of relief, but as soon as the words came out, Gu Yankai on the opposite side couldn't help but also followed suit. Changes come about.

In the past, the imperial court pursued the debt owed by the lord's family for many years, and several lords have been imprisoned. At that time, the Gu family was already an empty shell, so how could they spend so much money? Gu Yankai was forced to marry the Bai family. The three boats and five carts of Bai's dowry filled the shortfall of the Gu family, and thus preserved the Ningyuan Hou's mansion. Now this Hou's mansion and the Gu family's sons and daughters squander their capital every day. The money brought by the Bai family.

Gu Yan wanted to be a masculine man, but he had to rely on his wife’s dowry to protect himself and the wealth of the Marquis’s mansion. Such behavior is no different from eating soft rice. Since ancient times, men who eat soft rice can’t hold their heads up the most outside , although outsiders don't know about this matter, but Gu Yankai is also a majestic Ningyuan Hou, and he is proud of himself.

This is also one of the reasons why Gu Yankai did not have a deep relationship with Bai Shi, and since he married Bai Shi, there has never been a smile on his face. This matter has always been rooted in Gu Yankai's heart. The thorn cannot be pulled out, and it hurts when touched.

"It's just that the battlefield is dangerous. Those traitors are all vicious. They dare to come to Tokyo to make trouble, kidnap your daughter in the street, and Erlang is alone in the front line. If something happens, how can I explain it to Sister Bai?" As she spoke, Xiao Qin wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

Gu Yankai didn't think much about it, thinking that the little Qin family was really worried about Gu Er's safety, and hurriedly persuaded him: "My Gu family started with military exploits, received the grace of the emperor for generations, and today's wealth is all due to the ancestors of the past generations fighting on the battlefield. Fighting bloody battles, since he, Gu Tingye, is a descendant of my Gu family, he should be prepared to go to the battlefield. In the future, when the imperial court goes to war with Xixia and Khitan, and the officials give orders, I, Gu Tingye's children, should wear armor and lead the way. It is the blood-stained battlefield, and we must not fall into the prestige of the Gu family!"

At this moment, Gu Yankai was no longer the father who usually worried about his son's future, but the head of the Gu family, the patriarch of the Gu family, and the Marquis of Ningyuan of the Song Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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