Chapter 560 Going to the East China Sea

"Hey! Is this Jinxiu Textile Factory?"

A rich and pure young male voice came from the microphone.

"Yes, this is Jinxiu Textile Factory, and I am Song Yunping, the factory director." Behind the desk, Song Yunping sat upright, holding a phone in her hand.

Since the last round of recruitment and expansion, Jinxiu Textile Factory has entered a stage of steady development. With the spring breeze of reform and opening up blowing from south to north, Song Yunping does not want to miss this great opportunity. In addition to the local market in Jinling In addition, several salesmen were dispatched to Jinzhou and Donghai.

"Hello Director Song, I am Xiao Liu, the secretary of County Magistrate Xu!" Xiao Liu's voice came from the other end of the phone. It was this secretary Xiao Liu who helped organize and distribute the recruitment notice for Jinxiu Textile Factory. of.

"It turns out it's Secretary Liu!" Song Yunping said with a smile: "Secretary Liu called specifically. It's County Magistrate Xu. Does he have any instructions?"

"It's about the road construction and the machinery in your factory that you mentioned last time, Director Song. When you are free, come to the county and let's have an interview and have a small meeting?"

Secretary Liu was very polite to Song Yunping, not because Song Yunping was rich, but because Song Yunping and Wang Zhong were now two of the only people in Jinling County who were valued by County Magistrate Xu.

As County Magistrate Xu's personal secretary, Secretary Liu will naturally be polite to the people County Magistrate Xu values.

"Okay, do you think when is the right time for me to come over?" Song Yunping would not have said this before. However, as she dealt with more government units, Song Yunping gradually gained understanding, and her speech became more reserved and her posture became more subtle. Put it lower.

Song Yunping knew very well that since she had decided to continue running the textile factory, she had to give up some things that should be given up.

"Are you free tomorrow afternoon?" Secretary Liu asked for a time.

"When you are free, when you are free!" Song Yunping said hurriedly.

"Then tomorrow at half past two in the afternoon!"

"Okay, I will be there on time tomorrow." Song Yunping promised.

"Then I'll be waiting for you at work." Xiao Liu is also a good talker.

At the coffee table opposite Song Yunping, Song's mother was leading her grandson Wang Yuan to play with the toy car Yang Xun sent back from the East China Sea. When she heard Song Yunping hang up the phone, she couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Is the road construction matter settled?" Although Song's mother is not taking care of the matter now, she also knows that her daughter is planning to apply to the county to widen the road leading to the town and pave it with cement.

Song Yunping said: "It's not that easy. This road is more than ten kilometers long and needs to be paved with cement. I don't know how much it will cost. The county is not rich."

"Then what should we do?" Song's mother asked, "Is this road ready to be repaired?"

"Let's see again!" Song Yunping pondered for a moment and then said: "If it doesn't work, let's move!"

"Moving?" Song's mother couldn't help frowning when she heard this, and turned to look at Song Yunping: "You're moving the factory less than a year after it was built?"

"Mom, we can't move now!" Song Yunping said: "In the future, haven't we opened up the markets of Donghai and Jinzhou now? If the sales are good, the factory will definitely not be able to stay in the town."

Today's Song Yunping is no longer the simple and kind-hearted little girl who first entered the shopping mall a few years ago.

Listening to Song Yunping's explanation, Song's mother said nothing more and just turned her head and continued to look after her grandson.

Song Yunping didn't explain to her mother anymore, but turned around and made a phone call.

Now not only Song Yunping's factory has a telephone installed, but Wang Zhong's clinic has also installed a telephone. Wang Zhong's clinic is integrated with the pharmaceutical factory. Installing a telephone will also make it convenient for those who are running sales outside to call home at any time. connect.

Song Yunping told Wang Zhong the call and intention of Secretary Liu on the phone. Although the couple were in charge of their own textile factories and pharmaceutical factories, many things were still the same as before. They would sit down to discuss and listen to each other's opinions. Opinion.

"The road construction thing is probably up in the air, but the machine thing, County Magistrate Xu is a capable person, maybe it can be implemented this time." This County Magistrate Xu was airborne from Peiping. He has a deep background and naturally has many connections. Needless to say.

It is definitely a daydream for him to abuse his power and open the door for someone, but within his ability and within the scope of the law, it is still okay to do a little favor and inquire about the latest textile machinery.

"Then I'll go take a look tomorrow. Do you want to come with me?" Song Yunping asked.

Wang Zhong smiled and said: "I can't do anything if I go, you can just go by yourself! I can see two more patients at home."

"Yes!" Nowadays, Song Yunping devotes most of her body and mind to her career. Wang Zhong and his parents take care of the family. Although Wang Zhong still has to take care of the affairs of the pharmaceutical company, he has never let Song Yunping worry about the family.

The next day, when Song Yunping came back from the county, her face was already full of smiles, and even her eyes were filled with smiles.

Song Yunping couldn't wait to find Wang Zhong and told Wang Zhong the good news: "There is news, there is news about the machine."

"Don't be too happy too early!" Wang Zhong looked at the excited Song Yunping and poured a basin of cold water on it first.

"What do you mean?" Song Yunping's smile froze. She didn't know what Wang Zhong meant by saying that.

Wang Zhong explained: "What you want to buy is a foreign machine. If you buy it from a domestic manufacturer, it is most likely a second-hand machine. If you want to buy a new one, you will either buy it from a foreign dealer in our country, or directly. Do you know what this means when buying from foreign manufacturers?”

Song Yunping shook her head and looked at Wang Zhong: "What does this mean?"

"It means you have to use foreign exchange to buy it from others!"

"Foreign exchange?" Song Yunping has been in business for so long. Although she has heard of the term foreign exchange, she doesn't know much about it and has never used it.

"It is the currency of foreigners. The most difficult foreign exchange in the international market now is the US dollar. If someone asks you to convert the money into US dollars first, it will be troublesome."

"Ah?" Song Yunping didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Wang Zhong asked: "You are having a meeting today. Did County Magistrate Xu not tell you about this?"

"The meeting was about road construction and machinery. County Magistrate Xu told me in private," Song Yunping said.

Wang Zhong nodded and said, "That's right. For things like inquiring about information, County Magistrate Xu's personal channels must be used."

"By the way, County Magistrate Xu said that the machine is in the East China Sea. If I really want it, I have to go and see it myself." Song Yunping said.

"In the East China Sea?" Wang Zhong rolled his eyes and raised the corner of his mouth: "Didn't Yang Xun always ask us to go to the East China Sea to play with him? Just in time, let's go over to take a look at the machine and let Yang Xun be our tour guide. Have a nice stroll around the East China Sea!"

"Going to the East China Sea?" Song Yunping looked at Wang Zhong with some surprise: "Are you going too?" Wang Zhong said: "It's not just me. Let's take our son and parents with us, and we'll go together as a family."

Song Yunping's eyes lit up instantly: "Okay! Let's bring our parents and Xiaoyuan with us."

Neither of them were procrastinators. Once they had decided, they immediately started taking action. However, before going, they had to ask Song Jishan and Song Mu for their opinions.

Originally, Song Yunping thought that she would run into trouble with her father, Song Jishan. Unexpectedly, Song Jishan did not hesitate at all and agreed on the spot. On the contrary, Song's mother was hesitant. She wanted to go but was worried that she would not be able to adapt to it and would hinder her daughter and son-in-law. , affecting their ability to do business.

"Mom, you are thinking too much!" Song Yunping hurriedly pulled her mother and said: "I am going this time to see the machine that County Magistrate Xu helped find. The rest is to take you, my dad, and Xiaoyuan to the East China Sea. Just for fun, let’s take a look at the scenery of the East China Sea as a family and relax.”

Wang Zhong also helped Song Yunping to persuade her. The couple talked to each other carefully for a long time, and finally persuaded Song's mother.

Three days later, Wang Zhong was walking at the end with two luggage bags in his hands and a large backpack on his back. Next to him was Song Jishan. Song Yunping and Song's mother were holding one of Wang Yuan's hands and walking in front. .

"Let me get one for you!" Song Jishan couldn't bear to see Wang Zhong carrying so many things, so he took the initiative to help Wang Zhong share the burden.

"No, dad, it's not like you don't know me! This little thing is nothing to me." We have been together for several years, and Wang Zhong's strength is far beyond that of ordinary people, and can even be said to be abnormally strong. , it is no longer a secret to Song Jishan, who is also a doctor.

Song Jishan could only attribute this to his extraordinary talent, and even lamented more than once that in ancient times, his son-in-law would have been an unparalleled general who could kill generals and seize flags, and bravely conquer the three armies.

The East China Sea is not far from Jinling, less than 200 kilometers away. The family came to the train station and crowded into the train with the flow of people.

Although this was the second time that little Wang Yuan took the train, when he went back to Jinzhou, he was only four or five months old. He was still an infant and only knew how to cry and sleep. What was there? memory.

It was also the first time that Xiao Wang had taken a train since he could remember it. Before he even got on the train, the little guy showed great interest. He looked around, and his big, shiny black eyes hardly ever closed. , turbulent flow of people, noisy environment, long green train, luggage racks...

Everything has an unparalleled attraction for little ones.


As the whistle sounded, the wheels of the train began to roll and rub against the rails, making a violent sound. The car body also slowly moved forward after a rather violent shaking.

"Dad, look!" Xiao Wang looked far away from the car window at the station retreating, his mouth opened wide, and he exclaimed: "Why did the station go that way?"

Wang Zhong smiled and rubbed his son's little head, and said, "It's not that the station has left, it's that the train we're on has moved."

"Is the train moving?" Xiao Wangyuan looked at the receding scenery outside the car window and asked curiously: "Is the train moving?"

Wang Zhong said: "Because we are on the train now, the train is stationary to us, so when we look outside, we feel that things on both sides are moving backwards."

"So that's it!" Seeing his son pretending to be suddenly enlightened, Wang Zhong smiled and raised his hand to rub his little head, but did not expose his intention.

"Does the courtyard feel the vibration of the car body?" Wang Zhong asked.

"Yeah!" Xiao Wang Yuan nodded after feeling it quietly for a moment.

At this moment, the speed of the train has stabilized and it is moving forward at a constant speed. The speed of the green train at this time is not too fast, and there are many stops. From Jinling to Donghai, it is less than 200 kilometers away. It took nearly six hours to arrive.

Little Wang Yuan, on the other hand, was very excited all the way. He looked at the continuously retreating scene outside the car window, looked at the villages, market towns, mountains and rivers that appeared one after another. Everything was constantly attracting and stimulating the little guy's nerves.

But how can a child have such strong energy? As we were approaching the East China Sea, the boy fell asleep.

Song Yunping tied him crosswise with cloth straps on his back and led the family off the train.

As soon as the family exited the station, they saw Yang Xun holding a sign and waving to them.

"Sister Xiaoping, brother-in-law, this way!"

"This way!"

Wang Zhong had sharp eyes and had seen Yang Xun a long time ago. He called Song Yunping and his parents to go to Yang Xun.

"Sister, brother-in-law! Uncle Song, Aunt Song!"

The group also greeted Yang Xun.
Yang Xun also stepped forward to take the luggage from Wang Zhong very wisely. While leading everyone out, he smiled and chatted with a few people: "You must have had a hard time coming here!"

"I came here sitting all the way, why bother?" Song Yunping said with a smile.

"Uncle Song, Aunt Song! Do you feel uncomfortable in any way?" Yang Xun asked concernedly, fearing that Song Jishan and Song's mother would get carsick.

"We're fine!" Song Jishan and Song's mother had already taken the train when they went to Jinzhou to see Song Yunhui. Neither of them were train sick, but Song's mother was a little car-sick. After sitting on it for a while, she couldn't bear the nausea. I feel sick and want to vomit.

"It's okay!"

Yang Xun said with a smile: "I was worried that you might get motion sickness if you are not used to riding on the train, so I specially prepared motion sickness medicine for you! It seems that you won't need it."

"You are serious!" Song Jishan has always been satisfied with Yang Xun. He also sees Yang Xun's sensible nature, so he doesn't mind if his children and son-in-law interact with Yang Xun.

"How long have Xiao Yuan been asleep?" Yang Xun looked at Xiao Wang Yuan on Song Yunping's back and asked in a low voice.

"Just a little while before we got off the bus, not long after, this kid came all the way over and was so excited that he shouted all the way. He actually fell asleep when he saw that he was almost there!"

"A child! He is always curious about new things."

Yang Xun led everyone to a black car. While opening the trunk and helping Wang Zhong put the luggage in the trunk, he said, "I have already arranged the place where you will live. I will take you there first." , put your luggage and settle it first, and then we will go to eat."

Song Jishan and Song's mother were also surprised. They didn't expect Yang Xun to drive a car to pick them up.

"Xiao Xun, is this car yours?" Song Jishan couldn't help but asked curiously.

Yang Xun smiled and said: "Strictly speaking, it belongs to the company, I use it!"

Song Jishan and Song Mu didn't know the secret, and thought that Yang Xun just borrowed it for use. Wang Zhong and Song Yunping were both in business, so they naturally knew the inside story, but they didn't mean to reveal anything.

(End of this chapter)

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